Opinion on Smite?

Opinion on Smite?

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Dota > LoL >>> Smite

I had fun with it desu. 3rd person OTS view makes it feel like a completely different game than Dota or LoL. I couldn't care less about the gear/hero balancing, it was just fun to play.

Was cool. Hirez fucked it though. Then fucked everything else.

It's HirRez, that is why i haven't played the game yet. Honestly surprised they still make content for smite knowing them.

It's one of the only modern Western games to understand the glory and beauty of underboob, so I appreciate it

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Any attractive evil/creepy girls in this?

Was in the beta for it (like all hi-rez products, since I was top 5 pvp in all categories on global agenda I basically got a golden ticket to all of their products) and it was pretty enjoyable, but the flatness just felt weird. I don't know. You don't notice it too much in dota/lol, but in smite it feels really fucking weird to not be able to look up or down.
Also just like every hi-rez game they've stopped supporting it since it isn't the biggest cash cow. Disappointing since I was under the impression smite was really stable, and got a nice transfusion of players from paragon, but I guess they don't care about stability.

I thought they still support it?

Was fun at launch but now it feels like some shitty cashgrab with good looking pay2win ultramegaexclusive lootbox skins, fuck that.

Nox, her taunt was even the Mega Milk thing but fucking HiRez removed it.

Also Scylla if you're a filthy degenerate, I guess.

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I hate it because my teamates always suck but can't stop playing


It was an absolute blast back in 2013-14 era. Game was in beta and new gods were released every other week. Played until the game officially released and then a few months in. Then became disinterested.

The casual modes are the only fun ones. Ranked modes suck; Hirez doesn't know how to balance. Great art team though. I play it every now and then.

>Can't get banned for mocking the other team post-game
It's great

I miss you Matt

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For those unaware: Newest god is actually Jormungandr, and yes, he's an absolute unit.

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I want to marry Neith!

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Camera move is a gimmick that doesn't change anything.

It's pretty bad, just LoL but with the camera panned down and directional controls. It's functionally 2D and they did absolutely nothing with the design to make it take advantage of the perspective and controls.

Same map features as LoL (at the time), same exact itemization and stat system, same general playstyle and number scales, even the same solo side / solo mid / support+carry side / jungle forced mirrored lane meta as LoL. It was a result of fad chasing at the time, kind of like all the samey battle royales hitting the market today.

Anubis is bae though

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Great game plagued by a fair bit of issues.
The most glaring one right now is HR seem to think every new god needs to be more exciting and bloated than the last, starting with Baron. So while the god count goes up, god variety goes down.
Also, 6 seasons and they still can't balance for shit, and still fall into the
>broken on release
>knee-jerk nerfs
>knee-jerk over-buff
etc etc
t. 5-6000 hours at this point


kill yourself.

Bring Janus' unstable vortex cd back to 8 secs. Seriously he's lagging behind the dps mages now with the nerfs.

janus will always be shit.

You mean god tier till he got the short end of the stick because he's wrecking everyone with a 1-2 combo and that mobility. Also to add is Fafnir the most cucked hero? Started of as a monster then nerfed to almost near uselessness when compared to the other supports.

janus has to hug walls, and is out DPS'd by nearly every other mage. His only plus is he can out rotate pretty much every other mid. Fafnir is actually getting a decent buff next patch though.

Great argument user