Other urls found in this thread:
what the fuck that looks like the dark souls 3 box but he's facing the wrong way
featuring fran from dat ass
can anyone post a hi res of the statuette from the limited edition? its tiny but those wrists get my dick hard.
Fuck blue mages, fuck trannies, and FUCK shadowniggers.
>maints only exist to add jewstation items now
my brothers where you at?
>ded thred when i open at creation
>already at 500 posts when i afk and open the catalog
these ff14 threads are so weird
I wish I didn't know that feel.
>fuck trannies
I wish I could ;_;
>How people treat Baldesion Arsenal in the West and in Japan is very different
>Yeah we added story with missable endings to BA what are you gonna do about it
>Aetherial Stabilizer will now be easier to obtain
>Aetherial Nodes will pop and stabilize on an unspecified (random) delay compared to how it is now
>You will not be able to receive entry buff if you weren't in the Ovni/Support FATE's area even if you participated
>finally have time to play
>fucking maintenance
every time
God, I wish Automata would die. Fuck that game and all of it's horny weeb fan boys.
t. SEETHING tranny
You will see this kind of reply only in a FF14 thread.
drk reporting in, please fix my dark arts button.
>tfw blue mage never
Not looking good
can you become a blue mage with the twitch trial? or do you need to buy this expac? also I could use some fashion tips.
Twitch isn't a trial, it's a full starter version. And yes you can, but good luck with that.
what's stopping you
BLU is from Stormblood, and I believe you need a level 50 beforehand, so the starter edition won't unlock it.
Looks pretty good, but the top doesn't match the rest well. If your just starting you are rather limited though.
yeah, you have to reach level 50 to unlock it though
BLU is a minigame so you don't need any expansion to access it
Potatos are not for bullying and/or lewd.
you need to be level 50 and have defeated omega weapon
Where did you saw that?
But if true
>Aetherial Nodes will pop and stabilize on an unspecified (random) delay compared to how it is now
>You will not be able to receive entry buff if you weren't in the Ovni/Support FATE's area even if you participated
BOY am I glad to have my Demi-Ozma already.
Does Yea Forums hate *all* cats? How about this one?
WoWfags I have a question. How does it feel when your game does worse than FFXIV?
Guts' helmet looks a little off
BLU content so far is entirely in ARR so you don't need expansions to unlock it
Love me some long hair lala sluts. Post more
Feels fucking bad, despite the fact that class design has degraded, WoW always used to have some pretty cool and unique-feeling class fantasy to it, and the sense of a united, connected game world. There used to be things both games could learn from each other and both decided to double down on what was bad about them.
>tribal outfit
>cutsey bimbo hair
Well, I can tell you I hate this one.
Yeuh bwoi. DRK #1.
Tanking's honestly too easy in this game though. I wish I had mechanics to do or could contribute to mechanics without getting the raid hit with cleaves.
I kinda want something like samurai's Third Eye, except it's like a blocking stance and I need it to make it through tankbusters. I mostly just feel like I'm playing a really easy DPS class. Whenever I go to DRG or SAM it's like playing DRK made me worse.
Potatoes are for mashing.
Kinda considered resubbing to the game after 3 years because of this announcement, but then I went back to replay Nier Automata three days ago and I didn’t really enjoy it. B route is a total slog, hacking is boring, and C/D route starts strong but winds up being boring as all fuck, especially the sequence at the very end. It’d be so much better if it weren’t an RPG with levels and chips and upgrading and shit. I like my action games with very little fluff, like Bayonetta or DMC or Ninja Gaiden. But, thankfully, now I don’t have that urge to jump back into the cesspool that is FFXIV again.
Where can I subscribe to your blog?
I'm ugly and they're kinda rare in my country. There aren't any on Yea Forums either so I'm out of luck.
But user, soon you will have a dev stream. A very important stream addressing all your issues.
"We’re sitting down with Senior 3D Animator Ian Lang and 3D Artist Kenny McBride to discuss the wizardry behind World of Warcraft’s art development and animation.
Watch live Thursday, February 28 at 11:00 a.m. PST on Twitch!"
Don't you enjoy watching them patting themselves on the back?
>There aren't any on Yea Forums either
Oh boy, are you in for a surprise
I really wish they made it so tanking didn't mean using tank stance for 10% of the fight. For one, it would make it more interesting to tank, but for two, going in with a duty finder is obnoxious when your expected to drop grit/deliverance/shield oath but you don't know how good the healer is so you just fall over dead after trying to do the "right" thing. Just make emnity harder to hold and make tank stances be useful.
WoW always used to have some pretty cool and unique-feeling class fantasy to it, and the sense of a united, connected game world
Nigger what the fuck have you been smoking? WoW's world being a disjointed mess was one of the biggest issues, especially when making alts, that whole Worgen DK meme exists for good reason. The story is also a god damn mess and key characters seem to completely forget all about the player character despite you being a god killing war-winning walking one-man slaughterhouse. Oh but then they suddenly sort of remember and out of nowhere make you class leader, only to completely forget about that whole deal by the time the next expansion comes around.
Fuck WoW's writing man.
I dunno, do you enjoy streams of Yoshida talking about how we just don't understand his great vision and how they would implement all the cool things but they cost too much?
t. autistic otaku who eats up any low effort pandering garbage
I didn't say a single thing about writing.
>Potatoes are for mashing.
Just admit you want to full nelson a lala.
>finish Main Story Quest up to "Ultima Weapon"
>be level 50
>go to Limsa main teleport crystal and the Blue Mage quest is given by a female Yellowjacket NPC
it is kinda meh but you might like Blue Mage.
pretty sure he means non-instanced zones as opposed to 14's terrible instanced everything.
Cute potato. don't let it get bullied.
Nice look.
>zoomers still don't know the difference between an instance and a zone
I mean from my country user. Trust me, I've tried. Yea Forums, /soc/, /r9k/, /lgbt/, Yea Forums. No luck on Grindr or Tinder either. Hell I've even tried Reddit, still no luck. Real girls also don't like me so I've resigned to being alone forever. I'll just use vidya and pets as my coping mechanisms
WoW's zones have been instanced for many expansions now though, what you mean is transitionless zones which is a very laughable thing to hold in high regard.
14 year WoW vet here. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say WoW was always dogshit, we just didn't listen to the people saying it was dogshit?
All is well.
zones in this game are just a type of instance. the world is separated into instanced zones, separate from being a whole world.
I unironically enjoy Live Letters. At least you can see one person realizing his vision on what he thinks an MMORPG game should be. Not a board of directors fighting each other on how often do they launch a cash shop mount or how to fuck the loyal fanbase over.
No, that's not what an instance is, which is my point. An instance is something that's spawned specifically for one person or a group of people, then ceases to exist after they leave. Dungeons and raids are instances. The open world areas are zones. They exist whether or not someone is in them, and are shared among all players.
Learn what words mean, nigger.
>what you mean is transitionless zones which is a very laughable thing to hold in high regard.
It's not just transitionless zones per se, although they certainly help to make the world feel like one continious game space which XIV sorely lacks, but also that majority of instanced raids and dungeons are actual places IN that world and on the map that you can see, sometimes from outside, and go visit. XIV couldn't even make Eureka consistent - Pyros doesn't make any logistical sense to be above Pagos given all that we can see from other zones and yet it's there.
Well, obviously part of WoW's appeal was not in its own systems but in zeitgeist of it all, but that wasn't all it was.
It was good and different for it's time compared to the mmos that came before it but honestly vanilla and tbc has that excuse. Wrath had neat stuff but early wrath/late tbc is where Activision joined hands and where Blizzard went more downhill than ever. As game and for it's time wraht was not as special either.. to put it bluntly wow was a meme just like runescape was/is.
Maximum wholesome.
>which is a very laughable thing to hold in high regard.
nah it's pretty important in an mmo but then again 14 is basically a singleplayer JRPG
>be from Australia
>friend wants me to play with him
>"Join Kujata it's basically the Aussie server aside from Tonberry"
>have 180ms, nothing awful and we play for a few months
>in those months I can count how many times someone has spoken English outside of our reclusive do-nothing FC
>he wants to take a break before ShB
>decide to make an alt on Aether while I have a few days left
>same 180ms
I can't believe I was fucking meme'd into playing with this language barrier when it's the same ping on NA
>and are shared among all players.
they aren't in xiv. At least I know places like Gold Saucer has multiple "zones" or instances if one is too full
How's your personalized HUD coming along?
just accept it user
my fucking dick. love the stockings.
>they aren't in xiv
Yes they are. The only time they have multiple instances of a zone are right after expansion launch.
Good and wholesome.
I look forward to all the fucks moving off my leezard race onto rabbit before they fanta back to cat
>multiple "zones" or instances if one is too full
You mean phases.
no thanks, faggot. as long as you get the point it doesn't matter and if it makes you cry then even better.
Gay shit for fujos
The bottom-right hotbar is slightly mis-aligned, try again fuckface
>just noticed the exp bar isn't centered
>can't log in and fix it cause maintenance
My autism
I had a level 50 on tonberry and I started again on new US server with double EXP. Already level 50 again in 3 days and done MSQ for ARR and there is way more english speakers, faster queues, and the same fucking ping, actually the US ping is lower than Japan which boggles my mind. I was meme'd too.
oh shut the fuck up it's been proven that lizzard and catfags switch between themselves often
guess I'll replace my whisper go yokai mount with that flying car of theirs
Favorite limit break, go.
It doesn't bother me.
Could be worse. Playing from EU means you get pretty significant lantency on other servers and it's a cointoss if people speak English, French or German.
Germans generally still speak some English and are typically competent, but holy shit French people are awful at the game and are generally obnoxious, so much so even most French hate playing with other French, which makes the problem that much worse.
The first few times I saw Dragonsong I thought it was an enemy attack. It's my favorite though.
>play lala right now
>Wanted to fanta to bunny
>footage is shown
>ears barely move
>animations are close to the same as Hyur and Elezan
Just what is it with the French and ruining things for others in video games?
*heals you*
>Favorite limit break, go.
Final Heaven
>lore says that you temporarily reach godhood at the moment of the punch
i hate this games ui and the fact that a lot of classes look like dps classes, but they're tnk classes
Why is no other healer as aesthetically pleasing as AST
And I hate Brazilians speaking English
Aetherial Stabilizers SHOULD be easier to obtain. It's retarded that they made a one-time consumable so retardedly difficult to get when you can just wait 5 minutes and get in for free. The ONLY use for a stabilizer is to let premades get in ahead of randos but no one in their right might would farm a stabilizer for just a single attempt at the dungeon.
Stabilizers should be 50 Hydatos crystals and that's it. All the bitching about "sniping" would go away with just that one change. It'd give BA farmers incentive to pop NMs too.
do not
For just a moment, you realize the strength of Saitama.
yes you are indeed one
The one and only
I'd mash that popoto
There is no race thats safe from retards user
Can I sign up for a free trial on Amazon Prime and it will count as Twitch Prime too, right?
yea, if you're a FAGGOT
twitch prime is a part of amazon prime.
yet you tempt me
lucky enough nearly all cat and lizard players are absolute faggots
FACT: monk is the most powerful job in the game
Machinist. Calling in that satellite drone and giving it the order to fire is almost worth playing the most painful class.
Alright, so how does it work? I just sign up for the free trial at Amazon and then I go to Twitch and it automatically switches to Twitch prime?
>play Tank
>jiggle the boss around
cool directionals
>working through my crafters, powerleveling them with beast tribe quests, leves and turn in's
>get down to cul and alc
>zero hq mats within reasonable cost in the MB
guess these 2 will take awhile to finally finish up
Its true, I'll just keep being a smug little shit for now then
cheeky lalafell
CUL took me a day on my server. Granted I went from 37 to 70 through leves alone, cost me like 600k of marketboard shit
>activates true north
for whatever reason alc mats always cost like 10x as much as everything else
cul is fairly easy to get your hands on if you have a botanist leveled tho
It doesn't switch, it just is. Twitch prime is a part of amazon prime. You can't get twitch prime without amazon prime.
/xivg/ is leaking
because alc mats are monster drops for the important shit like glues.
>face 4
ok you pass
let me pin you down and fuck you
>implying people aren't posting here specificly to avoid that cesspool of shit and piss
I feel bad for anyone that plays with them, its nothing but drama and fetish bullshit 24/7
So I just sign up for Amazon Prime and then I can already download the game from Twitch?
>Work fucking weird hours
>Just had a bunch of days off
>Sleep all fucked, so ended up waking up in the middle of the night a few hours before shift
>Say fuck it, make some coffee, plan to play some XIV
>Servers down
You're right. avatarfaggotry and I see several /xivg/ tier posters too.. you know the one. "FEEEETT" "PENIS HARD"
>it's okay to avatarfag because the general is bad
You have to to back
>think im not going to need truth north to do trick attack
>faggot tank turns the boss right when i do it
make this move not have a positional jesus christ
cool, enjoy your 15 whopping seconds of positional immunity. then it's wiggle time again.
If you already have an account on both, and they're linked, then yes. You can get the code and enter it in where ever it says. Probably mog station.
I was never there to begin with, but sometimes snippets find their way around the rest of the site
>just moves with you
>want to work on Stormblood MSQ cuckery for once
>servers down
>work soon
Got back to playing FFXIV recently. Mad that Selene is still useless since SB.
>They took away the facestab that was useful for killing trash
>Kept the "back only" part of trick attack for some reason
Hopefully they change that with ShB
Anyone have the logo-less version of the box art? The one I found on google (pic related) is a bit too unclear, and that one looks perfect but it's got the logos on it.
Are these SCH and SMN? I don't think i've seen theirs yet.
They really should rework Selene.
>Give it a silence but Selene is too slow to use it on a mob casting anything
>Give it an aoe esuna that only work for very specific situations (Extreme Rathalos for example)
>Give it gcd speed buff that only give a single gcd every 50 ones
Meanwhile, Eos has a free medica 2, a magic def buff, and a aoe heal buff
I can't log in and show it but it's a Frankenstein smorgasbord of fuckery that I don't have a clue what to do with.
smn is megaflare, you get bahamut wings
both are SCH.
That's SCH only, Angel wings which is IIRC a buffed version of Lily (our fairy).
Does anyone has the SCH lore book page? I'm pretty sure they wrote something about it.
>tfw i use the new world jacket on my character too
my self confidence is melting here
I remember the days as a sprout where I thought the SCH/SMN ground dot was an aoe.
I was a tank too. I feel obligated to track each of them down in real life and apologize to them personally.
I need this fairy
Would you fuck a blue mage ala mhiggian tranny?
Well, you don't happen to have bimbo hair with your tibal outfit, do you? Because the tribal outfit would be nice otherwise.
Why do trannies avoid face 4 Au Ra but flock in such numbers to the other options? Are they not kawaii uguu enough or something?
To this day it bothers me that the ground AOE for NIN looks like shit dust or something.
Back to /xivg/ with you.
That happened to me too but with the Fire arrow of BRD.
I'm still not sure what it's supposed to actually be
>Pretty much only want to play Machinist
>Can't play it until reached vanilla cap and done all the post-vanilla stuff
Could you in theory just use a Machinist boost if you have Heavensward and just do the normal content that way since stuff level syncs anyways?
>tfw got my demi-ozma today
It's a good feel.
Same here.
So glad I'm done with BA and that cancerous discord.
it's earth poison or some shit like that, all the *ton are element themed
I've seen plenty of retards including you pick this fucking face, you are not special and this is not /xivg/ fuck off
I'm done with BA, but not yet done with hydatos. Still a couple of sets of armour and a weapon I wanna finish off. For my collection, of course.
FUCK gunbreaker and FUCK shadowniggers
I really want to fuck the SCH fairies.
GUB will replace WAR, quote me on this
>seething DPS
I want to fuck my wind up Succubus
Post RDM and DRG glamours.
sorry I'm not underage
Yes you are
screw you zuckerberg
beat the Praetorium before maintenance went down. What did they mean by THIS?
>I want to fuck my wind up Succubus
same senpai
shame we only got the shitty horns for glam. Wish we could turn into them temporarily with items like how firecrackers work. one for the mini effect would be nice too, sucks its not in the list of status effects you can use in gpose
That's Zodiark.
I commissioned one guy for some lewd of her but I wasn't really happy with the result.
I see, so the Ascians have an evil crystal compared to the light one we have?
Apparently it's on the Moon, so we'll probably have to go to space in a future expansion.
using something like mudfish should sit you at a solid 130ping. My ping is 190 without mudfish, 130 with on jap datacenters.
Compared to 210 ping without mudfish and around 185ping with mudfish to NA servers. It's 'only' 50 ping but the difference is big enough for me to feel relatively crippled if i play with over 150ping or so.
Besides, shout chat is irrelevant, no one speaks in 4mans and you really don't need to talk to anyone in 8/24mans outside of savage anyway, where there's generally english party finders up.
something like that, yes
but it may not actually be evil
We better get a whale ship then.
Are you me?
>Come back to ffxiv after I stopped playing early on beating all of Omega Savage
>Decide to make a new character, and make that nigga a MCH main
>Level to 50, pick up MCH immediately intending to do HW/SB content as a MCH
>Remember that I have to do fucking potd until the heat death of the universe to hit 50
Fucking kill me dead
>Want the discount puff of darkness instead of the real thing
Does puff of darkness rest on your shoulder and swing her legs cutely?
>have tanxiety
>made even worse due to being on a JP server
>want to level DRK because story so far is interesting
FUCK. Someone tell me handy auto-translate phrases.
My autism only allows me to give combat characters relatively practical-looking hairstyles, so no. Is that okay?
Heh. I'm wouldn't worry on japanese server. They are generally more forgiving as long as you aren't trolling them. You might get some advice though.
{Stop playing on JP servers}
That one should work
just transfer away from jp, no point in staying there even if the ping is better.
If you're an aussie or a kiwi move to NA, if you're in south-east asia you can get a pretty damn decent connection to Europe with a VPN.
Keep hate and use your cooldowns. In my experience just in dungeon stuff japs don't care that much if you aren't perfect. I'll forget to use cooldowns or just space out sometimes while tanking dungeons and still get a commend or two at the end.
PLEASE stay on JP. This is for your own good.
The NA community is an absolute trainwreck.
Stop being such a little bitch.
Generally JP players have been pretty understanding and commonly uses auto-translate. I guess my biggest worry is the different strats they use for extreme and savage, is there somewhere I can study them?
I currently have a VPN and it's been pretty great for JP servers. Where do aussies play in NA?
One friend of mine just told that as warrior i should never use inner beast that i should spend all best gauge on fell cleaves. Is that true?
I mean inner beast heals you and give you 20% damage reduction. It sounds pretty good for tanking. But i play this game for about a week and my friend have 1040 hours in game.
Should i believe him?
you're a faggot, stop being a faggot
What are your hopes for Hrothgar looks? Bara, like the leaks claim? Bestial face or more humanoid?
>The NA community is an absolute trainwreck.
How so?
Oh don't repost this shit here faggot.
You have a variety of cooldowns besides Inner Beast, such as Rampart, Vengeance, Raw Intuition and of course Holmgang, they're generally more than enough to cover you in majority of content. Inner Beast is good don't get me wrong, but killing enemy faster is even better.
>tornado kick crits while riddle of fire is up
> Tank
Wow, nice game, huh.
All suncats are shit. Mooncats are cool though.
From things I read in these threads, i'm glad I never decided to transfer to an NA server. Been playing solo for a while now but at least i'm actually able to clear content without too much trouble.
I love this image so much. Thank you.
Plenty of them on Behemoth. Keep in mind though that you'd be playing at odd hours if you follow a normal sleep schedule.
You want to heal? You can do that if you want but you BETTER BE FUCKING HITTING THE ENEMY TOO YOU USELESS SHIT
We'll never get back to the HW glory days of triple melee + MCH will we
Triple melee is still optimal if the fight permits it.
/vg/ tells otherwise
>want to heal
>the role is overflown with shitters and trannies
>nobody wants to tank
>tanking is also cool I guess
No one is answering me on this, but can I grind monthly fees with in game gold?
>That one Dragoon who uses LB3 as soon as it chimes and doesn't care about aoe's or if the healers might need it
I hope you are not one of these user
Because they all want to play as prostitutes or cucks.
No, you can't unless you rmt the gil away and use that money for the subscription.
Either Gado's lion form from Bloody Roar or adult Rei from Breath of Fire 3
Who are you quoting?
Thanks anons, guess I'll wait to play.
There is a city that this darkness can't hide!
There are the embers of a fire that's gone out,
But I can still feel the heat on my skin,
And this mess we're in, where you and I...
Maybe you and I...
We can still make it right...
Maybe we can bring back the light!
I'm actually one of those Dragoons that will hold off on an LB3 for as long as possible during prog specifically in case we need it.
I bought it..
Why do you want to play as the weakest tank that is unplayable in current met?
Just why? Did you ever heard about META, bruh?
Rate my boy (girl) potato
Only hold if in prog. Actually the DRG should be making the NIN lb anyway.
>4h maint to decrease the crystals required to make stabilizers
backend gets a bunch of fixes in 99% of the maintenances
Post your logs, i better rate them. If you are lower than violet - kys.
>make the fat cat a store mount
>unplayable in current meta
Guess which tank got world first in both Ultimate over WAR again?
Its a china made mount.
>Not "Dat ass from Fran"
What are you doing user
>24 fucking dollars
It's no wonder seasonal event rewards are shit since idiots eat this up.
This could have been the Valentine's event reward but nope. Here's your shitty greatsword and CUL off hand from an NPC hidden away in the corner of the map.
I play pretty optimally and parse to self improve but I give zero fucks about log autism, so I have nothing to show you.
Guess who is not in guild that able to do world first on who would be kicked from raid, trial, dungeon and even DF if he shows up there as DRK?
Thats you and 99% other gamers, you retard. If you are not the best player in the world, and you are not, you HAVE to play by meta
If i see DKR in my group - i kick him.
If i see tank in def stance - i kick him.
If i see blue logs - i kick him.
If i see low damage on healer or tank - i kick him.
And other non-top1 players will do the same.
I'll rate her when I see her in a bunny outfit or other sexy leg dresses.
t. seething tranny
Go back to Wow refugee.
> so I have nothing to show you.
If you have nothing to show me, then get the fuck out of here, dog, nobody cares about degenerate without good parses. You just another boring NPC running around. Literally zero differences between you and fucking mods, they too don't have good parses.
Here's your (you)
Huh is this the famous NA FFXIV community?
couldnt decide what class to play before maintenance
wont know what class to play after
want to tank but dont want to waste msq xp on a tank when theres insta queues
want to play summoner but dont want to use a fucking book with christmas lights on it
want to play dragoon but it looks a bit slow and most spears look boring as fuck
probably just gonna go ninja
>poo nose face
Woah buddy, you're gonna need to post your own parses before I consider your statement to have any weight at all. I bet you're a level 47 AST larping.
>Jump on the stairs before Ozma
>Clip through
>Miss the clear
Nothin personnel warrior of lite
Just get the gay bulge (gae bolg) for DRG
>brb, need to dilate
>probably just gonna go ninja
it's gonna be slow AS FUCK in the beginning but keep at it user
Great, now post your logs and clear dates with clear and definitive proof that it's you so we can laugh when it turns out that you're not a top player.
You're a little too good an impersonating a meta obsessed raid tranny.
where's the gook website where i can buy a code for this for half the price
>thread devolving to fflogs autism
Let's talk about how butchered GBK will be when they combine the worst parts of MEC and DAR
>MEC and DAR
what the fuck
>MEC and DAR
say what now
>MEC and DAR
Are you okay?
>Clear Deltascape with orange parses in all fights
>Clear Sigmascape with purple parses in all fights
>Clear Alphascape with some purple and blue parses
It's kinda funny to me that you can clearly see my interest in the game dropping over the last 2 years on fflogs
You're a nigger, a shitter, and a slave to the REAL trendsetters
don't @ me
>it's MEC-user again
I wish nothing but death for you
how legitimate is this website
Whats worse, fflogs autism or avatar posting? You're going to have one form of cancer, which do you hate more?
Playerauctions has proper buyer protections in place as far as I'm aware.
ive used it for buying and selling things in other games and can say the actual site is safe
cant speak for the discount mount codes though, although as long as the seller you buy from has a high rating with a lot of good reviews you should be fine
Not him but avatar posting. Easily. At least looking at toons can be fun. Looking at numbers is only fun if you're an autistic tranny.
Go back to sims fucking tranny.
Playing massive multiplayer game is not dressing your doll, it's fucking pve with mechanics and meta.
If you don't respect others, then others don't respect you. And playing on non-meta shiet is disrespect to others.
Fuck you tranny.
But know what guys? Japs have more clears than NA. Do you know why? Let me explain you - japs have fucking BLACKLISTS even for DF and put there every shitter on DKR or other tanks that use defensive stances. And cause of this blacklist you are sentenced to solitude forever and ever, even in fucking DF.
So people fucking afraid of it and avoid any situations which can add them into this blacklist.
And that's mean they are all play by meta and RESPECT each other. And that's why japs better than NA, because there are no seething trannyes which like to play AS THEY WANT without respect to others.
If you are playing MMO - be respectful and respect other player, DO YOUR JOB RIGHT.
What are you talking about, degenerate? I already told you that i am not top player.
Meta exist not for top players, meta exist for everybody else.
You have right to play on non-meta shiet ONLY if you are capable to do the world first.
You know the really funny thing about these trashy elitist attitudes is that while the more relaxed player doesn't clear as quickly - They're definitely having more fun than the constant vein popping raid tranny who takes every slight fuckup as a personal insult. Not that this isn't just shitposting or anything
Ive used it quite a few times and aside from one instance where the delivery took longer than usual because the seller was offline, no complaints. I received each code and they all worked so its a win by me. Ebay too, Though slightly more expensive, Mimi_Sport has never let me down once and I've ordered a ton from that seller.
Why would anybody put this much effort into shitposting?
>i am not top player.
Then shut the FUCK up about what top players would and would not do, you greylet shitter. Get the fuck back into PF. Don't you have a first-look O12S PF to join? How's that prog going?
Figures that an ESL retard would be this level of stupid lmao
maintenance for another hour
gotta pass the time somehow
>end up on Aether in HW
>doesn't really matter ping-wise because the euro server is in montreal too
>get along with americans, love that everyone speaks english
>stormblood hits, servers move, have to play with 180 ping now
>clip GCDs like a mad cunt on the worst days even with mudfish
>torment myself by waking up/staying up at the most rediculous hours to raid
>sometimes wonder what it's like to play on the EU datacenter but i love my american friends too much to leave
Yup, I will happily take my time to climb the ranks, having a good ol time doing it, world first is for autists that have nothing better to do with their time, I'll get my clear, and I'll do it damn well, but boy I can't fucking stand the people that is pretending to be because those people exist for real and it pisses me off more than it should
Where’s the yorha edition thread!?
Don't tell me FFXIV is the only game you guys play
>no point staying there even if the ping is better
the game feels like trash to play at 180 ping and up so how about no
sam is probably the easiest job to parse high t b h, so many shitters, I managed to parse orange in sigma with random 350 gear after it uncapped, without food and without pot, couldn't stop laughing
Just get a good VPN that works for you like pingzapper or WTFast or mudfish
Waking up at 6AM to raid is better than being stuck with eurotrash, trust me.
Are male Au Ra finally not cringe anymore? I want to glamor to a big edgy dude for my DRK but I don't want to be a laughingstock or a Roe
*target* *raise* *wait 3 seconds* *cancel cast*
*repeats 50 times*
Why the fuck do they let you get mount codes in the first place? Is that what you get in the mogstation if you choose to gift something to someone?
If you're that worried about what's "cringe" or not then you should probably just kill yourself, before your entire life is "cringe".
The scent of marmite and shitty beer emanates from that post
> Then shut the FUCK up about what top players would and would not do
Fuck you tranny, but i never told what top players would and would not do.
I told what EVERYBODY EXCEPT TOP PLAYERS would and would not do.
And they would be kicked even from DF if they are shitters on DRK, shitters with tank stance always on, shitters without dps or shit healers withot damage at all.
99% is still 99%
Surely if sam is so easy you must have a strong showing on your actual main to share with the class? its a dead class, but its my dead class
Yikes! Looks like you really are autistic. I throught
you were just pretending. I'm sorry.
I like SAM purely for the dramatic sheathing of the sword after the LB
They have noticed that players are leaving Ovni early in order to get to their portals more quickly. In particular noticing that players would pull it out of NM range and reset it because of its "Rock Hard" attack. In response, they will now delay the portal spawn until a few minutes after Ovni is defeated as well as make sure that the buff is only obtained when staying within Ovni's NM range when it is defeated.
Yeah any mogstation items you get off there are gift codes.
>Want to post potat
>got new shield I like Shield of the Savage, don't judge me
just an hour to go tho at least
>Not having your Demi-Ozma yet
I'm not amazing but sam is easy
I actually wish I could play it in savage sometime, turn my brain off and stop being autistic about every little thing
pick your poison, as EU you can't win with yoshi, it's either ping or frogs
FFS retard, i am talking not about top players. They definitely can do clear even with DRK in their group.
I am talking about OTHER players. Like you and me, like user from this post If you are playing on that level - then playing off meta is DISRESPECT to others.
Fuck you. You know that i am right and just can't accept it.
> >sometimes wonder what it's like to play on the EU datacenter
It's like walking through the desert - emptiness everywhere.
It has been lately. Send help, I don't even do hardcore stuff.
>playing off meta is DISRESPECT to others
Big yikes!
>And they would be kicked even from DF if they are shitters on DRK
Really? Because I'm a DRK main on a JP server and I've literally never once been kicked from a party of any kind because of the class I play. I have, in all of my time spent on JP servers, never once seen a player get kicked from a party purely because of the class they play. There is no mythical "JP blacklist", there is no mythical coordinated effort among JPs to discriminate against certain classes, especially not in utterly meaningless content such as DF lmao
>So people fucking afraid of it and avoid any situations which can add them into this blacklist.
Literally has never once happened, ever, lmao
Aight, you're fine the straightforwardness is legit the reason I stayed with it, its relaxed as fuck and I love that dum weeb-sword style and I'm still tickled our static had the bizzare problem of too many tanks that let me be a little shit and trade my MT role for SAM lol
so that's like the 12th time you've posted this, yea?
Why did xiv fail in europe?
>playing off meta is DISRESPECT to others
I actually agree.
Having a sam as co melee for 2 tiers made me want to quit raiding
How did today's games of overwatch treat you?
Shut up faggot I just don't want people thinking I'm a shitty wannabe tank with edgelord macros like back in HW when the race/class launched
don't lump
with your shitter ass
Then don't be a shitty wannabe tank with edgelord macros, you fucking moron. Just be an au ra dark knight. Why is that so hard to grasp?
What was the problem?
I like Eureka and have had so much fucking fun doing BA.
>caring what fucking strangers in an mmo think
making me lose 300~ dps by playing sam instead of drg or monk
making me lb every time
I actually found it disrespectful I had to do my best for 94th while he got easy 98th
Faggot tell me RIGHT NOW what makes DRK worse than the other two tanks to the point of being unusable apparently.
Dark Arts spam is not an answer. Answer this question now and answer it well or you'll go down as a fucking wannabe laughingstock
this, you set yourself apart from those fucks with your actions, be the kind of quality tank you know people want and no one will bat an eye at anything else because you're not trash and automatically a welcome sight
Here's a TLDR since you will NEVER EVER understand, gaijin.
>Must be in ovni NM aggro range when it finishes to get buffed
>Tristitia support fate rewards to be highly increased
>Stabilizers were supposed to be a sort of priority tickets were supposed to be a reward for time investment. But since they aren't used that way, they are being reduced in cost.
>NA/EU and JP both gave a lot of feedback, but the feedback and suggestions are very different between these two play groups. This is the most feedback they have ever gotten from players, ever.
BA is the kind of content that XIV could do with more of. Pity it's locked behind eureka.
Focused single dmg is always faster than aoe.
initially no dedicated data center in Europe caused tremendous latency issues making some of the gameplay extremely impossible
>Fight titan EX
>Ground lights up
>Still get knocked out of the arena from the other end the aoe was on
>mind numbingly boring content is the most active and actively responded to content in the game
fuck this gay earth
This honestly. BA is the best piece of content they've release in a long time, I just wish there was less cancer surrounding it. Easier to obtain stabilizers and instance selector would have made it so much better. The dungeon itself once you're inside is great. It does what the game has failed to do since HW, actually having the tanks tank and the healers heal.
look guys I just wanna make friends and finally have someone to run content with because I'm sick of randoms and don't want my character to raise red flags.
But alright. I'll just keep playing well and maybe that'll happen regardless of my character
Oh, so parse shit. I was expecting like, not meeting certain checks, or having tougher times with some mechanics because the lack of utility. Sounds like you should've joined a group that cared about parsing as much as you.
Drop rate of the stabilizer items and Crystals needed went from 500->100 from this patch.
pls respond
>Tristitia support fate rewards to be highly increased
Only 10 crystal to help discord fuckers monopolizing BA for themselves wasn't worth it.
Why do you think that it is good? I haven't done it, but I'm curious why people think it's good. I'd also like to hear from people who think it's bad.
>BA is the best piece of content they've release in a long time
It's just an overtuned 24-man that rewards another fucking mount
>But since they aren't used that way, they are being reduced in cost.
They're not being used because two of the items are easy as fuck to get and the third one is locked behind more layers of RNG than the other two, given the fact that it comes from moisture-warped lockboxes.
> what makes DRK worse than the other two tanks to the point of being unusable apparently.
Low damage, weak mitigation, zero utility.
Like you can take WAR in your group as tank and his damage would be INSANE, or you can take DRK without damage.
And in current meta with enrage timers you HAVE TO as much damage as you can. DRKs just weak on damage and you can't deal with it.
With DRK in your group you have to relay on healers and DD that they would deal extra 20% damage to compensate weak DRKs damage.
>don't want my character to raise red flags
Holy shit you sound so pathetic. Just play what you want. If you want a static to accept you just don't be a faggot.
I think eu players get a lot more invested/stuck in games. I would say it's because of low amount of people but there are several countries in Europe that are big. There's some amounts of people that you see in most games (nordics and scandic people on Odin. Sadly most are not the based kind or 4chin but filthy normies/sjws) but yeah I'd say it's because EU players stick to popular/big games and games they've played before and don't move away from it easily.
You're too cognizant of shitposting when the reality is 99% of players don't make judgements based on race. They make judgements based on how you speak/how you play. Mostly the latter. unless you're french - then they're correlated.
>Okay guys, here is our new amusement park. It costs $10,000 for a ticket if you want to get in right now, but after 5 minutes you can just go in for free.
>wtf why is no one buying the tickets.
No one with even a drop of sanity is going to grind 1500 crystals just for priority on a portal for a single attempt at BA. Even reducing it to 300 crystals is still ridiculous.
Guys, i don't understand you. Who is right and who is wrong?
Just answer me should i kick tanks that use tank stances or not? I am really confused right now.
>As far as whether or not Square Enix considers [Blue Mage] a success, Yoshida answered with a resounding "yes." He expands upon that thought, noting that the Blue Mage "allowed us to implement a job with a number of unique actions and a higher level of difficulty in terms of progression.
>A raid that feels like an oldschool WoW raid that requires organization and constant dialogue between the tanks. Makes tanks and healers do their job for once in the entire history of this game
You doomers are fucking cancer. Can you just once give the game credit where credit is due without having to constantly shit on every single thing no matter how good or bad it is? Just fucking unsub if you hate it so much fuck's sake
If you're asking that question then you're not in any sort of position where you need to know the answer.
>make that everyone who scored gold get to tp inside ba after discord trannies there kill ozma and complete the storyline/get mount too
Will instantly fix this shitshow.
yeah, i think the euros that aren't huge FIFA-playing normies cling much harder to WoW still, and/or don't really see XIV as an alternative
I use tank stance while pulling multiple stacks of trash, but go full DEEPS on bosses. Kick anyone who does not do what I do.
Jesus christ SB had a lot of housing items from beast tribes.
BLU was a meme and BLU fags got meme'd on. Based yoshi.
Servers up.
>trolls will now make stabilizers just to fuck with premades
good job yoshi
So... i just should kick them, right?
Thx, i will.
DRK damage is better than PLD and their mitigation is absolutely fine. TBN is a fantastic skill. I will give you utility though.
DRK does more damage at all percentiles than PLD and at 90% percentiles and up it stays within 100-200 dps of WAR, which is negligible.
all those items are fucking shit except a couple of the sb items. even then, the beast tribe stuff is meme shit
Tank stances are useless on boss fights, must have in big dungeon pulls. Don't kick anybody even if they play non-meta jobs. The game is very well balanced and any job can clear any content perfectly fine even if it's weaker than other jobs.
It's a fucking dungeon run, autismo. You probably don't need to kick anyone for clearing it 2 minutes slower.
>Why do you think that it is good?
It's an actual raid instance, where you go through one large zone clearing out mobs to get to bosses, and it feels like you're actually progressing through the level. Another good thing is the fact that you don't require a party to enter, and that parties can be formed and/or split up inside. Party members can be swapped around to fill holes in other groups.
The logos system actually really shone in there, too. Shit that was previously useless such as Refresh L were utterly invaluable in there. Making other seldom-used actions such as Wisdom of the Platebearer worth using (especially for healers) was also a good idea.
Overall though, for me personally it was actually just an overwhelming sense of nostalgia for old school raids from other MMOs. People communicated. The instance wasn't just boss arenas with nothing else in between. There were traps and trash mobs that did things. Hell the instance even interacts with the zone outside by way of having the players spawn an NM outside, that the people outside had to kill to help the people inside.
drk is the best dungeon tank you dumb persons of dark colors
>weak mitigation
nigga wut. with the latest adjustments, DRKs have the best survivability bar-none and They also do more damage than PLDs, Granted it's a much clunkier rotation and almost no utility.
Speaking of trolls I find it weird that people who have already cleared are more likely to be trolling.
Fucking tranny liars.
Also DRK don't have WINGS like PLD.
So fuck off.
Geralt is still the bigger name there, plus he's on the front of the case.
Drk was best in HW and early SB but IR WAR does a retarded amount of AOE damage. Nice try tho.
>DRK 14 parses
I mean that's not very accurate
Call me when ALL raids in the game are like that.
Also 155, 141 VS 14 - suck it, fuckers
Kys chimp
ir is also on a 90s cd, is good for ONE pull
Thanks for sharing. Those sound pretty interesting. I do miss doing raids rather than teleporting into the boss circle. Hopefully there will still be people doing Arsenal by the time I catch up in Eureka.
why are you using outdated content as your example?
>Not a top player.
>act like a top player.
Dark Arts needs to be changed to make it so it changes the actual effect of an ability, not just buff potency.
Like, Dark Arts + The Blackest Night is a party wide shield.
Hahaha oh wow.jpg
How do I actually get the chance to MT? Every trial or raid I enter, either some faggot WAR runs in and pulls the boss before I even get a chance to move or spends the entire fight aggro battling with me rather than just suck it up and OT like he's supposed to.
It's getting really annoying because I want to practice MT as PLD/DRK but this kind of shit happens literally every time.
All of these just aren't really accurate because of how many parses DRK has compared to PLD and WAR, maybe shitters are dragging those 2 jobs down while a couple good people are dragging DRK up, who knows
why should drk be the only tank losing dps by using their raid shield
Is this the most shilled game on Yea Forums? It and Neptunia threads are the only ones that reach 500 replies.
> Don't kick anybody even if they play non-meta jobs.
I am talking about playstyle, not about meta.
Like if healer don't heal us then i definitely should kick him, but what should i do if he heals us, but don't do any damage?
Same with tanks, i definitely should kick tanks that cannot hold the aggro, but what should i do with tanks that have their aggro stance always on and cause of that they do little damage?
But if i don't kick these bad players they probably will never know that they are actually bad players. I should teach them if they don't want to play properly.
If only we had some way to communicate in game! Damn Yoshida for not thinking of this!
Have the damage absorbed actually be reflected (at least partially) to the boss.
>people talk about the most popular mmo, especially now with a new expac dropping in a few months
who'd a thought
The community has for the most part acknowledged WAR as the "pulling" tank of choice at the moment. The reason for this is because compared to the other two tanks, WAR loses the least when pulling the boss because of shit like Equilibrium and Unchained. It also has vastly superior initial threat generation.
There's no real MT or OT anymore - things have been fairly interchangeable ever since the launch of SB.
Also, don't forget that you can just ask.
if he actually tried to aggrofight you let him just barely get it shirk voke into your emnity shit you babby
You either ask or you just don't. I've had tanks try to rip aggro off me in the Praetorium during trash fights, just give up.
>gachaniggers literally make daily threads telling you to play X "game" while dumping fanart, totally fine
>but actual gameplay discussion? fucking shills!!!
Just pull first, assert your dominance , and if they try to fight you for aggro, remain in tank stance and shirk tank busters onto them until they get the message
Your friend did you a favor. Americans are trash at this game. Faggots need to call out who is main tank in Alliance raids rather than just doing the JP way of doings things.
Many a time on Gilgamesh did I see people trying to provoke the boss because they wanted to be the main tank in an Alliance raid.
If you're kicking people from DF dungeon runs then no user, YOU are the problem, if its PF for savage clears then yea talk with them, then kick, blind kicks do nothing but satisfy your empty ego and teach nothing
Sorry my dude, unless you're the DRK in a DRK/PLD setup you're stuck as OT. PLDs just have an extremely shitty opener for MT because of oaths being on the GCD while WARs lose almost nothing. Shitsux, but you gotta wait until SHAD for things to change, Just be thankful that all 3 tanks are useful this ex pac
> I want to practice MT as PLD/DRK
> MT
Are you retarded or what? PLD and DRK are OTs in current meta and WARs are MT.
If you wanna be MT - play on WAR.
Are we getting god tier NiER gear ports, or are they going to pull another Monster Hunter shitfest on us?
Oh shut the fuck up. You've literally been proven wrong. The higher amount of DRKs if anything proves that they're on average doing better in DPS than PLD even accounting for far more shitters.
>Just be thankful that all 3 tanks are useful this ex pac
>Tfw PLD during HW
Felt bad, man.
I'm not even OP, I was just stating the obvious. You'd know that if you paid attention in highscool
tfw all existing tanks get cucked by the new edgelord in town
>muh meta
I will never understand the obsession with meta from people who will never even attempt a world first clear. Or even a world top 10.
You gon get monster hunter'd. Even the ivalice gear was pretty shitty looking.
I hope they don't phone this one in. It's an easy grab at players and if the gear looks nice I'll waste my life getting absolutely everything.
I didn't even really play PLD in HW and I was still upset by how it was treated. Fortunately it started getting better after gordias.
you know it
Reminder that DRK has world first in both ultimate fights. Meta doesn’t mean shit
Don't even pretend there hasn't been a day without a XIV thread up even when a new expansion wasn't on the horizon.
>baelsar's wall
>get pld
>whole dungeon is ruined
How the hell did they think that giving a tank NO AOE WHATSOEVER was fine for 4 years?
the general sucks so people post here.
Not him and you are correct but I will never not wear these things. I fucking love these arms.
>Everyone loves Yoko Taro games and feel bad about how SE neglects him
>Nier: Automata succeeds immensely, SE starts treating him as more than the quirky dev they give him table scraps to make games with over
>All of a sudden he's a hack and the game is pandering weebshit
How long until people start trying to act like the original Nier and the two Drakengards he made are also shit retroactively because Automata didn't bomb
But I hate WAR and find it really fucking boring. I'm just assmad because OT is easily the shittiest role to play in the entire game. All the repetitive tedium of DPS with none of the boss mechanics OR numbers.
What the fuck is Yea Forumseddit foxes problem?
Should’ve said it ate a lalafell haha
Hate to break it to you but that's been a thing long before Automata came out.
Yeah, but they had to recreate that from scratch. For NiER they can just port existing assets like they did for Viera/Fran racial armor.
What are your hopes and dreams for 5.0, fellow BLMfags? More damage, no utility? Less damage, more utility?
>yankee look
Get the bokuto and I'll marry you
I mean, Nier and Drakengard are kinda shit, just not retroactively.
Yoshi Plays Potato mage so I assume you're gonna get more damage.
More damage, more flash.
I require it.
More damage, make the rotation shit on every other ranged DPS to make up for not having their levels of utility. I want fucking everything to explode in hellfire as it should be.
I will not give a portion of a suit until they release a new game set in ivalice
What the fuck I'll be keeping my 24 dollars.
Not even a cuff link?
nah you won't bitch
relax, idiot. it's called a joke
Somehow that managed to slip past me didn't know that was a thing, picking it up the second maint ends, time to murder gods with a fucking stick
What's the next "big" spell for BLM? We had foul in SB.
>make the rotation shit on every other ranged DPS to make up for not having their levels of utility
It already does. BLM is the undisputed king of DPS right now with SAM second.
definitely not, since it took that guy using ultima weapon to cast it
um sweaty I paid $300 for that you arent getting it
Trannies pick face 4 too though
I really hope the TP removal doesn't fuck DRK up.
I love dark arts. It's really fun seeing my mana bar spaz out going up and down.
I just want them to remove the grit requirements on Souleater healing and 650 potency Bloodspiller and maybe make Dark Passenger cost less mana.
trannies play face 1 cat or au ra
It didn't. You're retarded if you take FFXIV census seriously.
Trannies pick Face 1.
>Yea Forums loves trannies in anime
>Yea Forums hates trannies irl
>Yea Forums now hates trannies in video games
Is it in the boards culture?
Just back from leveling roulette, went there on my DRK and it was Stone Vigil lvl 43.
Are you sure that tanks should never use defensive stances like Grit?
I've been puling one pack for a time, use 1-2 cooldowns every fight and still my healer always were out of mana, my hp always were jumping up and down and i even died once.
Btw i am lvl 60 with 260 gear.
buy me fatter cat
Use defensive stances on mobs, DPS stances on bosses. That is how it has always been.
All au ra are trannies
Yea Forums likes fictional trannies
Yea Forums hates real trannies
Stone Vigil trash is particularly high damage. That's just the way that place is.
For trash in general you should be in grit. Drop it on bosses unless it's specifically a very high damage boss. Trash is where all the damage in this game even comes from, honestly. Once you're in a boss encounter it's peanuts chip damage minus tankbusters and fuckups and grit is no longer needed.
I doubt it will. They will very likely change or buff the way Dark Arts works. You might be the only other person besides myself who likes Dark Arts though. That's comforting oddly.
Use grit on trash, in leveling roulette you might want to keep it on for the boss depending on the healer. At low levels you lack the abilities to replace the negation from grit.
>war can self heal with storm path, equilibrium and beast
>souleater only work with grit
b--bbUTTttt it's 100% dAmAge doNe
my only problem with dark arts is that it works on syphon strike
Isn't it just the nier series.
You expect ironic weebs to know that there's more than just automata?
> >war can self heal with storm path
It is rather weak though and you can't really relay on it.
> equilibrium
Heals you only in defiance, and WAR never use defiance.
> beast
Can be used only in defiance and cost 50 beast gouge, and WAR never use beast gouge on something other than fell cleave or decimate.
So you are stuck with storm's patch just like DRK stuck without heal from souleater
>dark knight armor finally looks like how the job traditionally looks in final fantasy games
and all it took was for it to be the poster job of an expansion
Dark Arts is now a Toggle, Increased Potencies for all DRK Spells. Except now it steadily drains Mana and Health
if only war could switch to their tank stance without losing anything
wow 10 seconds without the crit from deliverance my parse is ruined
Dude, when somebody talking about meta that's not always about classes, but it also can be about gear or playstyle.
For example in current meta tanks shouldn't use their defensive stances and should deal good damage.
And, for example, skill speed if meta for a warrior until 2.38 GCD for 6 fell cleaves.
Like nobody ever say that warrior is bad, but warrior in defiance is bad, warrior which waste beast gouge on inner best is bad, warrior without good amount of fell cleaves during the burst phase is bad.
And such warrior should be punished by kick or even by report for griffing.
So if I'm understanding right:
>DRK has zero heals for the most part. Ult requires healing or dies.
>WAR has very weak healing, Ult leaves them with 1 HP and requires healing afterwards or dies.
>PLD can self and team heal. Ult ensures they take no damage while active, allowing them to heal back up as a result.
...Why does everyone hate PLD again when they are outright the better at the -tanking- role? Is this the same kind of logic that calls WHM trash just because they are the only class who can, you know, heal effectively in clutch moments? Yeah, a barrier blocking 2000 damage is so going to keep someone alive when they have near zero HP. Yeah, that regain's so going to fully heal that DRK in 10 seconds while he's still taking damage. Why do people hate the jobs actually doubling down for their roles?
> wow 10 seconds without the crit from deliverance my parse is ruined
Well yeah, they are ruined.
And anyway even with switch you DO NOT WASTE beast gouge on inner beast. NEVER.
BA was a mistake, at least in NA/EU. If you don't do the job application on discord and suck their cocks enough you have no chance of clearing. Even if you say fuck them and snipe they'll brand and out you because they own the content in their fucked up minds.
I am now a proper shit-disturber, time for sleep
never say never
you better do it during wave cannon fucker
Protip: idiots are only idiots till you teach them otherwise. If no one teaches, no one learns, and more idiots are born.
On the off chance this is a serious post or if somebody's actually stupid enough to believe any garbage spouted in it:
PLD tanking utility is pretty fantastic, obviously. Nobody's going to seriously Clemency themselves in a good run unless it's already going south, but you can't use poor play as a standard to tune things around because that's now how this game really works. What PLD is universally terrible at though is pulling (requires too much sacrifice) and dungeon tanking (where both WAR and DRK shine immensely) and those are also unquestionably parts of tanking role.
>Is this the same kind of logic that calls WHM trash just because they are the only class who can, you know, heal effectively in clutch moments?
Literally every healer can now clutch things out, Cure III is not even particularly impressive any longer.
> Yeah, that regain's so going to fully heal that DRK in 10 seconds while he's still taking damage.
LD doesn't require you to heal DRK to full, it requires you to restore HP for the total amount equal to DRK's max HP, it doesn't matter if DRK is still taking damage or not, but I wouldn't expect an idiot like you to actually know that.
>I'm ugly
So are they.
Because with the way fights are designed at the moment, as static rotations that are largely 100% the same every single fight, tanking and healing are basically binary requirements. Any more tanking or healing options beyond what is neccessary to meet the bare minimum is wasted. Yeah, sure, PLDs being able to heal is nice, but there is not a single fight in the game where it will actually make a difference. Unless your party is being idiots, but if we have to account for player stupidity then any and all balance discussion flies out the window.
A fantastic tank or healer job with moderate damage is worse than an adequate tank or healer job with better damage. I fucking hate the current meta but it will never change because Yoshi will never design any fights that would require players to switch their strategies.
>DRK has zero heals for the most part. Ult requires healing or dies.
Yes. And it is bad.
>WAR has very weak healing, Ult leaves them with 1 HP and requires healing afterwards or dies.
Yes and it is OK. Their "ult" is no problem for a good healer.
>PLD can self and team heal. Ult ensures they take no damage while active, allowing them to heal back up as a result.
No. Casting heal=losing GCD of damage. Your job is not to heal others, but deal damage. So you don't cast your heal on yourself or on anybody else, that's just a bad idea of losing damage.
no one hates PLDs as a job you nut. Some people hate PLDs because it naturally attracts people who are less experienced with tanking because of their cut and dry moveset. It's probably the best-designed class in the game right now and is always part of SB meta. WHM has a similar problem, but it's worsened by the fact that it's not considered part of the optimal team composition in endgame, though that is more based around speedkills rather than actually progressing through raids.
I constantly teach them by kicking from DF for this shit.
These guys like dogs, if you don't hit them hard enough - they never learn. But if you hit them hard, if you hit them so hard that they are begun to cry - that's mean you are doing it right.
Believe me, i have a dog and these type of peoples not smarter than my dog.
T. dps only shitter with actual autism
The meta is meme for shitters like you to cling to and deflect their incompetency to something else. ''It's not my fault we wiped because I stood in an aoe to and died to keep my uptime, it's the tank's fault for being DRK and not adhering to the meta''
p good
Nei, bruh, but if nobody dies and boss go crazy with his enrage - it is DRKs fault. Or WAR's if he uses defiance.
DPS>>>>>>>Everything else.
If tank don't deal a good amount of damage, then he is doing his job BAD.
I hope the final boss of yorha raid is a rhythm game.
show bobs & vegen
So really, it comes down towards "Because we have to replay the same content over and over, and because we all value our time, unless we're playing things as fast as possible (AKA: highest DPS to kill things ASAP), there's no reason to be doing things at all"
I'm honestly shocked the game doesn't have more damage cap moments to ensure you can't nuke things past a selective point. Doing stuff like that doesn't even let people learn what the fuck is going on in content half the time, and you get people doing the 1-70 who learned ZERO mechanics because everyone around them just blitzed past them all. Then you question why so many people around you are so stupid, because you breed them that way! If no one's taking their time to let the previous bosses teach you about the different gimmicks that'll be reused later, how the fuck do you expect people to turn around when a gaze happens? Or understand not to move when thin ice is applyed? or fucking understand to hide UNDER the damn mob? It's not like someone's made a video going over most of this stuff, as it all favors "Just nuke at this stage to skip the mecanic because why bother?"
Or the dps aren't pulling their weight.
I'll follow you anywhere sis, breaking the art style in the process.
Kick yourself from the game by uninstalling.
cry more faglord
Oh look at that it's suddenly 490 posts
Oh look the healer is also going full dps and it looks like you died because he didn't heal you in time or enough. Let's not kid ourselves here if you're just doing df dungeons keep that tank stance always on. Assume everyone is a shitter. Unless they tell you they can handle it assume they can't. Unless it's old content where everyone is synced and there are no BLMs in the party you could use offensive stance. It's better that the fight takes 20-30 seconds longer then wiping and having to do it again.
Went through ARR and HW doing the Hand questlines. Slaving away until I hot the quality ingredients needed to craft the HQ items. Get myself prepped and ready for Stormblood's crafter questlines by doing leves and namazu quests first until they can all wear decent land and hand gear. Turns out all of the Hand questlines they just hand you the damn ingredients right away and getting them to HQ was already easy as piss since if you fail you can just get the ingredients from the NPC at no cost or time.
Well fuck.
Don't call me fctranny today
T. greyparse dps shifting the blame again. When the imaginary situation you mentioned does happen it will be the collective fault of all the DPS first. Tank dps is almost always an extra and not needed to clear normal content. And even then the dps difference between all tanks is like what 0,10% anyway? Face it you are a shitter who is just deflecting the balme onto something else because your fragile ego can't handle being held responsible. It's also the reason you talk about how tanks should play while never ever going to play a tank yourself.
>necromantic arts
necromancer dps confirmed
>level DoH exclusively through levequests
>complete story quests via marketboard
>get 100% dicked when I need to actually craft their HQ class only item
but I want a necro healer
Sure thing, you're get a limited necro healer job.
What are you talking about? There are plenty of moments to learn the mechanics you make it sound as if everything is done unsynced and everything is skipped. Besides most mechainics are really straightfoward anyway. Like you must have brain damage if not getting that the giant obnoxious arrows converging on someone means you have to stack. And even then you can still learn everything you need online. The age of blind play is long over already.
if nobody dies and the boss enrages then the dps did awful dps
Okay expert dungeon hero, whatever you say.
If nobody dies and you still die to enrage, your DPS are literal monkeys because even people that only use their 1-2-3 combo do more DPS than that
What the fuck is an ult?
From context alone you should have figured it meant the "don't die" cooldowns; Hallowed Ground, Living Dead, and Holmgang.
I know exactly what he was referring to, I was being facetious. Absolutely nobody in XIV refers to them as "ults". This isn't some MOBA.
Response time too slow, you'll never get your Ninja ult off with that kind of ping.
I constantly jerk off to Maidy Maidys cat.
Any places where I can buy Stormblood cheap for PC? I enjoyed ARR and now I want to get the other expansions.
I constantly jerk off to Yoshi-P.
>being surprised when hes on one of the gay servers
This might be a dumb question, but if I buy a code for an item such as the fat cat mount, but I'm not actively sub to the game. Can I still use the code and get the item?
Is there a way to check if the code work?
If you buy it through the mogstation and use the gift a friend option the code you get is valid for a couple of years. If you try to get through other means you can't get any guarantees though
>why am i surrounded by faggots on the faggots server
Rather it a 2hr or something? As that's more or less what they are based off of from FFXI.