Respawn wants you to pitch your Apex character concept. What do you got kid?

Respawn wants you to pitch your Apex character concept. What do you got kid?

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Cute robot girl with nice thighs, hips and ass.

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An ugly non white who says obnoxious things

a girl with big boobies and a big but

Sassy mystery meat non gender binary trans ponykin.

Hear me out,

you can't go wrong with this

Would be completely kino if they collaborated and added her

A character that replaces all of mirages lines with sweet fuckin silencd


I robot who thinks they're a knight errant.

how about add a character that isnt an ugly minority for starters

cute android girl

punk sticc accountant type.

a Marie Rose

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this kind of character.

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Tranny with vitiligo.

No Carl Weathers, game doesn't allow good characters.

Straight white guy.

Who's into futa on male.


What's up with the character in front
Why does she look like an alien

Sauce, nigga

nice meme, 2012 was 7 years ago

A white male that doesn't wear a mask?

A Native American Tracker who injects animal mutagens to buff themselves in various ways.

An [brown] English Defender that uses a pair of robotic arms to speed up various actions and deliver powerful melee strikes.

An Australian Support who can reveal and track enemies on the map and deploys a defensive drone.

A mexican druglord.

a fuck nugget

A pan-quintsexual disabled afrocentrist african person of colour

This. They wanna pander to black people so much, at least do it with good character design in mind. Political bullshit aside, every character they have looks like fucking vomit. The only reason people don't bring it up more is because you're in first person the whole time.

Bored, rich aristocrat who does this for fun. Calls in robot butlers as npc cannon fodder

An Autistic Albino who has the power to blanket an area in darkness and passive echolocation. Basic bitch ability is a shriek that debilitates all in the area.

A pair of twins that can swap in and out in two different places, depending on where they are swapped. Ultimate is a lasso-like deal of energy that burns and pulls everyone in its center together.

I really like that first one. Way better than mine

A toaster with legs

I don't mind most of those char designs except for that abomination in the very front. She looks like some disgusting black/asian mix.

A nigger so black they can blend into the dark

Would be redundant with bangalore

A white nationalist you can relate to

Argonian Thief.

Lizardman from SoulCalibur

An old pilot with double jump and wall running abilities

A giant fucking titan. Thats right, you spawn in as a giant titan but with limited weaponary.

Your teammates can climb into you and you can work as a team.

Paper bag costume for Lifeline.

We need a little girl character to make the pedophiles feel included in the diversity conversation

Maybe, but that albino better be a black woman/nonbinary

Character that drops with a basic pistol already.

This but unironically.

Make the next character littererly applejack.

A shield version of lifeline

A sprinter type character

a white, or korean, bulldyke with green hair

These two

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A time manipulator who can make himself move to where he was 10 seconds ago.

A robot bear with shoulder-mounted rocket launchers. No, not a big gay dude, but a fucking bear from the forest. A big fucking bear. I would buy the game if they did that.

good thing its free huh?

It's a free game son

Oh. I mistook it for Anthem. Thanks for the mention.

Native American Detective who goes into the spirit world to solve mysteries.

We are adding red robot here soon as the "Octane" character who has speed boost abilities. Like Bloodhound, it is a scrapped design from Titanfall. Next month!

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Electric Artist. A white, straight, male, his life motto is 'Challenge everything (like common decency)', Electric Artist benefits the team by benefiting themselves, using their team as a weapon to further his own objectives.

Passive: Automatically drains the life of nearby allies to recover his own
Active: Marketing Campaign: Confuses and disorientates an enemy squad by throwing marketing material at them, causes them to drop all their ammo at Electric Artist feet.
Ultimate: Execution: Downs an ally, gains all of their abilities and increases his own speed, damage and health.

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A serial rapist
It’s a 6 foot 5 black male, 280 pounds of pure muscle. Scar on his cheek from a girl that too brave with a knife. He always comes and he ALWAYS kills. His special ability is raping girls before he kills them and he gets a defense bonus against them but a defense penalty after he jizzes in em for 30 seconds. His dialogue is “mup da doo didda” and “dindu nuffin” and “fuck you cracka ass muthafuckin...” “WE WUZ KANGZ” “muh reparations” “fuckin white bitch Imma fuck you til you die”

Nice “x was y years ago” meme. Reddit is that way.

It has to be a radar character. One that can scan like blood hound, find the next ring like pathfinder with an ult that gives away the positions in a large area of affect.
I feel like they're going to have combinations of existing abilities.

waifus, just spam waifus with lewd costumes

Titanfall had waifus, Apex does not

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that's why they need to add them in

the game really just needs helmets to make them look cool

Unfortunately for everyone, Respawn explicitly said they didn't want to make "Faceless Soldiers"

So these generic annoying normie-bait characters will be what we're stuck with.

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based and redpilled

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pretty sure hes a toxic male though.

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Robot. But it's actually an insane retard who thinks he's a robot and makes robot noises and shit.

Another robot kind of like pic related.

>Company decides to do a sort of nottwitch plays Apex Legends bot
>spams obscenities and insults everyone
>controlled by the "audience"

No idea what the passive or actives would be.

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Spectre from the Frontier War, keeping itself maintained and functioning over 30 years with a lot of scrap repairs.
Passive: Spectre and teammates start with a P2020 and a full inventory slot of Light Ammo.
Active: Jump real fucking high (like Spectres can in T2) and then glide as though it just used a balloon zipline.
Ultimate: Nuclear Evacuation, Spectre and nearby teammates do a big leap and glide away while a small nuke goes off. Bad idea to use indoors.

Mercy from Overwatch. You're just Mercy from Overwatch and you can't pick up loot or anything but you get all her abilities from Overwatch.

More retarded nigger bitches



Re spawn character designers broke all barriers from all around in character design, They could make a basic bitch Stacy looking Bimbo character at this point.


i like this idea!

lemme get onathem triple gay type niggas

A pilot character with wall running passive

In Titanfall 2, any of those mercenaries would be a good fit.

I would actually love character who has a jetpack and can do big jumps and glides. Their ultimate would be loitering in an area.

Put Doc in
His super power is transparent

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That's basically Mirage

He's used to being shot at so he'd fit in.

Steal from abandoned overwatch concept art. Not like they're using it.

A good looking character that isn't gay and that can wallrun and double jump.

This please, i'll pay whatever you want for this legendary skin

How are future characters going to be handled, anyway? You have to unlock the existing characters, and you run out of unlocks when you level too high, right?

we need a new game mode where every characters ultimate is replaced with titanfall

A titan itself.


How about a character that when you select it you can use a time travel device that when you hit it, apex ledgends minimizes and then boots up titanfall 2 connects you to a match.

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I want a Mexican Legend for obvious reasons. I also want a legend that can shock and a legend that builds walls so I can complete my squad. Nice ass female please!

Game will be dead before that happens and if it isn't, that'll certainly kill it

>Game will be dead before that happens
its not going anywhere

>TF2 in this one sided Ronin-Nuclear Ejection fuckfest playerbase
absolutely not

>John Deere Titan

Holy shit I need this.

>Nuclear eject

Hahaha how is nuclear eject real nigga hahahaha just walk away nigga