What is Yea Forums's opinion on the Mozambique shotgun?
What is Yea Forums's opinion on the Mozambique shotgun?
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Titanfall 2
>choose your party
you must pick yourself and 2 others for a party of 3
Does it deal decent damage at least on point blank?
Never tried, the game is not really close combat friendly anyways
Shit in Apex
Godly in TF2
Me as nameless rank and file soldier
Eternally hotblooded rival
Amazon huntress
what game is that from?
Be Elven Time Mage
Bring Cheerful Druid & Brawny Gentleman
So fucking fun in TF2
desu it should have a select fire hop up that lets it shoot all of its shot all at once instantly also let it get mag upgrades +1 ammo per tier.
They need to increase clip size and fire rate to compensate for shit damage.
party of 4 would be more fun desu
I will be the cheerful druid, and travel with the pig and dog
Mastiff is better.
Still a good pistol but I prefer the Wingman.E
its the first gun ive ever wanted to shoot to death
Fucking fun to use in TF2
Fucking awful in Apex
Why does it oneshot with a headshot/2 shot with bodyshot in Titanfall but in Apex it does like, what?
6 bodyshot kill?
It only has 3 rounds base magazine.
>implying anyone here besides you (((average Yea Forums users))) play this garbage
how do you kill a gun?
you shoot it until it dies.
But then they win!
The Djibouti Shooty is a a classic sidearm for Pilots all over the Frontier.
Me,experienced warrior girl, and honorable kabuto
Support, dps, and tanking. Got all the bases covered.
Also kabuto better be an actual fucking bug.
extend the magazine to 5 or something and increase damage
That games looks just so fun, wish it wasn't ea
Titanfall 2 is good though
i miss all the associated comics that came out of this
Titanfall 2 is the only game worth installing Origin for. This is an undeniable fact.
Hello I'm a drive by contrarian and I think it's one of the best guns in the game and no I'm not going to elaborate or reply to any responses
Needs to be able to hold some sort of magazine upgrade or have like 8 rounds baseline.
Like any gun that's not a wingman or peacekeeper it's worthless no matter what though.
>mastiff jr
p sure u need to chek yer facts ther bubbo l m a o
>he doesnt know how to kill a person with another person
damage is still damage user.
>t. Slowshitter
I didn't know you were a slow. I'm so sorry, user. I hope you can get your speed up one day.
In Tittyfall 2, it's real good when used in flanks and skirmishes, since it can deal a whopping amount of damage up close. Phase Shifting or sneaking up to an opponent and blasting their face off with it is really satisfying.
Apparently its Apex Legends version is complete dogshit though so eh.
>Titanfall is fast
y'all need to get your peepers checked
Must be terrible living life as a slow
Must be terrible having Halo as your relative standard for whether a game is fast or not (and or course thinking that's the sole metric for quality).
You're still stuck on halo. I'm sure you play apex as well because you couldn't keep up.
Name one faster FPS.
I swear I didn't know you were a slow and handicapped. I'm truly sorry for your lot in life. Maybe things'll get better for you after high school, yeah?
you haven't played the game much have you?
the game actually is more mid to close range. try running a 301 and a shotty or shotty and r-99 and engaging in short range fights next time you play. its actually a lot more fun this way too
game plays like and looks like shit
Doom, quake, quake 3, unreal, tribes, unironically totally accurate battlegrounds at times, basically anything that wasn't a WWII shooter made before half life 2.
>it was too good in TF2 so they later removed the ability to have it as a sidearm and nerfed it into the ground in Apex
seek counseling for your brain damage
Noob question here, what do you gain from putting stocks and barrels on your guns? Can you say what each one does
Even hitting all three shots from point blank isn’t enough to kill an enemy most times
At least your replies are getting faster. Maybe you can go fast after all, bud.
>Titanfall: a bit of a gimmicky option, usually worse than most of other primary options but with extended mags you can spit out 8 shots, all of which have the potential to kill in one hit on a solid centre-mass shot out to a good range, and it always has perfect hipfire accuracy, so it's usable in good hands
>apex: vaguely usable in a pinch, not to be relied on ever, god help you if the enemy has shields
>hovering over a Yea Forums thread to have fast replies
that's the most pathetic thing I've ever seen someone imply
Shields. It's good in Apex against unsheilded targets at close range but it's garbage against anyone with blue or up even at pointblank to the head
Gotta do something while I wait for an eternity to find a match.
Please answer
Barrel is less recoil, stock is handling speed and aim drift.
R-301 is great.
EVA-8 is has more consistent damage and better range than peacekeeper I'd still rather take the peacekeeper for dem 2hit kills
R99 prolly has the shortest TTK if you actually hit shit.
If it's the very start of the match and it's the only gun you have and you get up in someones face then it's ok
damn even the queues are slow in titansnore lmao
>prehistoric games that arent even remotely as fast as TF 2.
Know how I know youre fucking retarded? Because I love all those games, and they dont even come close. Take your meds grandpa, your narcolepsy is showing.
It's there really any other TF weapons to put in Apex besides maybe the Volt.The EPG would be cool but it's be hell to balance
And not like the smart pistol, which is pretty obviously going to be someone's ult someday
They are good but they are no wingman, game would be better if they just removed it from the game or at least removed the mag upgrade.
imagine talking about games you haven't played as though you have. you outed yourself by calling them prehistoric and me grandpa, zoomer. you ain't old enough to have played them.
It’s shit.
But I will take it over nothing in a hot drop.
It's a really shitty pistol. Literally anything else is always better.
The only time it's acceptable to use a Mozambique is if you drop in a place where you need a weapon fast, e.g. on the loot barge. After that you throw it away.
Are you salty about the Wingman?
As much as I like the wingman, I can understand the butthurt.
It's most likely the easiest weapon to cheat with tho lol
titanfall 1 was better than 2
I disagree and think your opinion is shit.
Not salty just bored, it's the only gun I use because it's the only one worth picking up along with peacekeeper or airdrop guns.
Why would I ever pick up R99 or R-301 when I can hit most of my shots with a wingman?
they both suck.
Wouldn't you drop someone faster with a R99 tho?
0 recoil smgs ruined tf2
would have been much more fun with wacky weapons like this one
I WHOLEHEARTEDLY and STRONGLY disagree and think your opinion is irredeemable shit of the highest calibre.
Barely and it requires far more attachments and ammo than a wingman, better to leave that inventory space for grenades.
>12 shots with 45 damage each on body and super easy to hit your shots
Longbow hits for the same but fires at like half the speed.
that makes sense since you're retarded. naturally games that don't require much input besides mashing space would appeal to you.
Hello newfriend
there's was a time in TF2 where the Mozambique was a more solid choice than the mastiff
Even after the Mastiff got buffed it was a good sidearm since you could carry 1 and a half mastiffs on you
Amazing on TF2
Fucking shit on AL
EA marketers leave
>EA marketers leave
EA marketers leave
>EA marketers leave
EA marketers leave
>EA marketers leave
EA marketers leave
>EA marketers leave
shooting center mass tickles the enemy no matter what you use.
They should fix Apex by removing armor/shields, lowering the TTK, and giving the player back their full maneuverability.
I need some fukcing advice on this game I play as the dude with a shieldgun and the smoke grenade bitch and I have NEVER won a match. I've gotten 1st in fortnite, blackout and pubg but this game kicks my ass, I miss most of my shots too which is weird. Help me bros. I can't stand being last again.
Might as well just play TF2 by that point
I asked before reading the other posts, sue me.
Not everyone plays shooting games.
Wallrunning would not be especially useful on the current map outside like runoff and skull town.
in apex it'd be decent starter weapon if it had more than 3 fucking rounds
Enemies should be easier to see. I find they blend into the background a little too well.
wallrunning is always useful and anyone saying "dude it wouldn't work on the map" is playing damage control for respawn/EA
the reason they removed it is because they didn't want casual players to look at a guy flying around sniping people without stopping and going "wow that relatively easy movement sure looks hard guess i better give up lol" and quitting without trying like in titanfall 2, they've said as much.
the momentum you can get off of a heavily nerfed grapple alone is INSANELY useful on this map, imagine if you could pick it up off of literally any flat vertical surface and maintain it with slide hopping
Fix hitboxes or smaller characters having less hp/shields and the game will be better.
Also add more mobility based heroes.
>dude with shieldgun
there's your problem amigo
Put me in the screencap
Turn off TAA and they basically glow white, impossible to miss.
wgat's bad about him, I love his ult
gibraltar's bad because his hitbox is absurdly massive compared to just about every other character in the game
the shield doesn't really matter when he's just so much easier to hit
pls leave shill
>Yea Forums doesn't like anime girls anymore
wat da fug
bangalore is good, what guns do you usually use?
Appex is the halo odst of the titanfall series.
wait what
Vampire loli is Jamaican drummer medic?
I like havine a sniper and a dmr, any of them. I'm not sure what is the difference in weapon types or ammo types.
I also find that I run out of ammo quick. I don't know how to use bangalor ult, It seems like it takes too long to use
Bang's ult is for seperating teams. When it falls, they get away from it so you can use to cut off one person from a team so your team can focus on them.
Is titanfall 2 still alive I want to try it
for the last time yes
it's not overwatch alive you might take some time to find games in the middle of the night but you WILL find games, this might be one of the better times to try it
Go bamboozalah-go bamba-... fool 'em!
i heard this and it makes complete sense
also edgy gas man is edgy gay dad and isn't even trying to hide it
It’s not even a shotgun it’s a pistol with three barrels.
how do I go fast in tf2
the mastiff is a shitty rifle with like 5 barrels
smart use of stim
learn to grapple boost
wall jumps
slide hopping/air strafing to keep momentum
stim is a reliable boost of speed on a dime, grapple will give you far more speed on a good boost but the maps aren't really designed for that level of speed and you need some windup to get it going
try using lifeline her kit is amazing, current meta is wingman+peacekeeper. this game favors close to mid range combat I suggest getting comfy with the r99 301 or a prowler with select fire
I haven't used it since it was moved to a primary slot, but I always had it as my secondary.
Now I just use the machine pistol but I should make a class with the Mozambique and the Wingman
Stim medic in Apex WHEN
He's half right. There's shit Titanfall 1 still does better over two, like being able to rodeo titans, arguably better maps, and complete freedom in terms of customizing titans. Burn cards were also a nice addition.
grapple is also very good for course corrections if you don't want to fall and stuff though
you can wallrun on the same wall more than once, make quick corners to minimize exposing yourself, launch yourself up over a ledge rather than slowly mantle up it, and all kinds of stuff, it's just an immensely useful mobility tool
People looking into the code found references to stim's and a new character called overdrive added last patch
Op didn't ask whether people like pre-nerf Mozambique, as of right now Mozambique is a shit mastiff which no one uses.
Will he be the first one added? The game could really use more supports.
There was another one in the code but I can't remember what his kit was. I just assume Overdrive will be stim and wall run as his kit, just can't figure out his ult from just knowing his normal is stims
you can snipe with the wingman. try shooting some one with an r99 thats not directly in your face.
honestly having tried the mozambique in tf2 pretty recently it feels like a better ranged option than the mastiff purely because it's so spammable at a distance compared to the mastiff's four-shots-and-then-millenia reload
up close you can't beat the mastiff's instagib though
Dropping a bag of stims for your team might be the ult?
Her Tiki voice is awful