You now remember the disappointment

>You now remember the disappointment

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>tfw never that invested in those two franchises
>played them and had a good time
>long term fans seethe for years over it

It honestly feels really good I didn't ruin a gaming experience for myself

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>death worship
>fighting stella until the reveal that you killed her before and what you fought was a ghost
>niflheim using ghosts as army
>the chocobros are the only true friends you have
>instead of noct sacrificing himself it's actually the chocobros who die
>noctis is the one true depressed king of death
>all these scrapped for boyband

>that first mission in MGSV
>it was a ton of fun
>I can't wait to see all the other fun and interesting missions in this game!

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>never played any other MGS game
>got MGSV without above-average expectations due to internet hype
>enjoyed every second of it

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MGSV is ludo kino

I didn't even care about either franchise but I still fell bad for FFXV being a garbage fire just because of FF's history.

I played 250 hours of it just to make sure it was really a bad game. It was really bad

MGS5 was GOTY and easily the best game in the series.

>Yea Forums hates MGSV
>dunkey loves it
>Yea Forums hates FFXV
>dunkey loves it
>Yea Forums loves KH3
>dunkey hates it

whats going on? who's being the contrarian in these situations?

I liked FF15 and its message, it's good to have bro's.

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I played them all for more than a decade, don't be fooled MGSV was a good game. People are just salty it isn't absolute perfection like they wanted it to be. They're cynical assholes, who can't see all the good in V. It's fine, I'm glad the series can rest now and break away from shitty "fans" who dogpile every latest game. See MGS2 which is the best in the series and a masterpiece, hated on arrival despite universal acclaim.

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kh3 is dogshit and worst in the list

Taking Dunkey's opinions seriously is a huge mistake

FFXV? Yeah, almost nothing made from the trailers made it into the game.
MGSV was fine though. I blame the retards who hyped it as the best game of all time after the shitshows that were 4 and PW for the disappointment.

>on rails missions where controls get taken away from you every 5 seconds for more cutscenes
MGSfags are mentally ill

actually FFXV was a lot better than I expected it would be considering how long it was in development hell
never got around to MGS5. kind of lost interest in the series after 4 since that game felt like a pretty good conclusion to the story

>see mgs1 which is the best in the series and a masterpiece

I'm playing through MGSV now after giving up on MGS3 because of the controls. I definitely get why people like the previous better games and I understand that there's a lot of repeating and cut content in the latter half... but I'm just enjoying it infinitely more.

>posts good games
absolute state of Yea Forums

>giving up on MGS3 because of the controls

please stop being a casual.

mgs was gud

>best in the series
>4 hours of gameplay
>at least 2 of them are shitty backtracking
>terrible boss fights
>awful story that only got praised for the high amount of "dialogue" and voice acting, made it feel like a movie

There isn't a lot of repeated content or cut content. It's pure misinformation.

I respect that opinion as well

Yfw you knew they were going to be shit

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>hold face button to aim
>release face button to shoot
>release face button but slowly to not shoot
>cannot move and aim, don't even bother trying to shoot anything in free-camera mode
>no sort of acceleration or sensitivity options for the camera or aiming
>d-pad to reliably move slowly
>CQC is a clusterfuck of pressure sensitive shit
>snake turns and moves like an electric scooter
>game is constantly paused to change weapons and open inventory
>cover system makes me want to die
As someone who autistically goes for 'perfect no-alert non-lethal' runs and does tonnes of retries that shit was just unbearable, sorry user.

>MGSV was shit
>MGS4 was a movie
Why do people like Kojima again?

Literally who?

neck yourself zoomer

bcuz he made their childhood special with an EPIC b-tier movie hero

No way are these two games on the same level of disappointment. MGSV is fun to fuck around in and looks good. Also gave us Ground Zeros, which was fantastic and should have been the template for the whole game.

FFXV is going to live on as a legendary fuckup. Maybe the FF7 remake will top it.

2=3>1>power gap>5>PW>4

>mgs 2
>glorified tech demo
>omg bait n switch master story
>most uninteresting cast of characters and bosses since the MSX games

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>there are people who defend MGSV
>defending an entire chapter that is just replaying missions
>tank thing is fucking only for missions you can't actually play

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Final fantasy has been a laughing stock since the fucking PS2 era but you guys were brave enough to have high hopes for a new game in the series...that was also stuck in development hell?


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Dunkey is shit and needs to kill himself.
You too for even posting this.

Final Fantasy Fag here.

FF XV still hurts me to this day. I wasted a literal decade of my life on that soul crushing disappointment. After I beat the game, I was so empty inside that I immediately sold it the next day. This had potential to be the greatest FF of all time and it ended up being a soulless, generic open world game.

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Has a Japanese game developed with a western AAA style budget and production ever ended up satisfying in the end? Like they're still the only ones that remember how to make good "AA" games like I used to play in the pre-7th gen before time in the long long ago, but they do AAA even worse than the west.

Honestly I didn't even find MGSV that disappointing. Sure the story was bland and uninteresting, but the gameplay was top notch. Hell even though the online was a little shit, playing private stealth matches was still super fun. Over all I'd say phantom pain is the best example of how forgiving I can be if the game is still fun.

The fuck where are these confirmed info coming from?

I'm a big metal gear fan and I loved V. The trick is to not ride the hype train. Don't follow every gaming news site for a whole year, don't watch every trailer, don't create a whole image of the game in your mind. Your first contact should be when you press start. I do this with every franchise and I enjoy most of the new games.
There still are disappointments though, like RE6.


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I'm not a MGS fag but I'm pretty sure MGS V was more fun and had more depth than this. MGS V might be a disappointment to you MGS bros but you don't know disappointment until you're a FF fag and played FF XV

Attached: FF XV hold O to win.webm (640x360, 2.66M)

MGS1 was good.
2 was good.
3 was good.
4 was shit.
PW was ok.
V was good.

>weeb has terrible opinion
What a shocker

15 was actually good and V was fun for exploring

>Trusting reviews for MGSV
>When all of the reviewers were flown out to a "REVIEW BOOTCAMP" (that's what they called it, not fucking joking)
>Only allowed to play 20-30 hours
Look, man. If you made me only play the first 20-30 hours of MGSV I would say it was a fucking masterpiece too and give it a 10/10 but holy FUCK does it take a gigantic nosedive in quality as soon as you hit Chapter 2.

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This game is surprisingly fun and frustrating to speedrun.

Other than that, it's pretty trash.

>only 20-30 hours
you make it sound like thats not more than enough. also sauce right now

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Can one of Metal Gears fill me in on why you guys hate V? I was thinking about giving the MGS series a shot and the critics and casuals jerk off MGS V but the fans hate it

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The game isn't fucking COMPLETE. You review a COMPLETE game. Why the fuck would you give a book a 10/10 if you only read half of it? Why the fuck would you give a movie a 10/10 if you only watched half of it? Sorry I don't have sauce, but you should stop masturbating all the time anyway.
Metal Gear Solid V was meant to fill in the one section of the timeline that had unanswered questions and the trailers literally said, "ALL OF YOUR QUESTIONS WILL BE ANSWERED" but then it turned out to be super disappointing and answer none of the questions. The trailers literally lied and even had scenes that didn't make it into the full game. Metal Gear Solid V is VERY unfinished in the story department and has clear signs that it was rushed with entire plotlines just dropping and having no resolution including a REALLY stupid fucking twist.

It's a good game gameplay wise, if you ignore some REALLY overpowered tactics that break the entire game.

>all of the reviewers were flown to bootcamp
You're a fucking retard. Only the reviews from August were from the bootcamp.

Imagine being this fucking retarded and mad.

Same with previous games, instead you just mash the same button.

go to bed barry

Oh thank god, that's good. The reviews from August didn't count towards the metacritic score, right? ... Oh, looks like they did.
I'm just telling him how it is, or at least why I personally was disappointed by the game. I even said that the gameplay was good. It's also very well optimized on PC. It's not too bad of a game, it's just that the story wasn't very good and was incomplete, something that is really shitty when you're a Metal Gear Solid game.

Story is on par with what came before it. Stop pretending that any MGS game has a good story. It's always anime bullshit mixed with military stuff.
Second, it wasn't incomplete.

I liked it. People hated the story (story is fine imo, I don't know what they expected) and the fact that the game was rushed and incomplete. Basically a whole chapter is missing but from some summaries I've read it wouldn't really be interesting story wise.
There are some legit criticisms, like how the world is empty and there aren't many buildings you can enter, but there's still stuff to do and have fun. I'm now in my second playthrough, first one was like 120 hours long and I loved every minute.

>Basically a whole chapter is missing but from some summaries I've read it wouldn't really be interesting story wise.
See? That's misinformation.

No I don't. Spent most of my 2015 playing on my Vita.

No. KH in general is dogshit

Has FFXV been patched yet? How is it nowadays? I don't have to get all that Royal Edition DLC shit to fix my game.... right?

>Story is on par with what came before it.
Yeah, no chief. At least MGS1, MGS2 and MGS3 were COMPLETE stories. They ended. There was credits, a resolution. Metal Gear Solid V ends with you getting booted back to the helicopter and Kaz saying, "Bro, we did it. I guess revenge wasn't really that satisfying though."

Linear games and Metal Gear Solid games end with a BANG. Remember Metal Gear Solid 3? Open world games end with an "Eh, I'm bored. I'm not gonna play anymore."

>They ended. There was credits, a resolution.
What a coincidence, MGSV ends like that too.

MGS5 is just like Fallout 4. Its a good game on it's own, but not with the whole series in mind.
also >Caring about story in vidya
fuck off back to RetardEra

MGSV did, but I had zero interest in Versus XIII / FFXV. FFXV is genuinely a bad game as a whole. MGSV has solid gameplay, but shit story.

>Fallout 4
>good game

i kinda enjoyed FFXV but the game was such a terrible, confused mess

>Linear games and Metal Gear Solid games end with a BANG. Remember Metal Gear Solid 3? Open world games end with an "Eh, I'm bored. I'm not gonna play anymore."
this is a laughably childish over-simplification, but you're likely a manchild so that's no surprise

Jesus christ you Openworld fucking zoomer retards are the cancer killing all gaming. Linearity is not a bad thing executed right, and Semi-linearity shits all over open world chore simulators. Go eat your fucking wheaties and choke zoomfaggot.

Its fun if you take it as a post-apoc shooter with very mild rpg mechanics and a shit story no one cares about

It’s over now user. Square cancelled all future DLC. FF XV will remain forever unfinished. And with the Royal Edition content, it went from a shit game to a mediocre game . FF XV is fucked for all eternity

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Damn. That sucks.
Oh well. At least I can kill my optimism now and finally be done with this shit.

>played every metal gear game
>not hyped for phantom pain after playing ground zeros
>watch some footage
>buy the game
>250 hours of almost all enjoyment
Feels good

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Yeah it’s still a shame what happened to FF XV

MGSV wasn't even finished, you faggot.


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>defending shameless padding
the shooting mechanics are average at best

Linearity isn't bad. What is bad is the game taking control from the player, which is the bigger point of the other guys post. I really liked MGSV, but every time I think about playing though it again I remember that I'm going to have to crawl around for a half hour. Which was pretty cool the first time. Didn't really like it the fourth time.

Yeah, I barely cared about the franchise, but still think XV had the potential to be the GOAT. What a wasted opportunity.

I played FFXV when it came to PC for cheap with no overinflated expectations and had a ton of fun
Don't overhype jap shit for yourselves and you won't be disappointed when the game releases and it's not the second coming of jesus

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This is the big problem, everyone buys into hype trains and fanfics a game in their mind that will never be the actual outcome when the game releases.

If you reflect on all the games that are your favorites, more likely than not its that one game you stumble on without much context and absolutely love when you start playing

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MGS1 was GOD tier. (one of the best video games ever made)
2 was good.
3 was amazing.
4 was GOAT tier.
PW was shit.
V was fucking awful.

Dunkley is a nigger who wants every game to be told through the frame of TLOU style Hollywood movies. He's the Tomm Hullet of e-celebs

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>Dunkley is a nigger
He wishes

>Wasted literally half of my lifetime for a shitty game

MGS was always trash and FF has been trash for nearly two decades.
If you actually got hyped for either of these games you are a retard who deserved to get burned.

You sure are pushing this, Xniggie.

Why doesn't he need to ever block?

>mgsv threads were almost 4 years ago

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Played MGS 1-Peacewalker and I haven't played a more enjoyable game than V. Yeah Snake barely talks and the plot is not that great but it's a great game.
Playing FFXV right now and I'm enjoying it a lot. I've played FF1-Lightning Returns and I'm enjoying this title. I'd change things if I could but I can't so I just play it.

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>tfw MGS3 is almost 15 years old
>tfw one of my favourite childhood games is 5 years older than my stepbrother

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>MGSV became just good enough to be considered "playable" with Infinite Heaven mod
>tons of mods require IH too
>Konami decides to break it with an update and the dude never fixes the mod

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