Path of Exile

Play Path of Exile, stop supporting AAA-shit games.
Its completely free.

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>starting 10 days before the new league

They don't bother GGG devs

no, i dont like it.
im waiting for the grimdawn expansion

I've put in over 5000 hours and never gotten a 6 link on my own. If you spend money you have better RNG. Its as plain as that.

You probably most unlucky person in the world, every league since Incrusion i got my 6-link in like 200-300 fusings.

Why not both?

also one of their investors was a diablo 2 RMTlord who had connections to GGG employees from back in the d2jsp days

they were in amazing success story starting as a team of a few dudes in their moms garage and expanding into an empire but unfortunately they've turned into the villain

i tried playing path of exile, i just disn like it, part of it because is f2p, i would pay for the game and not have a shop, that play a f2p game with a shop

>support china
kill yourself chink

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>the link system is BS


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>dont support china

we'll see whos laughing 10 years from now

>click,click,click,click,click,click,click,click,click,click,click, yes 6 links click,fuck back to 1/2 links

How to spot the shitter who doesn't even play the game.

You do realise that you can't click fuses after you got 6 link?

you cant use fusings on a 6l

Oh boy, spam pots and use a single attack with 100 buffs applied to it. How fun.

Fuck off.

t. never actually played

>China is literally turning into 1984
Me, im laughing, right now and 10 years from now when I can say fuck my government and not lose 1000 points off my credit score and get sent to a concentration cam- i mean 'corrections facility'.

I can't, it's boring
every viable build for lategame boils down to a jumping/blinking skill + AOE

Make way, superior ARPG coming through.

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Do you enjoy this? Denying the clearly obvious and widely recognized flaw with this game?

Every major build is literally just 1 damage ability and stacking as many buffs on and around it as possible.

And the use of pots is fucking awful. One of the few things D3 got right was limiting their use so they basically were worthless. PoE you spend as much time mashing your pots as you do fighting which just makes it boring as fuck.

When PoE launched it was actually a lot of fun because it was slow like D2 and TQ, which made it feel more tactical and important in what skills you used when. Now its literally just speed run the game using one attack and pots its a fucking joke.

Why hasnt anyone made Dark Souls into an isometric ARPG yet.

Would be fun desu.

No thats fairly accurate

This game really makes me long for a truly worthy successor to Diablo 2. It misses hard on the item economy, meta and trading that revolved around pvp and d2jsp. There's no pvp scene in PoE because it's fucking trash and the awkward interfacing with an indexer and whispering players in games is actually a lot worse than just browing d2jsp. The grouping in this game is virtually non existent and one of the things I also miss a lot about Diablo 2. Back in its heyday I could easily get a run going for anything I needed. Then there's the aesthetics and overall feel of the game. There's too much explosions and polygonal ugliness everywhere. The music is pretty good at times and honestly I'd gripe less about it if the game were more visually pleasing but combined the two together are a big negative for me. I miss a lot of the little things Diablo 2 had like hostile pvp, looting player corpses in hardcore, gambling, more item types like sets and runewords as well as upgrading base items, skill trees, etc I could go on forever.

PoE is an ultra refined always online single player farming simulator everything else it does is some varying degree of bleh.

the worst part is they continue to design the game around it, so you can't try anything else unless you want to play the slowest game in the world

d2jsp is a cancer and you vastly overestimate how much of the playerbase gives a fuck about pvp

Listen dude, don't bullshit people with your original post image. Everyone knows this fucking game is a complete eyesore once you hit endgame. Pic related, it's the average tier 15 map capable build, can you tell what is a monster and where your hero is?

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Everybody who trades would care about pvp if there were a blossoming item economy that surrounded it like Diablo 2 had. You vastly underestimate the impacts pvp has one the whole game not just the pvp itself whether you like it or not.

>press a button to clear screens so you can get better stuff so you can press a button to clear slightly harder screens so you can get better stuff so you can press a button to clear even harder screens for hundreds of hours until you reach end game which is spamming trade chat.

No thanks

i meant the sukits sockets

>>noone cares about pvp
Found the nerd that got body camped in D2

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>teacher leaves the room for one second
>pic related

Have they ever considered making maps where it's just a few strong mobs, instead of these meat grinder maps?

The aesthetics of PoE are genuinely too shit to make the game enjoyable. Not just in how ugly the game is, but how its visual clarity is atrocious.

Maybe it's because I'm getting old, I'm really starting to get sick of games that ignore visual clarity. Older games didn't have this problem, because they couldn't afford to splurge on unnecessary details if nothing else. But lots of modern games seem too excited about their ability to gunk up the screen with unnecessary visual noise that does nothing other than obscure what's going on on the screen.

Gets even worse when it's combined with retarded design decisions, like limited camera camera zoom.

Who is this semen demon?

like halls of grandmasters?

Eh, I've tried it a few times but it's got some major flaws that prevent me from enjoying it much. There are better ARPGs.

March confirmed, hyped as fuck.

Its a Brine King, Reef map

New league mechanics are hit or miss. Delving was fun at first and turns into a long tedious grind soon thereafter. Syndicate is stupid and was really only to make money.
The best way to play is whatever spell AoEs and does the most damage coupled with a blink, which is why I've been running blade vortex for over half a year now.
Once you hit endgame once there's really no point in playing the next league because of all that.

is the new league going to make melee viable

Zana, Master Cartographer, PoE endgame NPC

You're still supporting them faggot.

GGG is going the right direction by making more and more waifus. I hope they do things right and bring back more naked lady enemies.

Melee is still viable, but you really have to spend much more currency than on caster build.
So starting league with melee is not a good idea.

You also can't go from 6 sockets down to 5...user..

>d2jsp is a cancer
If it's a cancer then I'd prefer it to whatever the hell you'd call trade in PoE

I felt like d2jsp, while annoying at times, had a very human element to it that I miss in PoE trade. PoE trade just feels very robotic like you're doing what you do on an auction house but with more annoying steps. It's supposed to be "trade interaction" but there's no real interaction you're just taking place of what a bot should be doing. In d2jsp it was kinda exciting seeing how much rare items would get auction for, browsing the collections of other's trophy items, learning about item values and so on. There was just a lot of community interaction through that site.

We have to make do filling hideouts with the naked golden statues

Its gonna head straight towards even more of it

chinks love bling, they want to have as much absurdly flashy shit on screen as possible, just look for mobile game ads or endgame mmorpgs
im sure poe will happily oblige for their chinese overlords

It's bland trash that requires tons of cash to make look presentable.

This may be true but I hated jsp for the same reason I hate everything... Nametags and identities. Bunch of self righteous niggers with their clan tags and "reputation" and holier than thou attitudes can go fuck themselves.

>completely free

None of that bothered me. PoE has nametags and clans so I don't see why that would bother you. Reputation just lets you know someone is or was a scammer and I don't see how that's a bad thing either.

I liked that forum gold provided a universal currency and even tho it was a form of RMT, it was less cancerous because Blizzard had no hand in it thus there was no incentive to balance the game around getting you to RMT. ANd it was easy to make forum gold by selling items with no money whatsoever and just playing the game. That reminds me of another thing I hate about PoE is all the varying currencies and the inability to easily convert them. They should at least make an auction house for currency.

>stop supporting AAA-shit games, instead come and support this chink owned piece of garbage game instead

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I like the game, but dislike how the it is more or less designed around going as fast as humanly possible and one-shotting packs of trash over and over ad nauseum, skipping the bosses and abusing log-out macros. If the gameplay were slower and more strategic then it would be more interesting for me, but I guess I'm in the minority.

Also, no voice acting for the exiles in acts 5-10 sucks.

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Game makes me want to kill myself, it's a singular, constant Neverending GRIND. It's pointless. Why not get a job instead? Same gameplay but you get paid instead

If you don't have at least a Headhunter worth of wealth, your opinion is irrelevant. Easy mode: Standard counts too.

BTW OP, don't shill on Yea Forums. We don't need anymore retarded casual shitters like , we already have enough of them.

>grind to exile
no thanks
grim dawn, diablo 3 and van helsing are infinitely better than this


How classes in ARPGs should work: You have a diverse and unique set of abilities and skills which you can modify by specializing by either points or items where every fight you need to use a combination of your abilities to overcome a diverse set of enemies.

How they work these days: DPS+Teleport

Wow, so fun.

>path of literal autism
no thanks

Arguments? You don't have to buy anything.

>grim dawn, diablo 3 and van helsing are infinitely better than this
imagine baiting this hard

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>>logout macro
if you're going to bring piss to a shit fight at least bring more of it

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imagine biting this hard

Because it's an autism skinnerbox. Builds don't fucking matter as long as you get a blink and spec into some shit that aoes. Reach elder and there's really no point in doing the same shit all over again in the next league.

what do you do with potions for ARPGs
make them like diablo 2?
have one time use unique potions?

Marvel Heroes (RIP) > PoE

Grim Dawn > PoE

Tencent probably has more business sense than anyone in this industry. They are buying co with games that have gameplay instead of AAA graphics.

to dated.
animations are trash

I have played all 3 and enjoyed poe more but poe now clicked with me vs the version I played years back.
Still angry that necromancer is not male Honesty if some dev stole poe concepts add a complete story, port to console for coop I would be happy.

>lmao what if we turned evry fkn character into the same shit gameplay wise
>what if we made the auto attack animations so trash they become just buffers for skills
>what if we dont make interresting skills
>what if we make trash character models with trash porportions
>what if we force you to level with trash skills before you can use that skill you want to use
>what if we copy diablo 2 but not copy the "soul" part of it

noone likes path of exile. especially people with 2000h+ game time. diablo is loved because it was more than just a grind addiction loop. poe isnt.

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Did they ever make it so I can not look like a shipwrecked person in this game

It drove me crazy the last time I played it and I've literally made it back to oriath but I still look like i just washed up on the beach of the strand

Getting T1 bases for armor makes you look okay, but if you want some serious style you gotta pay up for MTX goy.

Surprised you haven't gotten mobbed by frothing lootbabs yet

The gameplay is so shit it turns me off everytime I try to play it.

would like Poe more if it wasn't so fucking ugly

>>lmao what if we turned evry fkn character into the same shit gameplay wise
Heard of ascendacies?
>>what if we made the auto attack animations so trash they become just buffers for skills
As opposed to fucking what? Viable gameplay option?
>>what if we dont make interresting skills
Subjective. The new ray skill looks interesting.
>>what if we make trash character models with trash porportions
This is an arpg what do you want, you barely see your character's model
>>what if we force you to level with trash skills before you can use that skill you want to use
Because you got the strongest skils level one in diablo?
>>diablo was more than a grind loop
So you haven't played diablo past the story mode? From the dumb shit you wrote I assume you haven't played poe for more than 30 minutes either. Fuck off retard

>game designed extensively around trading
>the only in-game tool to facilitate this is a global chat channel
>have to rely on 3rd party websites to do anything
If any other game this, it would be figuratively eviscerated by everyone.

>>have to rely on 3rd party websites to do anything
You are right on it being designed around trading, it's damn near impossible to actually find a given unique on your own without card farming, and even then depending on the card it ranges from mind-numbing tier to just fucking kill me tier.

POE is shit diablo 2 plugy mod/lootfilter fuck off!

I've reinstalled it maybe 4 times? And then I play for like 6-8 hours each time and realize "wow this gameplay is clunky and unfun as shit."

I want to like it cause the skilltree makes my dick hard. I just can't.

To be fair the game's power creep has reached such a state that no matter what build you go with you're just deleting 500 mobs a second

I'll play when they stop cramming 3 month leagues down my throat. Fuck speed running through my games.

Take a look at grim dawn, user. You might like it, based on what you said there.

Play on standart?

I just want to replace the basic rags that are always underneath your armor, not look like a crazy neon light show with skeleton wings

I'll play with your dick instead.

Cuck of exiles is trash boring garbage. When will we get another good game?

They had the same shit on the PoE forums where you would have forum threads that acted as your shop and all that and you know what happened? Someone scrapped the entire forums hard as fuck and made a website that lists everything and their price because no one liked it. People can't move back to that in the current age. The only reason people used ds2jsp was because it used real money and you could P2W by buying shit so you didn't have to grind.

No, that is reserved for next league.

I have 652 hours and I've gotten plenty. Just spend an exalt or two to exchange for Fuses and spam it. Hell, I got 3 different 6-links from a total of 25 fuses once simply because I had fuses to burn and I kept trying. You'd be surprised how often it can happen as long as you just keep trying rather than keep waiting to get the odd 1 - 3 fusings and then fuck off again to get more from drops.

What class is she? How do you get POE to look like this?

It's an NPC, she got an update as a big teaser for this upcoming league

As for the "Speed" complaint in regards to PoE, it's just the natural progression of playing games for long periods of time, learning how to maximize everything. The speed potential was always there in early PoE, it was just never utilized, mainly because the preferred mode of play back then was Hardcore and people valued defense more over speed.

People need to accept back when they first stepped into the ARPG genre with Diablo or whatever. They were most likely just a shitter who knew very little of the actual game.
There were always players who were teleporting around the maps at insane speeds, with insane clear speed, it just wasn't as well known.

Old look

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Why would I play a repetitive grind based game, when I'm already flooded with niche title releases like CRPGs, point n clicks and grand strategy? Diablo has always been a casual game for brainlets, and F2P is exclusively made for niggers, spics and gooks.

Builds can be much more than one button these days. You have movement skills, banners to place as buffs, vaal skills that charge up for some burst when you need it and minion and dot builds use several buttons

I've tried 3 times. It's just way too boring. Nothing feels like it matters. You're never powerful, you don't get better looking, there's fuck all story as far as I played. It's just clicking to click. Just because it's free doesn't mean I should be bored the entire time.

the game peaked in its beta tests.
one week races and genuine team work to defeat the actually tough enemies.

now the game is basically the same as mowing the lawn

dude the skills are literally just smg spam color cones infront of you.

How would it help anyone if I started playing? I'd just make the servers more encumbered and generate lags for everyone else.

I can also afk 10k hours in a1 and then also make bs complains that i never got unique drops.

Yes making trade easier means people will no longer use the harder trade way. Same way having an auction house would make people stop using the indexer. And having a Diablo 3 style buffed drop rate self found mode made people largely forget about trade altogether.

What you're saying however is a gross oversimplification of all the subtle nuances that made all forms of PoE trade utter shit including the indexer and its forums and why trade in Diablo 2 was so much better including d2jsp or just having a trade game going in the game list.

>stop supporting AAA games and download this chinese bitcoin miner instead
what a wonderful idea OP

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>supporting AAA games

Melee is getting completely ignored.

>supporting chinese megacorps

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The reason why trade in PoE is shit isn't just because of the trade mechanism. It's because the gameplay elements in PoE are extremely boring and limited, especially the item game. Diablo 2 had a wide array of end game item types and this was partly due to there being multiple valuable gameplay mechanics being strived for. Where you building a baal runner? An uber/torch farmer? An MFer? A pvper? An LLDer? All of these builds sought after distinctly different items and item types for maximizing efficiency. This in turn created an item economy that required more participation in community interaction for understanding the purpose and value of different item types and their respective affixes. In PoE you build all builds the same way: MOAR DPS MOAR TANKINESS and all this revolves around is stacking the damage type and defense corresponding to the nodes you select on the tree and then from there there's only two viable item types: rares and uniques. In Diablo 2 you had ethereal white base items, runewords, sets, uniques, rares and magic items all being potentially BIS for any of the above mentioned build purposes. This again in turn creates the opportunity for a much richer item game and one that is appreciated better by having community interaction. And also again by putting an indexer or an auction house into the game would severely limit much of this just the way it has to PoE and it did to Diablo 3

Sadly this. After the EU laws for information gathering came into place and i tried to install PoE i got a message warning that all companies are now forced to send out about all the information the game will be gathering. I uninstalled and never looked back.

God bless the EU.

I'm glad that Grim Dawn is finally adding proper movement skills to the game.

by the time they fix whatever game-breaking issues pop up in the new league, i will be bored and have quit

This. Never trust Chinese software companies

You make really valid points. I just want to clarify by what I think is the issue with forums, not that it's a better thing for the game, but rather it's a problem with the user base. I just don't think people nowadays can handle forum browsing and bartering like the old days. I stopped playing PoE since it felt too simplified, and I'm worried that now they are just trying to get the Diablo 3 audience (who are a little bit easier to satisfy I imagine) the game will just turn into "Meta skill for the league + go and farm maps forever". I honestly think Delve is a horrible system because it is too much like the Greater Rift system - You just blandly wipe out screens with the same background forever. I really like how you put out that PoE is lacking purposes for characters in the game, I really think that is true. PoE feels like it's just going to become Diablo 3 for the money, since what Diablo 3 was lacking to satisfy the dumb horde was farming forever with meta shifts and little mechanics changes every league

Some unique maps are like that. Mainly Hall of the Grandmasters.

Personally I want to see a boss rush unique map. Every story boss including Shaper/Elder one after the other, and your completion time goes on a leaderboard of some kind.

Got bored after playing it to death for a fortnight with my friend. But fucken aye it was a great couple weeks

What? If anything you become too powerful at the endgame and nothing feels challenging except one boss

>I just don't think people nowadays can handle forum browsing and bartering like the old days
I think they can the problem is there hasn't been a game on the level of Diablo 2 since Diablo 2. D2jsp forums were extremely populated up until only a few years ago. The existence of Diablo 3 and PoE coupled with Diablo 2's aging technical aspects and the fact that it's just flat out a really old game have caused a massive decline in its playerbase.

Also it wasn't long ago PoE was in early closed beta and people used the trade forums before all the indexer shit and it felt very quaint. If the indexer spam didn't clog up the forums they could have turned into something pretty decent. But GGG abandoned that in favor of improving indexer functionality and further reinforcing the forums as nothing more than a dumping ground thus leading to the robotic, tedious and boring trade we have now.

True melee is still a joke, i just want to cyclone meanwhile my friend is deleting everything from a distance without being in danger

I did a pure phys cyclone build this league, seriously needs a fucking buff or several.

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its really ugly, reading this thread made me wanna buy diablo 2

no it can go to one

I am playing it, but unfortunately they don't balance the game around hardcore anymore and that's lowering my interest to the game. Playing normal trade league gets boring after a while because there are no repercussions apart from some silly EXP loss that doesn't really matter in the big picture. Hardcore, and SSF, however have loot that actually matters, and kinda forces you to use crafting in order to get stronger. I'd probably play SSF only the end game wasn't a RNGfiesta that requires you to put hundreds of hours ever league to get to the end. I'd really like them to boost div card and unique drop rates in SSF in order to make it more lucrative. It's not very fun in SSF when you try to target a certain set of divination cards and never get them, even the ones that require only couple pieces. I think I ran Toxic Sewers like 30 times this league and only got half of the required cards to get Kaom's Roots. It's already hard to sustain a single map in SSF.

I forgot to mention some of Diablo 2's other item mechanics and gameplay mechanics that made the item game and trade better. Shopping items such as bo sticks, claws, white staff bases, lld items. Some of these items can almost only be realistically obtained from shopping. The only thing you really shop in PoE is sockets for jeweler orbs. Inventory item charms. Mercenary gearing. Crafted item types. Diablo 2 has just so much more.

Another thing that makes PoE's item game shitty is mirroring items and crafting. There's no ultra rare-rare items because anyone can just mirror the best item in the game with their mom's credit card. What's even worse is anyone with a credit card can roll any item in the game from a white base. It's absurdly expensive and yet the only reliable way to obtain those ultra rare end game rares. Trophy items in Diablo 2 were truly impressive because they had to be found. "Trophy" items in PoE are obtained almost exclusively through buying orbs off a chinese website and rolling forever.


Scion is cute.

not as ugly as it used to be, i think they did a lot of higher quality textures and shaders work after/when they patched in acts 5-10.
i just wish POE's endgame wasn't haggling with chinks who use in-game currency as black market cryptocurrencies. FUCK haggling and FUCK how solo self-found mode doesn't improve drop rates.

>"Trophy" items in PoE are obtained almost exclusively through buying orbs off a chinese website and rolling forever.
And this is another distinction about why I feel d2jsp was superior even though it was RMT. The RMT largely stayed in the hands of the players rather than all going to some chinese dude who doesn't even play the game. Many of the d2jsp members, in fact I recall reading the vast majority of d2jsp members, never spent a single real dollar on RMT. The majority of money trading hands was between players and while d2jsp benefits from this all the currency ultimately stays in the hands of the players. When some guy goes and buys 100 exalts off chinesepoeorbsdotcom that's 100 exalts not being bought from a player meaning the economy stagnates due to less players having currency changing hands since the currency is coming from a non player. Those currencies are then used to roll items that again are not being bought from a player but instead are being rolled by a player out of thin air who is also not even playing to obtain the items.

PoE's own item system completely cuts out playing the game.

Buy chinese orbs from a bot that never plays -> roll item from white base with said orbs without even playing -> obtain top tier end game rare item without playing or trading with any other players.

PoE's top level gameplay mechanics completely defeat the whole purpose of a loot grinding game. You literally buy orbs from someone who doesn't play so you can not play to roll an item you don't find so you can negate all gameplay mechanics by being stupidly overpowered and thus not play the game further.

>they were in amazing success story starting as a team of a few dudes in their moms garage and expanding into an empire but unfortunately they've turned into the villain
That's always the case though.
See witcher devs.

Face it, good guys are good, just because they don't have the freedom to be villains.
As soon as the opportunity comes, "heroes" become that which they were originally supposed to stand against.

Why did the path of exile devs turn into villians?

Make an offline version and I'll buy it.

They serve chinese overlords now instead of making the game how they want.

> Stop supporting AAA-shit by supporting a game owned by the largest video game company in the world.
> Which is owned by chinks.

>>support china
>kill yourself chink
Wow how smart of you, 56% amerimutt. Hope you realize that US and EU both "support" China and have huge business with them. That is including all major publishers and devs.

I six linked a belly on my fifth fuse(had like 11 fusing but still tried) back sometime near 2.0. Ended up doing the usual alch and go maps when I got bored and gave it to someone in SC (laughed my ass off at the SC babs in chat who didn't believe in giveaways) Had two 6-links drop for me as well. 3-4k hours total, I guess.

No interesting female classes to choose from. I want a female barbarian.


Dude, the game is a hell of a lot faster now, there's no two ways about it.