How do us real gamers prevent the rise of 'pay to win' games?
How do us real gamers prevent the rise of 'pay to win' games?
It's simple, we just summon Winnie the Poo
Wow we really need to rise up.
keep supporting valve's latest games and using the steam platform
gaben is the only guy left in the vidya industry that cares about games
Don't pirate games
hes right though
Region lock China
They just removed a game because of Chinese backlash, you would know of nannies would stop deleting the threads about them
>The guy who made lootboxes mainstream with CS:GO and TF2
If you're talking about devotion, it's just people lying to you on the internet.
The simple solution would be Glocalization.
This. Let the P2W chinks play with themselves, not like anyone else wants to play with them.
I can't find it on steam anymore tough.
I hate even paying for DLC so fuck paying just to fucking win.
Chinese gamers will get upset if you do that. You don't want to upset your biggest customer.
You can still buy the deluxe edition / soundtrack but the game itself's page has been taken down temporarily for "back-end" reasons.
That's how capitalism works. Vote with your wallet and in this case the chinese have the biggest wallet.
The overall battle is already lost. Big developers and publishers will chase the most money. You can however find other developers who will make games you enjoy. You don't have to unconditionally support them, but if like their games, buy them, and tell your like minded friends.
Do you really think the chinks wanna play with us?
is every fucking human on this fucking mongolian board this fucking retarded or what
Yes. Same reason Russians and Brazilians want to play with NA and EU, because we're the top dogs and they want to get a piece of the fun.
Look at PUBG. Chinese love to troll and hack games to upset westerners.
If that's true GOG wouldn't exist
Isnt that already done anyway?
call it racist as it takes advantage of chink gamers.
Stop playing online multiplayer games, you get tired of them soon enough anyways
the chinese view them invading NA and EU servers and ruining everyones fun as some kind of patriotic race war thing
This. Was just about to say "stop playing shitty games by greedy, shitty devs", but that's mostly found in MP games anyways.
Lol fuck, I still can't believe that an escalator could do that. Jesus. Fuck the chinese and their shit safety protocols.
>be a good goy and pay to win in this mobile game!
>why won't you stupid goy just pay the micro transactions!
>mfw i'm a full pirate
True, it's not like they "don't" have enough people to populate their P2W games anyways.
Maybe the future will be dominated by indie games, and subscription based models to for game publishers. I think subscription based stuff might actually win out , since they can do more trolly things like forcing people to pay an early access fee and offset the rapid degradation of the price of games. Game development then would become more maintenance oriented, rather than the mad sprints of separate game releases, then would thus be more in business of releasing regular updates to games rather than the finished product. While a good portion of people would simply pirate, netflix has shown that such a service coexists due the inherent convenience of it.
I've got a simple solution. two separate servers. if you dabble with pay2win you get promoted to a premium server populated by your kind.
if you dont use p2w, you get to play with the rest of the plebians in the normal server.
>How do us real gamers prevent the rise of 'pay to win' games?
Nothing, their market completely dwarfs ours. Culturally the chinese don't see a problem with being successfully in real life transferring over to game life.
We'd need the pajeets on our side and I don't know how they feel about p2w.
Then there is pic related which ultimately means every single one of us on Yea Forums could never support them and they still get made.
rule 10 faggot
>People whose job it is to break everything down to math and calculate the highest return on equity
Fuck you Wallstreet you fucking ruined gaming just like you RUINED EVERYTHING.
one game is like 10 bucks the other came bundled with half-life 2, besides you could actually make money with cs skins yourself before the scam sites and the backlash
easy, all you have to do is include a reference to Xi Jinping as Winnie the Pooh
Are there any good gaming companies that haven't sold their equity to investors?
Will never happen since it disincentivizes p2w, they wont pay up if they can't use their p2w against plebs in order to feel powerful. You need to understand how pathetic these type of people are IRL.
American white collar expat in Shanghai. It's endemic throughout their culture. That's why cheating is so rampant. Rather than winning a bid on the merits of a solution and technique, they'd rather just bribe the person in charge. Rather than becoming an expert in their field they'd rather just bribe the person in charge of hiring/organization. It's the same reason they never achieve any greatness until they're born in Western cultures. I remember back in uni in 2011 always fearing having one of the Chinese transfer students in my group because they're always the dumbest, having gotten into Western schools via forged transcripts and purchased recommendation letters.
tl;dr Chinese culture revolves around cheating. If we want P2W to stop we need to acquire more money to balance out Chinese overpopulation and overspending.
Outbreed the chinese so they will pander to you more
They only monitor chinese IPs hosting that, brainlet. Everyone here that keeps spamming that stupid pasta is a fucking retard
you dont understand the point. its kinda like that Activision match making patent. you buy shit, you get matched with people that make you wanna buy more shit.
The Taiwanese company removed it themselves because they are massively dependent on China for purchases. Blame them for caving in and China for being bitches. Blaming Valve makes you sound like a meme spouting high schooler.
>make good games for the west and Japan
>make shit pay2win games for China
problem solved, separate markets. Also I'm not surprised, Chinese tend to do anything to get ahead and this includes paying money to cheat on tests and assignments and such.
Nuke china. Obviously.
It definitely triggers the fuck out of the mods. They jump on that real quick, even when there is literal porn in the first page
>for ... Japan
>what are gacha games
I cant think of any. Nearly all large game developers are either listed publicly (Activision Blizzard) or are owned and controlled by a publisher which is publicly listed like Bioware/EA.
You have to look at AA and smaller companies.
> If we want P2W to stop we need to acquire more money to balance out Chinese overpopulation and overspending.
t. kike
If devs want to start selling to the chinese market they are free to, but the west has no interest in the type of trash the bugmen are interested in.
All it would do is create a void in the market in the west, which the smarter companies would take hold of.
because its breaking rule 10 you absolute cock jerking dry humping bufoon
its a bot that deletes it noob
Most Microtransactions are in Free to Start games though. So why pirate already free games?
You're obviously a chink shill. Have fun when your elevator collapses in your way to work for Winnie the Pooh
the goal is to get the site added to the firewall filter so we can stop having visitors from there
Have you never seen rice runes in a multiplayer game?
>mfw i'm a full pirate
have fun pirating f2p p2w games when that's all youll get in the future you fucking retard
This is an interesting insight into the mindset of the average Chink. Fucking insect people. WWIII when?
Sorry did you say something about Taiwan being an independent state and Tienanmen square massacre?
anyone who plays games with the chinese around has that text file ready.
Because financial success is the devil, and only likes seek it, and we should all strive to live with our parents into our 40s like you do. Fucktard. Companies evaluate market potential based on available disposable income along with actual spending trends. If Western gamers simply made more, we would diminish the importance of the Chinese market and diminish the amount of resources (read: P2W catering) dedicated to it. Either that or you all reproduce like rabbits. Now quit your fucking McJob and get something with actual upward potential.
What is it the Chinese and cheating in any way they can?
It's like saying the N word near them but instead of them getting pissed and beating the shit out of you it makes them goes nuts and enter a perpetual state of both self loathing and rabid dog patriotism. It's effective in a hilarious way at the bear minimum.
I'm largely convinced at this point that asians aren't actually human.
they literally removed a game because it had tiny text in an already small background texture of a poster that said "xi xianping Winnie Pooh"
Because it's no different from anontalk spamming. I'm in China, and I know it doesn't do shit, it's just fucking obnoxious zoomer spam. I always report it as such because you /pol/tards only do this meme baby shit instead of actually going on Weibo for raids to actually fuck with the Chinese. There are no fucking Chinese on the site, their English is too dogshit to understand half the stuff on Facebook, let alone autistic Yea Forums memespeak.
>one of the biggest chink panderers out there
How high are you? Put your bongs down and listen to the absolute nonsense you are saying.
"hurffsdf the west just needs to hire more doctors and engineers duuurrrrrrrr"
They're dipshit's who have nothing else going for them, so they think winning a video game makes them special and makes them feel good.
Honestly I prefer single player or rarely coop experiences myself. It has to have killer gameplay or a good story or preferably both to keep me invested. Competitive games are garbage, and cheating feels stupid as fuck.
all aspects of their life and culture is like this, if you can 'get away with it' it's considered normal to do it.
>I'm in China
Taiwan is an independent state
Tianamen square massacre
The publisher removed it, not valve you disingenuous retard
Move to America
Voting with your wallet won't work when whales' wallets dwarf yours.
Need to vote with your bullets.
Kill a whale, save gaming.
Yeah he's a chink panderer because a publisher removed a game
>Read a post telling you to earn more, work harder
You're a stoner libertarian, aren't you?
Wow, so effective, the chink party van is already on the way. Fuck off zoomer.
I don't get it.
Find something else to get normies interested in. After all, those retards are the main ones supporting it.
Them and weebs..
It's fucking madness, they keep spamming this shit imagining that it's purging Chinese from the site, when the only Chinese using this site are evading the country's filters or simply not in China in the first place. All they're doing is spamming, it's obnoxious reading these threads and half the posts are just the same shit.
The Supreme Leader looks like Winnie and doesn't like it one bit when people point it out.
If mao ordered that, why does communism take the blame?
where's ti 9 being hosted this year champ
>"Read a post telling you to earn more, work harder
>the context of which he makes this statement doesn't matter whatsoever
Yup, you're retarded.
Demand that Chinese players be walled off from the rest of the world
Stop buying them.
If the chinks are the only ones buying it and they keep buying it the shit awful games they put out will still get made to grab the chink market. But if you stop being a little baby and buying up the plates of shit they serve you they lose out on the western market.
They can either focus completely on making shitty chink games for chinks and be satisfied with that money and not bother trying to market it in the west knowing its fruitless to do so and we wont have to deal with it or they have to develop something to suit your taste so they don't lose out on an entire market demographic.
If they try and make something for us but still try and fuck with you in pricing and additional fees after the initial purchase of the game don't fucking buy it. Someone who will actually make a game that isn't fucking garbage will eventually fill in the hole when the established AAA conventions aren't working and the current big players step away because their branded methodologies aren't working. Have some clout for once regarding your passion if you really care about having good games to play and just don't buy something that smells like shit until you can confirm with footage and details that its worth your money in terms with your taste.
Not to sound like a assclown but being stuck on consoles puts a lot of pressure on you for finding new games to play because theres a limited timeframe that your setup will be up to par and developed for. If I ever get tired of playing some new game that came out in the last couple years I can always boot up some of my classic go to's like AoE and shit and have a blast killing a couple dozen hours since theres no process of trying to dig out consoles and controllers and redoing wiring to play something else.
TL;DR: buy good games and don't buy bad games
find the stuff you enjoy and try to figure out what makes you enjoy it so you can look for that in other games
>American white collar expat in Shanghai
Why? What drove you there? The fact that Westerners go to live to China fascinates me.
Wait, what happened with an escalator in china? Did it shred someone?
Steam deleted a game for doing that though
I think it's more dictatorship than communism on that one.
I've never fact checked that greentext and don't care enough too.
Seriously, fuck off back to your Ron Paul circle jerk.
It's just /pol/ transplants being fucking retards as usual. Same reason American policy on China is so ass backwards is because it's either panda hugging traitors (Mnuchin) or uninformed idiots (Navarro) like this designating the direction, while people who actually understand the situation (Lighthizer) get shouted out of the discussion.
Ability to move up in my career at a faster pace, money, and gaining a better understanding of the enemy. If Jews weren't so secretive and religion based, I wouldn't mind getting some ideas on them too.
Some mom and her kid got caught in the escalator so the mom threw her kid out to save him and that mom super died. Shits fucked up and there is a vid some where of it
chinese die to escalators all the time
China's dictator is the thinnest skinned baby you can imagine. So when some memes were made comparing him to Winnie the Pooh he threw a tantrum and has been banning the character and any media with them.
>Don't mind me just getting another one of your IPs banned for a day for spamming
>PUBG lets chink hackers run rampant
>everyone moves to Fortnite to escape shit game rife with chink hackers
>Sweeney sells out to China and tries to leverage all those Fartnite zoomers to help push it
oh no no no hegelian dialectics ha ha ha
Yeah. Basically there's a chance that the top of the escalator platform could give way.
Some lady got caught in the machinery and chewed up. There's videos of folk in China jumping over the top of the escalators and carrying their kids over their heads.
>Ability to move up in my career at a faster pace, money
Is it worth it? At least from here it looks like a hellhole no matter how rich you are, but of course you'll know better. Got any interesting stories?
>gaining a better understanding of the enemy
What do you mean? Are you a spah, user?
It's the only country that still plays Dota 2.
This, ain't shit we can do because the f2p mobile market and the idiots that spend the majority of the money make them more money than god now.
Remember that this chart specifically specifies north americans too where we have probably the largest percentage of people against this game model.
There are BILLIONS of chinese and are much more receptive to these games, and joreans tend to support this model too which is why nearly every korean mmo is a grindfest with shittons of op cash shop shit.
Ragnarok Online used to have a monthly subscription model.
I miss those days.
You don't, lol if video games follow a business model (which they will now that it can be seen as a profitable way of game release) they will continue as long as they make profit. The day people watched clash of clans have large amounts of players and they had whales spend thousands of dollars IN AMERICA (not even counting china where whales are said to be in large number) it was pretty much over
As long as the servers are separated (or different versions for them) and we are leeching money out of china from these fucking suh-humans I'm pretty ok with it
Imagine a scene from the movie "Final Destination" but asian and an escalator. Fucking chinese can't into safety procedures and quality assurance.
Congrats on achieving the biggest faggot of the thread award! Good job outing yourself as a tranny retard btw.
There's video's of chinese people getting super paranoid on escalators and doing weird shit like stepping on the end hatch to make sure it's not gonna fail/fall. Their infrastructure is absolutely fucked, you could die anywhere there.
Fuck half car crash video webm's I see seem to be from truck brakes failing in china, or they're just awful fucking drivers who can't even hit the brakes.
Reminds me of a certain president.
Plus it has the bonus effect of massively reducing cheating.
This image is a masterpiece. Its gets a chuckle out of me every time I see it.
I remember another one where a child's foot got torn off by an escalator, but I'm not going to look it up again.
Drumpf has done some stupid shit, but he's yet to do anything nearly as pathetic as banning an iconic character because people compare them to him. Like imagine if drumpf banned the consumption of Cheetos or oranges because people compare him to them.
No, they are just clearly the enemy of any country subscribing to a (close to) fair market where success is driven by merit rather than corrupt practices. Though I admit I started off as a more neutral viewpoint back in uni a decade ago.
It's only shit if you work outside of tier 1 cities. And that depends on your standards. Honestly, I went through some tier 2 cities in the US and hygiene aside, the differences aren't that great. Looking at things now, if Trump succeeds (not looking likely now that he's giving trade talk control back to Mnuchin) it will be extremely worth it and I might extend my stay. If he fails, it will still allow me to probably skip a few rungs on the ladder due to the specialization it gives me.
Storywise, I don't really have much. I live the white collar/non-teacher life so I don't spend my time in cheap bars fucking 4/10s from the countryside. I was a block away from the stampede on the Bund that killed 30 something people though. If you wander around Nanjing East Road and Lujiazui's central ring often enough you can usually run into all kinds of celebs from C list Asian bikini models to A list Hollywood actors. Was near where Chris Pratt and BDH where when they were doing PR for Jurassic World. I didn't realize the commotion was for them until later though.
Seriously, go fucking neck yourself.
>t. Huang
checks out
lol. i love how the first people who proclaimed, "I WANT to buy these things, because i'm getting the game so cheap. I WANT to support the devs!"
Are always the first people, in the future when the company gets big, to blow up in their face and say the company got their earnings through illegitimate means.
Nuke china
You wont win "voting with your wallet" since they cash out and have a huge numbers lead on non bugmen people
Youd also inadvertently save a fuck ton of species of animals no longer being poached for boner dust or being polluted to death
Taiwan #1
You don't. The trick is to segregate the payers from the rest of the playerbase. There are various strategies for doing so, from privileged/dedicated server shards to level gates to multiple-mode ranking systems.
>just more more money maan
>you dont have to be a professional to make more money just do some work duuude
How are you gonna be
>gaining a better understanding of the enemy
If you're that ignorant of economics and how the world works in general?
Sounds to me like you're just a traitorous faggot looking to sell out your country for a quick buck. And don't give me that muh not actually loyal to china bullshit, you're providing useful work to them currently, and the chinks know that. They're using you as much as you're using them.
I've definitely noticed that cheating and pay2win is popular with Chinese players, but I wonder what part of their culture influences this.
>he still buys "AAA" games
You can stop posting your braindead blogs now, nobody cares you fucking loser.
>but the west has no interest in the type of trash the bugmen are interested in.
I don't even have to do this full fucking list to know that Murricans and Chinamen like the same dogshit garbage.
Don't pay and win anyway.
The best tear extraction and salt mining is when you and your friends fucking dominate some p2wfag and he finds out you're using stock equipment
You post is just a bunch of strawman bullshit, you don't even know what I do and if this is the best response you could come up with, you clearly know nothing about economics.
Just shove your head in that frying oil vat.
>China's film choices were unironically better than Amerca's last year
Let it die, movies are even worse than video games at this point
You don't do anything you jobless retard, you've openly displayed how little you understand anything you're talking about.
I mean sure they hack but that's because Chinese are so fucking incompetent. They don't have a sense of humor to troll with.
Anyone that's played pubg knows that of you play on the Chinese server it's pretty easy to get chicken dinner 4/5 just because of how bad they are at vidya.
Fuck, are they ok?
Well they do hate SJWs.
Having a real life job is the most important skill. Whalechads are actually the most hardcore grinders. Prove me wrong
The solution is to simply not allow the currency exchange from Chinese currency to any other currency. Or even if allow it, apply a more than half tax percentage. In the end, any companies that do so will either have to pick whether to move to China and choke on their air, or stay in the west and stop getting worthless currency.
Funny how these faggot companies are all for egalitarianism until it comes to Chink bux then they'll happily suck the dick of one of the most oppressive regimes in history.
It's not a strawman when you literally just said that americans should make more money and the problem is solved. How fucking retarded can you be to make that statement? Have you even taken an economics class to be saying shit like
>you clearly know nothing about economics
I don't need to know what you're doing to know that you're being a pathetic faggot FIGHTING AGAINST THE POWAH by joining amongst their ranks for a quick buck. None of it is strawmen, and if you're gonna spew fallacies like they're arguments then at least get it right.
All this is assuming you aren't larping right now, which I have 70% certainty that you are
>Thinking the chinese care about their welfare.
Probably not, they're all probably badly injured/dead still waiting on someone to help them off the ground.
Nevermind, looks like we have an even bigger dumbass in economics
Im not too worried about China at this point, their population growth is leveling out and something like 30% of their workforce retires in 10 years
how amusing, ch*nkroaches think they're human
Make seperate games for chinese --> profit --> use money to make good games for americans
Chinese living overseas still get monitored my dude.
Universities around the world have been asked to change their teaching material to make it more "bejing friendly" because the secret police patrolling campuses don't want their citizens being taught the wrong shit.
Chinese students who start to wrongthink or who question the regime mysteriously disappear mid-semester and get deported back to China.
Have you seen the rise of Chinese novels that are popular with underage faggots nowadays? Chinks are obsessed with power fantasies. They'll throw money at the screen just to feel superior.
Kind of silly to samefag and not maintain character the entire time just because someone embarrassed you.
Just buy games you support and don't buy the games you don't support.
The market will sort itself out.
>PC players have to deal with the chink menace.
Master race am I right?
You don't. Buy indie pixelshit and let the bugmen have AAA games.
Chinks absolutely will not play games that are P2P and/or skill based under any circumstances. So if you steer clear of trash P2W games, you will never, ever meet one.
Going to be a long 20 years until they actually start going into a hard recession from the reverse pyramid of age.
Not pay.
>gaben is the only guy left in the vidya industry that cares about games
Too bad he is too lazy to fire horrible employees.
No, wait. You are implying that the chinese don't come into skill based games and relentlessly cheat.
But i've just got vermintide and uts fun (for now)
Their economy is based on cheap labor and construction, so the moment that their population starts contracting their wages will rise and construction will crash (its already crashing and wages are already rising). They don't have long left unless the CCP goes pro-immigration and the CCP just went hard anti-immigration.
most of these sales are faked for various reasons though
I live in Oceania and virtually never see chinks. But then, the only F2P games I play are warthunder and counterstrike.
I go for the jugular, I don't just call you a retard and be done with it, like you're doing with this post. Glad to see that you've lost, refute my post anytime
China's top 4 aren't even watchable, bro. I implore you try try to sit through in half an hour of Detective Chinatown 2 without switching it off.
Case in point
>Forcing chinks to play with nobody but other chinks
Another comparison between Xi and Winnie during a military parade in 2015 became that year’s most censored image, according to Global Risk Insights. The firm said the Chinese government viewed the meme as “a serious effort to undermine the dignity of the presidential office and Xi himself”.
Pooh bear is pretty dope.
Why is comparing Xi to Pooh even a bad thing?
>China's dictator is the thinnest skinned baby you can imagine.
All dictators are thinned skinned, because they know they can only maintain control if people fear and respect them. If people remember that Xi is just a man who can make mistakes, who doesn't know best and who is entirely mortal, then things start to break down.
It won't be that quick though. The government has absolute control of the economy at all points. Even when labor costs increase and construction decreases due to demand, the government will simply forget false financial stats while juicing the housing market and propping up factories while they transition/down cut. They're already doing this now in tier 3 cities with coal and solar panel related businesses. The only way that a recession could be expedited is if the Jews managed to sneak in, hence Mnuchin's active participation in redirecting trade talks towards finance. Not a real surprise that a country full of Asian Jews can detect the threat of Western ones.
>a serious effort to undermine the dignity of the presidential office and Xi himself
>a stupid winnie the pooh meme
That's pretty counter intuitive, getting so pissy and throwing a tantrum over something so petty shows how weak he is. They're undermining their own dignity the fucking idiots haha.
Literally and unironically, the answer is to abolish capitalism. Then games can be made with the intention of being fun, rather than just being a cash grab.
>while juicing the housing market and propping up factories while they transition/down cut.
They've already been propping up the construction market with handouts and propaganda for going on five years now and housing prices are still tanking. The construction boom is over in china and recirculating more money through it is just going to bleed the economy even harder.
>The government has absolute control of the economy at all points.
Which is the absolute worst possible scenario for surviving economic pressure from changes to the status quo, as we've seen repeat many, many, many times in the last few decades. Case in point: the plight of Venezuela.
Honestly I see it as a serious effort to undermine the dignity of Winnie the Pooh
dont play p2w games not even if they are free
>Tfw i spent $900 for UI Goku And didn't get him.
What do I do Yea Forums? Should I just kill myself now?
Housing prices aren't tanking outside of tier 3s though. Tier 1 continues to make steady, but low growth. Factories are already being moved to tier 2 and 3 cities while tier 1 workers get transitioned to service sectors. IIRC, Hangzhou had a blip a few years ago, but tier 2 and 1 for the most part have held up, just not as well as 5 years ago when values doubled every year. I think 20 years was too optimistic, but it's going to be over a decade before the bomb explodes. Absolute control allows them to literally brainwash the people into ignoring the oncoming recession by utilizing tools like Alibaba, JD, and Tencent to deliver constant dopamine rushes, and by ensuring confidence that the housing market will never go negative. I routinely talk with people here from the highest to lowest rungs, and nobody believes the housing market could collapse. And that belief is essential to keeping them speculating the market. Chinese assets overseas are just smart diversification along with a golden parachute bonus.
God damn am I glad gacha garbage does nothing for me
I didn't think a few years ago that commie shit bugmen would mess up the market more than it already was but here we are.
destroy the infrastructure of mainland china
>Black panther earned more than Infinity War
So THIS... is the power... of kangs.....
I felt so ashamed. I mean my entire tax return and a little more went to pay that off.
Yep, black people make the best mindless consumers.
Why do you think Hollywood panders to us__ so much?
Nothing but mindless corporate drones to milk for cash so long as you tickle the right spots.
Wake up my brother. Get off that plantation. You think you winning with leaders like Al Charlton, but he's just soaking you for all you got. He is a such a conman, shyster, egomaniac and a modern day carpetbagger.
>gaben is the only guy left in the vidya industry that cares about games
Gabe hasn't cared for years. What's the last thing they made, some shitty ass card game?
Glad you found this article
Does valve pay you in steam discounts or Cheetos?
it actually wasnt machinery malfunction, but the other common cause of accidents in china; negligence. the maintenance workers forgot to latch it shut all the way
You misunderstand user, I've stopped caring, I have no faith in anyone waking up, let alone black people.
I just want to go to work, make money to fund my hobbies, and enjoy myself before the world shits itself.
I gave up a long time ago.
successful projects:
VR goggles, Controller, Wine, Directx to Vulkan, Proton implementation
>you'll never be a young teenager again, getting home from school on a Friday afternoon, hitting up your guild to farm mats and hopefully get some card drops till 4AM in the morning
This. They have saying a china which is basically "you get what you pay for", but what it actually means is "pay me more than i deserve or i'll scam you or give you shoddy workmanship".
>Western nations (and japan) have console history that conflicts with an industry pushing for microtransactions
>China and Korea only ever knowing PC games, already had to pay for subscriptions so the transitions to F2P with money was a logical evolution
So basically Blizzard games and later the mobile market turned asians into pay 2 win sheep. How quaint. Thanks Jeff
almost all multiplayer games with a farming element are huge draws to chinese people looking to make a profit, the fuck are you on about
The problem is that when you are the invincible god king who rules all, and some nobody cracks a joke about you and you respond by imprisoning/killing them or their family, it doesn't make you look strong. It makes you look weak. Some nobody cracking a joke should be completely beneath your notice and completely unworthy of your attention. You demean and weaken your position by lashing out.
And yet dictators are always like this. It's because their narcissists.
Need another Tiananmen Square
You support games that don't pull this shit.
The bad news for you is that this means actually spending money. You'll need to buy games. Not paying for bullshit isn't enough, you need to open alternative revenue streams.
That's actually wrong. The Chinese are always trying to push the price lower and squeeze more out of margins. What happens is people get squeezed too far and let the client savings bleed into essential things like safety and QC instead of hitting negative revenue. Everyone in China is aware of it (including WOFEs), but very few people are willing to trade off the cost savings for the risk reduction. With the probability of accidents and associated costs vs pre-emptive costs, they typically save money on average.
Wat? Earning more money /= spending more money on stuff you don't want. Fuck sake, even if half of the anons on this site became multi-millionaires, they would still probably not spend more on P2W garbage. It's a cultural thing, not a success/money thing that keeps the west from spending as much on mobile shit.
Just like you said yourself
>Companies evaluate market potential based on available disposable income along with actual spending trends.
And all of our spending trends show that we DON'T want this shit. If we just started spending more on it ourselves, it would do nothing to get rid of it, which is the entire fucking point.