GotY is coming tomorrow.
GotY is coming tomorrow
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Is this yuri?
I kinda want to get it based on the gameplay.
how the fuck are they not gonna get sued for straight up cloning that anime girl from expelled from paradise
Saw a bit of gameplay, MC seems like a bit of a bitch.
B, maybe C cups?
So just some mobile shit port for Switch?
Wasn't this announced multiplat? Why is it only Switch release tomorrow?
If you're not willing to even properly shill why the game is good then it must be horribly shit
Post gameplay
It is multiplat. I'm not sure why it's not showing on steam or anything.
Hey the gameplay doesnt look that bad
Because OP is a fag that licks feet heres the video of gameplay
Its like bastion or maybe even rune factory except you're not ugly
Google says everyone's physical preorders for PS4 were cancelled over a month ago with no word from the publisher and no one can even buy it digitally anywhere except for Switch now.
Thanks for reminding me
Snoy's censorship is now removing wholesome games.
Doesn't matter, tomorrow might show up, and then pirate it lol
>Literal Mobile shit tier Hack Slash
Already dropped
Can't get it on Steam either, it doesn't even have a god damn steam page.
So this game will be censored by SnoY?
Based steam stopping animu shit.
Pc version when?
>shitty literal who weeb game
Dang I didn't expect the generic Vita-style panty quests to start hitting the Switch so soon
Is this game actually good? I've been eyeing Nine Parchments but should I get this instead?
I was gonna play it on steam or something with the co-op but now that it is switch only and probably have to pay for their shit online, this is a pass.
The gameplay does look solid
Too bad about the muzak and cheap sound effects
Didn’t Little Witch Academia not get a steam page till last minute?
>37 bongs on the psn store
Is it the same on the switch? seems a little too much for this kind of game.
Looks boring as fuck. Sorry.
It's $40 USD on both PS4 and Switch. I'll wait for reviews since I want a physical copy, shame it will just be released physically on Switch it looks like but maybe it has good replay-ability?
You can buy digitally on the ps4 tho.
I remember that release was just fucked up in general.
I couldn't find it on the NA PS store but I can on UK, fucking weird.
It's one of those games that won't appear until release date for some stupid reason.
But can the girls fuck each other
>coming tomorrow
>1234 RemiLore_NSW-LUBE.xci
isnt it already out?
Timezones, it's probably out on GMT
How do I use this site? Does it download directly to hacked Switches or something?
Waste of a thread. No one cares about this garbage bin crap.
> SNOY fanboys coping
It's out on the ps4 if you are in EU.
Not physically
It's never coming physically.
>pre-ordered the PS4 version
>months later get an email saying Amazon cancelled it
Thanks Nicalis
Why didn't Nicalis said anything yet? Weeb publishers are upfront when snoy cockblocks them but this has a digital release so it can't be them.
You mean ballsack? Cmon lad Mythra looks more like her and nobody really said anything.
Probably because nobody really watched her movie
I'm guessing NIc is just cutting corners. Probably didn't get enough pre-order or some shit like Blade Strangers doing poorly for PS4 compared to Switch.
Its available physically on Switch on play-asia
Weeb games like this sell better on Switch, printing it for Sony would have been a high risk move. In general, physical games seem to be doing better on Switch for smaller titles.
No one but the most deprived, sad, and pathetic people would consider trash like that GOTY
Did you play it then? Is there yuri?
no idea i got the xci from one of those google drives