What went wrong?

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EA and Bioware

Nothing, its a solid 8.5/10 and the only reason video game publications are criticizing it is, is to cash in on the negative opinions that YouTuber's have created because negative opinions sells.

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It has pretty bland loot for a looter shooter. At least Destiny has interesting ideas for weapons.

The Bob Dylan of video games.

Literally? Women.

If anthem is a 8.5 then video games are actually trash

Solid core gameplay loop, everything else varies between "could have been better" and "Fucking awful"

nothing really. I paid 15$ for the ea pass and played it. it was fun and I'll buy the month pass again once they release new content. if you paid 60$ or 80$ for the retard edition, you deserve to lose that money though.

people only want to hate it because it's EA, but the truth is that this game is very fun (and in my opinion even more so than destiny 2), and plays great. the microtransactions are very scaled down and only shitty cosmetics that don't even look better than the default skins.

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Everything, Bioware needs to be put to death

That's too redpilled and based for Yea Forums though.

All video games are a time sinks/distractions and are thus not worth your time, yes.

trannies and pink neon haired 'women' in hawaii shirts and crap and anita sarkeesian

also FUCK biosjware they can't do anything right even with the influx of money from EA

it's almost as if the emphasis was on the suits, their upgrades, and their special abilities and not the guns like every other looter shooter.

It's Destiny but good.

I couldn't stand how bad Destiny played. Bioware looks like they tried exactly copying the formula everyone who enjoyed Destiny is already tired of though.

It's worse than destiny though...

I won't even be disappointed when EA shuts them down.

Not enough youtube memes

>it's almost as if the emphasis was on the suits, their upgrades, and their special abilities and not the guns like every other looter shooter.
Are you fucking serious? There's like 3 abilities and the loot hardly does anything to impact how your suit is handled or your abilities are performed. In fact, your suit decked out in masterwork and legendary gear still looks the same as a level 4 player's


People wanted to just fly around, kill shit, and pretend that they're Iron Man. But instead we got a loot and shoot where you don't get to use the suit as much as you should.

i have a friend who gets triggered everytime i talk shit about the game or if he sees someone talk shit about it.

the only excuse he falls back on is the "but its fun with friends!" excuse as to why he thinks its a good game.

BioWare neglected romance audience.

>its a solid 8.5/10
5.5/10. Other than that everything you said is 100% correct.

Shallow loot shooter made by a western developer that doesn't care anymore.

Is this the first game he's ever played with friends? Did you remind him even FO76 would fun with friends if for no other reason than to laugh at all the bugs?

Somebody at bioware convinced EA to fund this trash heap for 6 years and probably wanted a 7th.

bugs and technical issues
EA being anywhere near it

It really is true that this place is made up of mostly contrarian assholes. People are rightfully calling an unfinished and DOA game shit so Yea Forums obviously has to love it and champion the cause of critics/Youtubers doing it all for click bait sensationalism.

You know a BioWare game has failed when no one is making SFM porn, but is still making ME1/2 all these years later.

the andromeda memes were amazing
where are all the damn memes?

They successfully created the Bob Dylan of video games by having it be completely forgotten in the shuffle

I like the game somewhat, here is my take

1. is it an rpg? is it a loot shooter? I don't understand why there are exquisitely acted side characters, tons of them, with interesting things to talk about. I hit escape over and over again so I can go shoot the same one enemy some more.
2. There is basically one enemy, Scars, which is a reptile looking humanoid. I think. It's hard to tell anything about what they actually look like.
3. There is no variance in doing anything, missions don't have cool "set pieces" that interrupt with something unexpected, it's just flying around and shooting.
4. The flying around and shooting is actually excellent.

In the end, I paid $60 for it because I haven't played a game like this yet. I have played like five hours...There's just no hook to it. I dunno what would keep me coming back

every game with "diablo loot" seems to completely miss the point of how that loot was done properly in diablo 1 and 2.

false promises and bad marketing with a shit dev team that couldnt figure out how to make multiple leveled areas work seamlessly even though weve been doing this shit since 1999?

Im not not even 100% sure on what bioware did for 5 years beside craft systems to make frostbite work as a semi-looter shooter. like they skipped out on the story completely and the endgame content is laughable at best. meanwhile you cant even customize your character past some color presets and the armor is built to be modularized but only if you pay EA for their awful prices space shekels

I dont know whats going to happen with Bioware and Dice, but one of them is getting hit hard this year and Respawn is going to be left along with Papa EA.

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So the "Anthem is good and racist white males are wrong" narrative doesn't sell anymore?


>like they skipped out on the story completely

they didn't though, they spent tens of millions of dollars on that shit! the capture, the art, etc

but it was pointless because its apparently fucking diablo and i just want to kill 10000 of the same monster, so i hit escape

I really want this game not to fail because I awnt to see what it can become, but i imagine it already failed...Nobody is going to buy real money items because everyone knows the game is dead...theres no way to recover from this that i can see, other than possibly take about 100 DICE employees and add them to bioware as a temporary team that churns out missions and content.

There is barely anything thought put into the suits, though. We have tank suit, wizard suit, assassin suit, and fighter suit. They have a handful of ability augments that barely change gameplay. Especially when each suit only has one or two combos it can do itself. No build variety. Nothing changes how a suit behaves outside of a superficial weapon swap, which isn't really a behavior change anyway.

You very much get what you see, no depth.

Except like 3 posts are saying that and you're a retard

Clearly incomplete and totally innocuous and inoffensive to the point of boredom. No romance options, all surface level narrative, slow paced town conversation plodding and short campaign are like half of this game's content sadly. And then when you hit endgame and see the absurd hoops you must jump through simply to get vinyls, it's just too little for too much at that point.

Game badly needed more time in the oven. And less loading issues inbetween for the actual gunplay game play everybody wants from it.

A REALLY shit demo build which everyone based their reviews on.

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Too bland and boring to hold my interest.

It stands firmly in the shadow of other games and doesn’t do anything better than them.

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>but it was pointless because its apparently fucking diablo
If it was diablo-esque it might actually be good...

Even now, the game isn't close to complete. There is no fucking way the game in its current form has enough content to justify a $60 price tag from a AAA developer

If nothing else Andromeda was unintentionally funny. Anthem is an even worse game and it's painfully boring in every conceivable way.

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>No romance options

the fact that this was the first complaint you wrote out...

People keep posting this image a lot, but the actual base "gameplay" of Anthem is the strongest part.

This person did their job pretty well. If you just make fun of someone for their appearance, what value does that give you?

I hate to tell you guys this, but there's an extremely long list of trannies being involved in game development, and some of them were actually fucking great.

Lvl 18 after playing for 3 days exploring everything but not reading shit and I think it's great. Dungeons and fortresses are really fun it's a whole experience to go through the game. I bought the 80$ version and am glad I did because it's been entertaining and memorable. If I lose interest faster than they can pump out new material that's ok too because sky diving one time is a great experience, costs multitudes more and is significantly shorter.

I hope everyone enjoys bland remakes because with this reception we won't see anything halfway original for a while.

This is a good bait post, if you had just left out "I'm glad I paid $80" I would have believed it

>I hope everyone enjoys bland remakes because with this reception we won't see anything halfway original for a while.

Huh? this game was the farthest thing from original bro.

Sure, but 90% of the complaining is about the demo build

Wait, was there a massive day one patch that fixed the boring ass missions, pathetic lack of endgame, generic ass loot, dreadful loading times (even on m.2 ssds), and uninspired storytelling? Or are you just talking out of your ass?

The enemies don't fucking move.

So I did the estimate of how much it would cost to create Anthem on another thread. If you're a Bioware fan get ready to say your prayers:

>gives arbitrary score and no reasons, then ad-hominems
Try again, cockbreath.

>boring ass missions
It's a loot shooter
>pathetic lack of endgame
It's a loot shooter on release week
>generic ass loot
Legendaries arent interesting enoguh, truth.
>dreadful loading times
Yes they fixed that.
>uninspired storytelling
Its a fucking loot shooter.

>gameplay loops designed around team play and interactive skills
>but you can't communicate with other players, coordinate team compositions, or visually identify when or how skills interact

I mean it's still better than Destiny or Warframe but that's saying almost nothing. Those aren't really games as much as number generators with cutscenes.

In other words
>It's a shit game

Wow look at this Bioware drone.

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bye bye Bioware.

How is it better than either of those games? This game is worse than both.

If you went into a loot shooter expecting a transcedental experience youre a fucking moron of the highest caliber.

if you paid $60 US dollars for this shit game and now have to defend it on a chinese cartoon internet chat board you're a brainlet yourself there fag

>there's an extremely long list of trannies being involved in game development, and some of them were actually fucking great

for you to actually know this you HAVE to be a liberal, and therefore a natural lair in order to get your viewpoint spread, so I don't believe you without facts...

Things get even worse when you realize that Anthem sales need to double that figure in order to get a return on investment.

I paid $15 for it, smoothbrain.

Too many sois spoil the broth

Warframe is 10 seconds of gameplay that is locked behind 200 hours of grind unless you Just Buy Plat (tm). Destiny is shooting an enemy for 20 minutes before it dies because """sci-fi""" elements.

At the very least, Anthem feels good to play and doesn't look like 20 year old dog shit. There isn't much (yet) and it's clearly not optimized and the UI is trash. But again, they meet the bare minimum of interesting gameplay where the others do not.

>It's a loot shooter
There's no reason the missions can't switch it from time to time? Even generic MMO fetch quests have more variety
>It's a loot shooter on release week
So rather than expect the multimillion dollar company to learn from the failures of competitors launches (The Division, Destiny) we should expect them to experience the same pitfalls? Some high standards you set there.
>Yes they fixed that.
They improved them. They are still horrible. There are wayyyyy too many loading screens. Really pathetic for a 2019 game.
>Its a fucking loot shooter.
Normally I'd give you this one, but this game was developed by Bioware. World building and interesting character driven content is supposed to be their biggest strength. They certainly don't have any others when it comes to "fucking loot shooters"

You rented it for 15 dolars

>World building and interesting character driven content is supposed to be their biggest strength.

Really? Does anyone around here genuinely expect this of them?

Of the modern Bioware? Absolutely not. If you took a time machine and went back to 2006, then yes

Well, sure.
I meant with regards to >this game should have a good story because its Bioware.
It's modern bioware. Story was never going to be good.

>Nothing, its a solid 8.5/10 and the only reason video game publications are criticizing it is, is to cash in on the negative opinions that YouTuber's have created because negative opinions sells.
Yeah fucking right. The gameplay is shit, the flying is useless, it has no hook, it has no loot, it has no bosses. Time sinks for the sake of time sinks without the MMO part to back it up, lack of actual interesting locations to go to when everything is basically a hallway. 60 dollars but still has MTX. AND NO FUCKING CONTENT.
Your opinion is retarded.

kill yourself faggot your game failed like you life failed

Anthems gameplay is garbage though...

I'd give it a 7/10
It's not terrible, but it is bad in many ways

3 most pressing issues:
>Ridiculously badly optimized, runs like shit or is prone to crashing/bugs on all platforms - loading constantly, ranging anywhere from 2 seconds to a minute (if you have ssd like you fucking should on this ungodly year that is 2019)

>Unbelivable lack of content and awareness for a game that's had half a decade of development. All this time and they've learned nothing from their comptetitors like warframe, destiny, division etc

>Missing many key features like status screen, in game inventory, variety, and most importantly chat, which is essential in most if not all coop games

bonus hate points:
>absolutely cucked the players with the absurd level of downgrade and false advertising / E3 footage
>all the weapons of one type share a model, only difference is the textures it has
>Devs: "we're not lazy, it's very HARD to release a bug free game!" - said with a straight face, oblivious to the concept that is playtesting and meticulous coding

I love the game and wish for it's success, but I feel no need to defend it when it's supposed to be a triple A game.
The only props I give to this game is the soundtrack/audio and animations (though often over-acted)

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1) Bioware can't code Frostbite and are lazy faggots in general, if there is a soulless shortcut to something they will take it

2) So out of touch they missed the looter-shooter market by a few years, basically on par with Valve's Artifact. Can't compete with shit like Borderlands 2 (2012), Warframe (2013), Destiny (2014).

3) Typical EA microtransaction kikery and false advertising to the point of outright lies.

4) Absolutely no respect for their Mass Effect IP, ME3's multiplayer was popular enough that an expanded looter-shooter version for 30-40 dollars would be well received especially in the wake of the abortion that is Andromeda.

I'm not disagreeing. I'm saying Anthem's gameplay makes me want to kill myself slightly less than Warframe or Destiny, and that Anthem is still very new. It could get better, it could get worse. But in the state it's in right now at this very moment, I enjoy playing Anthem more than the other two.

Anthem has characters I feel compelled to check in with. Anthem has cosmetic customizations I enjoy putting together. Anthem has pacing and progression that keeps things interesting. I can't say any of that for Warframe or Destiny. Everything in Warframe is hideous, tedious, and revealed in text boxes outside the game. Everything in Destiny is just flashing lights and bullet sponges. Anthem isn't good but it isn't bad like the others.

I'm not saying buy Anthem. I'm saying that between the big three in this space, Anthem is the least worst.

>is to cash in on the negative opinions that YouTuber's have created because negative opinions sells.


One thing I don't get about Bioware and just a lot of western devs in general is why their dialogues ALWAYS have to be filled with quips?

What is their obsession with quips?

1. It has zero challenge, this alone kills the game
2. No real difference between classes
3. Shit story, which is forced in your face
4. No real enemy variety
5. Okay combat, but not good enough to save the game
6. Only interesting loot is max level, because developers are retarded and follow WoW in killing the journey and making all good content endgame

Thats basically it. Its uninspired and boring.

Also EA is spending millions on shilling on places like Yea Forums and it has a negative blowback effect.

>what went wrong?
nothing went right to even go wrong.

> I paid $15 for it
Ya and everyone else are the smoothbrains

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>1) Bioware can't code Frostbite and are lazy faggots in general, if there is a soulless shortcut to something they will take it

It's really fucking hard to switch engines, especially one not suited for the genre you're making.

Some people think Bethesda should switch to ID Tech but that'll just be a similar situation as to this.

Blame Marvel

What was that about FO76, user?
Maybe you should buy another copy for yourself and your friends to get the true experience.

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All the fags bringing muh youtube to their argument came straight from reddit, just a friendly reminder.

>Bioware can't code Frostbite

To be fair, DICE can't even code Frostbite and they invented it. Note how every studio using the Frostbite engine is either already or currently in a stage of extinction.

No one is playing it so nobody can record retarded shit.

>Typical EA microtransaction kikery
Non issue
there's literally no use for in-game currency other than buying store shit.
The grind is there, but it's nothing compared to shit like Warframe.
I haven't done any math but I'm pretty sure you can afford a skin by playing 2-5 days

Dice has their own problems. Battlefield V is dying slowly.

>I hate to tell you guys this, but there's an extremely long list of trannies being involved in game development, and some of them were actually fucking great.
Name 5 and what games they worked on.

>have SIX YEARS to make a functional video game
Oh but I'm sure one more week was going to fix EVERYTHING.

BFV was stillborn.


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>It has zero challenge, this alone kills the game
there is challenge but it comes in the form of annoying ass bulletsponge + massive damage enemies
>No real difference between classes
There's a massive difference, way bigger than anything Destiny offers, have you even played the game?
>Shit story, which is forced in your face
subjective, I liked it somewhat, though there were parts that were very cliché
>No real enemy variety
This is a problem, yeah. You get 4 factions, 3 of which act almost identically, excluding specific elite / boss units (about 2-4 special enemies per faction)
>Okay combat, but not good enough to save the game
The combat is one of the only redeeming features it has, which is a shame, because all the bugs and clunkiness make it feel so much worse than what it should be.
I really hope they'll keep working on it
>Only interesting loot is max level, because developers are retarded and follow WoW in killing the journey and making all good content endgame
So much this, god.
I can't imagine what they were thinking, making the most fun gear exclusively for endgame.
Even fucking destiny rewards you legendaries while you're still leveling - the player knows those items become obsolete, but atleast they'll have a taste of what kind of cool shit the game has to offer. Anthem has none of that - you're stuck with boring ballistic weapons that feel like they barely have an impact, and by the time you finally get Masterwork / legendary weapons, they'll 99% of the time have horseshit stats and / or are of a weapon type you don't give a fuck about

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Would be better if it split into three factions after you get max leveled and became like a large PVP war ala planet side 2.

Except they'd cash-in more if they played EA's game and took their bribe money.
Direct Company money >>> pitiful youtube ad money

>There's a massive difference, way bigger than anything Destiny offers, have you even played the game?
not him but i have 3 javelins at 450+, they are fairly similar
you hit your abilities and either prime or detonate
while you wait for your abilities to cool down, you shoot your gun a bit and repeat

Cmon bruh, you can bait better than that

Melee focus, extremely fast dodges and mainly single target specialization
Low health
Average shields

Literal MMO wizard, floats in air 90% of the time because that's way more survivable to this class than ground level fighting (also ideal due to abilities being mainly aoe elemental attacks)
Low health
High Shields

No dodge, aoe melee, lots of primer abilities as if to fullfill a support-ish role, gets a shield that can be used for cc and self-defense
High health
no shields (but has a physical shield with good durability)

Decent all around, supposedly to be the only class to get armor piercing skills. Good mobility
Second best in almsot everything.
Average Health
Average Shields

>only 4 different javelins
>only 2 different skills and an ultimate per loadout
>bUt ThErE aRe ThReE dEdIcAtEd ButToNs FoR eMoTeS

replace these emote buttons with more javelin skills and you just quadrupled tactical options and neat shit. there, pay me Bioware.

this game literally died before I even knew what it was. Can someone please tell me what this game is about?

and yet the gameplay is the same
yeet your 2 abilites and pew pew your gun for a few seconds while they recharge

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You right user. Gonna go buy it right now.

Care to explain this one?

Enemies don't even react to getting hit...

you forgot the support skill :^)
but yeah, it's stupidly simple

a studio called bioware worked on a game for 6 years and is slowly turning into bungie, they are listening

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>Destiny 1 + 2 are some of the most hated games this gen

"Hey guys we should make a Destiny clone!"

Turning into Bungie would be a good thing for nuBioWare. At least Bungie can still put out critically acclaimed shit like Forsaken. nuBioWare is just a bunch of interns that got promoted up to positions they don't deserve cause all the real talent fled BioWare like rats fleeing a sinking ship long ago.

development started before destiny came out

well of course you're gonna be spamming abilities, they're the primary method of damage, and the primary "unique thing" about each class
how those abilities work and when you should use them is a different matter though.
Like, at higher difficulty, it becomes obnoxious to kill some enemies, so you (should) use detonators or plain danage on them and save certain skills until the enemy has no shields so you can stack combos on it while it's vulnerable.
As far as I know, spamming skills on a shielded enemies doesn't proc any combo effects, therefore you miss out on a lot of potential damage unless you use mook enemies as nukes by using them for combos near bigger enemies

>Made by Bioware
>Published by EA
>F2P Model with a full price cost
>Made every single mistake Destiny made despite having years to learn and avoid those mistakes
The list goes on and on

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interceptor and ranger are basically trash at end game

have fun getting 1 hit by bullshit hitscan weapons from enemies that have no turn rate as a melee focused interceptor

>we liberals will win the cultural war and exterminate the while race which most of us are part of making everyone a mongrel yeaaaayyyy, let's display this on our futuristic game

Neither of those games are even close to being amongst the most hated.

Destiny 2 is actually in an OK place, it's just in a content lull, being at the end of a DLC cycle.

Nothing, it's fun with friends.

it's not very fun being colossus either when those motherfucking machinegunners shred your shield (and health) in 2.2 seconds

As far as I'm concerned, the difficulty is stupid as fuck in this game.

What game difficulty should be:
More enemies
Better AI
Less pickups (health/ammo)
no retries

What game difficulty usually is:
exact same enemies as lower difficulty but now with three to ten times more damage and health
>bullshit gimmicks like invulnerability/immunity
>infinite retries

Game is painfully boring and has more problems than I care to write out. It's just bad, I would be pissed but I got the game with my GPU so whatever but I'd imagine people who actually bought it are either in full denial or fucking livid

can bioware survive this?
Unfortunately i know EA can weather the storm but bioware is fucking doomed right?
(i dont necessarily think they should or shouldnt survive)

Ok, so you haven't even played the game. Got it. I can confidently ignore your posts now.

I was attempting story missions today and I just had a moment, flying around fighting the same scars with the same "collect three motes of light and deposit them in a thing" objective that I think I did in like seven different missions now. Some annoying british accented disembodied voice making halfassed quips in my voice and telling me what to do, I just stopped and closed the game. No desire to touch it again. I don't know why I would. It's not fun unless you love destroying trash mobs with 0 challenge or threat to them. Everyone says the flying is good but I think the heat meter is pants on fucking head retarded and pretty much ruins the flying for me. Additionally flying is boring as fuck. Nothing to do in the air.

He should have said "sometimes enemies dont react to being hit. Also sometimes enemies don't react to being killed. Or react to you at all, just standing there staring off into the distance. Also sometimes the hitboxes of enemies attacks dont react to the laws of fixes and boulders that are twenty feet away from you hit you anyway. Also sometimes enemies decide to 420 no scope you and a sniper will pick you out of the air despite their shot actually not being anywhere near you because everythings fucking hitscan"

Yeah there's definitely some fucky netcode that makes some enemy behavior inconsistent. That's fixable over time. I think the bigger thing I'm worried about is the general lack of any particular enemy paradigms. There are enemies that shoot you and enemies that walk up and slap you. That's it. Despite there being a plethora of different enemy types, they all only do one of these two things. The bugs behave the same as the soldiers. The soldiers behave the same as the bosses. There seems to be a big lack of attention to enemy design, especially in regards to how enemy behavior is supposed to affect the player behavior.

Also I'm pretty sure enemies aren't hitscan, it's just that shit netcode right now.

>Hahaha lighten up bro! What, you don't like Deadpool dude? He's HILARIOUS bro!

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>loot shooter
>loot hardly drops
>loot is boring

Except they hyped up the storytelling as something unique and revolutionary in the genre