Is this game worth a run or is it just crappy loli bait?

Is this game worth a run or is it just crappy loli bait?

Attached: Rule of Rose.jpg (600x800, 381K)

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The story is alright, but the combat is horribly slow and monotonous.

Would you recommend?

If you can get it for cheap, sure. It's not a long game, so you won't invest a lot of time on it if you end up playing it.

It has an interesting story, although it has a shitty final boss that doesn't real add too much to the story. Gameplay is ass. Pirate it if you can. There's no loli bait at all in this game as the game.

Hmm... I see, thanks user.

>If you can get it for cheap

The cheapest copy you can find is like 300 dollars, Rule of Rose is super rare. Emulator is the only cheap option.

As for OP's question: RoR is unique and interesting, and if that's enough for you, go for it. What it's NOT is a game that plays well. Combat is the worst in any game ever and unlike in most survival horrors, there are lots of mandatory fights.

If I was you I wouldn't bother playing it. Just watch a playthrough and don't feel bad about it. Gameplay is absolute ass and the bosses are downright terrible.

Does it runs well on PCSX2?

Main strength of RoR is that it's the only horror game I remember where I actually had no idea what was going on and what would happen next until the very end. Usually survival horror is really predictable, you have zombies or ghosts or whatever clear enemy and there's only a couple places the story can go from there. RoR's story is weird, vaguely unsettling, dreamlike shit happening that's mostly girls bullying each other for seemingly no reason and occasionally being molested by an old man and it's actually hard to wrap your mind around it until the game outright tells you what it's about. I liked that.

I'd say so. The issues are that the combat is stiff and the setting can get repetitive but if you get the true ending the game is one of the best survival horrors ever made. It's not a scary game, it's more unsettling than scary.

If you can stand the dull combat, of which you can't skip every encounter, the repetitive stages and often times ambitious story then it's one of the best experiences on the PS2. It's also not hard to emulate.

Personally I liked it enough to save up to get my own copy.

Attached: 50F.png (1000x683, 830K)

It's fully beatable. The FPS depends on your rig.

>It's also not hard to emulate.
It occurs to me that I wasn't clear when I said this. What I mean is that this game is not very taxing and can play on mid range PCs with little issues. Dick around with the settings and you should have a pretty solid playthrough.

I wish RoR got a remake but there's no company that would have the balls to do it the way it deserves. Not in this political climate, and especially not after what happened to the company that made it.

Good story and atmosphere, coupled with some of the worst controls in a survival horror game, and that's saying something. Worth a play.

And one GORGEOUS soundtrack:

I remember giving up because I got tired of dealing with annoying fish headed enemies. It'd probably be a better game if it came out when walking simulators were popular.

yeah, it's phenomenal at creating dread and unease like few games can.

I like shitposting at max speed when I see Rule of Rose threads because pedophiles deserve nothing but scorn.

The ending made me cry like a bitch. One of the most depressing videogame endings i can think of, yet one of the most unique.

Such an uniqur game, i don't think the director ever made another game. Fuck the videogame industry for wasting talent like that.

i played in on a ps3 using a emulated version on multiman, works perfectly

"fully beatable"

That's Pieceshitass2 cultist speak for "shit is going to be popping out the sides and you dont really need item descriptions anyway".

I finished it on my 670gtx at 1080. It played aside from one random crash, no major graphical glitches i could think of. Game looks gorgeous and i think it rivals Silent Hill 2 in terms of storyrelling.

Also that ending will fuck you up, so fucking bittersweet. Appreciate your loved ones anons both people and your animal friends

>"it played"

Ah. A man of high standards.

Sorry, i meant to write "it played well".