God I love Anne

God I love Anne.

Attached: d72382fd1882f3c699ab81c83cd94c17-1.png (1080x601, 606K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I love Nonko.

Attached: nonko (18).jpg (429x408, 163K)

now pan down so we can see her 16 inch futa cock

Attached: 1531940041540.jpg (400x400, 8K)

There's no penis though.

I love anime!

I love Callie!

Attached: 1531831885595.jpg (300x300, 44K)

Attached: 11.webm (1920x1080, 1.72M)


god I love kunaboto
kys this artist is for high test straight dudes only

High test straight dudes don't say "kys" like some saucy little zoomer boy

Shut the fuck up, Mona.
I'm not going to bed.


I don't know how I can both hate and like Kunaboto's art at the same time

This nigga draws futa and ntr all the time


Attached: nana.png (750x683, 322K)

Too much of a literal whore for me to love.

Attached: 1535513534141.jpg (630x289, 75K)

why does this nigga draw pubic hair to look way grosser than it actually is

Is that metal owl? His renders are getting better and better I see.

You can like something and recognize flaws at the same time too you know.

i wanna kiss somebody

Name one flaw in his art style


It's less recognizing flaws and more of a disgust

Pubic hair is gross, tho.

Ero Doll, Kunaboto, and Metal Owl are the pseudonyms of the same Korean artist.

His girls have male pubes

Nothing. I'm assuming the user doesn't like the gross men he draws.

It's gross if it's out of control. If it's trimmed, then it's fine

I love the way he draws pubes

And manga!

My nigga! I really feel sorry for the people who don't like them desu senpai.

Attached: AT2V6cv.png (1079x481, 654K)

It's all about Jujunaught now
Get with the times

I wish I could draw as good as him, I dont have much time to practice anymore desu

Who? isn't this r/gaming and not an anime subreddit

Imagine the size of her nipples

Aren't they really huge in this pic?

God yes.

No, erodoll is metal owl.

Kunaboto is a different guy. They are friends tho.

>over 1k patreons
How? He just started his patreon last time I found him

Rinoa is my beloved.

Attached: Rinoa.jpg (640x448, 129K)

Sorry, she's taken

Attached: sample_bf9843bac444a203043492526bbc7ee5.jpg (850x1017, 140K)

post the whole image you pussy, take your ban like a man


Attached: d72382fd1882f3c699ab81c83cd94c17.png (1080x1690, 1.37M)

I highly doubt that they are just friends if they have the exact same style. Not even tracers are that good at mimicking someone's art style unless that tracer is the artist who is drawing under a different name.

Like Sakimichan and Logancure.

I love Fuuka!

Attached: Fuuka Summer Dress.jpg (320x613, 65K)

>Kunaboto and Metal Owl are the same artist
Nah, you can clearly see the differences just from a few images, especially the ones where they draw the same or similar characters

Tits too big.


His patreon is quite old but he stopped for a while.

Maybe because gook police found him. Owl purged shit from his pixiv too before and went mia.

Get better eyes

NDC is the only person I've seen do art of Makiko Date so they get bumped to first for that in my book.

Attached: 16d270ed3b1e0661383d455dd5c4b766.jpg (1500x2000, 1.58M)

Didn't ask for your opinion.

I don't really like that he drew her with massive cowtits when she's way flatter in game. I also need to get around to playing Cyber Sluts Hacker Memes sometime.

Attached: file.png (350x692, 375K)

He was already popular

>I don't really like that he drew her with massive cowtits when she's way flatter in game
I mean, that's kind of the point of his art, I don't masturbate to it for a canon interpretation.

>those tits
>that freaking belly

Attached: 1534982814116.png (700x677, 711K)

Wait why would the feds chase after him? Also you are correct about him deleting stuff. His pixiv has 2 pages only now however I remember there being more. Seems like all his scatches are gone.

Why are there so many Ann threads on Yea Forums lately? Is Atlus trying to drop hints about P5R?

Has the legend returned?

He's korean and porn is illegal there.


Attached: f5rxBlnN_400x400.jpg (344x344, 38K)

No, it's just the usual autistic waifufag.

Wtf these kind of rules in 2k19 are just barbaric :'(

>social sidequests
>dialogue options to gain affection
>no date scenes to reward your efforts
There's always next game.

No, it's just me making them. It'd actually be cool if that were the case though

Don't use images from degenerate artists to make threads about my wife.

>porn is illegal there
Now I need to fear that 커핑 will suddenly stop uploading stuff.

Why not?

Because there's plenty of wholesome images you could use. Hell, stop making threads about her at all but if you must at least use a good image.

post more kunaboto anne

I love cute user!

Attached: yuri63-1.png (800x800, 222K)


Other artists like them?

Cutesexyrobutts is basically the same thing. I'm not into it. But there you go.
For the record, my favorite doujin artist is probably KONKIT.

Owl have much simpler shading and thin linework.

Also face is different

Porn is illegal on Korea.

Attached: 007_0000zu07.jpg (1734x3031, 477K)


Blessed thread

Obui, Jyoka, t-heaven and neromasin

It is a good image though.

i'm enjoying the thicc and bushy art trend

ero doll == kunaboto != metal owl

Not at all

>Love this body type
>Most doujins that feature women with it are NTR

Attached: 1419123188911.jpg (1200x800, 112K)

cutesexyrobutts pictures look like oil paintings in comparison

Someone should make it into a list before we get wiped

i have the problem that quite a lot of it is /ss/

Learn to draw then you can draw your own stuff with out ntr

Attached: unknown-1.png (3246x3709, 1.69M)

Look harder.

Attached: 1541969665956.png (755x666, 269K)

I'll let you in on a little secret user.
People who draw that way tend to be porn addicts themselves.
People with porn addiction tend to be into NTR.

i keep finding artists that are now making stuff in the vein of kunaboto/donaught/metal owl/ndc BUT i can't ever remember their names because they're random as fuck

Isn't it Ann

Attached: 1550198589598.png (277x271, 8K)

holy fuck

Attached: 1452974989363.gif (400x400, 1.81M)

>futa all the time

God I wish

This is true.

t. Porn addict that loves futa ntr.

Has kunaboto been revived?

Attached: 1533603040935.gif (500x282, 32K)

very nice, mistook it for metal owl initially

goddamn i hope so

I love Reisen!

Attached: 56435083_p0.png (1754x2480, 1.14M)

Yes. The Anne picture was very recent and also drew some saber slut.

Yes and he reposted some stuff on new twitter.

Bullshit. His collab with Mr. NDC was because NDC's maso-MILF is a retarded son-fucking slut, that's her thing. The Kobayashi one wasn't even ntr either.

What does this spooky gif mean?

btw lads we have Alpha Females threads on /d/ regularly where we post this body type

Link to twitter?

Wait Sakimi and Logan are the same person?


it means i'm on my way, user


When will Kunaboto or Metalowl draw Reisen?

Erodoll IS Kunaboto. Before his first hiatus he was erodoll, then came back as Kunaboto. Metalowl has always been Metalowl.

Attached: kunaboto, erodol - tittymonster.png (795x570, 550K)


Attached: GIRUGAMESH.gif (600x600, 13K)


He needs to do more doujins tho

Attached: D0Gdwn-UYAACCwZ.jpg (1200x848, 70K)

Nice art. I want to see more.

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 12K)

Nice. You got any other stuff you made?

Who finds this attractive?

Attached: 2898973707869911.png (594x376, 223K)

imagine cumming in one of donaught's creations


Attached: 787489686.jpg (249x215, 5K)

High test males.

He never got the 2nd BlazBlue comic done.

Attached: 1541620685822.jpg (918x597, 78K)

Attached: Sv____.png (1280x1493, 1.44M)

>big tits
>well drawn
Probably a lot of people man.

Attached: 1398921013887.jpg (397x304, 41K)

hell yeah motherfucker

Aw shit, user delivers.

How long did it take you to become competent and when did you start?

My wife Alice is so cute!!

Attached: Alice.Margatroid.full.1645828.jpg (834x824, 885K)

Das it mane

Attached: 238162624079212.png?r1024x1024.png (1024x798, 1.09M)

Attached: 1532026514117.png (227x326, 95K)

Based, very based. Indeed.


>Womb tattoo


He finished the first one?

>not liking peak female body.

Attached: __erufuda_san_and_kuroeda_san_elf_san_wa_yaserarenai_drawn_by_synecdoche__93e72da5fa3271eb1a88794add (847x1200, 298K)

tits too fucking big
but drawn well

I've been drawing for like ever but id say I've only started putting in actually practice like 5-6 years ago even then I really dont practice the way I should.

I thought Act.2 is when Makoto gets fucked?

Only the dark Elf is good

Hey, all I said was that I don't like this kind of art. To me, CSR and this have similar proportions.

>always drawn but only got good in the last 5-6 years
I've never drawn. Sounds like way too much work.

>CSR and this have similar proportions.

me nigga
user delivars

Attached: 1500160799970.jpg (409x326, 18K)

Ton of practice and some anatomy books.

I don't think I ever saw her get fugged

I've seen people get bet better then me in a shorter time frame so anythings possible

Fuck off Abraham

Ann's sweaty pussy and asshole riding your face after hours in the metaverse

There is some sketches and stream screencaps. But he went mia so we never know what happened.

I have a folder with all his stuff plus owl.

Ah i forgot. That was mostly sketches and some colored.

He needs to do shit with his OC again.
>muscle girl PE teacher who fucks old men for money

Oh huh. I never knew.

I wish he did Bullet instead.

Attached: 1473569751622.jpg (996x1812, 304K)


Attached: 1502558022624.png (500x500, 253K)

Naw. Robutts just sometimes gets close enough to these "amazonian gains" women. He keeps it moderated and we can at least pretend he draws remotely realistic bodies.
Duly note I do not dislike thism before someone shits on me

He should finish that damn blazblue comic.

Attached: blazblue6a.png (306x479, 103K)

I want him to do more anims like owl

I wish Owl did more animations in general.

Why does kunabato always draw hinata fucked by raikage

God, I love Obui

>big tits
>large areola
>pubes hopefully
>big booty
I do, nigga

Thats not exclusive thing to Kunaboto. But if bother you that much people made edits.

That's not Kunaboto but god fucking damn do I want to see him draw her.

He's a cuck.

Is this the thread where I post stuff like this?

Attached: 1548297449935.png (1241x1754, 497K)

Cause Hinara is

>Korean artists draw thick girls because IRL the only thick part korean girls have is the jaw

Attached: __shirogane_naoto_persona_and_persona_4_drawn_by_kunaboto__73966badaed65feafd00eba92f236ab4.jpg (494x533, 264K)

>he will never finish the BBCF work he started on

I don't know who that it is but I don't really care because god does it please my dick to the next level. I need more.

you sure its not metalowl, ya blind bastard?


No. You are mistaken.

Korean artist are goat. Ahgot who is a fucking ghost shits on most artist.

>owl just made one Marina pic.
Goddamn. I need more

Attached: DxQoY7RV4AAVaKs-orig.jpg (1488x2105, 310K)

I love big tits, but those literally look like balloons strapped to her chest. they dont even look like theyre part of her chest

You too?

Attached: bbfd49d8ac73a0a2afac09882348ed08.jpg (261x202, 11K)

I think her armor is supposed to be squeezing them.

Attached: DzxoXZOXcAAomWH.jpg large.jpg (844x1456, 206K)

I love Fertility Goddess Naoto

guys plz I already fapped for the night

Attached: Screenshot_2018-08-09 [Supe (Nakani)] Imouto no Oppai ga Marudashi Datta Hanashi 4 [Spanish] [Lanert (300x622, 128K)

Patreon and old shit. I made damn sure to have nearly everything on high quality.

Attached: 1543547259181.png (296x369, 182K)

>sketches and stream screencaps
Share please?


Attached: ap,550x550,12x12,1,transparent,t.u1.png (550x550, 248K)

The fact that he includes chokers in a lot of her pics makes me harder than diamonds

How do I get into drawing

You don't. You'll never be good enough so it's pointless.

just start drawing like you're a 10 year old
get a picture of the kind of shit you want to draw and just eyeball copy it

yeah why bother fucking doing anything
kill yourself faggot

>love art with proportions like these
>always drawn with faceless ugly fat bastards

Attached: 1464387715342s.jpg (250x241, 10K)

>mfw I love chokers too
>mfw love using them
A shame there's no way a dude can wear those without looking like a fucking homo.

Attached: 1550433010300.jpg (541x540, 26K)

Folder is like 1.50gb.

I can't upload that fast. Buf if you can hold a thread on /h/ I can post tomorrow.

Attached: 1548044598818.jpg (616x641, 338K)

You dumb nigger

I just got tge Japanese PS4 ver. of all three dancing games
>that voice actor for Elizabeth
muh dick
>that annoying as fuck voice for japanese teddy
what were they thinking
>doesn't come with 4's DLC songs and they cost a whole 50 fucking dollars for all of them
fucking jews.

Attached: _satonaka_chie_persona_and_persona_4_drawn_by_ina_gokihoihoi_b241d4da4c98bad376e563c33ff2fa1c.jpg (512x640, 119K)

Drawfag that wants to draw girls like Kunaboto here
any tips?

Attached: mastering the art of thick.jpg (1899x3076, 816K)

Needs more pubes.

NDC, kunabato, erodoll and metalmowl are the same person.

yeah draw Ann

more pubes
thicker thighs and hips
plump lips

Attached: 1441809827654.jpg (224x225, 8K)


Learn proportions.

Even them know how to draw a proper girl.

Attached: 05-22_3.jpg (2400x2800, 1.11M)

What retard actually believes this stupid meme?

You could try this.

Very nice, you're on a good track user.

Don't imitate other people's style.

Could you just make a thread for it whenever you upload?

Just draw your own thing, user.

Good job. KEEP GOING.
Fuck off retard, there is literally NOTHING wrong with learning off of someone else's style.
How the fuck do you think the great masters learned to paint? THEY LEARNED FROM THE OTHER MASTERS, AND THE ONES BEFORE THEM

Ah, i see you know the artist as well.

No worries I will do. Just give me some time to upload all this crap.

Attached: 123_1.png (2022x2153, 752K)

pls upload to mega

Use forms (spheres/cylinders, you are going to want them big for what you are aiming for) and use curved lines to connect them. That is what learning anatomy basically is.

I love big nonko

That one doujin with the redhead getting smashed by the berserk horse.

>That one madman that grinded gorillions of basic shapes on /ic/
>now he see the world in n64 grafix.

Attached: 1551043929035.jpg (500x472, 10K)

Pubes don't match hair color

Thanks a lot, I appreciate it. The Makoto comic is my favorite thing by him, I'm looking forward to seeing the old preview stuff.

Thanks for the comments anons, I'll keep practicing
I just want to learn how to draw thick girls

Attached: practice.jpg (2974x2636, 1.02M)

lookin good user

Drop out, start a patreon

looks good m8

You are getting in there boyo.

Attached: 1546526038651.jpg (1150x1587, 941K)

I dont feel right using patreon

then perish

Just dump PSD and HQ stuff. Don't be stupid to lock yourself on just patreon.

Attached: 1486306483256.jpg (475x433, 45K)

Looks good so far.

Now i gotta come up with a cool name


Attached: 1537047855770.png (299x390, 107K)

How can I draw like this?


Loomis sux.


What happened to thefunk? He has been gone for 2 months

Thickers hips, butts, and thights and you're golden.

Doing good user keep up the practice

Not him, but just learn proportions / how to measure them. That way you can just copy any body type you want and do them whenever. Just don't stick to a specific one that you belt out non stop, otherwise you'll be like LMSketch.
My first attempt at fat and I think it turned out good, I should probably finish it but I have commissions to do.

Attached: ss+(2019-02-25+at+10.35.09).jpg (942x1089, 53K)

Gotta admit, it really hard to find the balance between muscle and fat specially in the middle

Attached: ann maybe.jpg (2127x2214, 557K)

What's the difference?

My nigga

This is from Legoman, but pretty much give a proper notion of what to do.

Attached: Tut Chubby.png (4961x4360, 2.31M)

What the fuck is wrong with her goddamn hand?!

When the fuck is kunaboto coming back

Metal Owl is based but he isn't enough and NDC barely draws actual porn now

I can't draw hands
This is an old drawing

Attached: 20180419_103138.jpg (3264x1836, 1.46M)

He just came back a short while back.

That's just fat. Thick is better when you stray from realism and make only the sexy parts thick.

>used to draw shit back in highschool
>that was like 6-7 years ago
I want to go back to it, but I'm fucking lazy

Attached: 1548706948339.jpg (242x353, 60K)

Am I the only person here who can't draw


I can't even draw a decent circle.

you don't know what you're talking about


It's never late user. But to draw "properly' you going need few years.

>competent with anatomy
>always fumble with face proportions
maybe i should just take the easy route and draw flat anime faces

Attached: 1528664179681.jpg (720x719, 41K)


i love natsuki.

Attached: 1542918544590.jpg (1536x2048, 388K)

The thing about Loomis is that he wasn't a teacher so it feels like jumping into the deep end when looking at his figure drawing book and fun with a pencil might get frustrating as it takes a while to actually drawing people. If you are looking to get into drawing people, head on over to the art book thread at /ic/ and either get hampton, huston, or vilppu books to see which one click for you. I also recommend you get the dynamic sketching stuff off the dynamic sketching thread, that will help you out in the long run.

Nothing wrong with anime faces.

Attached: 033.jpg (1373x1938, 331K)

what's the difference between you average reisen_udongein_inaba + thick_thighs search and what a kunaboto version would be?

I've been a porn addict forever now and I only get off to NTR sometimes.

here's another one

Attached: 20180411_115858.jpg (3264x1836, 1.18M)

u wot

Rule of thumb, if you want to draw, don't keep on /ic/.

Just grab the links and get the fuck out there.

Excuse me is that the back of a fucking bus seat

Attached: 1549337254366.gif (300x300, 2M)

Fuuka sucks nigger cocks for 100 yen

When you commission them

It's so you can self insert

last one

Attached: 20180419_095928.jpg (3264x1836, 1.29M)

I just want to draw fat old men do lewd things to thicc moms AAAAAAAAAA

Attached: 1334414341783.jpg (863x752, 249K)

It's an university desk.

Attached: 20180420_095342.jpg (3264x1836, 1.25M)

I am curious as to why

I'll keep my headcanon of user managing to draw thick doodles while riding a moving bus

It's the 2nd hottest thing one could draw.

>says this on a thread where people mistake kunaboto for NDC and/or metal owl


Attached: 2018 (95).png (588x783, 183K)

>have gf
>draw wholesome lewds with fit man and girl
>break with gf
>draw fat men using girls as fleshlights

Fuck off

Attached: 38f974eba4f60d806f54de41d7c7b39f.png (764x1080, 762K)

Attached: tumblr_piv6ow0cjE1trjbc8o1_1280.png (1280x1811, 1.57M)

Attached: oni.jpg (981x1200, 444K)

>This thread

Attached: 1538200154522.jpg (1024x1023, 69K)


Fuuka has done nothing to deserve such awful lies directed at her!

Attached: Fuuka Doe.jpg (800x800, 242K)

I know, user. It hurts me greatly, that we cannot have such perfection in our lives. I'm not even the biggest fan of pubes, but I'll happily live with it if I get the rest of the packaged deal.

I can't tell if it's fat or abs

Attached: 1502045579529.png (438x157, 45K)

i love corrin.

Attached: 1533091128741.jpg (931x864, 109K)

Dumb footslut.

Attached: 55469788_p0.jpg (1200x1570, 522K)

Something never clicked with me with MetalOwl, and I think it's his colors. Everything seems so flat.

It's a little of both.

Attached: 52857213_p0.jpg (2000x2396, 703K)

Me neither.

Attached: 1549684501573.png (813x960, 609K)

too clean
too dirty. but it's his win because there's more details.

Tfw Kuna just disappeared
I know he put out some stuff recently but outside this Pic the rest is just soft.

*blocks your path*

Attached: 889063a0bdf378176a5f3cf07b30cd02.png (1200x1920, 3.29M)


Attached: healer.png (1025x1920, 766K)

>Kunaboto is a wordplay of Kubo and Naoto
>the "W"s and color schemes in her clothes are related to Mitsuo
>the fat ugly dude is supposed to be Mitsuo
why is it turning me on so much? is it the contrast of ugly/beauty, detective/criminal?

Attached: Hardening.jpg (302x491, 98K)

Great art wasted on gross oversized tits. Shame.

are you the guy from that jp thread?
Your drawings are really good!

>I-is that a pube between your tiddies?

Those eyes, man


You got any more?

Thicc is love

Attached: 26c119679d4920d273f99b8e65f24477.png (2567x2445, 2.95M)

Plugsuits need nipple and pussy plugs. Hoses and tubing optional

Attached: vanessa tropical sketches1.png (3840x2160, 2.81M)

Damn is that some funk?

>Huge ass
>Huge tits
>Thiccccc body
Pretty much


Attached: Cassandra lingerie sketch.png (1638x2044, 1.55M)


Attached: vanessa tropical sketches4.png (3840x2160, 3.71M)

This is a nice thread

Attached: 1502980882435.jpg (1062x1920, 300K)

Attached: tumblr_owt9qxM8Md1tu52bjo1_1280.png (1203x1874, 1.85M)

I will never understand why the fuck her skirt has that greasy paper effect.

Attached: tumblr_p6j419bzTY1tu52bjo1_1280.png (1280x720, 563K)

I love Kass!

Attached: Husbando.jpg (3000x3000, 2.61M)

God I wish I was a teenage girl with the body of a real thicc milf

My FAVORITE Aigis pic ever.

Attached: 7d31e7acb60f8505fd9e8673af8d89ccebf3c6bb.png (1335x3003, 753K)

Attached: 1549763071693.jpg (552x1000, 79K)

I knew you guys had good taste

Attached: 20180901_siri.jpg (1280x914, 154K)

based and pubepilled

Attached: 1524520669100.jpg (1814x2537, 1.34M)

european morning hours Yea Forums is best Yea Forums

Attached: 1548087297353.jpg (500x489, 68K)

Attached: SGTG_095_004.jpg (2139x3024, 879K)

Please tell me you have more of these

Attached: SGTG_127_007.jpg (1280x1810, 464K)

>that protrusive pubic bone
i hope no one paid for this

gg time to break my no fap


Attached: 1550632131406.jpg (750x680, 380K)


Attached: tumblr_p3w0ogizid1vg2uw7o1_1280.jpg (1280x1807, 439K)

More like pre cumming

Attached: 58121807_p7.jpg (1280x1841, 171K)