>another devotion thread taken down
Why can't we talk about a video game on a video games board?
Another devotion thread taken down
Rogue chink janny or is the whole site administration in the pockets of chinks now?
Stupid game with hidden political agenda
Fuck off
Gotta make room for non vidya, user.
Why don't you go back to /pol/ where you can be as racist as you please?
What's with the defense force for China? Is this imageboard even accessible over there? Who cares?
Something tells me that someone who just recently got janitor privileges doesn't want people saying bad things about China.
I wonder why that is.
generals go in
Two overwatch threads were n-word cleansed
At least you can still buy the soundtrack.
Memes and censorship aside, is the game actually good?
I love Xi user!
Do you love Xi?
>Is this imageboard even accessible over there?
No. All "Chinese" posters are just monkeys falseflagging for attention.
Its because of the invasion of mainland subhuman chinks where all they can talk about is why their country is great, and the invasion of trannies that can't accept the fact that they will never be a women, never loved like a women and will grow old by 30 and look like a bog monster.
Yea Forums isn't a place to talk about vidya. Its just to jerk off to retards on twitter, discord drama/trannies and dumb chinks because moot needs money to keep this place afloat.
This board is infiltrated by chinks at every level
Fuck off, you faggotniggers are the reason why Yea Forums is getting worse. The one time people actually talk about a video game, not about waifus or a porn thread, you niggers show up getting mad that people are using the board for what it was made for.
I think the reason these threads are dieing is being their banning posters in them
I got banned for posting an "off-topic image" which was just a Tianamen Square meme
>People here are into showing that they are so not racist they are defending the tyranny of the Chinese government
fucking kill me
Why are they so defensive about their government
Do Chinese people not realize that the people who rule you don't necessarily have to represent who you are as people?
Its just mainland chinksniggers. They are like insects and are a hive mind.
Good. Now THAT is a problem, as a black man I'm so sick of seeing that word here when Racism is literally not allowed on 4channel. Take that shit to Yea Forums. This place is for discussion of games only.
>as a black man
and I'm an oompa loompa. Quit being offended by words, thats how others control us, through anger. This is what this thread is all about.
Waifu and pornshit is better than your vpol drama bullshit