what are Yea Forums's thoughts on the gears of war series?
What are Yea Forums's thoughts on the gears of war series?
I enjoyed the first two.
Horde mode was a shitload of fun with friends.
Never played it but I'm very surprised at how complex the movement in the games are
Gears 1 was my first 360 game.
2 was the second most played co-op game in my early teens and the last time me and my xbl friends all kept consistent contact and had good times
take me back to the re5, gears 2 and halo 3 days bros...I miss it so much...
I tried to get into them when they came out but I couldn't take the characters seriously because of their proportions. They're shaped like Rescue Heroes and it looks goofy as hell
They're great. I miss the days of Gears 2 online.
1 and 2 were good
3 was okay, although the ending was retarded
4 doesn't exist as far as I'm concerned because Gears was a trilogy
The first two games had great architecture. Gltichy as fuck but they just looked good.
I will never forgive what they did to the Hammerburst post-GOW1.
Give me my fucking burst rifle back, Epic!
All I remember was it was really gory for the time with those dope ass chainsaw guns
should have ended with 3
Played and enjoyed the first three but never played the fourth or judgement; whatever that spin-off with the dedicated grenade button was called. I really enjoyed the Locust character designs, especially Theron armor and some of the savages in three, specifically.
>never played the fourth or judgement
You didn't miss much. Unless you really liked Baird but his entire personality was void in that game.
First three are pretty good. Judgement is okay but not really anything special, and the 4th is a dumpster fire of shitty. With the first half of the game pitting you against robot enemies that are less intelligent and fun to play against than the Locust, a stupid story, a retarded and pointless antagonist, and the 5th game is shaping up nicely by doubling down on the shitty story and making one of the only two likable characters into a one armed asshole for reasons I hope aren't bullshit.
The environments and passive worldbuilding was cool in 4 though, I will give it that. I like castles and mountains and the game had lodes of that.
Playing it couch co op was fun and horde mode was great for getting squirms out of my younger relatives
So Baird but nothing that makes him Baird? That's disappointing but somehow unsurprising.
He had some moments but ya, it neutered him a bit for reasons I still can't comprehend.
The only good part about 4 was the callbacks to the rest of the games. Baird and Sam, Dom's tomatoes, Cole showing up for a few seconds. But then they dickslapped you with a poo villian, Hoffman as a old dude in a wheelchair, Anaya dead, and a shitty story. The relationship between black guy and son was pretty okay though.
Pretty much this. 3 was pretty meh, thought the story was shit desu and the online was plagued with sawed-off homos
I bought an xbox just to play GOW. Its the best game ever created. Better than bloodborne, god of war and horizon put together.
Loved 1's campaign and I was addicted to online.
Hated 2.
Liked 3 a lot.
4 was ok.
Did the 4th game better then Halo
Expect the 5th game to be terrible.
Why the fuck did they turn Marcus's son from a bro into a massive dickbag? Is it to force the chick to be likeable despite her background?
Gears 1 was my first 360 game and thus it holds a special place in my heart. 2 had a great story imo but I never got into the MP. 3 was... overall I don't think i liked it. The story ended in a shit way with a shit macguffin and the MP was marred by casualization efforts with the sawed-off shotgun and old lancer.
Didn't play the Baird spin-off because it felt too much like a cash-in, Gears 4 was soulless. Overall as a 28 year old boomer I wish the franchise would just disappear so that my memories can be left in peace.
>when you got your 360 and put in Gears 1 and marveled at what video games were
Magical. Dead Space 1 also gave me that feeling.
The first game was an alright time, but doesn't really hold up. The second game is fucking fun in coop, especially if you play like a chainsaw happy jackass. The third game had enemies that weren't very fun to fight, which is why most people didn't like it. I stopped playing the games after three, so I can't tell you about them.
Judgment is forgettable af.
Probably. Which is funny because up until the last few moments of the game she was fine. I didn't particularly like her but I didn't dislike her.
Them attempting to torpedo one of the few good things about the 4th game to market the 5th game is a interesting move to say the least.
Gears 1 horror atmosphere was the best
>Always liked the design for the Palace Guards
>They only became playable in Gears 4
I just pretend the series ended with 3.
Its fucking funny how far Cliffy has fallen after this. He was THE poster boy for big testosterone shooters and now he's just another worthless by-the-numbers (former) game dev.
>Finally after a decade of protesting on the forums they added skorge and armored kantus
>Stuck behind loot boxes in 4
>Screw your orders, this isn't about you, it's about MEEEEEE
We ought'a leave this world behind.
I just beat GoW4 recently and am ashamed to have slept on it for so long. The game looks fantastic in 4K on boneX
1 and 2 are gems. 3 have ok campaign and good multiplayer. Judgemnt have below average campaign and good multiplayer mode with Locust monsters and COG classes. 4 look realy lame. 5 will be BLACKED strong independent girl adventure.
1,2 and for great campaign. Rest for multiplayer. Last good games from EPIC.
Agreed. The series needs to die already.
Gears 2 is a broken pile of shit and I love it
First 3 were good. I quickly checked out Gears 2 again a few weeks back and you can see why they were so popular at the time.
The Gears of War forums is a absolute shithole. I stay away from it if I were you.
I played it on PC and while I disliked a lot of the story beats, and the robots were dull shitty enemies, it looked fucking amazing.
Best games all time
>The Gears of War forums is a absolute shithole. I stay away from it if I were you.
Maybe now. It was decent back then. All people did was bitch at the devs for DLC characters for 3
Gears 1-3 was one of my favorite trilogies. Still a blast to play and Gears 2 and 3 were jam packed with content. Judgement was fucking awful
Gears 1 was special, fighting the Berserker was amazing, atmo was fantastic, multiplayer was the first time I really got into a team multiplayer game. Good memories.
1/2 were good. One clearly had a good vision, 2 had way better tech and polish, but as the series went on it got away on the devs. Happens all the time with trilogies, they lose their vision somewhere between 2 and 3.
I don't know why exactly, but I'd been hyped for gears ever since the first E3 trailer with the different Marcus character, the berserker busting through the wall at the end was the coolest shit I'd seen. It was the only reason I even got a 360 instead of a ps3. But fast forward to Dom dying in 3 and I couldn't give a single fuck about it.
My perfect gears game has always been 1, but with the better assets and tech in later entries. Which... I guess I got in the ultimate edition, if it wasn't in such a shit state on launch I probably would have actually finished playing it.
Basically the same as Mass Effect actually.
Hey, are you THE Marcus Fenix?
It's one of the worst influences on recent gaming. It's the reason cover shooting mechanics are so popular.
Just like Halo, the original trilogy are the only ones worth playing.
It's not Gears fault that what it did, it happened to do incredibly well. Maybe if other devs had talent they would actually make good games out of their shitty clones
Well it's the only way to make shooters play well on a controller.
Resident Evil 4 begs to differ.
Gears of War is an idiot series made by geniuses and I love it. How could you not have a good time playing an obscenity screaming space barbarian who chainsaws angry BDSM pineapple men? If you hate Gears, you hate having a good time, that is a fact
That's probably why the later editions suck because they take themselves way too seriously.
>ITT: people who havent played GoW4 critique the serie
You dumb bitches don't know how good GoW 5 will be
Absolute day 1 gamepass subscription for me
*gets shot in the head*
Are you new or something? What a sadly average image to save...
Did they ever explain why the locust queen was a human? Haven't played the games in years
Gears 4 MP would be perfect if it had Wingman.
Poor comeback. Try the gain
More like ten shitloads.
first one was a lot of fun with all the bugs.
2 and 3 were pretty decent overall, but I still gave up on the series after 3.
>ywn go back to the comfy days of playing mw2 in your basement with your friends on xbox live until 3 am
fuck this adult shit desu
Novels were pretty good. 3rd game killed the atmosphere and dropped the series there
>have one of the coolest enemy factions in games, composed of cool pseudo-orcs, bird dinos, spiders, centipedes and worms
>remove them all in favor of robot humans
woah.... so this is your brain on 2017
remove rifles smoke pistol and power weapons = fun game other than that its shit
The timeline is iffy but the locust are descendants of the first generation of miners who discovered (and were later mutated by) imulsion. Myrrah was one of the scientists who researched them in the New Hope facility, which was the creepy resident evil mansion you discover in the second game. After New Hope shut down, the mutants relocated to a nearby mine and eventually dug their way into the hollow, where they inbred and turned into the locust.
>straight white male mc vs lesbian spic female
Versus peaked with 3. No shooter has been able to scratch that same itch when you rush somone down and perfectly out maneuver someone into a insta gib.
>Kat is the granddaughter of the Queen of the Locust
>JD is the grandson of the man who was helping and was probably fucking the Queen
I smell wincest
This. Gears 3 multiplayer was so fun in alot of ways and Gears 4 took all of that and made it into complete shit in everyway. Gears 5 will be just as bad or worse as Gears 4.
Really fun couch co-op shooter series. I even liked Judgements campaign a lot and felt it had really fresh encounter design.
4's campaign on the other hand had a lot of flaws. Much of it played everything too safe. Enemy variety is low and the new enemies and bosses that it did have were annoying to fight. Characters were also pretty obnoxious. I hope 5 is better
>granddaughter of the queen
Fucking wew lad. This is the shit that goes on post 3? Glad I dropped this series. I know the queen is a unique locust but are they implying she was just fucking humans for fun during the war?
>she was just fucking humans for fun
Rape isn't an unknown concept for the Locust
Gears of war is the only good one 2-4 and judgement were mediocre at best.
I played it all in co op on pc with my brother at 144hz. Was fun but the robots are gay and not fun and the mexican guy is fucking terrible
Not to mention a tranny now too for victim points.