How come WRPG mostly have more robust and deep yet noticeable less ambitious storylines than JRPG?

How come WRPG mostly have more robust and deep yet noticeable less ambitious storylines than JRPG?

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just how fucking desperate that guy is? that thing doesn't even have a fucking vagina for god sake

which one is supposed to be the girl

i think thats fake as fuck, theres no way thats a girl, not even a tranny, thats a cis guy

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JRPG are always a fucking mess

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>what he meant when he says he has an asian gf

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This is not real. I want sources.

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What country is W? I can't find it on a map. Weebs seem to hate everything that comes from there, though.


>these comments
Are these people blind?

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This is why I don't want to IRL meet people who I ERP with on Second Life.

>that fucking hugbox
as shitty as Yea Forums gets, thank god for freedom of opinion here

i'm gonna say that all the deleted comments are the ones calling them both ugly ogres

what the fuck is wrong with these people?

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I don't get it, are they just ignoring the fact that he is a guy?

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>This thread has been locked by the moderators of r/LongDistance
>New comments cannot be posted

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What the actual fug :DDD
Are they for real?

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I keep opening this picture back up and giggling

Someone explain what's wrong with this.

Dude is happy as fuck and just because his boyfriend is ugly you want him to be unhappy? He has someone.

You guys have nobody who loves you.

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get some fucking standards, nigger

Based on his post history I'm not that surprised. Guy's a faggot from the start.

I've dated girls that don't have a bigger dick than me, what would I be jealous of?

That's a woman, user

Maybe she sucks dick really good and has a nice ass?


I think it'd be fine and I wouldn't go shitting on him if he wasn't bragging about it on the internet. Also he should just admit he's gay if he's truly in love with that person. I almost wonder if it's just him and a bro sharing a laugh at reddit.

If there's a penis attached to that cartoon then please share the source

people aren't exempt from getting shit on the web just because they're happy.
Go back.

If he's happy that's great. I just think his girlfriends looks like an inbred asian man and that's hilarious to me.

OP here, i just got that shit from Yea Forums and had a big laugh since i thought the photo was shopped in and was from something completely unrelated. I mean just the ages alone make it fucking impossible, that faggot like 30 something at the very least how is he 19?

I'm floored that i was wrong.

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I was going to make a joke insinuating you were the guy that posted this pic, but I can't see the username since he deleted his account. It just keeps getting better the more I look.

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>Picture of you and your ugly gf is posted on Yea Forums
>Fat nerds make fun of you
>Picture of your and your ugly gf is posted on reddit
>Have to delete your account to hide from tidal wave of harassment
This doesn't seem correct

Based and redpilled.

The first reply to the comment chain underneath I thought was the dude 5chris100

What's wrong with wh*Te people lol?

I don’t get it. Aren’t they both dudes? Am I missing something here? How can that be a girl, what planet is that considered a girl?

>wow, I'm dating this cute vietnamese trap online! Hell yeah!
>"she" travels to my place, it is a fucking low effort fat faggot who doesn't even have long hair. Was the internet lying about vietnamese traps?
>life is hell, three days with this disgusting freak in my house trying to get me to fuck his fat disgusting butt
>amidst this lovecraftian horror, only one thing gives me a slight hing of happyness, getting upvotes on reddit. I post the picture there and some people are quick to pretend to be jelly. BUT, deep down I actually posted becase I wanted someone to tell me the cold hard truth, that I made a big mistake
>all the comments saying mean things are disabled before I read it, because fag mods. I don't know what to do, my rational reddit influenced woke mind says I should fuck "her" or else I'm a bigot, and I ain't no bigot. But, every inch of my body tells me to run away to my parents house
>reddit wins, and I take it to bed. "She" didn't even shaved his ass or made an enema
>My dick slides in his asshole with difficulty, as it gets stuck in his ass hair. When reaching balls touching depth, I feel the soft and hot texture of shit in the tip of my dick, as I put it out, with his screams of pain as my cock goes tearing his ass hair from the skin, a strong stench of shit arises
>I am the void

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This isn't what I thought it would be but I can use this, thanks


>Jeb and Columbia: the early years

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Asian here. I hope whitoid took more of our trash.

Please, have some standards, self respect, and love for yourself. Being single is better than dating people with puke inducing appearance, or toxic personalities.

Lol not bad.

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End your life

This is the beautiful and anonymous part of the internet that social media has destroyed.

So this is what I'm getting from you.

Someone should be alone, a virgin, a loser.

Than date someone who's just as ugly as them?

Jesus Christ you guys are delusional. And lonely, very very lonely.

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>it'a real

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How in the fuck is that guy 19 years old? Is this the power of white people. Is that fucking irl Benjamin Button that nigga old as shit.

There is no way that thing is female. Even the manliest looking Thai ladyboy is more feminine than that. I'm pretty sure this is just some guy and his Asian bro having a laugh at Reddit's expense.

White men age quickly.

I unironically hope they both get AIDS

Because they put muh realism before muh fun.

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I think this must be it. Hilariously strange that some "people" (redditors) treat it sincerely though.

All faggots should be chemically castrated, tbqh.

>being so desperate you settle for a fat gay chink
>not a loser
Bigger loser than any virgin with standards.

Make sense. Redditors are retarded so it's possible.

Brainlet post.

1) Fags are disgusting
2) Fat fags are worse.

Going to take a wild guess but before wrpgs became popular aka before dragon age. It was meant for nerds, jrpgs are meant for japanese teens. Nerds want full escapism, teens want a good adventure. The dev try to cater but the shift in wrpgs I believe had to do with a limit to player base, while jrpgs somewhat stayed the same.

You don't need to be virgin, escorts exist. You don't need to be alone, friends exist. And the only one that determines either you are a loser or not is yourself, as there is no objective standards to things like this written anywhere. As long as you are doing what you like, you're a winner in my eyes.

What you really don't need, is to date a disgusting looking person, maybe even with a shitty personality as a bonus, who gives no joy whatsoever to you or your family. You don't need a partner to live, what you actually need is peace of mind, instead of the constant struggling against your mind telling you that you could do better while you try to shut it down.

You shouldn't have big standards to what you fuck, those who complain about what they eat don't get to eat a lot. BUT, you should have GIANT standards to who you date, as dating is something special, and if things don't get interrupted on the way, it may eventually end up being the seed to a family. In regards to dating, YES YOU MUST BE ENTITLED. You only have one life, you shouldn't waste if by giving as a present to the first uggo that agrees to suck you dick.

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I don't think killing God for the 231th time is ambitious.

What's sauce on this?

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Change the r in reddit to c to see the deleted comments, or at least some of them

>his boyfriend

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