I just defeated Etrian Odyssey's Nexus superboss, so let's have a late night Etrian Odyssey thread.
I just defeated Etrian Odyssey's Nexus superboss, so let's have a late night Etrian Odyssey thread
No fuck off with this trash
And Kys for playing dungeon crawler shit
Why are mad tho
No dancer no buy
EO is finally dead
I'm really going to miss it.
>tfw I haven't even finished 5 yet but i don't feel like picking it up again
EO is dead
Long live EO
And it went out with the worst game of the series!
It's gonna be gacha shit
I want pug to dick suplex me with her futa cock
This one is my favorite I think
>Fight boss
>Conditional is to kill it from a bind/ailment
>Get its health real low
>Inflict bind/ailment
>Bind/ailment wears off one turn before it dies
But 5 was the last game.
Oh, I thought the thread had died.
It's impossible for the threads to survive outside of American hours.
Especially an EO thread, these kind of threads survive only at very specific hours.
Why are Untold 2 and Mystery Dungeon still 40 euros on the eShop?
Untold and 4 are 10 a pop.
Are we even gonna get MD2 released in english?
Etrian Odyssey 6 on Switch feat: Nintendo Labo map
NeXus was the last western 3DS release so better rev up those translation patches.
Good luck, it's gonna take a few years judging from DGS.
High LUC and VIT post.
God I wish I could slap her tits around.
Why do Europeans hate EO so much?
Atlus *USA* just doesn't love Europe. That's why we've been getting EO games from half to year late.
it's gonna be battle royale shit
or maybe a game where you play as FOEs killing explorers
First game I really play. Finished the first boss.
My current party is
Should I replace someone? The Arcanist doesn't really feels like it's really helping because the circles doesn't work most of the time, but all the active and passive heal is quite nice.
Arcanist have terrible ailment/bind rates so yeah don't depend on them much for that.
Arcanists circles don't have as high an infliction rate as other skills from other classes, but they cast it once and have it activate 4 times so they have a lot of free turns to do other stuff.
and more times than that when you FB. And they can spam dismiss skills without actually dismissing, and then drop the enemy's built up resistances with Releasal Spell from the first labyrinth on. Arcanists are great despite the after-turn effect nerf.
arcanist becomes more reliable with that ailment passive and luck accessories, team is fine
is there a citra friendly decrypted + dlc yet?
That's what you get for having all those FIFA shit eaters
>X has no soundtrack release despite all the arrangements of old songs on it
Fucking why?
Gamerip where?
It's been around for months. Check the general or something
I had no idea there was an EO general.
Yes and it's filled with autism as you'd expect but at least the pastebin has all the EO media you could want in one place
How long is this dam game is it supposed to take 100 hours
This was pretty good bait to be honest.
I did it guys! I have defeated Etrian Odyssey! That's it! You are all free! No more posts about it!
But there's a new one coming soon. Yup, soon since atlus loves to take their time with announcements
>fight optional post game boss juggernaut at level 98
>shit this is pretty hard, I'll come back after a few levels
> level 110
>oh shit I forget about him, better go fight him
>complete pushover
I feel like I cheated myself out of a boss fight
convince me to finish EOU2[classic] I loved 3 and 4 but this one just seems shit
I need more.
>No more posts about it!
not on me watch
What is everyone's progress?
EO1 - all clear
EO2 - s4
EO3 - s6
EO4 - s6
EO5 - s4
EOU1 haven't started
EOU2 - s6
EON - lab 5
That's a cute Ram, god, Rb1 and 2 were so good, how did it go so wrong
I can't think of a Ram that's NOT cute.
EO1 - N/A
EO2 - N/A
EO3 - N/A
EO4 - Everything but super boss
EO5 - 100% finished
EOU1 - floor 30
EOU2 - Everything but super boss
EON - Post game lab floor 4
What went wrong?
How many stratums there are in Nexus?
>1: beat superboss, fuck rare drops
>2: 100%
>3: beat 2/3 endings and superboss
>4: reached last floor of Hall of Darkness, got bored
>U1: 100%
>U2: everything except Ur-Devil
>5: 100%
>X: in postgame now
do the three dragons outside stratum 6 in EO1 respawn at all? I can imagine that going for the ultimate sword is a soul-crushing process
Absolutely nothing
Do you read this from right to left or left to right?
so uh, are these games fun?
If you're a pedo
They're difficult dungeon crawlers, so they're pretty niche. The 3ds games have demos on the eshop so you can always try them to see if you like it.
I'm too much of a brainlet to beat the final boss of EO5. I know I'm not supposed to attack him when the miasma is out, but I don't think I can proc my Chain Killer enough to deal the damage I need to on the turns when he doesn't have his Miasma out.
I was thinking of mixing up my party again, but I'm not sure who to change to what. I was thinking of changing my Therian Chain Duelist into a Masurao and maybe changing my Celestian Poisoner into an Elemancer, but I also wanted to change my Brouni Hunting Hound into either a Shaman or a Dragoon.
My other two party members are Earthlain, Barrage Pugilist and Deathbringer. Maybe I could change out the Deathbringer for the Dragoon or a Fencer and put the Brouni back on healing duty?
Please help, I'm losing my mind and I want to finish 5 before I play Nexus.
Are you using black mist + bind items on chain killer turns?
>the final boss of EO5
I was using Black Mist, but I was relying on inflicting status / binds from skills and not from items. I can usually get a bind off with Concussion, but the arm / leg bind from the Hound rarely procs and I don't have decent odds of inflicting ailments against the boss's resistances in spite of Wilting Miasma + Black Mist
Sometimes I can get a good start and knock the boss down to half health pretty early, but then half my party wipes from the Burning Breath skill and I'm out of Union juice to pop Black Mist off again
Iv'e beaten the shit out of every dc I've come across, I just don't want to plunge into another one to find out the class system is fun for half the game, then you're pretty much just grinding to finish the last half.
>EO: All Clear
>EOII: Superboss missing
>EOIII: Superboss missing
>EOIV: 100% Clear
>EOU: Story Mode Clear only
>EO2U: Superboss missing, Classic Mode only
>EOV: Third Stratum
>EO Nexus: Superboss beaten, almost 100%
I really want to go back and finish V but I just didn't like it as much as the other games. I made more progress in Nexus in three days than what I did in V in a whole year.
I never finish EO games for some reason. I'm on lab5 on Nexus right now, and have no desire to keep playing. Sub classes are still really far away
But it's the morning
OP here, I'm surprised the thread lasted this long.
I'm one of the 4 yuropoors who care about the games despite Atlus giving us the middle finger repeatedly
Why is hero so fucking OP?
Wrong, we are getting PQ2 in June or so as well. That will be the last western 3DS game most likely.
Why would you even want it? MD1 was shit
Who knows, several classes got nerfed and was expected because they were seriously broken in their original games (EO3 Ninja in particular) but then they added Hero and whatever idea of class balance they had was thrown out the window.
EO1 - All Clear
EO2 - Stopped around 4th or 5th stratum because RL shit, never picked it back up sadly
EO3 - All clear
EO4 - All Clear
EO5 - Everything but superboss
EOX - Only at Southern Shrine atm
EO1U - All Clear
EO2U - Everything but postgame dungeon
EO5 is easily my least favorite. Story wasn't the worst but almost all the classes irk me and several stratums were shit but it has the best version of Raging Waves so far (haven't found it in EOX yet I think).
I'm glad EO is dead, now I can finally catch up with the series.
>Shilleka gets thiccer with age
>Edie gets smugger with age, also becomes Saber Nero
Bitch fucking umu'd me right into my fucking face.
>almost all the classes irk me
That's so weird to me. I liked almost all the EO5 classes. What didn't you like about them if I can ask?
They just seem off, and most kits feel like they rely on gimmicks more than being straight forward. I know a lot of people love necromancers in particular but I felt very indifferent to them. I ended up using one and it is also the games OP class which is standard for EO games to have at least one of. Visually I only really like landshark because it felt the most "EO" to me. It's just a personal thing I guess.
Nothing wrong with that. I guess I liked how different every class felt. I wish more returned from V for Nexus but I guess 2 classes from it isn't so bad.