ITT: Shit vidya maps designs
ITT: Shit vidya maps designs
Speaking of Europe from a map-making perspective, it's fucking amazing that it's shaped the way it is. No where else on Earth is there terrain with such interesting shapes and cool strategic points as Europe.
All the other continents look like boring blobs designed by a low-effort beginner in comparison.
One of the things holding back the original Prototype is that the map is boring as fuck. Realism does not suit a game where you routinely pulp and vore your enemies on a moment to moment basis and then leap and glide kilometers away.
Map making thread?
I take it here's a massive empire preaching racial purity and such.
What the fuck is this map?
It looks like Europe but its like half of Europe and the other half is a shitty edit?
>im obsessed with Europe and havne't looked at maps of other countries as in depth
Thanks for the thumbnail you drooling retard.
What happened to edge of the Black Sea?
It's Europe user.
It's based on Europe, rotated 90 degrees counterclockwise from the typical projection along with Iceland moved really close and some really shitty bodies of water added.
lol final hallway XIII
Don’t be so disingenuous. You know he is right and there is no land mass nearly as unique as Europe in shape.
*blocks your path*
Thats an archipelago, not a continent
But I have. I've spent hours on Google Earth looking at the Geography of the world, and nothing compares to Europe as a whole.
I'm not even from Europe, I'm from North America, and NA just isn't as geographically interesting as Europe.
A bunch of Islands and a mediocre peninsula isn't as interesting.
Why do autists lose their shit if a fantasy map doesn't abide by our planets nature rules?
Autists doesn't even go outside. What do they know about it.
Never has a continent looked so much like a fat, smug, cute cartoon whale. I doubt I'll ever know why that's only true when mirrored.
Is Florida the whale's penis? How fitting.
son, i am disappoint
It's 1016x6090, you're a fucking idiot
Yeah, he's even got a smug little big-dick mouth in north-central California.
Dad, I'm American. What do you expect?
Nigger why is Spain where France is meant to be?
I'd expect an American to know that his own fucking country is not a continent now kys
Texas looks so fucking weird compared to the other states on this.
Alright, I will. I just wanted others to see the cuteness of that whale, but I will. Goodbye.
Asia in general is more diverse and interesting
That's exactly what i was thinking
Someone post the Ace Combat one
[Citation needed]
>ITT: Shit vidya maps designs
Every game world of Haven and Hearth since i started playing it in world 5. (it's on the 11th world now)
"Our game has biomes, so lets randomly fill the land with them in blob shapes instead of placing them logically according to terrain rules like proximity to water/rivers."
"Oh, and make sure all the metal ores, fish, and other resources are just fucking randomly placed all over the map... Oh, and lets not only do that but also never check and see if the cave-in mechanics makes 90% of the ores unobtainable or a net-loss."
The two devs literally only just added oceans despite large boats being in the game for a few worlds already.
Before anyone asks how the game plays, i'll tell you now: It's been the exact same for 6 game worlds and despite more added content every week... The game has remained completely the same. Everyone gets their bot-alts setup, and in 2 months the game is UNPLAYABLE because infinite stat gain is a sacred cow the devs refuse to slaughter despite it being the literal brain cancer holding the game back.
Europe is overrated
Because unless it's specifically stated in a story that the land is formed or influenced by magic, it should follow our planet's rules.
>chokepoint after chokepoint after chokepoint after chokepoint
>there can only be one universe with one set of laws
>there can also only be Earth-like planets that follow Earth's rules
You realism autists are a fucking plague on fantasy.
Also Spain is on top of France for some reason and Turkey is moved a bit closer to Europe but in a way it clips.
First time I saw it I got really thrown off because the France/spain thing
>universe uses "different set of laws" to explain why rivers flow incorrectly
>these otherwise minute laws don't actually appear anywhere else in that universe
great fucking map.
>hurr chokepoitns
yes that's the point of a fucking control point map user
There's nothing shitty about dwarf fortress maps, unless you count certain failures in actual gameplay, like not being able to travel over mountains through the world-map level view or over oceans because there's no boats.
Lmao Asia is more geographically diverse and interesting.
>play fantasy game
>toilet water spins clockwise
I legit fucking laughed out loud to this, thanks.
I want to grab a girl by her chokepoint
Bigger != more interesting.
I'm dumb enough. What's so funny about it?
Pakistan is a shithole but geographically it's much more interesting than most of yurop
Oceans don't form lakes.
All planets would have rivers that flow the way they do on Earth due to basic physics, so unless the physics in this fiction world are supposed to be different, there is no reason for things like rivers to behave unrealistically.
Asia is only more diverse because of its massive size, but as a whole it's basically just a large ugly blob. If the size of a land mass was all that mattered then the ugly Blob that is Africa would be considered more interesting than Europe.
Oh shit I get it now. The picture suggesting that rivers are formed upwards towards the mountains.
The science behind it is meant to be a joke since rivers don't form like this at all. The whole rivers never split panel also refers to the most common mistake amateur map-makers can make, which is to have rivers split, and in this case the panel is showing an example of rivers splitting, but since they're making the joke that rivers flow from the ocean to mountains, it seems correct in the context of the bogus explanation.
Get a lot of this pleb lmao
Thank god france and romania have been eliminated.
>No seas
>Only one significant river
>Boring shape
Even Norway individually is more interesting than Pakistan.
Strangereal is the best though.
Is a reply to
Does anyone find it annoying when people just use a slightly edited or rotated version of some real life continent(s) and use it as their map? If it's supposed to take place on Earth that's fine, but otherwise it's just lazy to copy/paste some Earth continents.
Hunter X Hunter does this, and it just seems silly.
Is it true that they didn't even fucking name the continent?
If they're taking stuff from Earth anyway, like humans, the English language, our technology, animals that exist here, then what's the big deal about taking some landmasses as well?
>the most common mistake amateur map-makers can make, which is to have rivers split
But rivers do split? Pic related. The Rhine splits into a lot of rivers, especially at its delta.
Rivers split all the fucking time user what the fuck are you talking about...
But how will Winnie the Pooh reach the pacific?
Rivers don't split as they go downhill, they combine.
These threads are always filled with mt stupid, armchair geologists.
Stop being retarded.
Deltas are a special case, they do split, but it only happens at the mouths of rivers.
It just feels lazy to me. If they're going to have a different world, they should at least make it a truly different world.
>rivers don't split
>well they do, but only in XYZ
Yes. The whole sense of scale is really jumbled in-game too. In both routes you generally swing along the bottom of the map, cross the sea, and move over to the other nation's capital, but it feels like you're flying through empty space at mach speed and the map is always fairly zoomed in so you can never tell where the fuck anything is. The little towns and settlements are so utterly generic with some even lacking names that they feel totally disconnected from the rest of the world.
All the complaints about it apparently hit home and now the new game already has more history built up in 5 minutes than 3 entire games.
It's just a general rule to help with map-making, there's obviously going to be exceptions in special cases. The point is to keep people from making rivers that make no sense on their maps.
Europe isn't a continent either. It literally expands and shares a huge amount of land mass and border with no large body of water separating itself from Asia. It's like a pimple on their ass.
Warhammer Fantasy has the best map.
>west eu is in the east of east eu
What a shit map
It just seems arbitrary. Egypt has several splitting rivers user. Now if it's just one long blue line that splits at two 90 degree angles then yeah that looks fucking wonky.
That's some long mountain ranges
>Rivers don't split as they go downhill, they combine.
Then how the everloving fuck does the Rhine that flows from the fucking ALPS DOWN to the goddamn NETHERlands have a MILLION fucking splits/tributaries?
My sides.
It's supposed to look like a dragons spine, its also where the dwai resided until the rat shits and grobbi shits shitter shattered all over everything.
literally italy
Texas has a rather unique shape compared to many other states/nations/territories. If you see something vaguely Texas-shaped, but off in a key way, it makes you feel uneasy. It's kind of an uncanny valley type thing.
good eye
yeah, stupid.
Every time someone posts this map, someone falls for this. It's literally just the Euro-area map rotated, so yes, that is indeed "literally" italy.
This is the One Piece map
That can't actually be the full map
who cares, most custom maps are for fantasy games anyway.
>magic make this anomalous river
>a curse did
>X great/evil person died here, and his spirit keeps the river this way because [INSERT LORE HERE]
Let fantasy games have weird shit, that's the fucking point of fantasy, IT''S NOT SUPPOSED TO ABIDE BY REAL LIFE.
Scrubbing your map for realism is boring.
Unless it's a pirate setting.
What happens here?
To be fair it's not just literally a map of Europe on it's side. They moved some stuff around so it wasn't immediately obvious
That is the full map, that is every continent represented.
It's where Samurai Jack lives.
Ulthuan is not greenland lorelet.
Europeans call Europe a continent all the time even though it's not a separate landmass from Asia.
Literally looks like our world but drawn by a retard.
con·ti·nent1Dictionary result for continent
any of the world's main continuous expanses of land (Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, South America).
But it's just bootleg Earth
Obviously, but the map being !Earth is still boring.
Like I said in a previous post, I think it's fine to break the rules as long as it's stated that magic is causing it. Otherwise, it's implied that those features formed naturally, which wouldn't make sense if they don't follow some basic logic.
Fucking everyone calls Europe a continent
how is shit like Italy, Sweden+Norway+Finland, and the UK not immediately recognizable?
>in a world with magic, it's not plausible for magic to fuck with nature in weird ways to form weird things
install an imagination module, user.
Are you actually this retarded
Most people focus on the words before the landmass
Neither is africa or north or south america. They can be connected together retard.
There is no reason for Europe to be considered a separate continent from Asia other than weird western self-importance. It would be no different from calling the US a separate continent from Mexico or Canada.
>"Here be Daemons"
Africa europe and asia are all connected as are south and north america retard.
Looks like the devs put all their effort into the west. Beyond that it just devolves into square bullshit.
And I see that silouette of a fat man with a big hat. Is that supposed to be cute?
No one knows. Rumor has it will be involved in TW3.
>They can be connected together retard.
The difference is that the connecting portions between Africa/Asia or North/South America are much, much smaller than the connecting portions of Europe and Asia. Calling Europe and Asia separate continents is like calling East and West United States separate continents.
Actually, since the Panama canal was created, North and South America have been separated.
this map always makes me feel comfy
Then they just need to state that magic affects the land, then it's fine.
It's still lazy, but it as least gives a reason for why things are wonky.
So if earth was a fantasy jrpg, where would the elemental temples be?
>wind: Machu Picchu
>fire: Hawaii
>Earth: Grand Canyon
>Water: Great Barrier Reef
>muh fjords
get fucked hans
Wrong both sides of the Panama canal is North America. The Columbian border is where South America starts.
Oh, so part of NA is separated from NA, but is attached to SA. Fuck you dude, the landmass south of the canal, for all intents and purposes, is south america from a geographical standpoint. National borders don't change landmass you dumb fuck.
Shit map.
Don't know because GW refuses to acknowledge it
it's antarctica you retard
The Island is called "Nanking"
I'll let you figure out the rest
It's funny how the U.S. would be a terrible map if the states were supposed to represent countries.
>Worst province of Canada still exists
As a leaf I am offended.
They dont have to be one land mass retard.
northland looks comfy as fuck
I bet you think moose factory is a good name for a location.
terrible map design
this is honestly giving me eerie vibes
what's beyond the spring gate
looks comfy desu
the earth isnt flat, but it should be
I like to imagine which groups of people on Earth would be certain bending types from Avatar the Last Airbender.
I would imagine people from mountainous regions would be Air benders, people near volcanoes or on volcanic islands would be fire benders, people on islands/tundra would be water benders, and everywhere else would be Earth benders.
The only problem is that there would be way too many Earth Benders.
great map to explore, though
In terms of the overall look of the continent, it is rather unique, however its fauna and actual ground-view geography is fucking bankrupt. This is just from the US alone, not including Alaska or Hawaii, not even the entirety of North America as a whole and it has greater bio-diversity and geographic diversity.
Continental plates, man. Really we need to re-evaluate how many continents there actually are.
nah we have half the west being gender benders
*ppssssy* Europe is filled with Islands
>Great Britain
He is talking about a military and world map view aspect.
>Earth: Grand Canyon
The Grand Canyon shows how weak Earth is by how much of it was eaten away by the Colorado. If anything the Grand Canyon should be Water.
>The only problem is that there are way too many Earth Benders.
Woah, woah, calm down there, firelord ozai.
You're not wrong, but like I said, I'm talking about the actual shape as a whole.
Works every time
So, all rivers separate the continents into different landmasses, too?
The world map was not great, but the maps of each individual zones were amazing.
Yeah, India should really be its own continent since it literally formed from the Indian continent ramming into Asia.
>This continent which was developed on an industrial scale much later has more fauna
No shit.
>I-I was just pretending to be retarded! Haha...
The guys said that North and South America were connected. They aren't.
The majority of humanity lives along coasts and rivers. There would be too many water benders if anything.
As a continent, North America is far more interesting in both those regards to me.
>a literal copypasta of earth
no thanks.
Europe and Asia aren't connected either because there are rivers.
>developed much later
Has nothing to do with it. North America objectively has a wider diversity of biomes than Europe, because North America dips into the Tropic of Cancer.
From Vietnam to Malaysia, it's basically Asia's penis.
>North America dips into the Tropic of Cancer.
It sure does.
Its shit.
outing yourself as a phone poster should be a bannable offense
>Random ass Greenland and New Zealand
what did they mean by this
Where's Cthulhu?
Nowhere near the amount of choke points, inland oceans, and general mobility through it. There is a reason most of large scale civilization rose in Europe.
Better than dipping into nigger central if you ask me.
Can't post that every time you fall for obvious bait, especially when this board is already notorious for believing creditless sources.
>There is a reason most of large scale civilization rose in Europe.
Well it arose first in Asia and the Middle East and then spread outward.
>Guys the final zone will be in Australia but we can't let players just run over there too fast what do we do?
>I don't know just add a shit tonne of mountain walls or something
Terrible design.
>mountain walls
More like
>"Fuck it, just make 90% of it completely uninhabitable with end-game bosses under every nook and cranny"
If you're actually at Machu Picchu, the real spookiness of the place is what you see FROM that spot looking out at hulking shapes standing in mist. No wonder they made that a special spot. The standard pic is of the complex on a clear day, when really the people who lived there saw these otherworldly forms in shifting rains.
>Europe and Asia aren't connected either because there are rivers.
I don't know why this is so funny
You know, I take this country for granted way too often.
Your "joke" is so old that there has been a banner featuring it for a literal decade on Yea Forums
Are you proud of yourself now
an*Lo hands typed this
It's eurasia.
>temple of war: europe
>The forbidden channel
Underwater stuff fascinates me, I love water levels in almost ever game. Tomb Raider 2 is still the dopest shit ever.
>Who designed this, an alien?
Every time.
>There is a reason most of large scale civilization rose in Europe.
All the beasts of burden evolved in North America and moved west from there as people followed the trade winds from Africa. The whole of the Americas lacks horses, camels, anything big enough to do large scale work.
There are other factors too, but don't let them get in the way of your limited view.
Isn't this literally a squished Africa/Asia?
I probably spent +300 hours in that map alone
continents are different from landmasses, hence 'eurasian landmass' and 'europe' and 'asian' continents
>the unholy union of japs gooks seanigs and roo fuckers
Can anyone stop them?
America is so cool man, it's like it's own mini world with every single biome on the planet on it except the rainforests.
Imagine if the world was really like this and nobody knew. Imagine one day taking a ship and sailing for months up north past the spring gate and ending up in Hapis, a land bigger than the entirety of Europe.
What would you find there? Would there be people who think Hapis is all that there is, surrounded only by endless ocean and frigid wastes? Imagine exploring that continent and knowing there are dozens more in nestled between concentric circles of ice, growing larger the further you go outwards from our familiar Earth. Think of all the new stuff to discover, the new cultures to visit, the new flora and fauna that could live there. What lies beyond the spring gate? It could take an entire lifetime to find out.
America is the greatest planet in the world.
Washington has its own rainforests
>implying europe won't be a suburb of Africa
>implying SEAsia and the Pacific won't be a suburb of China
>implying Russia will ever enjoy prosperity or relevance
This is perfect.
We have rainforests in Washington, British Columbia, Alaska, and parts of Idaho/Oregon. Gorgeous places.
Still lesser compared to the level of infrastructure and technology Europe reached, and places like North Africa and Anatolia are pretty much part of the point.
The Americas are absolutely terrible for traveling and weather.
And to think, all they had to do was draw Europe badly.
The Americas had its horse/camel analogues, but they didn't survive the most recent ice age. I suspect that if Europeans hadn't shown up, the Native Americans would have domesticated deer, elk, etc. to a greater extent.
>posts a truckstop
The Colosseum is perfect for that.
>The Americas are absolutely terrible for traveling and weather.
Can't tell if meming or not. North America is perfect for traveling. South America not so much.
No it's a squished Europe, the semi bootshaped thing at the center-south is clearly Italy, complete with alps.
>tfw Cowboys rode horses instead of elk
This is proof God hates humanity
>the lost cluster
its over there.
How big do you think the US is exactly?
if they didn't include a minimap on screen i feel like people would complain a lot less
Europe is pretty wierd if you look only at the shape of the landmass, but otherwise it's not very geologically exceptional.
Dont despair. I have a solution
Vestiges from when the map looked closer to earth. They didn't settle on a design until AC5.
I hope battery technology advances to the point where a person with personal flight could travel through these areas.
Well, yeah, urban areas are eyesores. This is true everywhere.
Elk would be a good choice due to them living in far larger groups, but I'd spec into moose whispering.
Its fockin big. You know Nevada, that gigantic, flat, open, desert? Yea, this picture was taken in it.
Why do people post truck stops exclusively when trying to insult America, is that really the worst they can find?
>stops you in Mexican
Imagine being some boomer piece of shit who sees the glory of this nation and thinks "I'm going to build a foam and drywall McMansion and a faux wood Perkins on the side of my massive fucking interstate scar across the landscape to honor it"
What if all we need is better fucking rail transit in this nation so we don't have to haul 2 tons of metal shit around with us
that actually looks fuckign sick, like a city for gods
phoneposters OUT
Why do landmasses on planet earth tend to be flatter on the north end and pointier at the southern end?
>he thinks this insults the american
>he's never taken a long trip with family and taken a break to eat in the car
I genuinely pity you
As long as we're posting cool moose shops.
tfw you live here
Because it's low effort shitposting to get (you)s from easily butthurt Americans who are probably non-white anyways
Much like how posting pictures of the geography of America is low effort shitposting to get (you)'s from easily angered gyros
when the glaciers came down, they flattened most of the terrain. and mountains are typically all the dirt and shit that was pushed forward by them when they came to a stop
They don't "tend" anything.
South America and Africa ended up pointy on the south by chance.
Which biomes aren't in Australia?
They don't. The south facing ones just stand out more by pure chance.
That sounds like bullshit but I don't know enough geology/tectonics to refute it.
aren't all geologists armchair?
I forgot how nice the Island in Mario sunshine was, it's surprisingly well designed.
non hostile ones
hate to nitpick but I’ve seen lone hills caused by glaciers
Moose would be pretty bad ass, but I like the aesthetic of elk better
that is one bullshit chokepoint at the west end of meditterania
does Oda think Saturn works like this
I was legitimately gonna make fun of this, by making a version of actual continents, before I realized this was europe turned sideways
yo is this the actual map or just a menu?
Wind - Machu Pichu
Fire - Pompeii
Earth - Angkor Wat
Water - Kinkaku-ji
Vegas appears to have migrated to Utah and Chicago is doing its best to get out of Cook county.
They're conTRIBUTing to the Rhine, they aren't splitting off and ending in a field somewhere.
its the map
Most cursed
What history books have you been reading? Civilization rose out of the Mediterranean.
You could always do the same with this one but with different continents. You could even only show part of the continent to make it harder to realize that it's based off a real continent.
Elk are beautiful too, but moose are way more badass and goofy looking.
facing right is facing forward
Stop being a retard
Speaking of bad map design
The earliest civilizations were in the Middle East, Asia, and Africa.
Long before "Rome" ever existed.
I see, that makes more sense.
But as far as I can see, almost all rivers split, especially towards the end. It's just that they flow into the ocean as well and don't just end randomly I guess.
both in the Mediterranean you brainlet
fug I can't recover an old world map I made in an Yea Forums thread about 5 years ago
I wanted to make some edits to the emu empire
Hold up, since when is Mesopotamia considered part of the Mediterranean?
You do know that just because they are located adjacent to the Mediterranean doesn't mean they are a "Mediterranean" civilization right user? You aren't that retarded are you?
>how do you want your lakes senpai
>shit i dunno just draw some snakes and a big round one
This is why proper education when their young is so important. They live their entire lives believing the wrong thing and it informs the other things leading them to have this warped world view. I bet you think Roman culture grew independently from anything else too friend?
Water - The Lost City of Shicheng
Electric - The walled city of Kowloon
>This is the medtierranean according to retards
What a boring ass map
Never, he's grasping at straws realising he has no idea what the fuck he's talking about.
>Earth - Angkor Wat
too many water, borobudur looks better
same thing really
>too many water
You are completely right. Rivers tend to split in their delta because it's usually rather flat near the coast line. During their travel from the mountains there is pretty much always one "optimal" route the river takes because it has the greatest slope so that's always the way the water flows. In the delta the land is so flat, that muötiple routes are equally sloped, so the river may split down all of them.
Also since the water flows slower in the delta, the river doesn't form its bed down the "optimal" route as fast, so the splits actually have time to form compared to higher up the river.
????? i don't see it bro, get your eyes checked or something .....
What games let me use this vidya map?
What do you fucking think ancient Egyptians were? Muslim Arabs?
>I'm going to edit out the Mediterranean sea and pretend that Basrah is the centre of Mesopotamia
Learn geology and understand why the Mediterranean is important for both Egypt and Mesopotamia
>What do you fucking think ancient Egyptians were?
>Have to pass through a long hallway every time you want to get to world 2
What kind of retarded map design is this? No wonder early players never even bothered.
anticentripetal turbocounterance
Probably roughly what Berbers are.
My homebrew rpg
Because midwest indians had so much exchange with something as close as Mexico, meanwhile even the Romans were able to open sea trade routes to India.
>"They don"t
Look at a map of the world, the only exception is Australia.
And Egypt is in the mediterranean.
I guess jews are full blown black then since they came from africa.
I'm an idiot, but something about this chart seems like total bullshit
and Canada, and Australia and Russia/Asia. I already said, you just notice the southern pointed ones more out of both bias and the fact that chance made them more "solid". There's no other reason.
Jews are different ethnic tribes under one religion. There's heaps of different ethnic jews and even back then they were more varied.
yeah but all the tribes came from africa they wuz black man.
Now you're just bullshitting, North Africa is mediterranean not subsaharan.
ok ok. what if it was a world, but a disc
It's annoying when all your rivers decide they hate the sea and flow to the interior.
Look at the mississippi basin for comparison. Or the amazon, but there you have other issues.
The furthest point from the center of those continents is south, not north. Canada and Russia/Asia don't have that exception.
you just KNOW that the island triangle is a massive prison where only the most feared criminal scum are housed
Bro carthage is africa and everyone there was black, stop white washing history
You're thinking of kames. And while I accept that it's a shitty paint version of a map, glacial geology is incredibly important when forming certain landscapes, and it shouldnt be neglected. I need more moraines in my fantasy maps, dammit
Excuse you, the Magratheans won an award for that coast there.
Thoughts on joke landmarks?
>Looks like an anchor
>In-universe the characters are anchored there and cannot leave
deepest lore
>map making in inkarnate
>autism intensifies to the point where I can't place a single geographical feature without first over-analyzing it and its relation to other features to determine if if it would actually exist that way in the overall environment
I just want to have fun making maps but my penchant for needlessly realistic geography won't let me
This made me visualize a backward waterfall for some reason
This is what stupid eurocucks actually believe lmao. Looks like years of inbreeding and misinformation left them retarded.
That's Conan the Barbarian's world. It's supposed to be set couple thousands of years before recorded history. Then some kind of worldquake happened and we got modern continents.
He's trying to make you understand that calling it Mediterranean will generate confusion as "Mediterranean civilization" refers to greeks and Romans and shit.
It's clear your goal post is to focus on the idea that "whites invented civilization" which you think people are trying to negate by saying Egypt and Mesopotamia don't count as Mediterranean.
This is stupid, Egypt and Mesopotamia were civilizations started by brown skin Caucasoids native to those regions who are not all that close to the swarthy Caucasoids native to greece, italy and spain.
It's understandable why this could be construed as nonsensical given how people of the middle east are today, but you have to remember that hundreds of years of backwords islamic ideals (Such as the cleansing of intellectuals) on top of genetic bottlenecking through incest is likely the reason for how a people capable of creating a great civilization could end up having such a low IQ.
Why does Azeroth have such a retarded global climate? Pandaria, southern EK and southern Kalimdor have tropical and hot desert climates. Its like they are near or at the equator instead of south of it.
I want to live here
Oh my God you're retarded.
Europeans have the lowest rates of consanguinity though....
once upon a time when the ocean levels were lower, it really was.
Yeah remember when Europeans mined away all the mountains and sand dunes
Was the implication that Egypt "wasn't white" not why you started this argument with those anons? It seemed pretty apparent here with "What did you think ancient Egyptians were, Muslim Arabs" that this entire argument was about implications that ancient Egypt wasn't white.
Istanbul sounds like the next best thing.
>civilizations started by brown skin Caucasoids
That's why all those societies and every ruling class has prized fair skin over all else ol
The Galapagos lakes should be volcanic and sick as all fuck. This map makes the ocean around the Galapagos look boring when it's actually probably the most interesting part of Earth.
There used to be, but it was conquered by barbarians.
Why did they photoshop and compress half of europe? Kind of ruins the joke.
I'm actually struggling to make a map for a small town in my own game. I'm referencing things like Pokemon and Earthbound for towns done right but it's just not clicking. Any suggestions?
I just use birthmarks of people I know for my maps
Avoiding public transport is the entire fucking point. As it is now something like a gyrocopter is pretty cheap and it could work, but it has short range with fuel.
Still better than 99.9% of overshit maps wich are LITERALLY just chokepoints, no matter the gamemode, and no substance
Thank you, but the setting is more modern, hence why I'm referencing Pokemon and Earthbound. This is a good point to start in at least.
The Rhine doesn't cpunt. It's the most retarded river of europe
>Ho Ho
>Jeh Jeh
Big kek
Why only Brazil and Japan get to keep their names?
haha i get the joke
LULZ! It's funneh because it's teh map of yurop on its side! XD Epic! epic for the win XD
That’s the theory as it stands. We’re only seeing the northern hemisphere.
Not so fast.
>that huge sudden dropoff a few hundred Ks off the coast
wow what? what does this look like in first person?
That globe has been retconed to hell and back, mate. Notice the lack of Pandaria.
But it is there.
Terrible temple disparity. How on earth will the party be introduced to the entire world if 3/4 of them are in the Western hemisphere?
It used to be one giant continent but The Sundering caused most of the central landmass to sink below the ocean and created the Maelstrom.
That is clearly not Pandaria, and even if it was it would be colder than Northrend. Also, that globe lacks the Broken Isles.
is this a joke?
literally yes
Isn't the Witcher world supposed to be Earth but there was an event which merged our world with another and caused all the fantasy stuff?
Yes. it is implying that the final destination of the river is the mountain.
fucking kek okay, thought I was going crazy
Earth used to be one giant continent as well, and then it lso shattered into many different continents without the help of some magic big ass well.
Point is, Blizzard could have handeld the whole "shattering" business more intresting, by making it look like the continents of Azeroth and their respected inland seas look like they've actually formed because of many "cracks" within the large pangea land, that they've used to be a part of, and not have 2 perfectly symetrical rectangle looking lands.
That is clearly Pandaria, and you can see the general outline of Azerothian continents from Argus in Legion, it supports this globe as well as proving that authors are retarded and cannot into geography.
Fair enough, It does seems like lazy world building. But this is a magical event so you can't really compare it to anything in the real world.
prizing fair skin = nigga doesn't have to work in the field, thus he is important
that train of thought existed until fucking industrial revolution in europe
Fun fact: The "Azeroth" you see from Argus in legion is literally just the vanilla map. Its missing a ton of places that were added after, such as Quel'Thalas, Gilneas, and the updated Azshara from Cataclysm. They just hid most of this with clever cloud placement. That globe from Wrath is no longer canon, as said by the devs themselves.
is the river snake an actual snake or just an island?
>whoever drew it got progressively more lazy the further out they got
Being rich = not working in the fields = having fair skin = fair skin becoming a symbol of wealth
Its literally the same as how some cultures prize fat women
Honestly nothing wrong with this. Roadtrips are GOAT activities, and there's nothing as utterly, brutally, and beautifully pragmatic as the humble truck stop. See those mountains in the background? You go up into those, and you're in the wilds. You don't even know the humble truck stop a mere 50 miles away even exists. It's just there, full of transient human life, like a bastion of civilization, warm, inviting, and ever-the-same, waiting for you to drop on by when you need it and a cheap room, but decent-enough food.
It's like a travel nexus, really. It's never your destination, but it'll sure as hell help you along the way when you need it most.
Here's a good reason for some weeaboo game
>some really strong dudes dueled on a river island here and one of them used a now lost sword technique so powerful he literally cut the river in two and caused it to split into two separate rivers
You realize if you throw out even a basic semblance of physics that you invite a million plot holes into a series, right?
The Grand Canyon shows you how vast the Earth really is when you witness it in person. You see this vast cyclopean gorge that took 6 MILLION years to form, but relative to how vast the Earth is, it's basically a paper cut.
the event merged multiple worlds temporarily which lead to mass migration of various peoples and species, that's when humans arrived to the Wicther's world. Our world is still there, Ciri briefly visits it in the last book.
Such beauty, such wonder.
Ah, I've only read the first two books.
I can't figure out what the Yea Forums island has to do with Bane. Is it the three lines on the left then the one long line on the right? How does that circular thing fit into it?
Wind: Machu Picchu
Fire: The Sahara Desert
Earth: Yellowstone
Water: Venice
USA has the more diverse biomes on the planet though, so of course Europe is going to be less diverse.
What goes on in here lads? Area so fucking huge you could fit two Eurasian landmasses from North and South within in.
He probably mean't tropical rainforest.
Tundra, prairies, coniferous forest.
The natives of the river snake believe the world is being carried on a back of a giant snake
It's called a well balanced map
Not quite. Witcher humans originate from our Earth, but they got dumped on the Witcher world after Earth was destroyed in the magical cataclysm that also caused all the supernatural shit to get stuck on the physical plane of existence and also may or may not have been caused by fucking elves
I think choke points are better handled in dustbowl and a few tf2 maps, compared to overwatch for example.
They both have choke points, but at least in TF2 there's normally 2-3 entrances to the choke point, Overwatch has less, usually 1 or 2 I've noticed and it's a huige difference for me.
As you can see, all the tributaries flow INTO the Rhine, which doesn't split until right before the ocean.
It does split at the river delta, a lot of times, but that doesn't count for whatever reason.
As much as I love Conan as an idea and a setting, the world map in the old comics and books was absolute dogshit. It's the most uninspiring world map I have ever seen in my life, looks like a literal box.
Good thing modern iterations improved upon it and made the terrain look more natural and good.
>continent where almost everything is just flat peninsula lands and inlets.
Were they even trying with this?
>lol lets make the ocean north like opposite to the pacific, add a few random creators, one snowy mountain and 2 lakes.
That's actually kind of cool, not the squad but both landmasses being connected.
The real issue is the lack of minigames and gameplay variety.
I mean square.
Why don't people just walk over the red line?
And the plot, and characters, and enemy designs, and the combat,
This is but one aspect of the world tesseract
Is this image legit or is it trolling?
Legit, what's wrong with it?
Those rivers!
I find it funny when niggers are triggered by Warhammer's notEarth map
that is the entire fucking point, the entire setting was designed to mock common fantasy tropes, and make every standard fantasy race fucking arseholes who love to fight everyone else
I don't know, you can't take anything seriously on Yea Forums.
You probably can't see it properly. Light falls off pretty quickly as you go down.
>they ran fiberoptic cables all the way across this just so foreigners could shitpost
>See those mountains in the background? You go up into those
Todd please just stop. I'm not buying your shit continent.
No shit
Clan Eshin gets trained by ninjas.
>the wall where hadrian's wall would be
>no "the other wall" slightly past it
missed opportunity
azzorre islands (portugal)
>river running right across the whole island
Nice work, Bethesda.
could be possible if it was a mountain lake with two rivers going to two directions or alternatively artificial canal
>third worlders mad they dont have industry
Every time
it's clearly a canal, educate urself sweaty
Crap... I drew a map in high school and it shared many similarities with this one
>new studies suggest that the Sun could be bigger than previously thought
semi on topic but the gta v map is really, really fucking bad.
not the details or anything like that, but the general layout is just infantile. redundant highway loop and a single landmass making boats pointless. mountains everywhere. and babby's first desert.
I wish this was actually true
I've always wanted to see what the world would look like if sea, lakes rivers became land and land became sea. This is so cool Is there more than Europe?
There's all of it.
yes it is.
>none of those cool water features on the skellige map
>just a bunch of boring fucking treasure hunts that are all on the surface
i'm on a phone and it loads fine for me, what's your problem?
every land mass on earth is unique, no two are identical.
I dunno, the concept of the Maelstrom, a large bay that has an endless giant whirlpool inside it is pretty cool.
>no fucks given about lands outside Faerun
Defend this.
>Well, yeah, urban areas are eyesores. This is true everywhere.
You should visit Europe some time user, every city except for Paris is actually designed to not be a complete eyesore, usually by a few key figures who had grand ambitions for turning entire city grids of filth poverty disease and squalor into functioning vibrant places where the former residents could feel good about themselves. (Paris, by contrast, was designed solely and literally to efficiently kettle protesters, rioters and mobs into submission by gangs and later the police, and to protect key sites like the Elyssee in case people got confused as to whether they were actually masters of their own destiny or uppity slave labor, it's easy to get the two mixed up after all).
>Learn to overcome the crass demands of flesh and bone, for they warp the matrix through which we perceive the world. Extend your awareness outward, beyond the self of body, to embrace the self of group and the self of humanity. The goals of the group and the greater race are transcendent, and to embrace them is to achieve enlightenment.
>All those dystopian world powers
>No-one wants to claim and deal with cleaning up India
That's because God made it special for the only race that matters.
>le middle earth with crazy albino autists and hookers
this series gets a yikes from me
Just fast doodle a bunch of shapes and roads on a paper. If it looks town-like, save it, and if it doesn't then throw it away.
Eventually you'll intuit by brute force how a town should be.
I agree, the Duke could really stand to commission some new roads.
because a delta is formed if there's a flat area that allows the spread of a river as it reaches sea level and widens/splits out as it pleases
the mechanics of a river are largely defined by gravity, so when that force is neutralized (nowhere to tumble down when you're at 0 feet above sea level) it's a distinctly different behavior from what we think of as rivers
On the contrary, they keep fighting over India and Africa, it changes hands every 5 minutes. The population there is turned into slaves while they pillage their resources.
>Rhine comes flowing all the fucking way from Switzerland
>Crosses Dutch border
>Well balanced
>Second map B Point has 3 of 4 tunnels all come out at the same place
Lemme guess. There's a secret world hidden beneath the ice.
>the world is actually a spaceship
>he believed the book
You're an absolute fucking idiot if you think Oceania isn't bombing those barbarians to the ground as we speak.
Eastasia will fall before March is over.
This was really interesting.
Thank you user.
All Hail Britann- Oceania!
doubleplusgood post
I like how Japan is always present and independent no matter the scenario at hand
"Brittania" is a lie spread by the resistance. You're a fucking spy, aren't you?
I'm calling Minilove right now.
Why is this nostalgic
Japan isn't independent in 1984, it's a war-town shithole that Eastasia and Eurasia keep fighting over. There are no independent countries, just countries that are part of the major powers, and countries the major powers fight over. It's a dystopia for a reason.
>lol people make fun of shitty maps that are just bootleg europes i am so smart by pointing out europe looks like one of those maps
What were they thinkan??
>he ACTUALLY thinks that resistance pulp holds a sliver of truth
I should report you for this.
I should report myself for even replying to you.
There is no 'fighting' over the central territory, in that the term 'fightin' implies that those barbarians could even begin to retaliate against our fine Oceanian troops.
First Africa, and then further. Eurasia will fall before March is over.
Old world > nu world
he's right though. spain has been superimposed over most of france. also iceland is in the wrong place and ireland is missing. maybe there are more details I haven't noticed
new world bad
Please tell me that's not real. That's the laziest and most creatively-bankrupt world design I've ever seen.
But then again that, in a nutshell, describes Warhammer and W40K. Some of the gayest and most boring stories, world-building and characters I've ever had the misfortune to come across.
It is better than age of shitmat.
Looks like Warcraft map
Is this Wraeclast?
I've been hearing more and more about this game, what the fuck is it actually. It looks like MMO though steam says it's singleplayer.
When the flips get tired of the US completely and let China take complete control.
Single player RTS Squad RPG open world in a post apocalyptic Samurai setting with free roam trading, looting, slavery and late game city building
Still working on where to put the rivers.
How am I doing so far?
The white arrow represents the wind direction.
Green+++ = Swampland
Green++ = Lush Woodland
Green+ = Sparse Woodland
Green = Grasslands
Beige = Hills
Grey = Mountains
White = Extreme Mountains
Peach = Wasteland
Blue = Lakes & other notable bodies of freshwater
Dark Blue = Oceans
>weird jagged coastline, who designed this, an alien?
hahahahaha good Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy reference
Concept sounds interesting but also boring after a while. I guess I should just check the "free" version before I decide
Oahu was the shit
why does it look like a fat dwarf winding up a lower left hook
This and FFXIII's "map"
Looks a lot like the Arcanum map to me. At least the east side.,
>map is full of lakes
Completely impossible world there. What is this, the land of the Lake Elves or something? With cliche names like "Suurisalo" or "Oravi" or something? What a load of shite.
Should I change it?
Does anyone have a full image of this map, without anything added on?
Just the background image.
not exactly, you put a globed continent in a rectangular map, the ocean is smaller on a globe projection that on a stretched rectangle.
Absolutely magical.
I wish they'd make a TDU3 with actually good driving physics.
TDU2 is still the comfiest driving game for me, cruising around Ibiza and Oahu and buying houses was great even though the racing part was shit.
the lost and hidden ancient penguin civilization
rumors have it that if you marry and impregnate penguin you are granted access to the forbidden city of HOONK
I think 2 lost all of the atmosphere that 1 had, 1 was the perfect driving game, the only thing it lacked was Japanese cars and some of the additions that we see in games like Gran Turismo, such as licenses and wildly different stages.
Fucking hell