I just started this game and it seems pretty trash. Is it worth playing?

I just started this game and it seems pretty trash. Is it worth playing?

Attached: 220px-Metal_Gear_Solid_Peace_Walker_Cover_Art.jpg (220x379, 30K)

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Unlikely, PSP is a shovelware platform.

It's shit
Play POops for good gameplay if you want

If you're running an emulator you can use a 60FPS hack

If you like Monster Hunter, you'll like PW because it's the exact same thing. It even has a secret Monster Hunter mini game in it.

It was made for the PSP but it's actually the original MGS 5 before Konami had them change it. It's excellent in co-op, and even has a few exclusives and a couple unique scenarios locked to co-op games, but good luck finding anyone to play it with you.
The boss fights were designed around said co-op so they're just massive bullet sponges.

The story goes full retard the same way MGS 4 did for that side of the timeline. Settles with the defacto founding of Outer Heaven in the final chapter, and originally MSF's mother base was implied to be Outer Heaven even, until MGS V happened and ruined things even more.

I enjoyed it, but i think it depends on how you feel about the Base Management and AI Weapons (Some consider them bullet sponges, but i like them because i usually found MGS Bosses to be rather fragile.), i also like Portable Ops though, and i will say that the controls take some effort to get used to, the real appeal was like with PO(+) in that it was a Portable Metal Gear.

Attached: Alligator.jpg (926x517, 116K)

Also being that it was designed for the PSP, even though the gameplay and co-op can be fun, the AI is dog shit, the excuse being that you're (actually the real) Big Boss so naturally you're just that good, except nothing changes even as you play as your MSF soldiers with extremely low stats.

You won't have any fun trying to compete against or outsmart the AI. All the fun is in the various gimmicks and methods you're given to fuck around. Unlike MGS V, the game actually has some fun and unique side missions that shake up the gameplay.

A few of the missions have you play as MSF soldiers in context alongside Snake, and one mission has a fun unique route that can only be experienced when playing with other people in co-op (breaking out of confinement in the torture segment).

Again, good luck finding people to co-op with you.

Just because it's trying to emulate Monster Hunter doesn't mean fans of that are going to like it. I put hundreds of hours in every MH game released since the very first, and I think PW is trash. It plays like shit, has a boring story, and can basically be ignored now that V came out and refined the gameplay to make it good.

Also there are some great weapons exclusive to co-op play as well. But they're more of an over powered, joke gimmick, than anything legit.

"piloting" and "manning" a two person box tank is pretty damn fun.

It is unironically THE most fun MGS game to date. Nearly as great as MGS3, and FAR superior to MGSV.
I got over 300 hours clocked to PW HD on my PS3.

>Play POops for good gameplay
>good gameplay

I probably jumped the shark there, yeah.
It's "inspired" from it

It's literally MGS3

>can basically be ignored now that V came out and refined the gameplay to make it good.
Fuck you. Go kill yourself.
V ruined fucking EVERYTHING. Peace Walker was superb and superior in every way.

>It's literally MGS3
t: never played either game.
PW is PO but GOOD.

It plays nothing like MGS3. Either it's been a long time and you just don't remember how shit it is, or your tastes are just outright bad.

PW is bad and I recommend everyone skip it. MGSV is far superior, even with its flaws. It practically made PW completely obsolete. Let me guess, are you a fag that thinks it having multiplayer makes it good?

>PW is bad and I recommend everyone skip it.
Peace Walker is superb, with one of the most fascinating and engaging stories in the whole series, great cast, tons of Cold War /k/ommando porn, fun as fuck MP modes (Versus and Co-ops), great smooth gameplay... etc.

>MGSV is far superior,
How many times do I have to tell you to go become an hero? Your taste is unbelievably shit!
Everyone was excited for MGSV initially because it SEEMED to become the "PW 2.0 HD", but in the end we got an unfinished, casualized husk of broken promises, that managed to be worse and more soulless than a fucking portable game.

>are you a fag that thinks it having multiplayer makes it good?
It sure helps, but no. I personally 100% beat it by myself, twice, and it was magnificent.
In co-ops, it pulverizes the Big Medic's fanfic story.

So again: get off my Yea Forums, leave my series alone, and kys.

Attached: PW - it's not for kids.jpg (601x475, 75K)

>MGSV is far superior, even with its flaws
No. It's hard to describe, but basically regardless of the hardware limitations, the entire of Peace Walker feels like a properly thought out and compiled package than the total mishmash of lackluster elements that is Phantom Pain. PW has a strong identity and an unmistakeable MGS aura, while PP feels very much so many other AAA open-world games.
Also, motherfucking CO-OPS.

Having played both imo, honestly, I'd argue it's the other way around.

MGS V itself was obsolete or already redundant, given Peace Walker already existed, and MGS V rehashing all the major elements from it in gameplay and in story.

On top of that, MGS V could subjectively be worse than PW given what was lost in the translation to open world and the new engine.
One thing Peace Walker definitely has over MGS V is variety.

You're being serious, aren't you? Christ, taste this shit should be illegal.

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Now keeping in mind, it does make some sense that they would rehash Peace Walker, given Konami's initial attitude towards it and the fact PW was a PSP title, but still, MGSV was not a perfect job, and it wasn't a perfect move.
They made some trade offs and some things were clearly sacrificed or dropped in favor of open world design among other constraints.

It'd be another thing if they had managed to retain all the nuance from older MGS and V was objectively better, but they couldn't pull it off

Portable ops was the worst metal gear game.

PW was the last good mainline MGS game that stuck to the classic MGS formula. Not going to count GZ here since it was a standalone oneshot level, but GZ was a great example of what the transition from PW to 5 SHOULD have looked like. MGS5 should've basically been PW on the Fox engine, a handful of connected levels that you could return to to do several different missions on when you're not building mother base. Instead of the shitty open world we got, we should've gotten a bunch of GZ-styled levels and then the game would've been perfect. PW unfortunately got shit on because of the platform it initially released on, PSP hardware had limitations for sure that restricted the game in certain areas and made it clunky to play, if you have a PS3 I'd highly recommend playing the PW port on there, it works great and is by far the definitive way to enjoy PW.

Peace walker is the real MGS5. Best game in the series hands down, especially if you have friends to play with. You'll have a lot more fun with it playing on ps3 or a vita with the dual analog hack though, but if you only have a psp the button aiming is manageable after you get used to it.

>GZ was a great example of what the transition from PW to 5 SHOULD have looked like
How hard was it to make Phantom Pain more like Ground Zeroes?

I didn't like it at first.
Mainly because i played it after MGS3, the controls, story and mechanics are so different, the bosses were such a hassle to fight against.

But after beating the first metal gear (?) I started enjoying the game. Unlocking new weapons, upgrading your items, building your own metal gear and army starts becoming a lot of fun once you get the hang of it.

Also, there are a lot of surprises in the end of the game i don't want to spoil to you.

You mispelled 3DS

The Outer Heaven ending is the perfect end to Big Boss and his arc. I don't consider Ground Zeroes or Phantom Pain canon.

nah, i only played it as a time waster on the psp. for that purpose, its decent at best cause theres some goofy sideops you can do. as an actual "metal gear" game tho, nah. zeke and the ending was pretty good IMO, but fuck those vehicle refights

I kinda liked grinding for parts and weapons against the AIs, but yeah the first one wasn't fun until i discovered how to actually beat the things.

>ywn spend an hour trying to S rank a vehicle side op with your brother again

it's the 2nd comfiest MGS after 3, getting S ranked combat soldier is a pain though

1 is definitely comfier than 3.
And I'd argue 2 if it wasn't for the bosses which i consider harder than the ones on 3 (tfw had to look at guides to beat half the bosses of 3)

i mean the casts and radio talks, also having a home after countless games of sleeping in a warehouse, jungle or plant, sounded very comfy for me, 1 is like hiking in a snowy mountain with your brother, 2 gave me an evangelion vibes, 3 is a comfy jungle where you can sleep wherever you want and nobody gave a crap, 4 is a like having a heatstroke on a desert, 5 made me feel like an african rebel, MGR is a whole another story

Crap opinions. V is obviously the best Metal Gear game. Only literal retards and slobbering nostalgia babbies who can't grow the fuck up think any different.

You're pushing it. V is a good game but you can easily make a good argument for different entries being better.

V was an okay game, but it wasn't a good Metal Gear game.
Either way, you can't deny that the open world aspect of it was garbage, the world was empty as fuck with nothing happening in it, once you've ran around for about an hour on each map you've seen pretty much every encounter there is. It's clear as fuck that Kojima had too grand of a vision for the open world and ran out of time and money implementing it, it feels rushed as fuck.

I liked it, the vehicle battles in the end get extremely frustrating. Other then that its great fun

>tfw I always liked 4th's gameplay and mechanics more than any other MGS but the convoluted story, long-ass movie scenes, fucking on-rail shooter segments, Johnny shitter getting married and Snake not dying at the end completely ruined all the good things it had.

stop being a blockheaded zoomer and listen up, gameplay aside, the characters in V has no personality whatsoever, most of them are mute even for the usually talkative ones, MGS is known for its characters and humors, you can laugh, feel mad and sad along with them, V took everything away in exchange for a good gameplay

it's trash

It's a desert, and it isn't supposed to be an elder scrolls game. the open world is more like a sandbox, and it just facilitates complete control of the mission. That's why you always just plop down in a general area for a specific mission. You're not meant to traverse the world like you would a rockstar or Bethesda game.

it's a good game, just not a good Metal Gear game

i'm actually a 4fag too, the little things like ragdoll snake, emotion bullets, and NG+ equipment carryover really gives us much more replayability and experiments, too bad it all dropped on Act4, which is pretty much MGR with snake

What could've been anons, it haunts me. Why did Kojima think going from a handful of smaller, highly-polished, creative levels with a ton of thought going into them to a large, sparse, open world littered with outposts so samey and generic that you literally can't tell them apart was the right direction for this series? GZ felt like a natural step in the right direction- it had the same feel of the previous MGS games, of sneaking around a highly contained level with an absolute fuckton of detail, with the graphics and mechanics of the fox engine. Then came MGS5 and all hopes and illusions were shattered.

>he didn't laugh at skullface, and huey while feeling intense sadness over paz, and lost brothers
did we play the same game? I think v has that feel still. But yes you're right 2 and 3 will always be the pinnacle and best in that regard, 1 is amazing too, 4 has the most flaws but still good.

I'd give you this if the actual locations you visited in your missions were interesting, or if they resembled anything in gameplay to the shit we got in GZ or the earlier games at all. All of the outposts you visit are almost exactly the same, the few larger setpiece bases are dull and uninspired, with nowhere near the same depth that the base in GZ had, it's just a bundle of wasted potential. A reminder of what COULD have been if Kojima didn't run out of time and money, instead we got a barebones map with barebones outposts and barebones missions in a barebones game. Too many devs pull some garbage shit like that and then try to wave away any criticism by labeling it as an open world "sandbox." Sandboxes don't have to be sparse or generic.

Literally none of this was an issue for me while playing. For once the reviewers were right, and the internet contrarian squad were in the wrong.

>he didn't laugh at skullface
his cringe speech earned a smirk from me at best
>huey while feeling intense sadness over paz
it doesn't make any sense for Huey to pull 180 after PW, its stupid and i don't know what to feel about that, Paz is long gone and i know that med room is too good to be true
>lost brothers
i'd give you this one if Medic actually showed some care for his subordinates before all of this, that saluting with PW hum is kino though

>All of the outposts you visit are almost exactly the same
No they're not at all, some of the smaller ones look similar but the big ones are completely different. You're exaggerating. Nothing is bare bones in V, the missions are fine. It's war, you're a band of mercenaries. There's not much to do in war besides kill, steal, blow shit up, and save hostages. Which is all present, if you want to travel to the underworld, fight different creatures, and join a faction then just play skyrim.

It's okay (just okay, not amazing) for your first playthrough but it has nowhere near enough depth or memorability to come back for another one. I've gone back to all the previous MGS games 4-5 times now and I've yet to go back to 5. Same can be said for most of my friends that are MGS fans. Once you've seen MGS5 once, that's just about all the enjoyment you can get out of it, it doesn't have the same cult classic feel that the previous games do. It's just a decent game that keeps you interested for a while and that's all it has going for it.

Skull face had an absolutely incredible VA and some memorable ass lines. From GZ to V he was a great character. Seriously go back and listen to him in gz qnd V. He is actually interesting, reminds me of old man ocelot except more insane.
>doesn't make sense for Huey to pull a 180
yes it does considering what happened

actually, i started liking skullface after watching some mods on YT, i started appreciating him after that
>yes it does considering what happened
i played PW for a long time and he's literally BB's own Otacon by then, he's also very attached to Strangelove, it made no sense for him to betray us, kill his own lover, and use his son as a test subject. can you even imagine Otacon betraying Snake for Liquid?

Otacon and Snake are bros who are supposed to be better than their predecessors. That's kind of the point. Otacon realizes how his father was used for war and his families dark past and he sets out to change that as best as he can, it's the same with Snake. Which is why they form their little group in 2, I forget their name. But you get it. Pretty sure Huey was strong armed hard by Skull Face too, I forget the reason he even betrayed them.

Skullface pretty much said that he'll let him live if he sold away his comrades which doesn't even make any sense, is his faith on his friend really that shallow?

Forgetting that Huey drowned himself and tried to take Emma with him because her mom thought Hal to be more of a man worth fucking than he ever could be.

Huey is a coward so yes. Life or friends he will choose his life, only a courageous hero would willingly give his life up.

they can come up with an excuse for that one rather than making him a dick in V

unironically best story and characters of any mgs game

he was never portrayed as a coward in PW, he even objected Coldman's decision rather than licking his balls 24/7

The most annoying thing about the Open World is that while it could make for a cool boss arena for Metal Gear/boss fights you basically only fight Snagglepuss in corridors.

The open world could honestly recycled the AI weapons as wandering bosses that are hunting Snake, or some shit Pupa is fast as shit and could theoretically easily zip along the Afghanistan Canyons, the Coccon would be neat to have lumbering around in the more open areas of Africa working as a spotter for the Chrysalis and such.

The "Bite-size" mission format also don't work very well for the game because unlike PW it isn't Handheld thus the Play and Drop design is just brief. i think they should have slapped several missions together and make the mission operating areas MUCH bigger (read: don't have mission perimeters), some "locate and extract x" missions are way to easy because you can figure out the base where the target is right from the briefing, even if they game tries to get you to obtain, the starting helicopter rides are also slow as fuck unless you upgrade your helicopter, which cuts into how rewarding missions are due GMP.

Sorry I’m on my 2nd playthrough doing 100% and I’m having a blast. Nothing in the other games (gameplay wise) can compare to raiding a base with a support chopper as it blasts “Kids in America” over its speakers

>think they should have slapped several missions together and make the mission operating areas MUCH bigger
That's exactly what they did though, many of the missions span multiple bases, and have you traversing plenty.

This. V is such a fun ass stealth action game. I'll always love 1-4 but V let me experience the series in a completely new way and actually took stealth gameplay to the next level.

i love making an africa side-mission runs while using the perma-rain glitch, with pequod blaring snake eater over the enemy

The outposts don't have any personality or offer any depth once you're in them. You raid a base several times, so what? You drop in, snag a target or kill them, and then get out maybe five different ways.

Repeat infinitely.

Once you're in the base, there's not actually anything for you to do but sneak or shoot shit up the exact same way over and over again.
Nothing interesting or unique ever happens, because the game doesn't allow for it, and the designers never bothered to set up interesting scenarios. The level design fucking sucks because while it's geared towards player freedom, it can't impose arbitrary threats or obstacles that would force the player to account and plan for. They tout giving freedom, but it's totally pointless when you're not allowed to make any lasting impact on the game world vice versa. The revenge system was complete shit-tier execution because it augments otherwise barren environments with features that should be present by default. Two of them aren't even utilized in the game's field (cameras/gun cameras, sensors/blockades)

this. It was Philanthropy, their group and precisely who and what Solid Snake is, the physical embodiment of The Boss' vision that BB and Zero skewed and misunderstood, hence BB's revelation and realization at the end of MGS4; a world without war, without snakes, if there is light there is shadow, if there is good there is evil. We must eradicate conflict and live.

The Afghanistan Central Base Camp and Nova Scottia Airport each have more or less the same amount of detail as Camp Omega not to mention the open world surrounding both areas. What was so special about GZ?is just TPP in arcade mode,If you wish V utilized the classic MGS formula, just play those games instead. There's plenty of them.

Any true MGS fan was obviously heartbroken to find that the endearing story, dialogue and oscar worthy monologues and arcs that make an MGS game what it is were excruciatingly scarce in V, however we neglect to understand that V was an adaptation of and continuation of Peace Walker, which also lacked a lot of these aspects as well.

Now, seriously, if you wish V was like the old Metal Gear games just play those because you obviously need your hand held to really immerse yourself in a game like phantom pain.

I shit bricks when the ground zeroes trailer came out and BB was laid out on in a hospital, but had never player peace walker before and with MGS3 being my first MG game and 4 being the last one I played, yeah I was disappointed to find the elements of Metal Gear I fell in love with weren't present but that was only after I was hooked on THE FUCKING GAMEPLAY


For one you don't even have to restart the game to replay it and when it gets too easy just shut off reflex mode and your hud/iDroid features/etc and make it realistic as fuck. FOB infiltrations are pretty based too

Kojima was too ambitious to achieve what he was setting out to do but the game came far as hell from coming up short. 9/10

and on top of that there aren't even any vehicle or foot patrols in free roam by default. People had to reactivate and boost those vacant elements via modding either because of oversight, or concerns that the consoles wouldn't be able to handle so many active npcs at a given time.

The game is fucking boring without that presence. It still is.

Yeah and I'm sure skull face broke him good

hes bretty good if he make someone defect like that

Didn't they re-release it on home consoles?
This was not enough to get it to 60FPS?

>The outposts don't have any personality or offer any depth once you're in them.
Fuckton of dialogue amongst soldiers, I rarely eavesdropped the same convo twice. Guard shift changes that are dependent on the in-game day and night cycle. That's just the outposts too, every base changes in its aspects on every mission i.e. guard placement, prisoners, intel files, caravans
> You drop in, snag a target or kill them, and then get out maybe five different ways.
the fuck were you expecting? literally what do you do in any other metal gear game?
>Once you're in the base, there's not actually anything for you to do but sneak or shoot shit up the exact same way over and over again.
Once you're in the base, there's not actually anything for you to do but sneak or shoot shit up the exact same way over and over again.
There's like 20 fucking bases and that doesn't include FOB infiltrations or the 50 fucking missions that change the dynamic of a base every single time, even if slightly.
this. yeeah its an unfinished game and maybe even barren but there's content. just dont be picky. tfw telling Yea Forums not to be picky

skull face is an absolute monster, he tortured paz a TON, stuck two bombs in her probably replacing an organ or two, tortured chico as well and rubbed the fact that he tortured her in his face, skull face was awful. Gz and V were dark as fuck compared to the other entries, worst you saw in the other games was maybe some torture? V and GZ are pretty in depth with darker themes. Nobody seems to care though.

Skullface literally raped Paz. I think he had a threesome with Chico or at least let the kid cuckhold him

honestly i've never felt more like BB than in TPP. same goes for feeling like solid snake in mgs4

>Fuckton of dialogue amongst soldiers
Not only that but the shit they will do at times is so cool, for instance one time I hit an outpost from the right side but got spotted. I retreated a bit, went up a path which led to an overlook on the outpost. I just watched them scout the area I had been in, in a single file line. Once they were out I jetted for my objective and took out who I needed to, there is plenty of detail and cool shit that can happen.

but if you literally piss yourself even as an important scientist in a military base just because some dude is giving you death threats, you need help

The best way I can put this -

They sabotaged the entire game by substituting interesting, nuanced, tightly controlled experiences and encounters, for a featureless, mediocre sandbox that depends entirely on the player making their own fun, where no fun is to be had.
You're given so many tools yet hardly anything to use them on, with the game giving you no explicit reason to use said tools in the first place. Thinking about this, it's even sadder to think back and realize that the game's story (what little of it) was probably carrying the whole damn thing for me.

It was all wasted potential

this, why did they even implement chopper guns if we never had a chance to use it

>You're given so many tools yet hardly anything to use them on, with the game giving you no explicit reason to use said tools in the first place.
You sound like a beta cuck, just do what you want and have fun. the game doesn't have to force you to have fun. There's no fun to be had? Honestly complete nonsense

You're thinking of Peace Walker which did get ported to home consoles and now runs at 60 frames per second.

>There's no fun to be had? Honestly complete nonsense
>You're given so many tools yet hardly anything to use them on, with the game giving you no explicit reason to use said tools in the first place.
you're playing as BB. you are supposed to know how to implement tools. FOB infiltration are a great opportunity for that, especially if you want that FOX rank.

Phantom Pain basically did everything Peace Walker does but better.

Didn't know TPP was a complete game.


No, the gameplay is poor and the story is bad (though essential to know for V). Watch a summary on Youtube.

Portable Ops was better. At least it tried.


playing the demo on PSP was mind-blowing, using adhoc party to play multiplayer and being able to play co-op with randos was absolutely gratifying

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yeah basically man. take off your nostalgia goggles and adapt.

GZ had more gameplay variation than all of V combined because it had recon, protection and sabotage.
V has almost nothing

>mission operating areas MUCH bigger
Backup Back Down

Even incomplete it does better. Base building feels more rewarding (being able to actually walk around MB is nice) and personally I felt the use of resources instead of just GMP made advancements more organic. You're also given a lot more freedom in how to tackle missions compared to Peace Walker where it's Rubber Shotgun to win on the way from point A to point B.

Soldier farming's done a lot better instead of just spamming one mission for that S rank over and over again, and naturally it handles a shitload better control wise (Peace Walker's a nightmare control wise).

why is everyone on Yea Forums delusional? i just finished episode 20 in TPP and there was definitely recon, not sabotage in THAT mission unless you WANT to sabotage something which you CAN do. I don't even know what you mean by protection, have you even played an FOB infiltration?

>with the game giving you no explicit reason to use said tools in the first place.
Arguably worse then that with it actively discouraging, considering the cost of fielding said tools, i can't be the only one who went as cheap as i could on almost every mission and just took the bare essentials the first time i played the game.

Don't get me wrong though, i love the game, but the game really does nudge you to using as few tools as possible.

That said there are few missions that really feel worked out for specific ones (A Heroes Way for Sniper Rifles, CFW for C4/Chopper Gattling (Won't even need to land), Backup Backdown for D-Horse, Cloaked in Silence for ROCKET PAAAAAAUNCH, Traitors Caravan for D-Walker to name some examples) and figuring those solutions are very satisfying.

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>dialogue, shift changes, caravans
The dialogue aspect is correct; lot of context and background on the world given through those convos
IMO the problem surrounding patrols is mostly due to the outposts/bases being too open for their own good, once you're inside.
Once you've been spotted, I'd rarely see the AI try to flank and surround me, or cut me off, and again I had to rely on mods to insight a manned vehicle response, because by default the game will only throw gunships at you, and I can't remember the exact number, but I know you can count on one hand the amount of bases that actually use vehicle reinforcements in an unmodified game.

What this means is that you can easily elude, run away, or just slaughter entire camps while the AI only pretends like it's fighting back, but I admit that dynamic can be nulled through setting adjustments via modding, and forcing all the revenge system behaviors on. You can't enhance the AI though.

>what do you do in any other mg game
This might be completely wrong, and I want to hear opinions about this, but I felt like the other games reciprocated better feedback and response to certain actions by the player.
But really thinking about this now, I'd probably chalk it up to the fact that most of the locales are extremely open, with relatively little scripting.
It was all smoke and mirrors, and heavily scripted, but the older games had instances that faked the AI baiting the player into traps.
Most of my beef can probably be chalked up to my perception of heavy forgiveness, or lack of consequence by the game if you screw up somewhere.

I always felt like the game's response to my wrecking stuff up was totally weak, and so not fun to me. The game uses a reactive system that responds to certain choices by the player, yet the game never allows the AI to be proactive in a sandbox that practically demands it, imo.

[comment too long, continuing in next post]

Yep nobody cares about grimdark edge

are you really considering the mission 20 sabotage because you blow up a few water tanks?
>have you even played an FOB infiltration?
I don't really want to hear that from someone who still haven't finished the game after almost 4 years.
you discovered mgs with V, fine, but please stop thinking you hold the truth when you're wrong on every point

PW is one of the best Metal Gear titles and an important entry in Metal Gear saga.

Ms excel the game

So you can't sabotage in one mission, there's plenty of others. For your information I sold my console to go to school and contribute to society and now I play on PC and MGS3 was my first metal gear which I discovered when I was 13. inb4 faggot zoomer whatever you want to call me I know I'm right when I say TPP is flawed and unfinished but fun.

Does it offer incentive for the player to use a lot of the mechanics it offers? No. You're right. The game sucks. It's garbage. Throw it away and kill yourself. Thanks Yea Forums

[part 2]

I would have seriously welcomed AI behavior that would and could set traps, and proper ambushes, and could successfully bait players into hostile situations forcing real-time improv, in a sandbox that practically demands it, imo.
Just make things interesting by forcing people to have to actually make choices and plan for the hypothetical consequences, instead of always showing the player exactly what to do and where to go. The game fakes variation, why not have objectives move and change in real time, and in response to certain actions and outcomes?

I'm not about to make assumptions, but I doubt it would have been that tough to do using all the same concepts and tricks they'd experimented with through MGS 2-4.

It's great IMO, meant to be played in bursts, i spent a month of my senior year in college playing through it finally a couple years ago on my bus rides back and forth to campus
Would do a few missions, upgrade my soldiers and send them on missions and listen to tapes on each ride
Real fun but a very portable centered experience, I can't imagine it feels great aside from boosted performance on the HD collection, I hear MGSV plays a lot like PW in terms of game flow but i havent touched that game yet, I loved Ground Zeroes because of how small and fun it was and im afraid of how im going to feel about TPP

See my problem is everything you're saying is completely true which only leaves room for dissatisfaction. Shut off the iDroid enemy marks and reflex mode and that would change the dynamic completely. Lower your expectations or kill yourself user. Or just play MGS 1-3 again and when you want to feel like Rambo again load up TPP.

>Be PC fag
>can't play this or 4

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>I know I'm right when I say TPP is flawed and unfinished but fun
I never said otherwise, of course mgs5 is fun because it holds up well gameplay wise and was optimized with nips voodoo to play on ultra on everything.
but the story is an absolute mess, the level design almost non-existent, the poorest AI since MGS1 and the interraction almost all gone.
when you see an enemy the only way to have fun with it is to throw a balloon decoy since you can't play with their emotions, break their radio, even limb damage is gone.

Base building would've felt better if you could've actually explored the inside of your base. Like if you could go to the mess hall and eat with your men, or go to the shooting range and see them practice.
That's what I expected we'd get in V but instead all we go was exploring the top of the empty base with a few patrolling guards you can beat up.
All I wanted was PW on a real console with bigger levels and more ways to mess with the AI. Imagine a fusion of PW's mission structure where you can easily go back to a level you liked and replay it as you want with the size of GZ and the more interesting AI of MGS3.

>he actually thinks tpp plays better than pw
Yea Forums gets worse every day.

Emulate it. PPSSPP has dolphin tier optimization. As for 4, yeah you're SOL there. That thing is fucking impossible to port.

you have to be a Snoyboy like me to enjoy 4

Watch 4 on Youtube
It's almost the same

last mgs that u had to use stealth after that u had the shoulder cam that made gunning enemies easy

>missing on act1,2 and liquid
not much but these parts are good

I think originally the ZEKE hangar was a physical location you could explore but for some reason it was cut and relegated to a menu. There are screenshots floating around of Snake physically in the hangar, and originally ZEKE construction was handled differently, but I can't remember the details.

yeah thinking back on all this now, I guess the core root of my issue with tpp either has to do with the bases being too open, or the AI being too easy or insufficient for those open bases, or some combo. The game and the npcs are entirely reactive when they needed to be proactive against what the player was doing or might do, imo.

On mission variety, I've had a ton of ideas, but even harder is thinking about how they could have expanded those missions with what's in the game now, as it is.

Off the top of my head:
Escort - Historically not popular but could offer some interesting scenarios in tpp; think gz's Kojima mission

Double Elimination/Jeopardy -
Ensure your target(s) complete their objective(s), before extracting or killing them, or ensuring their safe exfiltration, with optional restrictions on whether or not they've spotted you or know you're there helping them

Doppelganger -
Takes place entirely within the confines of a heavily fortified outpost; no ground exit

Two outwardly identical prisoners
Only one is correct and will cooperate, the other will lead you on to betray and kill the valid target.
Must discern one from the other via environmental cues and interrogation.
If the two come in contact with each other they trigger a reinforcement response that ensures your death / mission fail

Any other ideas?
I'm not that familiar with modding mgsv, but I wonder what the limitations are on its lua scripting, and modifying mission parameters or inciting different responses by the AI, even faked. Best we have is the fan made Side-Ops creator that's still fairly bare bones.

That time limited mission where you need to disable AAs and recover a prisoner was fun as long as you went guns blazing.
Could combine it with Backup Back down and make a elimination mission on vast area, but maybe randomize target positions and make enemy always alert all the time.
You have limited time to destroy all the catches/AA/tanks/mortars/radios but their position change every time you start that mission.
Every 3 minutes if you do not destroy enough enemy equipment, enemy patrol spawns inbound for the place of recent destruction.