Touhou Luna Nights

Has anyone played this yet? How does it hold up compared to the fangames?

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Other urls found in this thread:
mega Megami Tensei Synchronicity Prologue [English v1].zip!qpog3aoL!cQuuJ3mXt74qpw7-Zyz3R0LxyLCTPugBiv2PnnX9VpY

This I also need to know, since those trailers/spritework look fucking gorgeous

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Haven't bought it but it was made by the devs of the SMT Strange Journey and Konosuba metroidvanias so it should be pretty good, especially once it's done.

>How does it hold up compared to the fangames?
This is a fangame though?

The EXISTING fangames user.

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>compared to the fangames?

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The style is kind of familiar. I don't like touhou but this looks interesting. Looks like it's not finished, though, so not much point in discussing it.

it's fucking fantastic so far. well programmed & the extra attention to detail on the mechanics & how time stop & time slow effect various things is super solid.

boss fights are neat too.

It's on sale right fucking now.

Ive never played a 2hu. Can I play this oen ok?

It's a fangame, so I think yes. At most you're gonna miss a few references.

It's pretty fun.

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neither have I but i like the gameplay. basically the maid chick is female DIO.

It released today.

>a-goddamn-nother fucking Sakuya game

>the maid chick is female DIO
This post hurt me physically.

>bought it a couple of days ago
>suddenly goes on sale
Meh, it's just a couple of dollars. The game is really neat though, I very much appreciate how they managed to work in Touhou mechanics into the metroidvania gameplay

it's actually pretty sweet, even if kinda basic and it's weird not having any menus on metroidvanias

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He isn't wrong.

fuck it's the "un owen was her" chick. when was this added? I don't think it's in the version I downloaded.

In 1.0, the full release, literally today.

>fuck it's the "un owen was her" chick
your secondary is showing

>That's a problem

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God dammit. ah whatever guess I'll just buy it.

Man I don't care about touhou. I just like fun gameplay and good music.

How long is it? Worth 15 bucks?

And that's your last mistake

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I'd say it's worth sale price as it is right now.

How much replayability does it have?

No idea, the game just released.

it's over $20 in Aus

For those of you who played EA, how is this as a Metroidvania? Is it very linear or is there a lot of exploration and choices in how to progress?

Completely Linear. I don't mind it, but I haven't been replaying it yet (and I also loved fusion and replayed it a lot as a child).

I wouldnt have much to say on that regard, I haven't finished it yet. It's pretty neat though and I'd say it's worth price of admission based on polish and how fun it is alone. You could easily pirate it and buy it later, if you would.

>completely linear
Well that's disappointing, I was hoping for something like Symphony of the Night but with 2hu.

Is that the Kubon station guys? The ones who made Phroah rebirth?


It's a lot of fun desu, just played it earlier because of the update.

>Touhou Luna Nights
>Talladega Nights

Same devs that made that megaman konosuba game and SMT metroidvania

Haven't played this game yet but knowing the devs previous works, it should be great

>Same devs that made that megaman konosuba game and SMT metroidvania

Ha! I recognized this right away. Aren't they worked on some anime game now? With a not alucard sprite?

and a FSN runner

anyone manage to get the cans into the trash can? i'm wondering what the reward is

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How can they afford to do all these projects? How big is their dev team? Who's paying them?

and where cn I download all these?!

I think it's all cosmetic user

I gurantee you that opening bit is 100% to cover up how that is totally a trace of Alucrd's sprite in SotN.

they reuse a lot of assets and code don't they.

I really want them to do a bloodstained game, or even a Castlevania title.

So they're called Team Lady Bug? I thought they were called Koboron station? Or something?

These are the guys who made the mole game right?

Besides the 2hu game, their titles are short so I'm assuming their budget/dev time are pretty small so they reused tons of assets

You get like 10 gold if you make it in

Who pays them? id on't get this. The only game I can see that's actually for sale is Pharoah Rebirth on steam, and that sold like shit.

Oh shit, a Luna Nights thread. I was going to make one but someone already else did because I was the one who made the one last week

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>Who pays them?
The IP holders for their commissions of their respective games
>Pharoah Rebirth on steam
Seems like different devs(either different devs entirely or a subsection like with team red and blue from Arc System Works) but they seem to use the same engine. Team Ladybug seems to be more well off with all the games that they get contracted to do compared Krobon Station

I picked it up and I can say I definitely have fun moving around the game world, and I really like the boss fights. They feel like they're just right, I'm never bored with them, I feel like I actually have to manage my knives, even a little bit, and I'm generally kept busy dodging something, gathering knives, attacking the boss.
The metroidvania component is a bit barebones, unfortunately. It's pretty much a game where you can backtrack for extra stuff, but it's not really necessary per se. With how fun it is to just move around, I feel like they kind of missed out on the chance to build a more mazelike world map.
So yeah, it's basically a charming action game, and your mileage will vary based on how much you like the core action

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So Team Ladybug = krobon station?

>The IP holders for their commissions of their respective games

But how do they make money on these free games? None of this makes any sense!

It's nice to see that they're still planning to update the game further plus some extra stages and a certain special someone...The strongest?

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who said it's their day job


>But how do they make money on these free games?
Technically the only free game was the SMT one. Their games are usually bundled with anime BDs

>Their games are usually bundled with anime BDs

Like, how do you play them then? They're windows games right?

>Like, how do you play them then? They're windows games right?
Put CD in disc drive and yes

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>EoSD game
>Flan is already in
Reimu is really the only option. The final solution, one might say.

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is there a download for these games? Is the lodoss war game out?

I posted this in the thread last week, but it's only up to version so it only has stages 1-3.
mega (dot) nz/#!urAgwIgA!17E_dGXB6fGpfC0AyAbSrMgOXcSJI9DLBduBBFr2J1U
have fun user

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So the game is just in alpha mode?

That bitch is 100% a trace of Alucard. 100%. Konami should sue.

SMT: Megami Tensei Synchronicity Prologue [English v1].zip

locations of the hidden hp/mp items for Konosuba:

No, the game just got released out of early access today. This is link is from october 2018 when it was still in early access

Forgot to mention but the other 2 aren't released yet

so apparently when you manage to get the can into the trash bin it turns from red to green and some of the soda machines have trash bins in difficult to reach places, there might be a reward for all of them or it might just be a pain in the ass but it's something

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Did someone say... EOSD?!

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Its just one of the things the game tracks, I think.

Why people hate EOSD so much? It's just because it's popular?

that and secondaries only know eosd

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download for luna nights?

They should make China playable!

right here

it went on sale after increasing the price because it left early access. you still probably got it for less

>that percussion

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where cnan yo uuy it?

Here's the playlist but it doesn't have any of the new songs yet:

on steam

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The game mentions you can use jewels instead of selling them, but how?

reminder that the soundtracks are just inside the game folder

The increase your stats if you keep them, later in the game you will be able to see what effects they provide

>game folder
Ah, forgot about that, thanks

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Just finished it. pretty fun desu.

apparently selling gems makes the final boss stronger, from her flavor text. not sure how much this actually affects the boss tho.

>recognize the beginning
>it's fucking Candid Friend
Fuck, I just immediately spoiled myself on a boss that I didn't expect you would fight.

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So it did. Maybe I shouldn't have went through with the refund. The price is barely different, at least, so no big problems there. Thanks.

Torrent/Download where?
Its not up in the usual places.

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read the thread, it's right here

Thanks, my nigga

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Wait nigga, that's the beta release

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yeah, i know. There's no full torrent/download that I know of

It's been a while since the last time I played this so i'm gonna start a new game. Hopefully the thread stays alive until then

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It's 10 bucks.

thank god for the graze system

This looks a lot like megaman zero.

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reminds me more of Magical Pop'n

time to fight china

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>The metroidvania component is a bit barebones
I was on the fence, but you convinced me I won't buy the game at least

>stealing a 10 dollar game with this much effort put into it
I feel nothing but disgust

Just dicked on her spamming the sliding knife so she wouldn't use her shield

you can also hover and down throw knives into her face

I just lost my job, so spending even 10 bucks on vidya hurts a little.


Just attack her so she shields, stop time and attack her from behind, that's the easiest way to chunk her besides just freezing time as she hadoukens

not really sure what to do here

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This game feels so good to play and I love the artstyle!

But is it better than Bunny Must Die? You know the other metroidish game with time stop powers

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If i play this i'm gonna have a file have a save file I can't use with the full version and have to start again aren't I?

Yeah, most likely

how long is the game, is it worth the money?

is it just a shitty doujin game with decent spritework like pharaoh rebirth and bunny must die or something actually good?

The game is relatively short like 3-4 hours, it's one sale right now as well.
The game has some metroidvania elements but it's kind of linear so that may turn you off but the spritework is amazing as you can see in this video:
other than that it's a nice enjoyable experience

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>..but the spritework is amazing
nah, think I'll pass

a lot of these doujin games have great spritework but the gameplay is just too stiff and shallow

understandable and have a nice day

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How about you try out his konosuba and smt games, luna nights is basically those but better

I think it's time!

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>Pirating based games
Oh no!

time for remi fight

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took me like 3 tries but she's done

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is there 16 bit panty shots?

Just found the Lost Holy Sword and holy shit this thing just immediately targets anything on your screen it even attacks hidden breakable blocks

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Yeah that this is a beast but it eats your MP or Time like crazy so you gotta manage it.
I beat it earlier after realizing it updated. Was waiting for it to leave Early Access before giving it a try. Pretty good, waiting warmly for the updates now.

I sold about 16k worth of gems, might do another run selling none and see what happens.

Was that made using SMT Synchronicity? Holy shit 2hu fans really find a way

Not just that, same devs as well.

holy shit the final boss, the music for the finale.
that Night of Nights remix
this game is good.

fuck i haven't found that yet

Yeah, I just realized right after that it just gobbles up your resources after that but it's still pretty cool.
I also like the little soda can challenges they give you we're you have to stop time to get to the trash can and I have done all of them except the last 2 in the throne area

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>Making a game based on that scene added to the Heaven's Feel movie which wasn't in the actual VN.
Madmen. Sadly it looks more enjoyable than most Fate games we've gotten recently.

>meme game

lmao at the people ITT buying this game and beating it in one sitting

I'll give Sakuya a loving home!

Tied for #1 fan game for me. Too little content though, unfortunately. Anyone know if they've updated past Patchouli?

they just did, new stages & bosses

I've never played any 2hu game but this is pretty good.
Still, just like their other games, the world design is pretty basic for a metroidvania. Not much interconnectivity, exploration and backtracking.

did you even read the thread?

Just found two gem clusters one is amethyst and topaz i'm not sure if they do anything or something like getting all of them


Best girl

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All i'm just missing is the knives somewhere in stage 2 the fucking trashcan but doesn't seem to be here

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Play Pharaoh Rebirth,a nd buy it on steam when you can. Solid title. Japs just make better 2D platformers.

>Really good fangame
>It's EoSD again
At least it doesn't have Koishi

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>boss switcheroo
>died immediately to Flan

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shit gaem

Touhou gmes any good?

How does the difficulty compare to Synchronicity (the SMT one) by the same team.


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I thought Kobron sttion had a twitter? I can't find it. Is he part of Team Angle or whatever?

The only good ones are
>7, 8, 10
>12, 14, 15
>The ground fighters
You really only need these if you want to enjoy the series, don't bother with the others

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100% the map but I still don't have that last trash can

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this game feels better & more mechanically interesting than all of them.

Don't listen to this retard All of them are good, either start from the very first one or from 6, maybe leave the spinoffs for last since they play very different from the mainline games

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>comparing two completely different genres
Kill yourself, idiot.

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>Non canon touhou
That's a very big YAWN

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>playing subpar SHMUPs

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Oh it's finally done? I've had it for a bit and the last fight was patchy I think. How many more fights are there?

Was fucking around for a few minutes, couldn't even beat the first boss. I'm dumber than Cirno.

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>playing soulless fanpandering game clones

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>canon mattering in tou hou

>implying I am

no compared to their own genre

main tohou games.
unrefined art with standard simple bullhell programming. spawning bullets using sin & cos tricks. great music tho.

fighting games.
some nice fighters some have great sprite work but inconsistent art with BGs ect. with nothing 2 ground braking in terms of gameplay.

this game
great mechanics used in many uniques ways. fun movement & great boss fights. good consistent art style with some great animations.

It added stages 4 and 5 plus their bosses

>comparing metroidvanias to shmups and fighters as if they're even remotely comparable
As I've already said, kill yourself. Rope's on me.

I hate how really good devs waste their time with existing ips instead of creating their own, a Mario fangame has no future, a Pokemon fangame has no future


my dick up your ass has no future.

Unlike as with Mario and Pokemon fangames, creators of touhou fangames don't have to worry about copyright strikes and are free to sell their games as they like.

How long is it/how big is the castle compared to AoS or something?

Look in the room below the final vending machine.

Touhou is literally free money.
>can sell it however
>get to use a vast amount of characters and music that's been available for the longest or remake some without licensing issues
>its already a mega hit franchise so it sells itself on the name
Honestly, why bother making something that might not sell when ZUN is the greatest man in existence and will sell your game for you?

bigger than my dick.

how rich is zun?

Got it on the 2nd try, thanks user.
Now I could say its 100%
Still gotta try a run without selling any gems

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just fought meiling, really fun game so far, that boss was really cool

Good job user, have fun with the next area

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thanks, i bought this game when it first showed up on steam to show support but i never got around to actually playing it, i didnt even know it finally came out until i saw this thread and decided to finally give it a try

Looks about half size. The rooms are really packed in compared to Iga castles though

>Iga castles

Ig ahas nevver made a castle in his life. Guy's a hackfraud taking all the credit.