ITT: cursed photographs

ITT: cursed photographs

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Most of them are white males
>Game still ended up being shit
Yea Forums btfo once again.

are they actually screaming when they do this? It's scarier if they are all just silent with their mouths open like that


NMS is the game that changed my stance on "PRE ORDERING" anything
now i wait for the fucking 1 month reviews before i buy ANY game, dont even care wat it is

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more of a male than you i bet lmao


Who ever kitchen this is is based as fuck

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now that is god damned disturbing holy shit

>Boiling a gun
You're gonna get bacteria

What did you even get for pre ordering it? I stopped pre ordering games when I realized A) It's not the 90s they make plenty of copies and B) If you went to wal mart at midnight instead of gamestop they had plenty of copies and no line.

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for preordering NMS you got a shitty ship with literally 4 additional inventory spaces.
funny thing is, after their first few updates, it broke the ship DLC so it never worked again after that

and im NEVER paying for ANY indie game that has a AAA price tag


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Depends on the standards you're comparing to.

what exactly is a 'trans right' they are being denied? I hear about "trans rights' but never an example of a right they feel they need

That's not cursed, that's called "living the dream".

They put themselves in a category where they see themselves as abominations but no one really gives a fuck, they complain endlessly about being "human" when it's only a problem that they deal with

bring me the soi and NOMS!

not everyone who misgenders people goes to jail, yet.

people not able to guess what were their pronouns because they don't bother developing mind reading to already know how to refer to them as.
the rights to make children take hormones at early age because they found him wearing a dress that one time or because that girl chose to wear pants
the rights to shun everyone for not giving trans a positive role in media

too bad that now even reviews cannot be trusted

Every time I see this pic I immediately get the urge to shave and shower.

looks like the singer of tokio hotel

the right to chemically abuse children, the right to incarcerate anyone they feel personally slighted by, and the right to paid dilation time




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absolute madman

Attached: you're here forever.jpg (900x925, 505K)

Best picture I've ever seen.

stop it i fucking reread SCPs 1-1000 like a month ago

Not men though

>No Man's Sóy

Not cursed, but hilarious.

>Implying Yea Forums was dumb enough to think this was going to be good at all

Opened it because SCP Foundation is super autistic about the quality of their submissions and would never let a typo like that through.

>white people

Housing and employment discrimination I guess.
In the context of the UK though (which is the big talking point right now because of the charity lottery and the donkey kong 64 stream,) they aren't allowed to have informed consent care like in other countries, so you're constantly being examined and having to go to psychiatrist interviews to keep getting your medication. In the US doctors can just give you drugs as long as they inform you about how they work.
Even if you want to pay out of pocket for HRT in the UK and not use the NHS, you aren't allowed to without the beuarocracy's say-so.

You got the one of a fursuit sexdoll with an uncomfortably real looking skeleton inside?

Oh it's been awhile

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I opened it, keep your promise.

I honestly don't understand the idea of gender vs sex
I get that there are people who are born of an indeterminate or intersex because of how sex determination genetics works
but I have never really gotten gender
like, I realize that I'm male, I have the typical XY chromosomes and the traits too boot, but I've never really had a concept of gender
Nothing inside me screams, "I am a man" just like nothing screams, "I am a woman"
I'm just me
There are some transgenders who claim its tied to liking pink, makeup, wearing dresses, and any other typical girl stuff that makes you a girl, but plenty of transvestites are cis and straight
other transfolk say its your self image, but that has me lost because my self image is me
there seems to be no actual consensus on what being trans or cis actually is

oh no

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>Yea Forums
more like /pol/, who cares who made the fucking game if it ends up being garbage

Because its largely made up and mostly linked to delusion and/or perversion.
"At least if I was a girl then x problem would be fixed".

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I'm not a biologist, I just play on on TV, but here's my understanding: sex is what you are biologically according to your sex chromosomes. XX is female, XY male.

gender is what the person feels like. You might have been born with XX, so a female, but you always felt wrong inside your own body and felt like a man. so if you identify as a man, your gender is male.

At least this is my understanding of this based on what I've read and based on me knowing a couple trans people.

Why does that beard make me so angry? It makes me what to tie him to a chair, put on "Stuck in the middle with you" then cut his fucking beard off.

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so you're telling me the UK got one thing right by not just handing pills over to these lunatics ?

Because it's gross and untrimmed. If you're gonna make all of us look at your hair, at least make it look presentable. Doesn't matter if it's on top of your head or on the bottom.

Also No Man's Sky is actually a decent game now. Me and a buddy spend a few days playing it together and didn't really encounter any major issues aside from it being too easy and repetitive. It's fun and despite the devs fucking it up initially, it's a decent game now.

Beards are supposed to be manly but somehow these people make them not manly.

this is how i feel about it pretty much

sounds like a mental illness if ive ever heard one

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Yea Forums ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''humor'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

Omg I know it's almost like white people are the majority, how crazy is that? No wonder why you see them in 90% of the content you consume

It's too bad, only 2 or 3 of those guys (the faggot holding the disc and the other faggot to his left) are pulling the fear grimace. The rest look like normal, unassuming nerds.

>tfw this shit's actually possible now

>Sonions can afford a lifelike sex doll because they don't have any games to spend money on

Maybe it really just comes down to hormones and self image(like a phantom limb)
Getting the right dosage of hormones is pretty important for your mental wellbeing
Back in the day, they used to treat homosexuality with hormone therapy, which eventually lead to suicide, the cause of death of Alan Turing and a large portion of transpeople
A male brain in a female body would still crave higher dosages of testosterone over estrogen and progesterone, but maybe it also craves more mechanical pieces
Its pretty easy to understand how an XX or XY individual would end up with male or female genitals if you understand gene silencing and crossover events
But the identity part I don't quite understand
Maybe its just because I've never had absence of identity, that I've never noticed it

almost right

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It kind of makes me think. I now know how it felt for my dad who grew up in the 60s when he saw that moustaches became gay. Beards are gay now its fucking weird.


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i like no mans sky, after all the patches tho

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>I literal dog shit when it's dressed up with sprinkles

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(Mouth noises before taking the picture)

Attached: cursed2.jpg (940x528, 67K)

> scorpion carbine

Fucking cuck

Gender isn't really what you feel like, gender is the associations we make with the sexes: males are expected to be strong and level-headed and disciplined while women are expected to be more passionate and supportive and nurturing for instance, these are examples of gender roles. Some people don't fit these stereotypical roles, and so instead of being just being a tomboy or an effeminate man (just owning the discrepancy between your sex and gender), actual trans people will change their sex to match their gender, that's the whole point of transitioning: to become the sex you feel you're supposed to be. These are people who strive to pass as the other sex, they are men who become women and women who become men.

Fake trans people don't want to change their sex, they want to be "trans people" and feel special that they're not on the "gender binary". Basically they're boring and want to feel special.

Made by "men" =! Made for men
Learn the difference, it could save your life.

I`m a biologist and that`s true, but this is also true

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Oh fugg i have been banned for making fun of the transgender satellite

Oh fuck you're reminding me of the guy transforming into a fucking horse

Why do you never see a person just owning one sex doll?

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hold the fuck up

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is there a program i can use to tell me which of my images are cursed

Fuck this imagine. I still remember that stupid article.

I feel legitimately sick.

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/k/ is a weird place

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I almost didn't immediately realize what was different.

blessed image

I cast Curse Dis-spell

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>i can be your angle or yuor devil

That lobster has made the strongest friend.

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>642 KB
nice try nigger

Never forget

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what is this

This is where all the onions started

Wait just a minute

Because you are an individual. You see yourself as yourself and don't feel the need to hold yourself to other people's standards. The opposite of this is being an identitarian, someone who believes that your identity needs to align to others to determine who you are

Played NMS recently.
Building bases and collecting ships for your Frighter is kinda fun for a bit but there is still shit all to do. You get a bigger frighter to hold more or a bigger ship to hold more so you can grind more materials.
It's just a constant struggle with inventory space.

I love survival crafting games usually but this is just 3D starbound.

Fuck you, fight me.


still alive

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It’s basically just a non-religious way of referring to the soul.

does anyone else have the other 4 cards

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one motherfucker did this at the fair in town. He leaned back too far and rippen through that canvas ceiling above him. I guess it fling him about a block away before he landed in somebody's yard.

They still use the same machine, but there's a huge duct tapped patch over one of those triangles in the ceiling.

never forget

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Theyre having the right of being an annoying fucking twat and blaming the cishets whenever someone criticizes you being denied


Lift a fucking weight, you faggots. Testosterone is linked to activity and diet, and your likely at levels equivalent to a 75 year old.

Nigger cope

Attached: the great unclean one.jpg (1281x4351, 532K)


the expressions in this game made me uncomfortable and confused when i watched a short playthrough of it. i didn't know how to feel.

>"YIFF!" fridge magnet

Misdiagnosed schizophrenia

I would put a bullet in this guy's head without saying a word and I would feel nothing and be able to move on normally

What does that say about me

White nu-males
That's different

Attached: aligator.png (822x376, 495K)

>What does that say about me

You are even more mentally ill than he is

I fucking love this image it gives me dicky cummmmm by ohs!!!!!!

That you look like him.

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>so you're constantly being examined and having to go to psychiatrist interviews to keep getting your medication.
almost like they have some sort of mental illness that needs to be checked up on or something...

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Nothin personnel,fags:^)

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Its worse knowing that they look ecstatic and fulfilled with shipping out lies and calling it a game


*this kills the iwata*

Attached: be2.jpg (540x593, 65K)

>me on the outside
>me on the inside

Nah bitch

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I'll do you one better

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pretty much the only thing they are doing wrong is that gaping maw youtube thumbnail overreaction face, otherwise they just look pretty fucking average
most of /pol/ roleplays as a physical and intellectual titan, but the rally footage doesn't lie

I'm gonna make some assumptions about the person who took this photo

>late 20's-early 30's
>Middle Class upbringing
>Has a good job in a STEM field
>No gf/wife and/or kids
>Conservative political beliefs

>Copyright 2012
>Pikachu OC name/character
Does Pamperchu have the same mental illness as Chris-chan?

baby comes out butt?

same, I thought it was the clock or something

Attached: cringe.png (452x250, 332K)

Not a single person has posted the webm yet. Yea Forums is dead.

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That room is silent as a crypt, I would put money on it.

yes, it does

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This faggot is a gigantic attention whore on /k/, he's actually more annoying than a tripfag somehow.

Please explain it to me. I’ve seen it for so long but no explanations exist.

>he doesn't know
Open it if you haven't already, you'll find out soon enough.

I’ve been looking at it for 12 years. I feel like a complete brainlet.

baby comes out with a fucking cucumber head or dead unless those hips are also transformed
>hip bone is closer together in males than females, which are larger to allow the passing of a fetal skull during childbirth

>reminded of SCP foundation
>briefly consider delving in to read some articles
>suddenly remember the fucking state of the site now
>don't bother reading any of their garbage

Esam didn't do anything to deserve this meme

Is this real?

also i forgot battleborn existed

Attached: araki_donut.jpg (720x720, 70K)

Attached: imaginerape.jpg (1280x832, 203K)

>disgusting bloody discharge leaking out rotten fishy pussy
>brings with it stomach crams, spots and blotchy skin as well as short temper and shitty attitude
>yummy cummy funny

I can't fap to porn without it being rape.

this image is so old...

this is my fetish. not sure what it is but boy howdy.

man. this just opened memories i havent thought about in at least a decade
where does the time go

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Compare the amount of women that have rape fantasies to those that have period fantasies.

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9 years later and i still fall for this

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>Only way he can keep women quiet is if they are made out of plastic.

Not based.

Time to spoon feed, it's a jape image that would originally infect your browser with a screamer upon openning it since the image had some sorta javascript encrypted into it. Although it's highly outdated now and it's never been confirmed if it actually did anything.

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The right to force you to play pretend and humor them by calling them by their preferred pronouns. You're not allowed to say it's a man in drag, they want you to pretend it's a woman no matter how awful they look and don't even remotely pass

Well that’s the closest to an explanation as I’ve ever gotten and would explain some shit. Thanks.

Attached: 670DC3B1-2284-4411-BFDD-72978657CD78.png (480x480, 183K)

based rippen poster

>numales being white or even male to begin with

Attached: 17634427_395121957511413_3939127374320127844_n.jpg (746x495, 69K)

Also the image I posted with my response is a reference to a very old creepypasta that is the boomer equivalent of the donut image

this is the kind of person who calls lgbt people mentally ill

Non-meme answer: In the US they don't fall under anti-discrimination laws so you can still refuse to hire, rent to, or serve someone that's trans on the basis of them being trans and you're legally in the right.


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It's literally just mental illness. We don't treat people who think they're cars by grafting wheels on them though, we lock em in a nut house where they belong.

>my final fantasy
always gets me

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Im_Happy gif

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He made the onions face, that's more than enough to warrant it

But /pol/ told me that white people have been pushed out of the video game industry which is why it's gone to shit

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the name "bring me to ed" sounds pretty epic tbhh

good thing i closed it before it fully opened

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They been trying to do it, but its kinda hard when white people and males are the majority of people interested in a hobby.

>6 revolver ocelots


Attached: cursed image.jpg (900x1200, 207K)

that's my house you fucking cunt leave my wifes alone

I give it up, I laughed

Prove it. Take a picture of your right foot with timestamp and upload it here.

Yeah but they're also all Tendies. I'd rather have a game made by genderqueer Muslims than Tendies.

he didn't just make the face, he is the face

Where was this from?

what is it about this image that triggers lee's fury?

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You talking bout this? The dude has a deviantart

Attached: Sally Acorn.jpg (1280x674, 129K)

>none of them are playing video-games

What in the fuck, those bones look authentic. Did some sick fuck really use some persons remains to make a fucking furry doll? Jesus Christ.

Attached: abhorrence.gif (480x270, 591K)

why does sex appeal do this to us? why are humans eerie like this

It's fake, if for the better or for the worse

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the same reason why this completely harmless gif of a grilled cheese sandwich triggers him

Attached: completely harmless animated gif of a grilled cheese sandwich.gif (500x285, 490K)

i'm gonna choose to believe you, not because i have any reason to, but because i want to

this has an evil aura to it

Oh crap I forgot this existed.

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who the fuck is lee

Once you jump off a cliff you don't just fall a little bit, you fall all the way to the bottom.

What am I supposed to be afraid of? Is this another one of those autistic "creepypasta" circle jerks?

The right to have anyone who upsets them thrown into prison for life.

Oh yeah, looking closer, mainly at the hands and toes, the skeleton isn't held together in a way like an actual articulated human skeleton used for things like biology classes would be. I remember when I had bio med lectures there was some springs in between fingers of these models so that the hand could be manipulated in a manner that our muscles move them. Pic related is what I'm talking about. Removing them without damaging the fragile finger bones would be a fucking chore.

Some of the other bones look pretty fuckin real though, which is fucking depressing that some person or peoples remains could be potentially used to support some sick fucks degenerate fetish.

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And even if they can, there's no telling what bullshit will be patched in after the fact.

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I remember when our console wars threads were about literal wars between armies of xbox 360s, wiis, and ps3s, along with "lol no gaems" and castle vidcons

How low have we fallen


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> get free shit to help a mental condition
>only requirement is that you have to prove you're telling the truth by letting doctors check up on you for your medical condition
>this is unfair discrimination

Truly awful "people"

faggot nu males who voted for hillary dont count as men

he knew shit was going to hit the fan but he just didn't give a fuck and decided to sit back and enjoy the show

me in the middle


Female hips develop during pregnancy, so why wouldn't female (male) hips do as well?

fucking white men , black lives matter you racist fucks

Attached: lee.jpg (398x636, 57K)


No, he's not an attention seeking abomination. He just makes YouTube videos about his hobbies and that's it.

This is me but with the actual best girl

Attached: d1e1336c72b183d979c449d389e69207.jpg (736x870, 79K)

>microwaves strangers' shit filled nappies and wears them
>not an abomination

Attached: 6fe.jpg (750x734, 41K)

What compels a person to do something like this?

>Hemorrhoids Level: OVER 9000!!!!!

Revisionism only works when you can't go through archives and see the whole goddamn board not shutting up about how amazing it was going to be.

>Bizarro McDonald's
>A hell within a hell

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Why do people think they look attractive with long, unkempt beards? I can't think of a bigger turnoff.

Attached: 3a048bec3fcf9f2fc7e2.png (482x691, 804K)

for some reason I always imagined hell to be like this

just endless empty hallways and buildings with fancy "modern" architecture like this pic

Attached: DaIpEzbWAAYopbv.jpg (1036x805, 143K)

imagine donating your body to science and somebody does this to your skeleton

Attached: Untitled.png (600x622, 567K)


post it you faggot

This but with my Monika.

Alignment charts have gone to some strange places.


>Pixel is covered
not today lankster.

Attached: smug.gif (500x465, 370K)

>shitty meme waifu
>meme african camo on meme russian rifle

This channel's fucking hilarious

Can an american tell me the point of owning 20 guns you never use

joke's on you i said it once

Because when the day of the rope comes around there's going to be so many communist shits and other degenerate filth to kill that using the same gun every single day when you go out on your daily purge is gonna get boring real fast.

There's RPC.
I don't know how much it's grown since I last checked.


>who voted for hillary
>Hello Games Ltd is a British video game developer based in Guildford, England.
Fucking moron

You're not the majority playing games

>faggot nu males who support hillary dont count as men

Attached: my inner fatass and Halo hype bubble up into an uncontrollable jew ragnarok of capitalistic lust.png (848x473, 579K)

If you mean overall, then it applies to men.
If it depends on the Genre, then I would say there are some niches that whites are the majority

keep it vidya related

Attached: bedroom.jpg (800x592, 180K)

Now all game sales are mostly measured at launch. If a game doesn't sell well on the first week, it is considered to have bombed, even if it sold better in later months.

Attached: average persona fan.jpg (560x375, 60K)

Y'know most of the guys in this picture actually look fairly normal.
All the weirdo looking ones are in the front making the rest of them look weird by association.

>It is the year 2199. You are part of an elite squad of time editors, sent back to kill the faggot weeaboo responsible for history's greatest setback towards achieving US intel singularity.

Attached: cate.jpg (268x265, 17K)

looks comfy to me, have a cursed image on me some say yo can see a person in it.

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Attached: WAKE ME UP.jpg (1024x526, 129K)

>likes 3dpd

>claim you deserve human rights
>when you dont even identify as human

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nice doggo


post the round stump.

The right for a man to compete as a woman in sports and completely dominate

This looks so wrong.
Neat though

They all deserve the rope desu

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w-what kind of food is that?

Attached: skeletor is spooked.jpg (512x384, 17K)

Now THAT is a cursed image

Attached: kirby's calling the police.png (434x443, 170K)

I think that's the correct way to go about it though.
Regardless of people agreeing whether gender dysphoria is a mental illness or not, if you're going to through a load of hormones with all kinds of side effects and risks into someone's body, you should check how it's affecting their physical and mental health.
whilst that's a bigger drain on my taxes it's probably better than chucking them out into the wild unmonitored for their own safety and anyone else.

Because it immediately draws all attention onto their face vs if they had just made a generic smile

Pretty much. If some evil magician turned me into a woman I would probably be a bit annoyed because it's a more inconvenient body what with periods and all and I am lazy but I wouldn't scream and kill myself because I'm a man trapped in a woman's body. Learning to masturbate from zero again would be a wild ride I bet.

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ah yes, based on the comprehensive female fantasy study? not being able to seperate fantasy and real life is a trait of psycopathy btw

there are a non-zero number of people who lifted weights and indulged in traditionally masculine activities to compensate for how they felt
they still ended up transitioning

adventure quest got weird huh


Attached: 3.png (1423x2024, 1.13M)

if magic existed tranny's would still exist but they'd be told to fuck off and visit their local polymorpher and nobody would take their victim complex's seriously.

>Not using them
Killing paper is fun, plus it's a hobby like any other even if they're lethal weapons. Why do people collect toy airplanes and RC vehicles? Or a better analogy for this board, why collect games you never play? The off chance you want to play them or enjoy them.
Some people just really like them and how they work and like to admire it as well as practice with them, not just leave them laying around.

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That video makes for some great ASMR.

>the cat that has to live with that

Attached: cdc.jpg (577x537, 33K)

And yet all normalfags want to ban chinese cartoons depicting underage girls having sex.

Forget the cat imagine the poor sap behind the camera.

[citation needed]
It's more likely that over half of them are Jews, who are not white, but may appear so to fools.

this looks like the kenshi world

I don't get it

Help. I don't get it

it's a brain thing. There are people who's brains match the average cis-(male/female), but their actual sex is the opposite.
That fact, combined with an evolving society, got hit with the concept of "well what is an individual and what is identity really", and all that, which is what confuses it. And there are some people who would be devastated if they magically changed sex one day, and others who really wouldn't care, and some who would be happy to but also feel no need to (not like transgenders), so the idea of what gender is and means is a valid question.
It's almost best to think of them as separate issues: one from a biological standpoint, the other philosophical (mixed with kids wanting to be "edgy" which is nothing new).


I thought it used some other vulnerability in the web browser to crash it?

The Game

Attached: 1551177719797.gif (700x395, 3.06M)

Attached: 1491412693449.jpg (750x425, 69K)

That's probably Florida Man.

Attached: 56984568.jpg (605x454, 78K)

Attached: 1433789190010.jpg (600x450, 27K)

>eating solid-form water
Ah, a true gamer

Yea Forums, Yea Forums and Yea Forums meet up

Attached: cibk8bpttbc11.jpg (600x450, 29K)

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Attached: 1547636906559.jpg (661x960, 67K)


Attached: cat.png (248x309, 135K)

this is gutter of the sewer disgusting

Attached: 5464.jpg (250x244, 13K)


Attached: When you see it.jpg (512x512, 68K)

Attached: 1334617960552.jpg (500x525, 127K)

Those expressions make me diamonds.

Attached: 823467356.jpg (538x537, 43K)

How can one kot be so based?

Attached: 1546933578437.jpg (318x565, 22K)

Reminder to clean your room.

Attached: 1503535599925.jpg (900x9794, 1.88M)


Attached: 1548985558113.jpg (1242x1702, 1.76M)

Well, I'm still alive
But thanks for the warrning

Attached: 1549804329085.jpg (460x316, 33K)

Attached: 1374861681017.jpg (2560x1707, 734K)

The same reason you own more video games than you can play at once, and more than one game of the same genre.


Okay, I'll bite. Did a meat truck explode or something?

Attached: 1528477798683.jpg (236x314, 12K)

>gyehehe, stahp it, Applejack that tickles!

Attached: Cy6F0edUcAATqYN.png (900x903, 265K)

Damn I wish I was dead

What if I told you when the cops showed up the trailer was missing?

Attached: 1292014468474.jpg (500x375, 14K)

imagine the smell

this looks like somone took the master from FO1 for a ride and they had an accident

Man where did the time go
fuck you

Attached: weak.png (1024x645, 562K)

is he...?

Attached: 1327641223884.jpg (1000x664, 36K)

Attached: 1332982716207.jpg (441x2992, 330K)

But how????

There's a fire truck right there and blue lights coming from behind the photographer.
The cops are already there, retard.

Attached: 1416073978166.png (520x456, 577K)

Attached: Blank+_a2b8acfb4a6dbdc9f71b451e27712ea5.png (718x604, 519K)

I hope to God this is real, but I know better

You little cunt

Attached: 1549603963972.jpg (400x300, 42K)

>reading comprehension

Attached: trailers.jpg (320x210, 7K)

Wyt Pawa


this guy certainly doesnt have a micro penis

can't you people let me rest
someone reminds me every few years just leave me alone

Attached: 1475925813509.png (500x372, 220K)

Did you know it's been literal 10 years since Girugames now?

Attached: Girugamesh01.png (452x391, 122K)

Dont call anybody


That’s actually pretty cute

Is this a truck full of offal or something

Attached: kidney stone.jpg (1936x2592, 557K)

>dinner at the Clinton household