So Sora’s Valor Form in Japan is called BRAVE Form by the way. Just putting it out there

So Sora’s Valor Form in Japan is called BRAVE Form by the way. Just putting it out there.

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Very enlightening, thank you.

Why did they censor it.

what the fuck is the point of a key blade anyway?

if you hold it you can't even properly align it with your arm and you hit sideways

valor style in MHGU is also called brave, doesnt mean monhun is getting in

The main characters in Dragon Quest often have the default name Yuusha, which translates to Brave (noun) or Brave Hero in English.

Hitting something sideways with a sword is called "slashing". It's what most swords do.

It's the only thing that can actually "exorcise" Heartless and potentially recomplete the original person. If anything else kills them they sink back to the darkness and come back as more Heartless.

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Valor and Brave essentially have the same meaning, so there's not really much difference

The guards on keyblades are just aesthetics.


The forms in KH2 were based, fucking missed that in 3

hitting with the flat part of the blade is not slashing, retard

no one ever uses them as "blades" since the key part is held toward the user. theyre more accurately key clubs/maces.

would they really name sora's files as valor because of one form he has?

Key club

>kh3 haters in a nutshell

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Man I really hope he isn't added to Smash. I'm sick of all these KH threads just posting dumb memes and waifu posting over and over again (JustAPancake is fine though). It will be 10x worse if he's in Smash, just a ton of posts asking what is KH and posting quality significantly decreasing. Please Nintendo, don't do this. I look forward to the day KH3 threads dwindle down and it's no longer the game of the month.

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So the US got the better naming, nice.

>I'm sick of all these KH threads
>in a post that mentions smash

but Aqua is my waifu!

Yeah exactly my point, I'm sick of Smash threads too. I don't want the two to start blending. The Dragon Quest threads dropped in quality when the Erdrick rumor started spreading.

Crabs were fun.

KH2 FM is a fucking slog and it's not even fun to play at all until you have all movement abilities and can go all the way through the Cavern of Remembrance and fight the Org members there.

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Should've been called Based and redpilled form or just Based form for short because it looks cool as fuck tbqhfam

Think of all the shitty fanfiction that would spawn if he got in smash.

Why would his placeholder be the name of just 1 of his transformations, and why would that be his default state in Smash? Just think for a second.

This image has more interaction between Sora and crew with the other characters than any of the Disney worlds in KH3.


What are you guys talking about? Redpill me on this "valor/brave file"

"Brave" is supposedly the placeholder name for the second DLC's slot in Smash.

>not enjoying the entire game of KH2FM
cringe and permavirginpilled

If we're talking on a practical level, Disney wasn't exactly comfortable with the main character running around with a big sword or something. The keyblade was pretty much a compromise and an idea rolled into one, something that Nomura could make cool weapons out of while still seeming relatively benign, and also something that would be uniquely Kingdom Hearts.

The first fucking thing the game does is show off how much worse it is than KH1 by making you do QTEs out the ass and having annoying long cutscenes in the tutorial bossfight.

I never found the reaction command stuff to last long at all, outside of the tutorial ones designed to show you what to do

Reaction commands require almost no timing, an invalid could use them.

That doesn't make sense. Smash Brave is Ness size which doesn't correspond to KH2 Sora that uses the brave form who is as tall as Pit. Even if you made the argument for KH1 Sora then the Brave name doesn't make sense because, again, thats a form from KH2.

You are wrong for thinking Brave is Sora.

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Tell that to Ruroni Kenshin.

Not even Kenshin hits with the flat. Hitting with the blunt edge isn't the same as using the flat.

KH3 apologists can't meme.

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How the fuck can you say that KH1 is worse than 2. Go back and play it without your nostalgia goggles on

That's the same thing though. Synonyms user, Synonyms.


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Stay seething

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I agree, though all told I do think he has a chance in a future fighter pack.

>DLC will fix it
Anyone who uses this argument is a corporate shill, there are no other possibilities.

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sora and pit are the same height in their own series, right?

That's just straight up wrong

How many times did Sora interact with Rapunzel, or Olaf, or Boo, or... I mean, the list goes on. You cook a bunch of meals with Remy, and pick flowers with Rabbit for pete's sake. The interaction with the Disney characters in KH3 is beyond what it ever was in 1 or 2, only BBS had as much.

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>The interaction with the Disney characters in KH3 is beyond what it ever was in 1 or 2
You're... joking right?

Not that guy but I think it's right. I've been replaying KH2 after beating 1, and while I won't say that 2 is better or worse yet, 3 certainly wins out over 1

> Iconic in Japan
> Iconic in North America
> Kingdom Hearts was voted the 5th best game franchise ever by over 100k people
> Kingdom Hearts III came out this month
> Disney is open to allowing Sora in Smash if Square is okay with it
> Co-Founder of KH said he wants Sora in Smash
> Fits all of Sakurai's criteria for Smash
He's n

I don't count "Oh no, the Heartless! We have to fight them! Oh no, ____ is missing! They went that way." or "Cut to a scene where the villain is plotting something or being angry, then cut back" as interaction

so shit like Monstro, Wonderland, etc are absolutely just spinning the wheels.

Only Tarzan, Olympus and Nightmare in KH1 had what I'd call a good level of interplay with the characters.

KH2 was significantly better than KH1 when it came to having the Disney characters interact with Sora and the gang, and even had a short arc for them to go over. But KH3 has the same shit, and then some more.

In KH2 you just do combat around the world, and then get a cutscene where Sora is suddenly better friends with the characters for no explicable reason. In KH3, it plays out more like watching a movie, with more incidental dialogue and getting to know each character's personality and Sora's gang talking to them.

In the end, having less worlds that last longer was a major benefit for immersing you in the experience of visiting that movie's world and seeing Sora befriend those characters. There's nothing in KH2 that comes close to befriending Rapunzel and showing her the outside world using your magic and dancing with the town.

>3 beats out 1

Fans and critics disagree.

>Literally just a two point and one point difference
You'd have to be a retard to use Metacritic scores as an argument anyway, but even this is stretching it. And before you choose one of your favorite buzzwords, I also thought KH3 was disappointing and honestly the Metacritic score is too high.

I've never seen critics analyze KH1's Disney character interactions over KH3

I thought his interactions with the characters was pretty good too, especially Tangled and BH6 worlds. Frozen was definitely the let down though, he barely talked to any of the characters and was always just busy getting blown off the god damn mountain.

Wonderland is especially annoying, I don't think you even have to talk to Alice. That world more than any other just feels like they needed one more Princess of Heart and chose that on a whim. And I actually agree about the quality of worlds in 3 overall.

>forgetting KH2 had you visit the worlds twice each with their own stories
>forgetting KH2 had more original content and not just lol remember this scene from the movie xddd

I did prefer there being more worlds in KH2, but most of those were absolutely doing the whole "remember this scene from the movie" thing. Heck in some worlds they brought the bad guy back just to have movie scenes.

>I don't count "Oh no, the Heartless! We have to fight them! Oh no, ____ is missing! They went that way." or "Cut to a scene where the villain is plotting something or being angry, then cut back" as interaction
So that cuts out Monsters Inc, Toy Story, Olympus, Frozen, BH6 and Pirates. Leaving KH3 with Corona, so I think it's safe to assume you're just a Rapunzelfag that's happy he got catered to.

Is the venfag here?

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>No KH game has any worlds

>playing KH for the waifus
>talking about KH's waifus

The series is husbando bait for gays & fujos, through and through. If you're shitposting about the fucking waifus then you're doing it wrong.

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The original proposal had something like a chainsaw, if I remember right.

>Not waifuposting and shitposting at the sametime

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>3 fucking watermarks

2nd visits are mostly oc shit involving Org 13. Some of the 1st visits are oc too like Beasts Castle and Halloween town
KH3's worlds were mostly the movies playing themselves aside from Toy Story, Monsters Inc. and BH6.

How the fuck does BH6 fit that formula at all?

Dude we're not saying the games are better from a design or mechanical standpoint, we're talking about the Disney worlds being more in-depth in KH3 than they were in KH2 and 1.

In KH3 you stay in one world for longer than both visits in KH2 combined on average

The re-visits in KH2 were just a way to lazily reuse the same areas over again and squeeze more cut-scenes in to pad the game length. Mostly just an excuse for another fun boss battle, rather than telling a nice story.

Monster's Inc was great, it expanded on events after the movie, what with Sully being CEO, Mike being the top laugher, confirming that they're hanging out with Boo again, the agents obeying reporting to Sully now, Randall escaping his "exile" and wanting to turn the company back to scares instead of laughts, all of these things felt like natural details that would be present in a sequel to MI, but they never made one.

Olympus at least had you actually saving normal people in distress, which while not being "interaction with the Disney cast" was at least a nice chance to make Sora seem like more of a true hero and less of just a monster smasher.

In Frozen you get to listen to Anna tell the story of her childhood, you get to help reassemble Olaf's body... there are all kinds of little interactions with the cast. They're not particularly important interactions, but they're there and even the minor Disney npcs are always in-character, and that's more than what KH1 and 2 had barring some exceptions.

Not enough?

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Why shitpost with waifus when you can further trigger Yea Forums and /vg/'s autism with husbandoposting and fujoposting?

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>Sora train us to fight heartless
>Sora dakubes
>Sora it's Riku, they put darkness in him
>Sora Riku made Bamax I evil

Why is her design so perfect?

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Because I can defend it and waifupost at the same time.

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Look how much more color, spunk and attitude exists in this single picture than the entirety of KH3. I'm still in shock at how fucking shitty that game was.

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>and that's more than what KH1 and 2 had barring some exceptions.
It's not, you're letting shitposting cloud your judgement.

Seems like a whole lot of interaction to me, you idiot. Do you even know what you're arguing about?

Who has the Barry crying Wojak with the 'Final Fantasy XV' hat?

Yes, that user said that just talking about Heartless or the Organization's plots doesn't count as "interaction".

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>In KH3 you stay in one world for longer than both visits in KH2 combined on average
Yeah, no. The only reason you feel you're there longer are the shitty movie cutscenes so Disney can shove their dick down your throat.

>just an excuse for another fun boss battle, rather than telling a nice story
>not wanting more boss battles
And it did have a story along with it. Even better is that it actually involves Org XIII stuff and strings the plot of the other worlds nicely rather than having the worlds feel disconnected to each other like KH3 does.

It's pretty obvious that Nomura rushed KH3 so that he could finally work on his FFv13/Soriku crossover fanfic through KH4.

Literally, objectively false. Stay mad.

I feel bad for Ventus. Vencuck tarnished his reputation and hardly anyone can post him now.

Painfully so. I didn't think it could get any worse. And then Xehanort is suddenly acting like a misunderstood ideologue. What a stupid way to end the saga.

I'm not mad. I'm baffled. KH3 is a soulless piece of shit compared to and 1 and 2.

The blame for the Frozen world being shit can be directly placed on the Frozen devs at Disney. they were incredibly strict on what could be done with the story and also wanted to avoid spoilers for people who hadn't watched the movie yet, so Sora and crew sit back and watch the movie unfold before them while trading passive-aggressiveness with Larxene and beating up cannon fodder Heartless and Hans has no lines and only six seconds of screentime. And they insisted on "Let It Go" and "Do You Want To Build A Snowman" being forced in without even a fig leaf of a gameplay element in them.

But I will give the world two pluses: Marshmallow as your guest party member, and the absolute best and most fun Heartless boss in the franchise.

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So when did KH started having so many romantic subplots? At the end of KH3 everyone gets a pairing
Sora and Kairi
Riku and Naminé
Roxas and Xion
Terra and Aqua
Ventus and Chirithy

Like wtf, next you are gonna tell me Vanitas is gonna end up with one of the foretellers or something. Why is this in a FF/Disney crossover game?

Xehanort had the worst final boss fight too. I didn't even realize that it was the last boss fight until after the Armored Xehanort fight. Hell, Scala ad Caelum was just a boss fight arena rather than a world.

ok nostalgiafag lol

>most fun Heartless boss
>not Groundshaker

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>not Grim Reaper

I miss the simple KH1 days when Kairi blueballed Sora for an entire game and Sora was constantly threatened by the prospect of Riku cucking him

>Sora and Kairi
Was there from the very beginning
Riku and Naminé
>Just friends and the hand exchange during the ending didn't mean shit
Roxas and Xion
>Yeah Xion was kinda thrown in to forcibly create a new but what can you do
Terra and Aqua
>literally het Soriku and Nomura needed a strong playable female character to shut the fans up
Ventus and Chirithy

>Roxas and Xion
But this is gay. I mean, Xion literally is Roxas.

who are you talking about?

>now neither of us will be virgins

i just want kh1 and kh2 again. kh3 just wasn't interesting :(

Good thing those games still exist and you can replay them whenever you want.

>laugh track

People hated the crabs?

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>muh 300 crabs
You didn't even need to get out of your way to get them since you naturally get them from exploring the place.

>next you are gonna tell me Vanitas is gonna end up with one of the foretellers
Nomura is crazy enough to actually do this.

It annoyed them too much, but I loved it.

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You forgot Olette and Hayner
>Wear matching clothes
>Work on a job alone without Pence
>She holds his bicep when terrified.

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Olette user, are you in every KH thread?

I'm a fan too.

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How the fuck do KH1 apologists exist?


Because BBS & DDD were way worse

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No need to apologize for perfection.

kh1 is cool lol.

>Let me face, let me face, let me face my fears
Yep, he’s in

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The Master of Master's heart, probably.
Some deus ex machina plot device that Sora will use to get out of the Reaper's game, probably.
Because The series is still successful and Numora's still interested in it. He just got tired of the Xehanort saga and rushed 3 so that he could make KH4, which is probably gonna be focus on the stories he really wants to tell.

I liked it too, I got 500 before I even left Port Royal and could access the Final boss of the world literally like ten minutes after arriving

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"A lawyer is someone who smiles no matter how bad it gets."
>ie being BRAVE
>Brave was said to have a singular attack for their A attack
Yup, he's in

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I got my ship to max level before completing the world. It was that good.

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You can do that without finding anymore than the base 300 though?

Reminder that brave backwards spells Sora.

I still like Ventus regardless of Vencucks shit tier ship and his habit of using Ven in his posts. Ventus does need more character development.

And? Valor form isn't even the most iconic form in that game.

Based Phoenixchad

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In KH 1 it's really important.
In recent Kingdom hearts like KH3... literally nothing. they're disposable commodities. everyone's got one, you'll just find them laying around everywhere, they'll break like the pieces of shit that they are and then characters just replace them.

Keyblade transformations > Drive

Brave is a Yuusha codename. If they had Sora, it'd probably be something like Sky, Key, Light, or Faggot.

I found the 300 and just kept exploring the town. There was a really jarring cutscene mid fight with some Heartless by the waterfall that interrupts. The one where Jack turns into crabs or whatever

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They keyblade transformations in 3 and used by Lingering Will prior to that are how keyblades are ACTUALLY supposed to be used. It looks ridiculous because it IS ridiculous, Sora has essentially been going around just pistol whipping everyone up until 3.

that BOSS fights design is absolute shit holy fuck how bad is your taste?

Nah it's fun ur gay lol

What's the canon reason Sora can use other keyblades?

>Ventus does need more character development.
Yeah, hopefully he gets it next game thanks to the phone game being extremely important

Why does it upset you so much?

I wouldn't mind Sora, but this really feels like you're grasping at straws.

You know, Terra is all lovey dovey with Aqua all the time and all that junk but has he ever directly asked her on a date like CHAD Fair?
Didn't think so. Zacks coming back for that date.

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>code names have to be iconic
You don’t fucking know the point of a code name, do you?

I think with UX and him being important there we'll see him get more development.

Nope, Nomura decided KH doesn't need anything more from FF, Zack is gone forever.

>determination is also a synonym for brave
Oh no

All Zack did was remind her of Terra. Sephiroth is taking care of his corpse though.

Keychains. He sticks them onto the Kingdom Key and they transform.

You can align it with your arm just fine, the guard doesn't prevent you from swinging it properly.

Would love to see a version of Simple and Clean using the Google Translate version.