Why are there never black elves in games?

Why are there never black elves in games?

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Elves are generally regarded as a peaceful race.

>what is the history of Europe
>violence in Europe stopped only when atomic weapons threatened everybody with annihilation

because they are part of nordic myth not african myth

There is no wrong way to pronounce a word that isn't in the dictionary

>why is this European mythical creature white?

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what are you fucking talking about retard, black elves are like THE most popular elven race

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t. uneducated amerimutt
scandinavian countries werent part of any war since the start of the 19th century up until german occupation and if it werent for the germoids theyd be war free for over 200 years

I think what you meant to ask was:
Why are dark-skinned elves considered to be inherently evil?

Black and brown elves exist. They just don't have African features.

has there ever been a scene that can top this one

because they worship spider gods

What is the history of the world
>thinking violence ended after WWII
Never heard of the Balkans war

because in fiction people can decide the color of people

this. honestly i don't care about non-white characters in games set in the real world in modern times even if sometimes it is a bit forced. but non-whites in fantasy just feels so janky unless it's some fantasy non-white culture.


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Fuck off e*f.

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While dark elves do exist I do think Negro elves should also exist. Speaking of which I wish there was more hentai featuring black women. I'm Asian but sometimes I just need that jungle fever.

Dark elves are common in games tho?

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negro elves exist, they're called Wild Elves

Because Elves are generally considered to be beautiful and above Humans.

You mean African elves? What kind of retarded shit is that?

Is that the Paladin from pillars of eternity?

t. elf

Go cry to the Dwarves about it, nerd

Nah. In most fantasy shit wood/wild elves are just hippy high elves

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Elves are beautiful and darkies aren't visually appealing

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Why does everything have to be about black people?

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And like clock work

>proving his point by posting disgusting baboons
good job retard

Yeah. There was a time when it wouldn't bother me but now that white people literally can't do anything equivalent without being screamed about about cultural appropriation and racism the double standard bothers me.

>screamed about about cultural appropriation and racism the double standard bothers me.
nobody bitches when koreans and japs do it

>what are drows

Thank you for proving my point further more.

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Its called a double standard.

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The only thing that you proved is that you're a faggot

And? Germany,Britain, France & other european countries that waged wars do not count because...?

Why are these monkeys outside of their cages? What kind of zoo would let filthy monkeys roam free.

remember to safeguard your virginity everywhere you go

Safeguard their virginity from what, those monkeys? Last I checked, beastiality on apes is what caused aids.

They are called orcs so they actually look like what they're based off of not a white design given fat lips and painted black

You have no taste, maybe that's why you're alone.

If being repulsed by such vile looking abominations makes me a faggot then sure I'm the biggest cocksucker on earth, I legit gag when I'm around them, they smell like burnt hair and rust and unwashed ass and look disgusting

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The idea that there were no blacks in Europe at any point is a racist fantasy.

germans, french, british are not white

>is a racist fantasy.
because they know nothing of Europe's history

brother, head to /int/

I'm speaking my heart, I would never treat a darkie like shit or say something bad to them, and when I reject them I do it as politely as possible, there was a girl I worked with for a month who wanted to go on a date with me who I politely said no to, she was fit but as I mentioned earlier they are unattractive to me that's why they always have that "attitude", kinda like that ugly autistic kid who thinks being edgy makes him "a guy with a strong personality"

>there was a girl I worked with for a month who wanted to go on a date with me

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they were all killed off in the ancient war

> image
in this case i would say yes

This is literally the most retarded post all month. Congrats.

>implying it wasn't just low-tier racist edgebait

>this creature, that has been white since conception, MUST have a black variant because there were blacks in ancient Europe every now and then


Honestly, this. Trolling or not, people act like it's just the blacks who kill each other when the entire history of Europeans throughout the last millennium was just them killing the shit out of each other.

>was just them killing the shit out of each other.
And the only thing that made them stop was 2 superpowers threatening to blow up the planet

Germans are a warrior race that were formed in the crucible of endless warfare. If you think blacks are savages, you should read up on the Germanic Wars, the World Wars, and the 30 Years' War. Europeans are killers, and at the heart of Europe is a people born and bred to slaughter each other.

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Because elves are supposed to be beautiful, and niggers look about as appealing as a bag of chopped assholes.

Because they never had black skin in their evolutional path. Also it would be forced.

Elves in a tropical zone would probably end up pretty dark, while elves in a snowy northern climate would end up pale like real-life white people. It all depends on how close they are to the Equator.

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>Why are there never black elves in games?
The Left-handed Elves in TES are black I guess

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> comparing a noble, warrior poet race to an evolutionary dead end species of screeching chimpazoid retards who never discovered the wheel

>omparing a noble, warrior poet race
literal barbarians

>german people
>poet race
krautist rantings will never be considered 'poetry'

This ain't in it (((chief)))

Just shut up and race mix bigot

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Isn't that what the Drow are?

Elves are smart, mystical, wise, lawful.

So not black

>Elves are smart, mystical, wise, lawful.
lol wut elves in nordic myth are thieves and tricksters

But the Germans did discover the wheel user.

Even Germans realized German poetry was nonsense.

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High fantasy you nong.
>Elves being cunning
Still not black people too btw.

>High fantasy
then why the fuck should their skin color matter in a high fantasy context?

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Okay, I will.

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>brainwashed white leftist thinks the warring in europe (who also warred against the middle east and far east people) were any worse than the savagery in the americas or africa

Because no one wants blacks people in video games?