does anyone remember this game anymore?
Does anyone remember this game anymore?
Yeah. Seemed cool at the time but it was a fucking ripoff in retrospect. All you got for buying a figure was a handful of flash tier games.
Remember the promotion they had with the Speed Racer movie?
I still have all of mine
Wow! Thanks op for make me remember about this game! Also there's a way to play all the minigames without having the figurines?
I’m pretty sure there is something out there. Although you’ll have to have a vm or system running windows xp.
Holy shit OP, talk about a blast from the past.
I remember as a wee lad being excited for the dreamworld figures to release. They looked cool, especially the detective guy, and I think there was a samurai too.
Sadly, they never saw the light of day.
Aside from that, I don't recall much about the actual gameplay.
It played like The Sims, right?
i think the files are something like sfw and you may be able to open them without problems
I remember changing the files opening the game and when i played the museum game i was able to play the other games and since i got more points than the museum game could get i got insane amount of money
i may have mine laying around somewhere
i used to have the panda the devil and a speed racer one that never worked since i needed an update
It’s hazy but from what I remember it was a load of little flash games like something you would see on club penguin. You could also furnish your own room, have pets etc. Might have been more but from what I remember I never even went online with it.
Wasn't there some kind of end goal to this game? Like collecting crystal shards or some shit in each minigame?
Yeah. Had next to no story with a very obvious twist at the end. I’m pretty sure you had to buy additional figures if you even wanted to finish the game.
did anyone got dot?
i got dot from ebay but i sold it later for a hundred bucks, years ago. iirc he was convention exclusive and only his common variant was ever produced, so rare and ultra rare dots don't exist and never did
What was the twist? I can't remember anything plot related to this game except some lamp looking funkey sucking your coins up.
>less than 100 known ones in existence
>the rest are either hoarded away, in a landfill or sitting in a thrift store.
I remember this shit but only because I bought the toy but it didn't run properly on my fucked computer at the time, so I thought the game was shit because I was a stupid kid.
funkeys rewritten when
That sounds like it would have been the best shit, sad to see it just kinda die.
I think the scientist was the bad guy all along.
damn, it was one of my favorite funkeys. I remember asking at every store about dot's existence, obviously with no answers
There was about 20 minutes of cutscenes, one for each world. The entire plot was
>scientist goes missing
>portals break
>bad guys appear
>collect crystals to fix portals
>defeat bad guy
>bad guy is actually the scientist
>scientist runs off
I don't know why I'm surprised, but one of the companies involved also made these things
For a while I thought they were just some fucking fever dream I had.
Sheesh, seeing this brings back memories
I know I've still got some back at home, like Rewind and couple ithers probably
Damn these were cool. They’d never shut the fuck up though.
I never had one myself but remember really wanting one. In retrospect it's probably best I never did since they were fucking expensive if you wanted a proper "town" going.
From what I remember I got into them when they were discontinued or the hype had cooled down. I think I got 2 of the large ones for £10. Must have been interesting to watch a large amount connected at once.
I still got all of my old figures in a box over here my man.
What was your favorite zone? I loved the island and the nightmare zone.
the dream zones were kino
the entire nightmare/daydream expansion was killer.
I remember annoying my mom while she was setting this up for me.
After a while of playing I got stuck in a lamp post and was banned for god knows what, I don't even remember anymore.
That's cheap compared to what they were in their prime, I remember one of the bigger ones being somewhere between 20 and 30 dollars.
I wish there was a spiritual successor to this kinda. I mean I liked the minigame and shops aspect of this game.
I remember seeing a figurine of one of the baddies when I was a kid, but I didn't get it. Did it let you actually play as a baddie and rob people with the minigame?
I think I had a smooth brain as a kid. I remember going to one world and running around the hub world and that was it. Also I vividly remember constantly remaking my pad for some reason? When I look back at my childhood game saves I don’t think I ever got past 20% on anything.
i remember posting on the forums for funkeys. that was a nice community. there was a dedicated group that found some exploits and glitches in the game. like you could add a small amount of moisture to the bottom of your funkey, and it would register as a different one. i licked the bottom of the red guy and he turned into the fish guy after putting him on the base. it was great getting to a few new areas for free
The bad guys who stole your money actually scared the shit out of me as a kid, so much so that I would shut the pc off if they caught me.
Yeah, it was in a pack with the bad boss, the mayor and the baddie. However it wasn't that good because you can only steal one coin per funkey in the town
Wasn't there some super rare ones like a badger and ladybug?