ITT characters that are literally you.
ITT characters that are literally you
>characters that are literally you
Why are you such an asshole to your dad?
Why the fuck is he wearing his shoes indoors? Do Americans actually do this?
why the fuck would you take off your shoes every time you enter your house?
I don't know, maybe because I was just walking around outside in dirt, snow, salt, maybe even some dog shit I don't know I stepped in?
as an american, i am fucking baffled by homes whose people wear shoes inside their homes. are their homes so dirty that it just doesn't matter? is it some kind of strange conditioning or is it laziness?
Some do, but most don't. It's not a huge sign of disrespect across the board, but generally most people here like their indoors to be clean and won't wear outdoor shoes inside. It's generally courteous to ask if they prefer shoes off inside if it's your first time.
Don't fall prey to the meme that us dumb fat Americans go to sleep with our shoes on.
It's the only way they avoid having to look at their horrid diabetic feet.
Maybe because I like that my floors are clean?
I look just like her.
I don't but everyone else does, they think feet are disgusting.
thats why you have carpets retard, to catch all the shit from your shoes.
do you have a dick? i hope you do
americans wear jeans to sleep
>using carpets as the mats for your shoes
That's even worse
>they think feet are disgusting.
is this real or are you just memeing? this is fucking mindblowing because i haven't even thought of the possibility of
>maybe they don't take them off because they think feet are nasty
ever in my thirty years in the US. the whole concept and logic behind it is just so bad
I'm sorry you have to live in a such a disgustingly dirty country, user.
No, I am just Taiwanese-American
fuk yea, it always sounds like people are yelling something like sagat at me a lot so i must be pretty much him irl
I don't understand why peoe don't wear shoes inside. As long as you vacuum daily it's a non issue.
I wonder if you're atopic, user.
>are their homes so dirty that it just doesn't matter?
I think this is usually what it is. Generally neat and clean people won't have people walk around their nice carpets in their muddy, dusty outdoor shoes.
I honestly can't even recall any household that I've been in that allowed shoes indoors past like college, but that's only because college aged people are still dirty, gross kids.
wouldn't it be comfier to remove your shoes after a long day of wearing them?
There's a barcade in downtown Denver called 1up where I got one of these donut burgers kind of as a novelty.
It's just as fucking sickening as it sounds. Never again lol.
Shoes are inherently dirty. Even if you mope the floor everyday, your floor is still going to be dirty by your shoes
>but what if I don't go outside?
Which is even weirder. You'll use indoor slopes instead of shoes.
Yes, everyone I know thinks feet are disgusting, they see them as filthier than shoe soles.
I've been there, rockin' place. Didn't have their donut burger though.
tits or gtfo
out of all asians, why is it only filipinos and SEA niggers who wear their shoes indoors? are they just a filthy people?
This is me. Literally me. No other character can come close to relating to me like this. There is no way you can convince me this is not me. This character could not possibly be anymore me. It's me, and nobody can convince me otherwise. If anyone approached me on the topic of this not possibly being me, then I immediately shut them down with overwhelming evidence that this character is me. This character is me, it is indisputable. Why anyone would try to argue that this character is not me is beyond me. If you held two pictures of me and this character side by side, you'd see no difference. I can safely look at this character every day and say "Yup, that's me". I can practically see this character every time I look at myself in the mirror. I go outside and people stop me to comment how similar I look and act to this character. I chuckle softly as I'm assured everyday this character is me in every way. I can smile each time I get out of bed every morning knowing that I've found my identity with this character and I know my place in this world. It's really quite funny how similar this character is to me, it's almost like we're identical twins. When I first saw this character, I had an existential crisis. What if this character was the real me and I was the fictional being. What if this character actual became aware of my existence? Did this character have the ability to become self aware itself?
I put on my work boots at my locker. I wear comfy sneakers otherwise.
I'm Indonesian and we never use shoes or sandals indoors, ever. It's actually impolite to do so.
Based old meme
That is just not true, stop making shit up. I think you either have a weird hang up about feet or haven't actually lived in the US. Dirty, stinky feet are gross, sure but clean feet are alright and are acceptable in a lot of situations. Which is why you often see people barefeet in their own homes and outdoors.
Imagine if people wore socks at the beach lol.
Yeah both of them are pretty sweet and that Addams Family pinball cabinet is cool as fuck. Also don't get that donut burger. I have a pretty strong stomach, but it made me sick for a couple of hours. I think too much fat and sugar isn't good for you lol.
Have they ever considered that their feet are fucking disgusting because they wear shoes all day?
Literally made this char after me. Except unlike in real life (unfortunately) in this game i died almost instantly
He's a douchebag
No other answer is allowed
I love how this thread on Yea Forums-video games is about shoes
Protip: I know you haven't left your room in 20 years, but in case you forgot, there's dirt outside.
I'm too boring to be a video game character.
Come on man, you wouldn’t be framing that question that way if you didn’t already know this was the case.
Don't listen to that guy, most of us USfags are OK with no shoes unless you're like inside of a business like a bank or a grocery store and keep your feet clean.
Not wearing socks indoors is even worse you gross fuck
What kind of pervert draws this?
>you'll never eat her poo
why live?
Reminder that if you don't walk around your house barefoot, you're doing it wrong
Next time I'm in Denver I'll hit up both locations, I've only been to one of them.
Also if you have a chance, go to sports column. They have a native american carving in there that there are only 2 of in the world. The other one is at the other sports column in Iowa City.
Literally me
why do americans wear white socks?
OR you can take your dirty as shoes off and not have to worry about needing to vacuum every day like what the fuck this is not complicated what sense does it make to give yourself MORE work and a dirtier house?
DeSu3 when?
Like this but unironically
where I was raised we always took our shoes off
go away we only like boys here
Do americans not know what bacteria is?
You don't wear a separate set of loafers inside?
>highly mistaken, underweight, scraggyly, pasty nerd who posts his emaciated belly for (You)s
translated that for you
>unironically look exactly like pic related
>be 20 year old zoomed
>be 152 IQ (not that it matters, plenty of idiots have a high iq)
>have tragic childhood filled with death and dismay
>didn't go to school
>aced highschool at top private school doing no work by my standards
>be making 86kish before taxes a year, have rapidly growing wealth from investments
>don't know where I'm going in life yet but I know it will go my way
Ever since I have been of the age of accountability how has everything just gone the way I wanted it too? Is it my charisma? Intelligence? Do I have the providence of god? I had a tragic upbringing with the death of both parents within three years and all grandparents before I was 11. Ever since then life has just been fine. I am indifferent, no burning passion, no moral degeneracy or decadence, no music, I live in solitude as long as I choose and when I want to give people attention they adore me. I simply am, I am good at so much naturally...perhaps it is by reading so much and having great understanding? I feel a though I will bring great change to the world...and within the next five years my power and wealth will be inconceivable. I do as I please and know no consequences, I am truly the perfect being inside and out.
What's wrong with white socks?
Slippers are made for this exact purpose. There is no need at all to track dirt into your house.
Quit being lazy, vaccuming takes a few minutes, I also have a dog and cat. I would have to do it anyway.
I'm not scraggly. I have his exact bodytype and am cleanly smooth.
>You now realize these individuals are the ones that demonize feet pictures posted here, whether they same post or not
>I don't understand why people don't shit and piss around the house. As long as you vacuum daily it's a non issue.
>quit being lazy
the only time it is acceptable to wear white socks is during sports
You look pretty bitchin, not gonna lie user.
>the only time it is acceptable to wear white socks is during sports
First of all, nobody should be seeing your socks anyway. Second, what country do you live in that has a dress code for sock colors?
I bet your mother still does all the chores.
Yes, obviously because I care about having a clean house don't go out of my way to give myself more work it must be because my mommy does my chores.
fucking retards I swear
>Tries to be a funny guy to cover up his insecurities
>Just wants friends
>Cares about shit nobody else does
>Desperate for validation
I'm a hobby mechanic and also possibly retarded.
>loves making puns
>has no friends consequently
It really depend on what type is the floor.
I always wear shoes indoors and I don't give a shit.
t. Not american
>you wouldn’t be framing that question that way if you didn’t already know this was the case.
Welcome to Yea Forums, enjoy your stay
>High IQ
Wear sandals meant exclusively for indoor use
>Mid IQ
Barefoot (or socks if you live somewhere with lots of bugs or mosquitoes)
>Low IQ
Shoes indoors
Enjoy your nasty ass carpets user.
>gay boy
Oh good, you're a faggot so I don't need to read your gay post
>He stares at his carpet
Negative IQ, I bet you enjoy watching paint dry too.
Yes, Americans do this, and it's fucking disgusting.
Why does everything on Yea Forums have to be a superiority contest
>no argument
You posted him
They do.
Keep dancing homo
Got shit to do europoors. Aint got time to take my goddamn shoes off and put them back on 3`4 times a day.
Maybe this board is actually full of successful people
>Wanting a clean room is Negative IQ
lmaoing at the state of your house
When I visited America, this was one of the strangest cases of cultural disconnect I had. The people I was staying with looked at me so weirdly when I took my shoes off at the door. Granted, the streets were much cleaner there than they were back home, so that might have been why.
If I use shoes indoors why would I care if my floor is dirty? I don't live in a shithole country so I don't have to worry about stepping on shit or mud.
>b-but bacteria
I don't eat off the floor and I clean regularly.
>not using house sneakers
I don't know anybody that does this
Literally me.
you forgot the most important part
>genuinely good person errr skeleton
Imagine being such a citylet that you never even get mud on your shoes.
Or somebody who only walks to get from their car to their door, I guess.
I think you're beautiful user. Let's go get ice cream and walk around town ^_^
Literally having no success in life. Or a really small dick.
this is from like 3 or 4 years ago tops
t. third worlder that only has dirt roads to move around on.
Over here taking shoes off indoors is a sign of disrespect when visiting someone. Nobody wants their house to smell of feet.
Which part of india do you came from to have smelly feet
>sunburst les paul
Is he a weeb?
Make him more of a pretentious narcissist and it's me
I'd rather eat off a dirt road than the streets of San Fransisco or New York.
Even cosplayed as him one year
wow you're a fat jew
Literally me
Cool galsses.
Ok but pls be nice
Americans and some Australians do this. As a Canadian it baffles me
dont even joke about that user
>even close to the ultimate gentleman state
not even close
im working on it every day is shoulders day
How much? Also why are you posting on Yea Forums? Guys in real life don't ogle or give you enough attention?
>wearing shoes in the house
Fucking Amerimutts are so barbarian. Really fucking dirty third world monkeys
You are worse than Chinks.
Anglos are fucking filthy third world baboons. They are obese and eat trash. They stink too.
Because the amerim*tts want to hide their fat disgusting potato feet.
ok lets change things up a bit if you could look like any video game character who would you choose?and you also get their powers
I like to make sure the ladies are safe from the chads so i stand nearby incase they need me
>Why the fuck is he wearing his shoes indoors?
Lower class.
>Do Americans actually do this?
Depends on the area you live in. I've never been to a house where people wear shoes inside.
>Australian retard
that's something I can believe