Who has the best ass in vidya?

Who has the best ass in vidya?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: brap.webm (1024x576, 1.7M)

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Attached: brapzinga.jpg (402x401, 51K)

This is why these threads are always shit

is this even a question?

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Is this game worth buying?

posting most underrated butt in Overwatch

Attached: NeedyBetterHumpbackwhale-size_restricted.gif (500x281, 3.78M)

at last, someone with taste

There's no contest.

Attached: 6a3b5c91a8aa5b73641f3ab756a61fcb.jpg (1250x1500, 1.68M)

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Just emulate it

based and bannedpilled

Attached: g.jpg (600x600, 17K)

I heard it

Haydee is literally perfect, even for fetish stuff as you can get around alot of the gross factors by having them be sterilized and simulated.
>Oxygen Rich Cyber Braps

Attached: 175.png (750x750, 39K)


>Tfw some fag cosplays tracer in our Halloween party
>We walk in oh him getting his ass destroyed by 3 dudes

Honestly ruined tracer for me.

Attached: Where it all started.jpg (1024x576, 70K)

Attached: hoedown 1.png (486x200, 53K)


>this many posts without 2B

Were all you niggas just thinking it was too obvious or what

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It is too small to be best ass

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Attached: lucent wiggle.webm (1280x720, 891K)

Sounds hot

full HD video or it didnt happen

Attached: 02c2cf8da1f62e6eb51083ed6787c795c3b63af89de3795ef953c0c83bdaf2b0.webm (378x624, 2.8M)

Immediately disqualify every character that has never been in a fighting game in any capacity.

Attached: 1477152286594.jpg (722x535, 96K)

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That one thicc robot bitch from that puzzle game, forgot what it's called.

Disqualify every faggot who cannot post in-game shots

>2B still qualifies

Attached: Toobs.jpg (600x550, 24K)

Attached: logo.png (584x251, 21K)

What's the name of this shit again?

did he poo their cumm after?

Can't wait for some fanart again.

>Who has the [objective topic]
>Replies up the wazoo

Attached: 1548903747011.png (932x974, 672K)

>hating on the Queen of asses

Attached: MV5BZmExYjM0MWYtM2E4MC00NWQ4LThjZDYtNDRjYTE1ZDYxM2QzXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjYwNDA2MDE@._V1_.jpg (1024x576, 60K)

Harleys ass is pretty good

Attached: harhar.jpg (1600x900, 179K)

man they gave octogirl just the fattest ass

Solid snake.

>ass thread
ree fanart
>tits thread

you're looking for tamers12345 my friend

Attached: haydee thicc5 walk.webm (960x540, 1.51M)

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My dude. Thank you.

Attached: Squid Butt.jpg (1024x576, 71K)

The ass so good Capcom was forced to censor it.

Attached: CENSORED.webm (1920x1080, 2.87M)

Attached: hqdefault2.jpg (480x360, 10K)

While small, it is still too fat for her frame. What were they thinking?

Kora by a thousand leagues. best girl.

That's the spice, thanks, user.

Attached: 1468773556961.jpg (474x460, 48K)

>non canon proportions

Attached: 1218684569738.jpg (480x360, 20K)

Same shit dumbass. Fanartposters are fucking retarded and not vidya.
Best ass in vidya doesn't mean best ass on Pixiv or on panda

Flabby ass, anyone?

Attached: Honoka-stance.webm (800x450, 3M)

Perfect size

Attached: Skwid Butt.jpg (1024x576, 91K)

Calm down faglord

Attached: 1545876023107.jpg (3840x2160, 3.57M)

>I heard it

I don't even know what the hell that's from.

God I want to spank that ass for her.

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No, it is too fat for her size.

Attached: sonya (5).png (596x888, 331K)

Tell me about it.

Attached: Inkling Octoling Butt.png (2100x1750, 1.12M)

>more fan art
I swear to god, ass men are so fucking retarded


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Attached: level 22 kora butt.jpg (1280x720, 210K)

More of a burp onomatopoeia there, friend.

Who the fuck is Kora, and is that a thong?

>that jiggle

Attached: 1513273299498.jpg (1280x720, 134K)

Ass is love, ass is life, tits don't even come close

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bayo, widowmaker and catwoman

Attached: 1550602698801.jpg (2560x1440, 673K)

fuck yeah my nigga, it doesn't get any better than that

why hasnt anyone ripped koras model for me :(

i love kora and i can't even get people to korapost in xenoblade threads. also i have never played any xenoblade game.

People here have never touched a real ass, right?

Attached: stor-och-liten.jpg (776x337, 74K)

that right ass is turrible

>people dating irl can't have waifus or husbandus
>fapping to 2D or 3D means they're still a virgin

Attached: 1529760133795.jpg (498x441, 41K)


That used to be true.

also I touch my gfs fat peachy ass every night


Ivy from Soul Calibur or Fran from FF12

that awful hip formation where her hips widen out and then go flat

ass itself is saggy, zero muscle mass in legs/ass, not acceptable its almost 2020 girls do squats now

Everyone here has touched ass in high school right?

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Yep. Watch me get #metoo'd in 20 years when I'm at the cusp of getting an important promotion.

I already had to stop the police from arresting my dad, I didn't want to give him more reasons to beat me.

That's a weird compalint

Attached: Sexy (You).jpg (875x1024, 77K)

meh, I made peace with the fact I wasn't meant to breed.

You do know that all porn chicks you see online are either shopped or injected, right?

Fucking dumbass. Also, her ass is not anymore saggy than the left ass.

>Everyone here has touched ass in high school right?

I'm a 35 year old kissless virgin.

That's not mercy

Nah, I touched ass when I was in the military

I squeezed a girl's butt for the first time in elementary school. Then throughout middle school I'd slap girls asses going up the stairs.
I'm so screwed if I ever get famous.

If you learn 3D it's whoever you want

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