Good. That’s one less loose end

Good. That’s one less loose end.

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I can't believe people are nostalgic for these Michael Bay crap campaigns.


Considering how many parents used the game to babysit their children I'm surprised it's not talked about more.

Your mother bought you the game so she wouldn't have to give you attention.

"Where real men cried"
The only characterisation given to anyone in these games is guns

>you need anything else
I want storybabbies to leave

>this level of projection

>i hate fun
Thats you. You hate fun. Enjoying the future of lootboxes and games-as-a-service you chose?

dude, no one fucking PLAYED the campaigns
i looked at my lists and its like 25% or less for pretty much every CoD on fucking average, barring probably MW 1 and 2.

My first CoD. I still love it.

shit game

too bad the gunplay in cod is barebones turtling and AI abuse
people who unironically feel nostalgia for MW2 or any call of duty are cancer

>it's good because it's fun!
Fucking retards.
>Enjoying the future of lootboxes and games-as-a-service you chose?
Modern Warfare was one of the biggest progenitors to that with its fucking progression system and weapon skins you absolute fucking moron.

Just because (You) didn't finish the campaigns doesn't mean no one else did. CoD campaigns have always had a dedicated following and the series was originally known for the SP.

>weapon skins you can unlock through in-game achievements are a bad th-
This shit has existed for thirty years what are you on

I've only played cod for the campaigns since fucking call of duty 1 you fucking zoomer

You are literally a retard

>the codified slow-drip progression system introduced in modern warfare wasn't the clear ancestor to modern games-as-service garbage b-b-b-because alt skins in the 80's
Come on user.

Fuck this dude and may he burn forever in hell

Games sold a shit ton. 25% of a shit ton is a lot.

The first modern warfare is a great game that unfortunately metasticized into everything after. But it was real good

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i DID finish them, fucking enjoyed the stupid action movie plots, but it got to a point that my friends would all just jump on MP and get mad that i didn't either.

>At the time people accused Call of Duty games as being jingoistic brown people shooting simulators
>The Americans either die horribly or are the villains with the Russians being the primary villains through the entire trilogy

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That knife throw felt too fucking good

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And Britfag and rebel Russian operators being the closest things to heroes of the story.

Dumbshit Eurangatans perpetually stuck in 2003's geopolitics will just jump on any opportunity to indulge in their American obsession.

It's funny because General Shephard is A FUCKING WARMONGERING RETARD! So he's angry that everyone wanted to make nice and calm down after the Iraqis Snackbar'd themselves with the nuke killing the Americans. Even though both parties who actually did it are dead already, killed by the Brits. So his response is to manufacture a war with the Russians, getting even more Americans killed, this time civilians, so the US would have a reason to invade Russia and begin WW3. His revenge quest killed more Americans than the bomb did. And how the fuck did the Russians even make it to the US coast without getting shot down anyway?

Going by the cutscene with the invasion something was fucking with NORAD, don't remember what.

Shit opinion

Imagine being that wrong

For every 1 American or Brit that's killed you mow down a hundred Brazilians, Arabs or Russians per level.


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The modern Warfare trilogy had completion rates of at least 50% for all the campaigns. The other games were a lot lower (20-30%) but Modern Warfare through Modern Warfare 3 drew people in for some reason. People played those campaigns. You can check psnprofiles for proof.