>tfw no robot gf
Imagine living in a world where you think this looks good.
the fuck is this abomination and why did you post it here, this doesn't look like a video game
I saw the trailer and there was like 2 or 3 niggers. Were there niggers in the original manga?
Seriously, go watch the movie, I was weirded out by the trailers but damn, as soon as she opens her mouth and smiles you realise she is the cutest thing ever created by non-japs.
They all die in the film, guess Cameron got some lessons from Raimi, that guy really was from a different time.
no thanks I'll just watch anime
or better yet, play some video games
>Disney shills falseflaging on Yea Forums
How low the mighty have fallen.
why are her eyes so fucking huge
ALITA is literally high-quality anime in 3D
Game when? It was perfect for it
god, these eyes are so gross
You get used to them 3 minutes into the movie.
She is a martian android.
Because AYYnimeLMAO
An ALITA Platinum game would be perfect.
Then again, Platinum could make almost anything enjoyable and gamey.
anime really do look like aliums
Shes an AYYYY from mars
This is a nice picture of her
Sounds like shit
No, Alita is anime run through the Jewish Hollywood filter and the CG eyes are fucking stupid. Kill yourself.
Jewberg shills are getting desperate.
This looks so uncanny
You are shit.
8 and 9 are the only bad ones here
No it's just gross shit like the upcoming Pokemon live action movie
looks like a frog
Based Alitabro
No way fag.
At least change images before samefagging, schlomo.
everyone I know is telling me to watch this movie. But that girl is seriously creepy as shit.
No, stop shilling this shitty movie Hollywood. The more you advertise it the more you make me hate it and not want to see it.
>At least change images before samefagging, schlomo.
Not the same user, Schizo
This is the most blatant viral marketing that I've ever seen on Yea Forums
I'm impressed on just how low advertisers have stooped to
>Shitty live-action version of an anime/manga
No thanks.
I leave that garbage for the dumbfuck white people to slurp up like the pigs they are.
Again, I thought the same before watching, you won't care about the eyes and she WILL BECOME YOUR WAIFU.
>people keep posting the audience score like it matters
I really want to read the manga first. Looks like ghost in the shell which I really enjoyed. But I also have the next couple days off, so fuck it I'll go see it for you bros. Keep seeing people talk positive about it.
Let me guess, they're really into the Netflix Castlevania "anime."
I'm saying take this to Yea Forums not because it of how it looks, but because live-action adaptations of anime or manga belong on Yea Forums. Unless you want to talk about the obscure PS1 game, this doesn't belong on Yea Forums
>No, Alita is anime run through the Jewish Hollywood filter and the CG eyes are fucking stupid. Kill yourself.
>James Cameron
So where is the RIG advertiser? Where is the 3d model release so we can make blender/VaM art? I'll watch it if you release that to good artists.
You're right he's Australian which is a million times worse.
A lot of shit doesn't belong on/v/, have you not realized this is a dumping ground consistently for general topics? That or you're just pretending not to
Is the ps1 game good? If so I'll download it now and play it since I'm bored.
Does anyone even care about these shitty live-action remakes aside from retarded Americans?
Not really. Most of us thought it was going to be shit, but it's actually pretty fun. I just want it to succeed.
ayy lmao