There is literally NO reason as to why this series doesn't have an easy mode. If you disagree, you're an elitist prick

There is literally NO reason as to why this series doesn't have an easy mode. If you disagree, you're an elitist prick.

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If it's too hard for you, just go play Mario. Stop crying about your lack of skill. Nobody gives a fuck, you loser.

A lot of games don't have difficulties. Why are you singling out this one?

sage goes in all fields

The thing about these games is, if they were any easier you could beat them in an hour.

It's not hard. You just need to pay attention and have semi-decent reflexes.

There you go

There is an easy mode. It's called grinding and playing with friends.

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pyro and sorcery

The Dark Souls series is like the Dark Souls of series.

Got your easy mode right here.

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It does have an easy mode, it's called summoning. sage goes in options.

The game is already on easy mode

I'm good at vydia, I'm a perfectly able young man. But this series is indeed too hard and frustrating. You didn't answer the question though, you retard.

Okay mr. too good. But why are you employed at Mcdonalds and not earning money playing games if you are that good? I wonder why.


I want to play SINGLE PLAYER games. And the online in these games is shit and convoluted anyway.

Except most guides recommended knight as the starter class.


What’s wrong with being elitist?

difficulty modes in general are a waste of time creating. this includes hard modes as well. all it is 90% of the time is inflating or deflating enemy health and damage values and most of the time, they do it in a shitty unbalanced way.

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It's called choosing magic.

extra resources, changin enemie animations which will carry over to normal mode etc.
You are baiscally wasting ressources and affecting other difficulties as well with it.
also summons are easy mode
fast weapons and parry are easy mode

the difficulty is tied directly to the story, if it was easy it would have way less impact

and magic is easy mode in half the souls games as well

It's called grinding.

You realize difficulty sets tone, right user?

New Game is the tutorial, New Game+ is normal.

There are npc summons

I kind of hope they do add an easy mode to their next game, but you are cucked out of the true ending or the final boss if you play on easy. The game journalist tears would be fucking glorious.

Git gud, faggot

Every single review talks about some nonsense ending and complains about it. I'd love it.

>complain that games you can finish without lvling up and with the worst weapon and without armour is too hard

Git Gud or Die Scrub. Or just play something else and stop whining like a passive aggressive, buthurt faggot.

Sloth Mom said Nioh is better than Bloodborne

But it does have an easy mode, there is no limit to how many enemies you can farm, you can be level 60 before fighting the first lord.

In DS2 they eventually de-spawn but you can fix that by turning on the champion covenant.

the games get real easy once you just start paying a tiny amount of attention to your surroundings, death is usually not all that much of a progression hitch (none, usually, unless you're a big dummy), combat is literally use your very invincible roll and punish.

you have to handicap yourself to make the games actually difficult for the most part, keep at it champ

>what is grinding

>"soulbourne is the toughest game series in the univers-"

Attached: Bloodborne™_20181222173510.webm (640x360, 2.87M)

there are a myriad of ways to trivialize these games w/o a difficulty setting

>le grinding
except the game asks for more and more souls after each level, don't know if you're aware of that


>next game lets you skip a boss if you think it's too hard
>you have to fight every boss you skipped in a row at the end of the game if you want to beat it
>if you didn't skip at all, you just win
>journos complain about an endless gauntlet at the end of the game
>90% of players have no fucking idea what they're on about

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New Game is easy mode. New Game+ cycles are like difficulty unlocks.

Better yet, give us a reason why it should have an "easy" mode :^)
What would an easy mode even entail, anyway? I don't understand why people think these games need an easy mode.

it's not hard either you literal child

Implying journos would even play through the whole game.

They do, though. They have diegetic difficulty settings with summons and notes. Games that are forced to make an easy mode offer a stripped-down experience that does not ask anything of the player beyond having a pulse and breaks the design flow of encounters and the general pace of combat. Games with more than one difficulty mode have this problem in spades because the general idea of difficulty modifications are "more health / more damage or less health / less damage." It's important to understand that not all games are for everyone. I don't care for battle royales or games like Stardew Valley but I understand there are people who like those games and encourage them to enjoy them as they are. So what's wrong with me not wanting the developers to waste time unbalancing their game for the sake of people who will probably never play it anyway?

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I'm not sure what your point is, grind more until the game is easy enough for you.

And you know what? I'll pirate every fucking game from now on. It's impossible to buy games when you can accidentally give money for a piece of turd like dork souls. I literally just wanted to enjoy myself, but fuck

>easy mode
>you do more damage
>receive less damage
>quick save
there, it's one. So hard to implement right? Mongoloid

Grind where if the first level is already impossible? I guess I should kill two enemies and go back thousands of times lol.

>i didn't read your post at all because there were too many words but I'm going to say something anyway and hope you didn't directly address this because I'm a fucking retard.

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I'm playing Dragon Quest XI right not, and the difficulty options make the game way better by forcing you to play strategically.

This is actually a perfect example of why BB is a terrible game. The fight is incredibly tough if you play it 'fairly', but is trivial if you are aware of what you can do.

You mean no GOOD reason.
Being an elitist prick is a reason.
But you know this because you're baiting and know damn well that the lore, mood, setting and gameplay are all tied together by the difficulty and that's literally the only reason that DS is popular.
They could probably implement an 'easier' mode that cut down on the frustration, but it would have to be something like 'after 5 deaths some enemies despawn' so you can deathroll the game instead of getting walled. Not making it piss-easy so you never die which would totally ruin it.

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>Games that are forced to make an easy mode offer a stripped-down experience that does not ask anything of the player beyond having a pulse and breaks the design flow of encounters and the general pace of combat
Okay, so DON'T play on easy mode. Is that fucking hard for you?

>It's important to understand that not all games are for everyone.
It's important to understand that you're an idiot. If a developer could easily include an easy mode, and let more people enjoy, why the fuck wouldn't they do that? Make normal mode the "intended" experience (maybe lock online mode only behind it) and let people who want the "watered down" experience play easy mode. That is not asking too much at all, unless you're a fucking prick.

Who the FUCK cares about that?

>mood, setting and gameplay
If an easy mode would ruin that for you, DON'T play on easy mode. Jesus fucking christ, what's wrong with you people?

>There is no reason why I shouldnt be able to drive a tank in Ace Combat

There, thats how stupid you sound.

The game was made for a certain audience in mind, the fact that the game got popular on that very premise should not result in casualization of later instalments because some new players feel that a easy mode is owed to them due to it's popularity, despite them not being the part of the fanbase that made it popular in the first place.

Want easy mode? Download a trainer or some editor and just bump your character 50 levels upon start.

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>there's no reason
The developers didn't want there to be one, there's reason enough. If you don't like then simply don't play it. Not every game is designed to cater to your tastes.

>I know nothing about game design
Creating that "easy mode" costs programming resources and time at the very least and for very little gain. If you honestly think it's just "go in and edit the number values for all these enemies" you're absolutely retarded, and that's not even bringing up japanese spaghetti code. When an easy mode is left out, it's on purpose, whether it's for a time crunch of the director's personal preference. In the Souls series, it's that they want to offer one cohesive experience at the start with one intended difficulty curve and set of problems to overcome in different ways. Miyazaki has gone on record SEVERAL times explaining the intended themes and purpose behind the supposedly high difficulty - he wants there to be a feeling of progression, growth, and overcoming what was previously a challenge in the games. This entire game series is about the gameplay and the journey because the lore is some cobbled together vague bullshit meant to add atmosphere, motivation and reasoning.

>Souls is too hard
Imagine being so much of a fucking shitter you don't know how to roll

a long time ago, wasn't there a checkbox for sage? i've never had to sage, but spoonfeed me this so i can help bring this bullshit thread to justice

On the real dude its not even about elitism, these games simply aren't that hard. If you find them "too hard and frustrating" you're shit at videogames, hate to break it to you.
Also this

>If you know how the game works then it becomes easier.


You do understand that there are plenty of games where this isn't the case and which demand high levels of mastery of base skills.

>I'm good at vydia
I think I found your problem. I'm bad a video games and find the Souls games easy. How are you with games like Bayonetta, Hollow Knight or any first person shooter? I find those games much harder than the Souls series.

the first playthrough is the easy mode, it only gets harder from there