ITT: casual filters
ITT: casual filters
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>can't even get past Asylum Demon
beyond casual
ornstein and smough is easy though
only real chads have beaten them all
I have come to fuck your shit up
Jesus fuck, did she die?
Battuso isn't a casual filter, it's a retarded difficulty spike.
I still remember cutting class, getting high, loading up ToV and getting buttreamed for an hour or more by that fuck. Wasted a ton of my time. I wanted to play a bunch of a comfy JRPG, not fight this one boss until I nearly had an aneurysm.
How is this a casual filter? Do casuals hate repeated backtracking?
Fuck this. I eventually was able to do it but the amount of bullshit you have to put up with in most of the fights is absurd.
daily reminder
Not him but it stopped my sister. She mashed the A button during the part when Vivian joins your team and the game tells you to listen to the crows, so she had no idea you could eavesdrop and just wandered around aimlessly for two weeks before giving up.
It stopped me dead in my tracks.
sounds like she is retarded
Too bad KCD isn't fun at all to actually play, even compared to Assdromeda.
This isn’t even hard. Pussies.
casual detected. you've fallen for my trap
>Postgame content
>In a casual filter thread
Lurk more.
>first boss is the hardest enemy in the game
everything that was posted in this thread so far is piss easy you fucking shitty casuals
If I had a dollar for everytime someone bitched about this part. Especially on Legend difficulty.
dodging enemies is super easy though, and you can even kill them ahead of time before going mouse mode
you were meant to say it gave you paws
I don't know about you guys, but this dude just made me angry.
Hope you didn't make a save right before this fight like I did my first time
Underrated post
The Holoholobird in Origins was worse
The only ones I never redo are demyx and larxene
Nah, just impatient to a fault. The only time I would call someone a full retard for being bad at videogames was a chick I knew in high school who could not beat the first level of Super Mario Bros. because - and I'm being absolutely serious here - she physically could not bring herself to push the jump button and hold a direction on the d-pad at the same time. I watched her try for twenty minutes to get past that first pitfall. It was a defining moment of my life.
That boss sucked fucking shit and trying to fight him on the N64 controller made me want to kill myself
>beat it
>literally respawns
Thanks doc.
i watched my friend play this. the tank glitched and did not move nor fire once during the entire thing. he just pelted it to death.
could not believe my fucking eyes after the bull shit i had to put up with to defeat that faggot
legit made me restart the game
Even fighting this fucker in the Labyrinth of Memories, he's still a cunt. And my entire was overleveled.
this girl I met in college couldn't figure out how to drive along the track in mario kart
scary part was she had a driver's license
What the fuck, do zoomers literally not know how to even play games? Those sections are easy as piss. Look at pic related for an actual challenge
>when you realize your MU sucks
>What the fuck, do zoomers literally not know how to even play games?
apparently not. Google "Yakuza Kiwami car chase Legend" and there's plenty of posts of people bitching about it. Doesn't help that they can't cope due to the checkpoint being at the beginning of the chapter and not the car chase itself.
>Dropped the game when I was young because of this fight
>mfw beating it for the first time last year
I thought it would be easy because I'm older and wiser, but fuck it was hard.
I can perfectly understand the desire to have your face sat on, but this kinda move is probably a good way to snap someone's neck.
It's actually so easy that there is no pride to take in beating them. All you have to do is walk in with a bunch of elixirs and mega elixirs and its over
critical mode implied, of course
If you have to manually boost the difficulty, then it doesn't count as casual filter.
I've been playing vesperia on switch, and I encountered this fucker last week. Gave me my first death.
>It's really easy if you just show up with a bunch of items designed to restore a key resource that can be used to shit damage, block any attack, and fully heal yourself
Big lol. I let the MP bar recharge naturally like a CHAD.
This fight fucked me up hard
>Only that difficult because Bamco forgot to adjust some values
>He maintains his demo tier difficulty
>10 years later
>They still don't fix him
It had to be intentional.
This game right here is why I now keep multiple save files on jrpgs. Fuck that trap save point, fuck that fight, fuck that faggot.
>MP recharges naturally
Imagine thinking anything about KH is remotely casual filter.
Explain your answer to the class.
This is post-game content, so I wouldn't call it a casual filter. The real filter of KH2 is Demyx. If you've just been mashing Attack through the whole game like a casual, he can and will fuck you up.
I think he wont come after you every time you leave, my biggest issue is I never trigger this with a legit digimon, its always right after my champion dies of old age and I leave the house with a 2 second old hatchling who gets slam jammed by this pissed off greymon.
Does making a save before this lock you to this and this alone?
your're a casual
Luxord is piss easy, but the very last part of his very last game fucks me up every time.
TIL literally no games have casual filters in them passed like 2001.
healing takes all of your mp
I know at least three people that have given up at this guy.
which alphabet?
Id say Hornet is more of the casual filter. the amount of people whining about how that fight took them hours just blows my mind. She has 3 moves, all of them are super easy to dodge.
>Pokemon is now hard
Fucking hell games are swill now. Over on /shmupg/ we actually play games that take skill
A meter is 1,000 millimeters.
Best boss in the souls series
The tutorial guantlet in Titanfall 2 is literally a casual filter
>People talking about “casual” filters in KH that are late game bosses that only challenge you after you’ve absolutely mastered the game’s mechanics
>Not talking about the literal 3rd real boss that can and will fuck your 10 year old shit up long dick style and not care if you know how to play or if you’ve unlocked cure yet
Essentially yes. You can change around your job and equipment but if you don't have a setup for Ramza that can 1v1 him you're fucked. I've seen all sorts of Ramzas kill Wiegraf but if it's your first time playing you can kind of stumble your way through chapter 3 until here.
The casual filter for 1 is finding all of the food for Kairi on the island FUCK!!!!
>the amount of people whining about how that fight took them hours just blows my mind
I refuse to believe these people are capable of holding a controller.
It basically doesn't allow you to grind to counter him.
First time I played I had to cheese him using SMN Ramza and doing a lot of careful movement. Took me forever and a lot of items.
Second time I played I just went ninja and fucked him in 2 turns.
The only way I can sort of see it is if you have never played a metroidvania or a megaman game before. But pattern recognition is real basic boss fight stuff, and hers all leaves her massively open.
Then again, we have all seen the cuphead video where he can't jump dash for 15 minutes, so some people are just really fucking bad at learning.
Thanks doc
*blocks your path*
literally just hit r1 and you win
When I got DS3 I tried to do something I'd never done before and run a sorcery build. This boss made me realize how fucking worthless they are, at least in 3. Especially when I came back with a strength build and first try'd it
>Implying Yea Forums even plays the most basic shmups like 2hu
This and DMC 3 both have a Cerberus boss as a casual filter. Weird coincidence.
Was just about to post this.
>tfw casuals are filtered out in the first 5 minutes of the game
Gracias doctor
>I have no idea what I'm doing besides killing bugs: The Game
for me it was the one where's you're escorting a nuke in a dump truck.
This fucking bullshit piece of shit
Isn't he optional?
I let my mother have a safe file on Paper Mario and eventually poked my nose into it to see what her stats were when she reached Dry, Dry Outpost.
She'd put every single level up into HP. In fact, after the badge tutorial, she'd forgotten about badges entirely and just cherrytapped shit to oblivion and spammed mushrooms.
Considering this woman beat Zelda II I don't even know how the fuck.
Is this from the first?
One of the most blatant attempts to further pad out an already long game.
That palace is so tedious I always drop new runs there.
>casual filter
I won't lie, it was a solid 6 years after the first time I played the game before I ever figured out anything I was supposed to actually do.
>not hiding in vents
That one bug in the first level of Plague of Shadows. You know what i'm talking about.
>getting the secret achievement for this dude
If you ever died to this piss easy thing you should’ve learned to roll.
I only played the original version, which is what prompted the casual bitching.
Pretty sure they added vents in the DC
Anyway its pretty stupid since all you need to do is stagger him with one grenade, then run around the right side of the area throwing each hazmat barrel at him. People were bitching about how hard it was with stealth weapons when you don't even need any except for one goddamn grenade
I that too on my very first playthrough because I was a retard.i had like 90 health by the time I got to Shadow queen and that shit bit me in the ass for it.
It's been a long time since I played DMC 3 so my memory might be playing tricks on me but how was Cerberus a casual filter? I recall his movements being extremely predictable after one trial and error death, and having way more trouble with nearly every other boss.
Or is that just it? Having to actually die once in order to check his patterns is filtering?
t. Never played a game that took skill in their life
Retards who can't play games jerking over some piss easy game calling it hard
Not just this part but the entire level.
He was actually pretty hard.
The real casual filter in MML2 was the S class license.
Surprised no-one's mentioning the very first boss after the tutorial for Warrior Within
The bane of inexperienced hunters and worldfags
To add onto this, I found her hard the first time I played, partially because of difficulty and partially because WW changes up the parry/block timing from SoT, but I got through her after a while and went through the rest of the game only really struggling on the final/true Dahaka fight.
But watch anytime someone comes around and tries out your PS2 (back when it was THE system), they'll always choose WW of the series because it looks the coolest and that bitch will smash them until they give up. She's a massive casual filter, and way top tough for a tutorial boss.
>playing the HD port
>die like 5 times here
Shit was rough, I suck at those puzzles.
Is Lost Planet 2 worth playing solo? I've never gotten far in it.
It's called "casual filter" not "wall." Cerberus is a check to make sure you understand your evasion options, the weight of choosing melee over guns, and instill an expectation of observing boss patterns. It doesn't have to be super hard, it just has to make sure you don't play like an utter retard.
Although he also completely obliterates your health in the original release.
>optional end/postgame content
Making that post got me to open up the game and give it another shot. After 7 years of playing this fucking series I finally got my EoSD Hard 1cc. Feels fucking good.
Had to get the shot from a replay as I was playing fullscreen, no idea why the score is fucked up. Thanks for reading my blog post.
I don't remember this guy being hard
wait how does this have goro in shido's palace
I never understood this.
Not even trying to brag about it, but when I reached him I was pretty hyped for a hard fight but it ended so quickly and easily I just don't understand how people fail that fight so hard, as far as I know I wasn't even overleveled.
Not really sure why they thought that having CPU controlled allies was a good idea
Yes, but plenty of people don't realize you're never required to go to olympus or atlantica, and will hit what they think is a brick wall.
Only if you do Olympus first or if you do Olympus after Wonderland. If you do this as a third world, its actually not a big deal and you can tank it and have cure for no trouble
Same, I see him reposted so much in these causal filters threads that at this point I think he's just being posted by people that never played the game
He isn't, even on GMDE difficulty. People just didn't get you had to use grenades and the barrels
>hurr this guy is a walking tank with a metal jaw let's give the 10mm pistol a go see how it works out
Congratulations user. You did better than I did.
Nice anons, about time people on Yea Forums starting actually challenging themselves. I found out my local arcade has Raystorm and Giga Wing, I'm tossing up which of those to practice.
Raystorm is the better put together game, but Giga Wing is fun with 16+ digit scores
It was always fun to see new players panic when hunting this fucker in FU
The mana cost to spell damage ratio is way too steep for it to not recharge, especially since you're limited to only a few item usages per fight
Shame too, I quit on that boss.
>that moment when what was a hard boss just a few stages ago is on the map 5-6 times, and it's no weaker than it was before
obligatory Ornstein and Smough post comin through
>he thinks casual filter is synonymous with hard
I'll get there one day
You can't grind your way out of this one, you faggot adventurer
>This game's fun, but damn it's easy, I thought rogue likes were supposed to be hard
>Gee I wonder what these keys are for
To be fair, he's a real asshole.
funny enough if you make a "meta" MU it's kinda touch since he's an axe user
>almost always close to or around 16 by the time I get to him
>Play La-Mulana
>There's a skull that says something like "You will be in for a world of pain if you mess with me"
>Mess with him
>Get fucking ruined
The first act of Twilight Princess
And the wagon mission
He told you, user.
It would be easier to list the levels in this game that aren't casual filters, but this is definitely the hardest level in the early game, especially before you have the hover ability.
The horsemen were harder than Matador, most notably Pale Rider
>blocks your lunatic run
I remember just breezing by him my first playthrough then my next legit took me two hours
basically he'll dunk on you if your a retard who doesn't know how to use buff and debuffs and just spams attacks.
So he filters out people who just spam attack and damage spells, and probably showed up underleveled to begin with.
horseshit this is written in ENGLISH use IMPERIAL
I had to restart my game
>Ghandi being nuclear is just a mem-
>Enter the Modern Era
I remember my sperg next door neighbor was incapable of beating him on Proud, and as a joke he let me (having never touched a KH game before) give it a go. I beat him first try, and then he had an autism fit and reset the console. Nigga needed to learn how to block.
Honestly even though they are piss easy, gargoyles are the real casual filter.
You deserve some (You)
>he blocks
I bet you're also a healer in MMO's you faggot
it originates from an amusing bug where ghandi would have like, an aggression rating of one, but when nato is formed it lowers everyones aggression rating by two... and ghandi being super low already kinda... apparently it was coded that if you subtract 1 from 0 it flips back around to 999 and woooops.
Is it even possible to beat this guy on hard on your first playthrough without powerleveling?
You do realize that blocking Xaldin's attacks trivializes his entire fight? I'm just saying if you're that much of a casual that you think Xaldin is impossible the least you can do is try to block
the combat system sucks balls.
Blade wolf. I didn't learn how to parry until I beat him, which luckily was before memes, jack.
I wanted to love that game but the later levels were just kinda dumb and weren't very clear. The milkman world sucked even though it was well designed it was just confusing. Which I guess is what the world was supposed to be.
Meat Circus turns up the difficulty to 1000000 for some reason. Was totally out of place.
This whole game.
I never understood this. Beat them on my second go. I just kited smough in circles around the room while dodging and attacking ornstein.
I found artorias to be a much more challenging fight.
What happened with that one, user? From what I hear, a lot of people didn't care for it.
Shit opinion
>inb4 hurr durr muh bugs ruin muh experience ;(
This one I actually understand. He's piss easy, but also extremely fucking aggressive and he hits like a truck when you have shit for armor.
I know a lot of my friends died to this faggot
its true. I banged my head against her 30+ times until I finally got through. not saying the rest of the game was any easier though
fuck this fight
I recently played KH2FM for the first time since the original KH2 came out, and Xaldin was the only story boss to kill me on critical.
Unrelated, but I'm also one of those people mentioned earlier in the thread who kept dying to Hornet in Hollow Knight for about 3 hours. I also defeated her second fight on my first attempt without losing even half my health.
This is such a classic case of "everyone remembers playing something when they were kids so they all still think its hard to this day." My little bro just did this boss over the weekend, he hadnt touched any tales game prior and he usually sucks at action combat but he breezed through it in one go.
no lie, i got stuck in the part where you had to enter Doopliss' name. didnt realize that it was case sensitive. 3 years later later i got around it and finished it, i was an impatient kid. i didnt finish wind waker after the forest either as a kid (until i became an adult)
It a filter because no sane person used Deego when you had Lilika or Zegram
I always post this but never get replies. No one likes Alundra?
>enemies and bosses are way stronger than you, which mean you can't just rush fights and need to think and play smart
>time limit to finish the game
>limited healing
One of my favourite games.
It's literally Oblivion but good, what's not to like?
course its the best 2d zelda there is but its also a ps1 game and not many have played it.
yeah ice block puzzle in the room for the ice wand are a bitch as well as in the dream
Did your brother do the secret mission though? That's where the real difficulty is honestly
In addition to what was said here , when you die or run out of time you start over from the beginning with some of your items and experience, and all of your equipment. You've also got powers that eat away at your remaining time but can decimate bosses, which can be used to progressively get further with each playthrough cycle.
Still don't know how to fucking parry. Beat the game on hard, but fuck man I felt like I was missing out
This, people usually get to that point by smashing the melee button and running, the hell vanguard in mission 2 is the only real obstacle until Chillberus appears
>best boss
Did you only play 3? And only get 1/4 way through the game or something?
excluding the part about original release thats literally the definition of a standard tutorial boss isnt it
Rayman is one of my early game trauma, no thanks to Band Land. Also when you thought that you passed all the stages, they come up with brilliant ideas not to let you fight final boss unless you found all those whatever.
I actually went to Olympus first, so Cerberus reamed my fucking ass
literally luck on Lunatic+, took me like a week to get a good RNG roll on enemy skills
I still haven't beaten Chapter 3, fuck that man
I was screaming nigger at this thing the whole 1 hour it took to fucking kill it AND get the achievement since I had to reset 3 times just BECAUSE IT DIDN'T TRIGGER THE SECRET ACHIEVEMENT WHEN I WAS SPAMMIN GTHE FUCK OUT OF DESTRUCTIVE FIELD WHEN IT WAS ROOFIED FUCKING NIGGER DOG!!!!
no, tutorial bosses are either really easy or they give you obvious hints about how to defeat them.
Cerberus does a lot of damage, even in the normal mode, and learning his attack pattern is just half of the problem since you also have to learn when is the right moment to go full melee or shoot.
so, casuals.
Why do the cringe autists who enjoy DMC think "easy mode is now selectable" is some amazing hilarious gag? It's fucking embarassing
The casual filter for KH1 proud mode at least is Guard Armor because there's a pretty good chance you don't have the guard ability before going in so you have to resort to parrying all of its attacks if you don't want to lose half of your health with every hit.
No, THIS "PUZZLE" is pure bullshit
I figured out why this boss was one people complained about when they were younger and its because no one used the block when they were a lad playing this
Illegal parts are a hell of a drug
There are no hard DaS, except maybe the ones AFTER artorias.
It was pretty unique for a very stale genre. Unique setting, movement on the battlefield with more strategy than usual, interesting mechanic around restarting the game which actually nets you more story.
I yield.
>every boss before him is just as weak as a normal enemy
>summons a giant fire skeleton scorpion
>'ill just use my water monster, this will be easy'
>it casually tanks your water attack
>'oh. well, since its a fire element its attacks wont do much damage to my water monster'
>it either 1shots your water monster or leaves it just barely alive, and with a fire attack
>shit pants
He isn't that strong when I replay the game but that first time playing you don't expect the rape train since everything before him is easy as shit.
monkey madness
>some guy out there has a dealthess, resetless run of Awakening despite how much RNG can and will fuck your ass
I really don't get how he did it.
>a puzzle Amerifats can never solve
It’s perfect.
>Chads playing Kingdom Hearts
I laughed
I just wanna go fast Rockstar why no midnight club PLEASE
I want to play it but I want to create a character
I don't believe it...! Bola lost to a little PUNK like YOU!?
Loved Klaymoor's theme. Fight was BS if you had an S rank License though.
Any American can get a driver's license
wth are you supposed to do?
I shut my DS to go grab some lunch while I thought it over.
Imagine my surprise when I came back.
The whole game is a casual filter.
Haven't played it but I'm guessing the position that the tales are pointing to indicate clock hands. So 10 + 4 goes to the 2 position.
These layton puzzles always have a certain theme to them. Once you've played them enough you come to realize the trick behind most of them.
Get this, the ferrets are clock hands that add up to another time, but the top screen is an angled view of the puzzle so it was very misleading what you were suppose to be imagining imo.
its actually very hard. youjust have the powers of anime and autism on your side
>Haven't played it but I'm guessing the position that the tales are pointing to indicate clock hands.
You got it, but with my opinion , it might just be that I looked too deep into all the information. However, I always assume a puzzle would show all the information and not a disregard the top half of the information shown.
How's the game on a whole?
Circle and shoot, wow.
This but change the word "good" to "shit" and remove "not" from the sentence.
Dark Souls 3 was the first DS game I actually played to completion. Not only was it super stupidly easy, but I beat this boss in one go. The first boss in the game is unironically harder than this dude.
Depends on what you want out of it. The battle system is pretty basic but still nice. There's literally millions of monster possibilities since you fuse them together to make new ones and the appearance and abilities changes based on the two you fuse. Fusing [Monster A] with [Monster B] gives a different result than fusing [Monster B] with [Monster A] and you might find yourself picking the objectively worse choice since it looks better if you care about that sort of thing. The story is almost 1 to 1 Princess Mononoke and the art is even done by an artist from Studio Ghibli. It's not exactly a difficult game but I love the story, characters, art, forests, music, pretty much everything about it. Overall it's my #2 favorite game of all time.
Let's take a game that's basically all about boss battles, and make the third fight the hardest one in the game!
Came for this.
Bravely Default last 4 chapters.
Goldenfags need not apply.