
Attached: 1551081489862.jpg (960x743, 127K)

Other urls found in this thread:


What is this a graph of? What do the X and Y axes represent?

is this bait?

Y is IQ, X is fucking nothing apparently

Its a graph depicting the intelligence of Soulsborne fans, but not in the way the created intended.

>peak of the bell curve is the highest value

Attached: image.jpg (500x500, 53K)

no doubt

>Demon's Souls bois are the smartest

Attached: 1550346416944.jpg (1440x810, 162K)

people on the right spectrum are supposed to be smarter my low IQ friend

that's a good fucking image lol


BASED and redpilled

so we can safely assume that OP is a das2 fan


Attached: 1551153191216.jpg (960x743, 70K)

>average person thinks they're a genius
>smart people are depressed
>super-geniuses are rainman autists
It's perfect.

Attached: 1482488273761.png (576x500, 248K)

You are reading the graph wrong idiot. X axis is game and Y a is is IQ...

>The only people who shit on DS2 make graphs like these

That's not how ANYTHING works.

Is everything a fucking wojak edit with you children?

Attached: 1536506780155.png (680x683, 372K)

DS fags revealing themselves as pseuds once again

this doesn't make any fucking sense
the middle is the average you absolute fucking retard

This. There's nothing wrong with the picture.


Attached: Screen_Shot_2018-10-25_at_11.02.15_AM.jpg (1354x784, 53K)


Dark Souls 3 > Bloodborne > Dark Souls >>> Dark Souls 2 is the objective ranking. Haven't played Demon's though so I won't comment on it.

I dont know why I fucking bothered with this cancer shit in the first place

Attached: fixed.png (743x550, 101K)

>X axis is game
>2 3 1 B 0

>American education

Attached: 1543676508144.jpg (400x400, 24K)

I can't believe you somehow improved it

It's going to keep happening as long as you promise to keep being triggered about it.

Attached: [high pitched] ThisNiggaBouttaGetDabbedOn.jpg (20x20, 796)

>Ds3 at the front
Because you are the cancer

OP proving himself to be top of the IQ curve

Its a fucking bell curve retard

That's not how a bell curve works

Attached: 1550967970106.jpg (480x360, 44K)

These are correct.


As opposed to what?
Dark souls 1 with its 2/3 of a finished game or demon souls good but also flawed entirety

I know exactly what OP intended and he's fucking retarded

>Some postmodern ironic Wojakposter decides to deliberately make an incorrect bell curve meme image for easy (You)'s

I hate post-2014 Yea Forums

I'm chuckling pretty hard at this

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We know, but can't we just have a little fun? Or is that too much for you?

Dark Souls 3 is the best game of the series. However Dark Souls 2 had better multiplayer. I never beat Dark Souls 1. Call me a fake fan if you want :-) At least my strength build can turns noobs to dust

Attached: soulslikes.png (1729x1077, 350K)

I still have no idea what the fuck is going on with this graph

thank you!

>game became popular = bad game

But two was better than one.


>weeb game better game

Name 2 series where this is not true.

You forgot Winnie the pooh's home run derby

Being deliberately retarded and going for low-hanging fruit replies has never been funny. Never will be.

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Trying too hard.

Where are the big brains and faces to tell me how to feel about the various rankings.

hehe fune wojaks

Let’s just get to the fucking point already.

DaS > BB > DaS3 > DaS2 > DeS
AotA = OH > Ringed City > DaS2s dlc >>> shit > Ashes of Ariandel

>the internet is serious business
lmao'ing @ ur lyf

Why are you putting inferior technology first? Dark Souls 3 is clearly the best of the series, from graphics to gameplay. The mulitplayer might be a shitshow but despite that being very essential to the souls experience DaS3 is at least the better game to play offline

however i am not against the argument that DaS is the best of the series solely because of the fact you fight alongside Solaire. nontheless DaS3 is where its at

someone please explain to me why people consistently rate demon's so low


I still have yet to hear why we hate das3.

because it's below average

frustrating, boring, hard, pointless with occasional good ideas but mostly just unused potential

i like das3 and i replay the most because it's like bloodborne without bullshit like repairing weapons and gems. however the map is very linear, there's really no choice but to do a mid-roll build, and all the bosses basically play the same. some say poise is fucked but i think it's a reasonable change

>OP doesn't know how a bell curve works
This is how soulsborne players really are, huh?

Attached: 1549333559099.png (416x234, 122K)

Has some flaws
Upgrades being a pain
Magic OP
Most status effects suck
Armor being practically useless

This should've been a column graph

It's a soulless pure combat game. The spirit of the series is about exploration, adventure, and trying things out. DS3 is pretty much just a straight line of pure combat encounters. Now, it's good combat, and it's a perfectly acceptable entry point for the series. But people who like the series know that the reason they like isn't just for the combat.

>swamps everywhere
>linear as fuck
>you get fast roll levels of I-frames with less than 70% equip load
>rolling takes way too little stamina, making combat devolve into roll spam
>worst pvp in the series
>worst performance and graphical/audio glitches in the series
>healing is too fast
>poise is implemented poorly

i cant tell if theyre genuinely stupid or clever

das3 is also unfinished
they just hid the unfinished stuff

its supposed to be a bell curve of a normal distribution (with the little retard bit at the lower limit to express that the taste for dark souls 2 is so bad it is an outlier) I dont blame you for misunderstanding it though since neither axis are notated with fuck all.

Attached: BASED 2.png (598x597, 478K)

because everyone here is a child? children love repetition

thank you for fixing this. As someone who had to do a shit ton of actual stat in college (industrial engineering is fucking gay and useless) the OP made me want to castrate people.

Attached: 4chan muda.gif (300x100, 102K)

I like how the people who criticize wojak/pepe put out no content themselves

Try making OC when children here think everything that isn't a frogjak edit is 'cringe'
Pic related you fucking faggot, made this

Attached: radical.png (1241x656, 71K)

das's "exploration" is largely a case of nostalgia goggles user, sorry. the only thing that sets it above it's sequels is looping back to firelink naturally before warping is unlocked.
Really the only area that doesn't have a path forward through it is the ass end of the woods.

holy fuck stop whining, it does nothing. leave the thread if you dislike it so much


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because I dont need a reaction image for retards to read my comments

And how is that better than wojak?

I knew what he was getting at, I just ignored it

>what is an image board

Someone took more than five minutes to make a shitty edit and spam it everywhere?

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see you still read it, retard

the x axis is categorical data of the souls games, which begs the question why OP drew a line graph. I suspect he's a brainlet.
Also DS3 and bloodborne are best in (current year)

I didn't experience any graphic or audio glitches playing on PC whatsoever and fast healing really isn't an issue for a strength build or really any build as long as you stay on the enemies ass, you'll get a hit or two in everytime they heal

pretty sure i've never been in a souls fight that didn't spam rolling, which feels smoother in 3. I'll give you pvp but I already mentioned its shit. theres 3 swamps and two of them aren't even that big or take up the entire area, even the one that does still has other shit.

I'll take everything bad or flawed about Das3 for everything good. Dark Souls was the perfect souls game when it came out and definitely after the DaS2 blunder. But you wouldn't be adapting if everything worked just as the same as before and I'd like to think DaS3 adapted for the better and there's thousands of people enjoying the game to this day despite everything you mentioned.

Rate them in order of Basedness

2 > 3 > 1 > des > bb

BB shouldn't be on the list they're way too autistic

Except the graph that OP showed is not how a normal distribution actually works.

if you mean the fans, then yes. your list is correct.

>image board
>the same image a million times board

The phrase you're looking for is "normal distribution", which still isn't accurate.

That's funny though, we need more threads like that.

>Dark Souls 2 is ugl-

Attached: hkUn6ya.jpg (3840x2160, 539K)

heide was the best

actually, iconic.

They didn't get into Souls games until the PC version of DS1 came out.


don't forget shrine of amana, but Irithyll of the Boreal Valley is the best area in vidya history, change my mind

>I was pretending to be retarded!
hold that L user

Attached: smug bitch.png (602x490, 441K)

is that hill meant to represent their hitbox

You really thought this was good enough to put a watermark on, huh

LOL just add the funneh pictures to the thing I saw in that one class with the stats and graphs dude!
Even if it was true, your picture is all fucked up, apply yourself.

>>I was pretending to be retarded!
Not that poster, but half this thread has gone over your head.

Stay in school, yeah?

Flipping it upside down is much more accurate
Only 200 IQ individuals get the mechanics of ds2

>@fucking nigger

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I the last OC I made was non-wojack.
Admittedly it's been years.

DeS originalfags are the most basedest

>I don't understand how a bell curve works

This must be bait

ofc it is look at how successful it was too

I still really like DaS3, especially for things like bosses and weapons. I'm just saying there was a lot wrong with some of the fundamentals.
>fast healing really isn't an issue for a strength build or really any build as long as you stay on the enemies ass, you'll get a hit or two in everytime they heal
That was more directed towards PvE than PvP. Heals are way too fast and plentiful. A lot of bosses can't punish you for it due to how easy it is to heal.
>pretty sure i've never been in a souls fight that didn't spam rolling
The difference is that rolling in DaS3 takes like half as much stamina as it does in DaS1 and 2 for example. If you don't believe me, start up a SL1 character in all three Dark Souls games and roll with each of them until you can't anymore. DaS3 coddles roll spammers.
>theres 3 swamps and two of them aren't even that big or take up the entire area, even the one that does still has other shit.
Here are the swamps in the game, from what I remember:
>Road of Sacrifices, the crab area
>Farron Keep
>Cathedral of the Deep basement
>Smouldering Lake
>Dreg Heap
>Profaned Capital has a swamp
>Irithyll has one, though it's not as bad as the others
>Consumed King's Garden
>Ashes of Ariandel also has one or two

>OP doesn't know how bell curves work
And this kids is how you make a fool of yourself

Attached: laughing bitches.gif (355x201, 2.99M)

Boreal Valley is boring as shit, Frigid Outskirts is much more memorable.


really? waht gave it away? the wojack edits? or the fact that OP is so retarded he doesn't understand how a bell cuve works?

the only swamp that counts out of all of those is farron and you know it you disingenuous cunt

I know this is bait but still, kill yourself.


the bell curve is correct you faggots
dark souls is the most popular one by far, and for once it's still the best one

No, I was making fun of the OP with my post
Please user, don't do this to yourself

>watery areas that either slow you down, inflict poison/toxic, or have some sort of highly persistent enemies/obstacles
>"b-but those aren't true swamps!"

Attached: 985.jpg (680x583, 58K)

>how do bell curves work?
Did you saw this on one of your daddy's books without knowing how it works? forget it, I bet you don't even know what a book is, fucking internet kids

DaS3 is the most mechanically enjoyable one though. There are a lot of fun PvP encounters, even though the game has cut content (because they ALL do, every single one of them) the game felt more complete than the rest. Plenty of enjoyable areas and was actually a great experience on release unlike DaS2 which had the worst PvP in the series bar none on release with armor that was WAY more useless than Demon's Souls with the one shot mundane meta and dogshit invasion systems with coveinents that got completely squandered as a result. That is not to say DaS2 Demon's Souls and DaS1 didn't do some things better, because they definitely did, but DaS3 felt like the best complete package, at least on release. I have revisited all but DaS2 really, because after beating the game three times after release(once normal once on NG+ and one with a "Belmont" build) it felt pretty sour

aye true as fuck user, but you have to understand this is souls we're talking about here, i'll gladly accept more heals and rolls than a migraine any day, not to mention there have been numerous times i died while still having five or six estus left to shoot down the neck

my bad user i smoked.wav like three bowls and have been playing phantom pain for the past week so i completely spaced on smouldering lake and the one in irithyll is so small it hardly counts. i also havent played the DLC's yet

but they're just swamps faggot whats the big fucking deal? get in there you fucking pussy plus the cinematics in DaS3 is on some christopher nolan shit and everyone is all on fire and shit son, everytime i ember my dick gets rock hard user so who gives a fuck about any other souls game honestly

>i also havent played the DLC's yet
You'll like Ringed City

The "swamp" part isn't the point, the point is WHAT they are


This isn't the appropriate graph for this data. A Bar Graph would have been better. Did you even pass middle school?


good bait, why is Yea Forums so sensitive? its because it mostly consists of insecure virgins who evolve and collapse under their own nature. pretty stellar Yea Forumsro

Kinoborne > power gap > the rest

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For the record, using bell curves to describe people is stupid because it implies a symmetry around an average value and that someone could rank below 0%. What you really want is one of these bad boys.

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>using bell curves
18 IQ.

ds2 is better because you have less rolls before running out of stamina

I don't think you know exactly what you just did with that bell curve my mentally challenged friend

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It's an american thing.
Apparently they see this in economics documentary or when TV shows want to depict some Wall street boys, so simpletons assume it's a highly intelligent way to represent any data.
