What would be the best thing to come out of a situation in which Nintendo closes down

What would be the best thing to come out of a situation in which Nintendo closes down

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mario on ps4

the crash of the video game market.

Gaming industry dies with them, Gaming cannot exist without Nintendo. America & Japan literally are dominated by the Nintendo fandom

>closes down

a better online service

Xbox takes over.

Mario and Zelda gets bought by American Studio. Both franchises becomes Battle Royale F2P shite. NuGamers are happy.

EA buys their IPs.

If Nintendo closes down all the SOUL will be gone from vidya

This unironically
They're the only thing keeping the industry alive

Not when Labo exists

A fuck ton of fan games that will somehow have better ideas than the actual games do.

playstation all star battle royale 2

> Literally the most beloved game ever blocks your path

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TF2 for smash.

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At that point all other vidya companies are dead and the only games that get made are retro 2d sprite based indie 4th wall breaking post modern depression metaphor passion projects.

>Literally the most beloved game eve-
For the soys sure but for adults nah

Zelda is a little bitch, going around with his little bitch sword, going "hya, hya, hya" like a pathetic faggot.

Don't worry, when Miyamoto dies Nintendo will become indistinguishable from all the other shit modern companies.

Smash Brothers will release annually with a games as service model

The next Zelda will be hacked into pieces and sold as DLC like a Bethesda game

Pokémon and Fire Emblem will become Google Play exclusive

And they'll start dredging up old series like Ice Climber, F-Zero, etc. to turn into more mobileshit with paywalls and microtransactions.

The video games industry would probably be in a really shitty place for this to happen so who can really say. Even when they put out a bomb of a console like Wii U they manage to keep their head above water. For them to close down it would have to take years and years of continued failures.

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>Implying this isn't already happening

Sony buys the Mario IP
makes Action Cinematic Mario game where he struggles to understand who he is in a world full of monsters. Directed by hideo kojima

Gameindustry will be saved.
No more shit games
No more shit gimmicks

>Labo has no soul

Have you actually seen it?

This /thread

>pokemon, but they’re actually dangerous monsters that hurt people and we pose the question of morality of organised animal fights!
>Super Mario, but Mario is actually the vilain who kidnaps the princess from her beloved fiancé and stomps innocent animals!
>Zelda, but Zelda is strong and Link is the sidekick!

>Selling Cardboard overpriced
yeah so much soul what's next the Nintendo Bubble Wrap for 90$

>nintendo leaves
thank god, we don't need these shitty kids games getting attention

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Labo could have also been a $300 product with a bunch of plastic accessories sold separately.

They aren't wrong since Nintendo hasn't been good in a decade so fangames like Super Mario Flashback already beat Odyssey

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No more fake leak threads

If anything you should be shitting your pants because the only one left for SONY to copy would be microsoft.

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They would need games in order to copy first

I'd drink to that...

How do you copy [spoilers]NOGAEMS

I refuse to believe that anything made out of cardboard has soul. Well maybe with the exception of a boxfort, kids tend to put a lot of love into those.

finally a post that showcases Nintendo's only allowable audience

You can pretend to look retarded but you just look retarded. And one of you is an underage who doesn't even know how to spoiler tag.

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You're in the minority lad, no amount of buzzwords changes Zelda's high standing in the video game industry.

I could only imagine the sizzle of your seething

I’ve been here since 2009 I us rarely post on spoiler-enabled boards

Best Case Scenario:
>Ninty's IPs are bought out by competent developers unrestricted by last-gen hardware allowing them to make use of their franchises to the fullest potential
Worse Case Scenario:
>Ninty's IPs are bought out by greedy shitbags who completely squander any legacy behind them
>Far more likely than best case

Well, the government would have to collapse first, so that’s debatably good.

チ。ワイト ピッグ

Oh God please let this happen.

If there was a dev studio out there that could make a better Zelda than Nintendo, they would have done it by now.

>The big workers at the time make their own studio and start building new IPs
>Side companies like HAL and IS go Doujin/Indie and end up flourishing across multiple consoles.
IGame Freak ends up being Sega owned since both are already pretty close

EA and Activision acquiring their IPs

It will accelerate drastically
