>By the time you get to the cooler weapons and builds, the game is already over
Why do games keep doing this?
>By the time you get to the cooler weapons and builds, the game is already over
Why do games keep doing this?
>Using anything but the Kirkhammer
>not pizza cutter
Though Kirkhammer is pretty fun too.
How many weapons are locked that far into the game? Only notable things that come to mind are Rakuyo and Scythe
Where do you get the Church Pick again?
Ypu can get almost all of the weapons very early on unless you're a fag that wants a Chikagay build
Can't you use false depth chalices to get any weapon you want early on?
You can get a Burial Blade in one of /bbg/ chalice dungeons almost right after beating Bloodstarved.
>hit enemy with fully charged hammer
>takes shockwave/splash damage
You can get pretty much every weapon pretty quick after beating amelia except covenant ones and the beast claws
Oh and kos parasite
To be fair the hunter’s nightmare unlocks pretty damn early.
Literally just a worse Axe.
Yea but that's those hacked/edited dungeons. I recently (or a while ago rather) went and got a chikgay early. Then i realized i dont fucking like chikagay.
Anything else notable they come up with besides early scythe?
Litterally eat my ass, bitch. pussy axe user. I bet you summoned for bsb.
church pick is old hunters, you need the old cell key but you can get it pretty early
KH3 does this with the Ultima Weapon
>You literally cannot get it until endgame because you need 7 orichalcum+, one of them being at the end in a gummi ship section in the final galaxy
>When you get it, you can only really get the most of it in the final fights or battle gates, specifically that one heartless "superboss" which is already easy as fuck
And it's a shame because it's a great weapon with cool attacks, but there's nothing to fucking use it on.
The factually false
After Ludwig right, I'd say that's still pretty far away.
The early Old Hunter weapons are the meme sword that extends and the pizzacutter since you can run through enemies to get them
>meme sword that extends
That's like half the weapons in this game
I forgot the name, you know what I'm talking about.
>bumrush straight to DLC
>head straight to Ludwig
>kill him for moonlight sword
Easy early cool weapon. Get fucked OP.
Post your level 10 ludwig kill with a +3 cleaver then
Go ahead.
>that first blind fight Vs martyr logarius
Fuck that faggot, he can eat my ass
>cool weapons you can get a few hours in
Simon's Bowblade
Whirligig Saw
Holy Moonlight Sword
Church Pick
Kos Parasite
Logarius Wheel
OP is a fagort.
my kirknigga
Best combo is
>Saw Cleaver
>Hunters Blunderbuss
>Hunter Outfit
Ludwigs a creampuff tho
>le cover cosplayman
no thanks
Why the limitations? You're gonna be way higher than that by the time you actually get to Ludwig. Are you just bottom bruised that you got proved wrong because you don't know shit about the game?
to hell with ludwig or orphan
this motherfucker costed me the most deaths going in blind
but im thankful cause it forced me to learn how to parry/visceral
the moonlight sword in this game is so pretty
I've been using that, with ludwigs holy blade as backup. I also have a pizzacutter
the wheel is fucking lame tho
kirkhammer is my least favorite weapon. "sweet spot" damage makes it unreliable
best not say that too loudly
parrying the likes of logarius or gehrman or maria or orphan makes the game boring
Lmao just git gud
Yeah agreed. It seemed like a cool idea but it's really boring to use, even the meme mode swapping combo you can do.
New game+ my dude
That's why it's so fun to use
It's better than just mashing buttons like a monkey
I used ludwigs holy blade for my first playthrough, what should I use for my second?
Blade of mercy is fun
There's nothing wrong with being the cover cosplayman. The reason why these outfits are put on the cover is because they look the best.
You're supposted to go to the chalice dungeons with those weapons
kill yourself
Go skill this time.
Chikage, Blades of Mercy, Reiterpallasch and Rakuyo are all good.
Burial Blade is my favorite, but it's not available till the very end of the game for some reason.
>thinking the game ends after you finish it once
have fun
So what changes in NG+?
Was thinking about going right to it right after I beat the game because I missed out on a fuckton of quests but I hear it's kinda shitty.
but you can get the best weapon early
you get the games best weapon at the very start though
Become god
nothing changes but the health and damage of enemies
Enemies do more damage, have more hp and drop more souls.
That's it.
Post your weaponfu
>all these fags who don't use glitched chalices to get early weapons
Lmaoing @ u
For me, it's the wheel. Runners up are the Kirk and reiter.
Which of those is the one you can get the earliest? I wanted to make a skill build this time so that I can use burial blade through ng+
Blades of mercy but you need to kill Eileen and buy them
If you run through the DLC you can get Beasthunter Saif and if you kill Simon you can get his bowblade.
Rakuyo is also hell to get
>the only skill weapon you can get at the start is the threaded cane
>no good skill weapons until DLC or burial blade
Nobody cares about your meme game
>story taht's all just a dream
>boss betrays you and revealed as the antagonist (wow didn't see that coming)
>guns yet can't increase amount of ammo you can hold by a decent amount
>can't dual weild guns
>doesn't allow you to play like a tps yet includes guns
>aliens out of nowhere
you can also do her questline right? I will have to look up how quickly I can fight her (which is a shame she seems like a decent character).
no one give a (you) to the bait a few posts above this
I have every character slot filled with a level 150 and hundreds of hours on them
Stop being a faggot and co-op in the Chalice Dungeons
Also saif
Ur dum
>t.brainlet who doesn't understand the gameplay role guns play
>you can also do her questline right?
Yes, I'm just saying that if you want the blades early you need to kill her. Same with Simon, you can do his quest line or kill him.
>he meme arrows a t. post
how bad is the threaded cane compared to the other starting weapons
At least the false depth chalices let you get some stuff earlier like burial blade, blades of mercy, chikage, etc. DLC weapons not being available early through chalices really sucks though.
It's very hard because it's slow and doesn't have a lot of damage at the start to justify being slow. The range is godlike, but it won't save you from your mistakes like the Axe can, and the Saw Cleaver has better damage. It's the strange niche of a Slow Dex Weapon. That said, by exploring Central Yharnam you can get the blood shards to upgrade it to worthwhile damage, but you could do that with every weapon and the cane needs it the most.
hmm ok thank you. I think I will start with the cleaver then grab the chalice burial blade asap
>Using the cuckhammer
>Not using wheel
lol look at this faggot