Lets talk about VR Yea Forums
Poorfags go away.
Lets talk about VR Yea Forums
Poorfags go away.
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I always thought VR be a gimmick, a joke. Buddy buys and quickly I do a 180. Looks fun as fuck and saving up gen two bc I know the second I pick up one of them now on sale gen 2 will be announced the very next day.
no good porn no buy
gen 2 wont be too far ahead of gen 1 anyway
I figure why not. I'll take the plunge in gen 2 and I'll wait till the end of gen 3, or beginning of gen 4 or 5 to plunge in again.
Is AR gunning for VR?
>Hololens gonna be used in the military
I would say that it's gunning alright.
There is no "gen 2" just iterations of models. You are going to have to take the plunge sooner or later.
Stockholm syndrome thread
didn't we agree on no poorfags
I was thinking of buying some kind of headset along with hand and maybe leg trackers soon, whats the best brand for VR shit? Im really only in it for the porn possibilities if that helps.
vive or rift
if you get a rift get three sensors though
who's a poorfag, just saying VR is the Wii of this gen
>VR is the wii of this gen
It's not cheap, it doesn't have a lot of people making games for it. How the fuck does this comparison make any sense?
if you spend money on shit like VR you will be a poorfag in no time at all
oh sorry you are just retarded.
>VR is the Wii of this gen
Wasn't the Wii one of the best selling consoles of all time?
yeah VR is more like the PS3 of this gen, no sales and no games
I think VR has deep-seated issues currently and I think we can all agree that as of this current generation it is pretty gimmicky. My oculus is great, but the room required is a little too much. Game dev for VR has also taken a noticeable nosedive. The only thing the current gen of VR really has going for it is maybe a few fun games worth replaying like superhot and beat saber but past that it's only really good for porn these days.
It needs to get cheaper and more widely available to be viable and transition from just a gimmick to a medium but I'm worried we're already over that hump and development will just get cold. I'm worried that no-one is going to develop for it anymore because there isn't enough profit.
I think that's why the Oculus Quest and HTC Vive Focus are going to be a big hit in the market. They are targeting the normies just like the Wii did back in the day.
Not gonna disagree there, I love my headset and use it every day but there's a severe lack of good games for VR. Even then most of them are more proof of concept and bank on replay value.
At least most of them are in the $20 range unless you're planning on buying Todd's games.
VR is a meme gimmick fad that is already over.
Also not a poorfag.
yeah you might not be a poorfag, but you are retarded
now we are talking!!! overclocked this 780 and am now VR ready, beating the 970. although no ASW. I read on reddit that steamvr reprojection works though
They serve totally different purposes retard, the technology is fairly divergent as well
sounds like motion smoothing will work for the 780
>Motion Smoothing is in beta and currently only enabled for systems running Windows 10 with an NVIDIA GPU
And yet they're nothing alike.
good luck user let us know how it goes
is it bad that I just want VR for the porn? redpill me on vr porn. Is it worth it?
I will wait and see if the valve headset is announced at GDC in March. if it is I will definitely get it. not too eager to get anything but a lighthouse headset atm.
Presence is real
it's not worth it anymore, littlstar is going subscription based on March 1st, free version lets you watch your porn for 30 secs.
One of way of putting it is that it's still sorta kinda early days. Another way of putting it is milage may vary: besti.love
You gotta go for the PC or mobile headsets. From what I heard from BigDeadAlive's experience, a mobile VR headset is good enough for some videoporn. Unless I've missed how to format it, PSVR doesn't like 3d video, only 360 video when using porn off a usb stick
You get VR by taking AR and slapping a black blinder in front of the lens.
Why cant they make a PC VR headset that can switch over to android for watching movies in the sun REEEEEEEEEEE
Chink headset finally shipped and I can see fucking everything now
Gen1.5 but it was well worth it
It doubled over 2018
Recommend games that are worth playing just for the scenery
how tf do i get the odyssey+ imported at the almost original USA price it's 90% more when i import it all in all FUCK ! fuck you samsung
Talos Principle VR
Might not be worth it if you already played the normal version, but it's still very nice to look at.
So it's not over
Dumb poorfag
nice fake story
Have you tried being American
are you really that hellbent against VR that you go to a VR thread and just trigger yourself? On top of thinking someone buying one is a fake story?
I experienced the same shit too
I use it exclusively for VaM (Virt-a-Mate). Its excellent for creators, I don't care about game use much.
>Poorfags go away
Could buy 20 of these nsa retina scanning privacy invaders if i wanted, but the fact my IQ is over 50 doesn't allow me to
i didn't win a greencard yet
can you stealthship me one odyssey+ user and declare it as a gift
why ? i buy the 1000$ vr headset crap already own a good computer and pirate every game what's your pimmel
Is the Vive worth 500 smackaroos?
lol imagine missing out while being enough of a nerd to be on Yea Forums
As someone who prefers the Vive over the Rift? No.
wait for GDC first to see what's going on
Vr isn't worth shit. Got a Rift, there's maybe four games to play that are good. The rest are 3 hour meme games.
thanks for the list user
but how do i solve my odyssey+ importing from the US problem. is there another VR/WMR whatever it's called that's as good as the odyssey+ for 600€?
HTC is about to release the Vive Pro Eye. Wait and see if that brings a price drop to the regular Vive or Vive Pro.
I found it super nauseating because the camera was still
dunno I went from vive to pimax
GDC is less than a month see what happens
i didn't know that i'll wait then
thanks for being helpful and for not being a dick like most in this thread
gib old vive
fug you I'm still using the lighthouses and controllers until knuckles arrives
>Finally decide to try out VRChat
>HMD-oriented movement only
>no option to change to controller-oriented
yikes pass
Different things. AR's good for having virtual screens, gizmos and toys in your room while VR is about taking you out of the room.
Personally I think the two will just converged at some point. Headsets having cameras to view the real world and all that.
$300 Samsung Odyssey Plus confirmed shipped today. Saw another user complaining about not being able to throw anything because of the limited camera coverage of the inside out tracking in WMR. If I can't play SuperHot VR I'll be returning it
>Headsets having cameras to view the real world and all that
They already do
But nobody is going to use an uncomfortable VR/AR hybrid when sleek lightweight breathable dedicated AR with lower power demands outperforms it
I've been using an O+ for about 4 months now, the issues with tracking are mostly exaggerated. Unless you're holding your hand behind yourself for more than 45 seconds at a time, it doesn't lose tracking, and even then it resyncs in under a second. Also make sure you have the lights on, that's usually the main issue with WMR setups.
>no one's going to use a PC/console when you can play mobile games
I prefer playspace-orientated but so far only Serious Sam VR I've seen supports it. Otherwise, HMD all the way. Controller-related is the worst for shooting games.
>make sure you have the lights on
Thanks, I'm going to pick up an aftermarket VR Cover to help with light bleed and comfort
None of those games are good, some aren't even games to begin with. You might as well link to Steam's VR page with all the shovelware.
Yes I have a Rift.
I know there are headsets with cameras but they're pretty limited for AR right now. Low fov, pov displacement, etc. Probably going to need more cameras or something else to make it feel right.
You are correct but a lot of games have fucked up controller orientation when it comes to WMR (likely due to devs not having as much experience with the platform) and Superhot is one of them
It's playable but just kind of off, takes getting used to
But hey if people really want shitty rift/vive screens because they can't cope, that's fine too.
I want an O+, but I've got a pretty big head. (I'm rather big brained t.b.h.) Will it fit?
I've heard so much directly conflicting reports on O+ comfort it seems completely arbitrary
Mine fits great so I guess I got lucky
I don't care if I was a billionaire, I wouldn't waste my money on that shitty technology that does nothing but make games horrible and limiting with goddamn shit waggle controls and fucking your senses just for some lame, cheap sense of "immersion". If you're not immersed in a game by traditional methods, the game isn't good in the first place.
It's a viral marketed pile of shit that the companies who made this garbage are trying their best to make popular and are failing miserably because it's mostly viral marketing and a few brainwashed early adopters who are even bothering to use this garbage. Let it die.
t. poor
found the poorfag
>cheap sense of "immersion"
Kek at least other posters had tried it, depth perception and all around vidya with 1:1 tracking isn't like some imax shit
Why not just consider it how people consider steering wheels and joysticks and just say it isn't for you? I doubt you seethe at that stuff.
Guys is VR the future?
Imagine being this angry at other people having fun.
Yes but it's a platform that will always repel normalfags because it takes marginal effort and doesn't look cool
Yes. Problem is we're in the present.
Jokes aside, the whole 'presence' thing is legit and the better uses of the motion controllers show what new game mechanics are possible but the headsets need better specs and affordability for more people to buy one and thus, game devs making longer, more interactive games. It will get there but it's taking time.
VR is 100% the future of gaming. The problem is either people dont understand it or they've never even tried it. the level of immersion is something you have to see for yourself to understand. The problem is, 99% of the public's experience with VR is those $10 headsets you can buy at walmart, where you pop your phone in and can look around 360 degree videos. So thats all what people think VR is, when in reality VR is not looking a flat fucking screen while watching a video in which youre stationary and have no control...VR is 3d and is why it costs hundreds of dollars and not ten. But the average consumer doesn't understand that so they have no idea what they're really missing out on and think its a gimmick. I have not had as much fun in gaming since i was 10 until i played RE7 in VR. Which keep in mind is not only the cheapest and worst quality VR (psvr) but is very early technology running on a shit powered console. Yet it didnt matter because the immersion had me jump scaring at every creak and noise. i literally peered my head around corners to see what was waiting for me, at one point i was crouched and hiding from someone behind some pipes and i was peering through to see marguirette baker, while stil crouched and not moving i peered my head out from away from the pipes and she turned around and looked above me, then looked straight down at me in the eye. Do you know what it feels like to have someone who wants to kill you look at you dead in the eye? That is something you can never experience playing on a flat screen tv. Unfortutney VR is still considered a gimmick though, and also unfortunetly VR seems to be exclusive to first person games (which makes sense i guess). anyways sorry for the long rant but i am just really passsionate about VR because it gives me the sense of joy and realism that i had when i was a kid. rant over.
Here's my rant
It's going to be "a thing" in the future, it's just a question of how much.
Could have easily said that about video games and the internet over the years. Whatever autists are into seeps down to nerds then to normalfags over time because it's at least something new.
Exclusivity expired a while ago but Capcom won't talk about it. When will you nerds learn, Capcom is a shit company.
VR fags still coping with their no-games gimmick I see. Yikes
Even poorfags can afford VR.
I bought my Vive at launch with savings from a shit wage job.
It's even cheaper now.
If you enjoy any driving or flying games it is (will be) a must have. Once they bump the resolution up.
Never according to somebody at Oculus. It sounds like either Sony still has it's mitts on the license or capcom just isn't interested in porting it over. Which is pretty stupid, given the mass approval RE7's VR got.
I'm surprised they didn't include some sort of VR in REmake2, since other VR games did third person find and the first person mods hint that the game may have had that perspective in mind.
Yeah. I played Distance in VR first and it was a crazy trip. Playing again in regular mode was just meh.
>given the mass approval RE7's VR got
You have to understand that Capcom doesn't care about critical acclaim or fan approval
They likely tried VR for the PSVR version just to test the waters and because Sony paid them, determined it wasn't worth it compared to cranking out more garbage or trying to force ads into Street Fighter so they won't bring it to PC even if it only took five minutes of an intern's time to port it.
Why aren't there more 3rd Person games in VR? One of the main reasons I never bought into it is because I don't like first person games, but after seeing the experimental dolphin emulator in I think 3rd person games in VR are a wholly unique experience full of untapped potential. I remember back when Ape Escape came out for the PS1 and it used the right analog stick in unique ways. Imagine not having to use the right analog stick as the dedicated camera control stick anymore the possibilities are endless.
Got the Oculus touch bundle in January, and I've been having fun with it so far. Steam VR, Robo Recall and H3VR are great, but personally I don't have much space to work with, can't reach down to pick things up or else my sensors lose tracking.
Because VR and motion controls offers a lot to first-person mechanically, not so much to third person. Granted there are some games playing around with it like Astrobot but that's arguably first person as well.
>Imagine not having to use the right analog stick as the dedicated camera control stick anymore the possibilities are endless.
did u know you can play games on the COMPUTER
Unfortunately there's not much to talk about.
I used mine a few weeks and forgot about it because there's not enough quality games,
The only game that seems remotely interesting with VR is RE7 but I would need to buy another VR headset to play it at dogshit settings on my PS4.
Perhaps in half a decade but it's literally not worth it now. I mean the same can be said about the PS4 and I still bought that, I haven't touched it for over a year.
Maybe when Knuckles kills the wands more will be made
>Why aren't there more 3rd Person games in VR?
The correct question is why aren't there less? There are lots of 3rd person games, but first person is the most immersive.
Like the others say, first person is more immersive and allows for motion controls but I've play good third person games. Moss was pretty smart in mixing the two together and Hellblade was still neat to see over a shoulder.
As nice as First Person is, Devs need to be less afraid of making 3rd person games in VR.
Fucking Astro bot and Senuas sacrifice proves that it works well.
First person games are a lot less popular though you have to admit, it's probably why VR isn't as mainstream in the first place.
Devs need to be less afraid of making games that aren't shitty wagglan melee and lazy archery, or wave shooters first.
How about being less afraid to make games that are more than three hours
There's a huge open world game being made by Insomniac that's releasing this year so there's that
I was thinking about buying into VR, have a pretty absurd laptop right now but I think I might just wait until the next one, mightn't be travelling around so much by then.
>cyubeVR not on that list
I suppose it's too soon.
Really depends where the dev takes it I suppose.
too bad its oculus exclusive
Finally did it. It took 5 attempts over 4 days, but I made a Skyrim mod build with over 100 plugins that so far seems to actually work and don't seem to rape performance despite a 175% SS
I beat Osu!Memories last night. It was a religious experience.
Can you fucking imagine VR console warring? its already an experience shitposting in VR virtual desktop
I don't know about that but I guess first person games have the disadvantage of looking worse in videos.
I think it's just part of the course. Devs are finding out what works and things become standardised, then you start getting longer games.
Also melee and archery are fun as fuck in Gorn. You try parrying swings and stabbing/shotting a gladiator's face through the little hole in his helmet and tell me that's "wagglan".
every thread man you are dedicated
There absolutely are unironic headset fanboys out there
I can't get into Virt-a-mate. The controls are fuck and any scene I download seems broken. I think I'm missing something. I want to love it.
I don't understand why people pretend it's expensive. I was going to get a Switch when Smash came out but then I looked at the price of a Switch, an actual controller, and a single game. It was over $100 higher than my Oculus cost me.
Not every thread.
Just each one I find, I guess.
Shitposting aside, Stormlands really is looking to be the best VR game. It's a damn shame its Oculus Exclusive but that might change
Wouldn't even shock me if you consider over "50" IQ as a benchmark for your own IQ.
>no pic of the game
It's like every dev is trying to innovate combat and what not without actually making a game out of it. Like everyone is making really great lego pieces but no one is, or allowed to, put them together into something great. Like look at Sword and Sorcery or whatever it's called. Amazing VR combat but it's just a swarm fighter.
Can't people just use Revive or whatever?
Gorn is far from standard, if it or B&S were standard we'd have no problems but so many VR games don't even let you bang your sword on your shield because the weapons have no presence beyond slashing enemies in a very simplified manner.
probably because Vivecraft exists
CyubeVR is just Minecraft VR right? Why not just play Vivecraft? I've been playing Vivecraft with a big fancy modpack and it breathed a lot of new life into the game. I thought I could never enjoy it again.
>Sword and Sorcery
Jesus, fine.
Take this one.
Why are there so many posts insisting on shitting on VR lately? Is it the Yea Forums curse?
I mean, there was always that guy posting "vr is a dead fad" but it was usually just one or two posts. Perhaps it's the OP triggering poorfags maybe.
leave cyubebro alone he loves that game with all his heart
Yeah, it needs a little more to distinguish itself from Minecraft. I don't think I can get into Minecraft again, even with VR. I've played it too much as it is and I've said I've quit it enough times already.
What? Blade and Spell? It was something like that. Fuck you.
Never saying its bad user. Just saying a better alternative exists
Do hope it grows well, it looks great
Let them judge.
I forgot a pic again.
Didn't they just release yakuza kiwani as well as that prequel to pc despite huge waves of NEVER EVER for years? Or was that another company?
At this point I'm not even mad, I just want more things to do well so it doesn't fade out like other tech trends.
If anything it's died down considerably while the number of VR devotees has risen to the point where we can have fairly civilized threads that reach bump limit
This thread has been pretty quiet
boy i sure am glad anti-vr fags itt reminded me i dont actually like the headset i use multiple times a week, for a second there i though i was actually enjoying a purchase i made, thanks for saving me poorfags
I'm not bullying. I really love VR so I was happy when I saw Cyube come out but then I realized Vivecraft existed. If the game gets designed completely around VR and really creative with what's possible then I can see it being a really fun experience.
I've only done like 2-3 worlds heavily modded so there's some life in it still for me. There's a lot of big mods I haven't touched at all.
Is there a modding community for Cyube? The problem is how similar games within that genre tend to feel. So even if Cyube had great VR stuff I can see myself questioning playing it since it likely wouldn't be able to keep up with 10+ years of Minecraft modding.
It'll be compatible with Vive, I don't know why there's this whole brand limitation on these games anyway.
>H3VR is the most updated game in the VR market
>never enters any nominees or top 10 VR games
Anton doesn't deserve this. He turned a shooting range game with a few guns into a fucking circus with multiple games inside and hundreds of weapons
So I bit the bullet and got a controller today. Now I'm just waiting for the Bluetooth adapter. Then it's off to space
>Was around rank 600 in Beat Saber for a month or two
>Now I'm at about 1200
I just can't keep up with these new maps. I can't move my arms fast enough. I don't understand. This is the end for me.
They used to be what mainly bumped these threads. More people have warmed up to it and gotten headsets now.
I really should learn how to mess with VR in Unity. It feels too daunting to make a game though.
How is Alien in VR?
That is one of the title that got me interested in getting one.
>H3VR is the most updated game in the VR market
>never enters any nominees or top 10 VR games
Because it isn't marketed well. It looks just like a shooting range game.
it was way worse back then, to the point there was only 1-2 anons that defended it and everybody else shitposted. This was in 2015
Of course, games got better and VR got cheaper and the threads show the results
It's awesome for gun nuts like most of us but shooting those wacky sosigs isn't that fun
I get he wants to paint recreational shooting in a positive light but we're a violent species god damn it
yeah this. Not only it never goes on sale, his store page isn't up to date and just shows shooting range rather than the rest
I should message him about it
It was fun to play on the DK2 but the mod for the Rift had a few issues with screen movement.
Almost good enough to make me not care about RE7
However the game is a bit autistic. I wouldn't recommend starting out on hard unless you're a masochist.
Sevastpol station is ultra comfy in VR, love those aesthetics
It's too early for cyubeVR to have modding.
I don't think there's much lined up for mods yet.
Dev's still doing work on the game as it is.
He added a new tool, Copper Sledgehammer in the recent beta update which should be live this week. Of course, outside a bunch of optimisations there's not a lot in each update since it's just one guy working on the game.
I already made a thread on the discussion page
have you seen the new sosigs? they have bone structure and bleeds, that's more than enough
Got an Oculus several months ago. There are certainly lots of different games you can play at this point, but I've got to say that only a handful are really worth any praise. (That's not to say that you're wasting money if you buy some games that end up not being played too often, as most VR titles are $20 or less.) Most games you buy will indefinitely be in "early access", and that guy of shows you how new the development of VR gaming really is; but it's still really exciting for those of us who have VR headsets to see how immersive and interactive new games are becoming every year.
Spheres VR is my top pick for best $10 I've spent thus far.
>there's mods that add collision to boobs, ass, vags and tummies, especially on dicks for SVR related to touch controls. Even the far tip of
>yet nobody bothers making physical collision mod for weapons themselves
Buncha degenerates
I ain't paying 20 bucks for a sausage shooting simulator no matter how many varieties of bangbang it has
Virt-a-Mate is great but I think it's only worth it if you want to learn how to make your own stuff, which can take a long time since the UI is pretty shit and explains nothing.
Yeah I play H3 all the time
It's just if GORN or B&S were sosigs no one would care about them
Monkey want to kill
why not buy it for the sake of firing your gunfu?
I think Zenoclash would be real swell on VR
Actually the guy who made the physics mod is working on that supposedly
If you know how Bethesda spaghetti code is and how fucked the weapon system is you'd understand why Skyrim has several exhaustive porn engines coded into it but not a single proper combat overhaul
Seriously, the essential combat system hasn't really changed since Daggerfall, it's not even hitbox based
I'll take a well charted Expert map with good flow over most of the Expert+ charts any day. Even the official Expect+ charts are ridiculous and unfun to play.
I really wish smaller niche devs would jam VR into their games and rerelease like Croteam did
Sometimes I wonder if these people realize that SkyrimVR is consistently on the top of the VR sellers list for full fucking price
O+ is made by chinks for chinks. If you're not a chink it's not optimized for your head/face
I generally agree but If it's too easy I can't enjoy it either. I'm at a point where maps need to reach a very delicate balance for me. I don't like maps where it's not my skill holding me back, just my ability to move fast enough, and willingness to injure myself in the process. Maps that force you to jut your arms around too quickly can leave you with really sore bones and damage your joints.
>it's not even hitbox based
then how do collisions happen
Why do you love Cyube so much over Vivecraft? Again, not bullying. I'm curious about it.
I've never been into the make-a-waifu stuff. That's a shame.
It's crosshair/distance based, animations and models are just fluff
Waiting for Valve to release their headset+knuckles before diving in. Vive has better tracking, but shit controllers, Oculus has better controllers but worse track. Don't want to buy something im only partially content with.
Most of it is just downloading other peoples' work and swapping a girl more your taste into the scene
It's not really that hard but at the same time it does take a little more effort than usual
Still no other porn game comes close to it when it comes to trying to make use of the medium, not even VR Kanojo
They're pretty silly for not doing so. I spoke to the Vivecraft devs and they said just adding very basic VR support is only like a day of work at most. It's super easy. Of course adding full and complicated support is a lot tougher but with some games it would be pretty easy. Like just aiming with touch controls isn't too bad, it's having more complex stuff like touching the hotbar to swap items in Vivecraft.
I hope all those Hytale threads really were hired shills because I kept screaming at them to do just this.
My experience with Vivecraft wasn't all that great.
Really, I've just played so much minecraft in the past that slapping VR into it isn't enough.
cyubeVR has a bit to go before I really do dedicate time to fully playing it though.
If the dev takes the advice of adding more grabby interaction for everything, then heck, I might quit my job.
this. O+ has a better screen but worse tracking as well. Rumour is that the Valve HMD screen will be equivalent to the Vive Pro. Not sure how good that is.
why do you say it has worse tracking? The tracking is fine as long as you keep your controllers in front of you
>The tracking is fine as long as you keep your controllers in front of you
Then the tracking is not fine.
People really like bitching about how menus don't work in VR. About how Skyrim wasn't made for VR.
Fuck, outside of the Melee being crap as always, it works perfectly fine. Menu's aren't bad, they are a quick and easy way of dealing with shit. Realistic doesn't always mean fun.
The flatgame market is so fucking saturated now what with Steam opening the floodgates, catering to the utterly starved VR submarket is an easy way to stand out. Especially if it's an engine like Unity which makes it dead simple.
The dev community seems to buy into these stupid memes that they learn at conferences (like our favorite: teleport locomotion only) so I'm worried they can't see outside their bubble on this one. It's inexplicable.
>like Croteam did
They probably won't after Croteam mentioning that sales of their VR releases wasn't exactly spectacular, even after frequent heavy discounts. And also that doing 'proper' VR support for an existing game isn't a quick task at all.
really because from what I've seen it's not even an issue in almost every game
I heard the inside-out tracking method has a real problem with reflective surfaces. Like any pictures in your room could cause it to shit itself.
It's not an issue but it's still objectively worse
Really? shame cause Serious Sam on VR is great.
Do you always look at your hands when you do something? Of course you don't.
The vive shits itself for tracking if you have a big mirror that reflects one base station's view to another. Which my bedroom has.
Metal Gear Rising, user-chan
It's certainly quicker than making a new game and a pretty acceptable way to get people to double dip. I'd find it hard to believe that it wasn't worth it for Croteam even considering they went in really early.
Also their discounts are absurd, they're practically giving the game away now.
Never had this problem
A game like that really should be designed head to toe for VR if it wants to compete. Cooking should be done by actually cooking food, drop it in a frying pan, flip the pan, etc. Stir soup. Kneed dough. Have any enemies in the game designed around VR like little mole men that throw rocks at you you can catch. Mimics that mime your movements but mirrored. Charging boar dudes you need to punch on the approach. That sort of thing. Maybe have a magic system similar to OrbusVR where you draw sigils. It's that work well with motion controls. A telescope you peep through, a grappling hook you can cast like a fishing line, etc.
I haven't played the game, maybe it has this already. I just see it as an opportunity, if he's going to do a 1-man passion project anyway might as well go full into the shtick.
I swear somewhere on steam they said they were remaking SS2 for vr. I hope that's still happening
>are you really that hellbent against X that you go to an X thread and just trigger yourself?
This is all boards on Yea Forums, and it's the maddest thing about the place
They wanted to, both regular and VR, but they're concentrating on SS4, especially after fucking up and delaying the game
That's what I'm saying. To survive on Steam, and therefor PC unfortunately, you need some word of mouth or else you're just another drip in the ocean. If a full blown game has proper VR support VR owners WILL play it. Then you get your word of mouth and you get your sales. It's not even about VR people's money, it's about their attention.
They definitely buy into it though. People are dumb and easy to brain wash.
this nigga gets it
learn to code
I am the eternal ideas guy.
I took a basic coding course to avoid politics while filling out my electives. I think I'd be good at it, I got a 97, I just can't risk my GPA on more advanced coding since that class was babby mode. I'm really bad at self-teaching as well. Maybe I'll learn 3D modeling, that seems fun. Make some big tiddies to practice.
It has a few flat features, which has a number of things that could be moved from the control scheme to an in-world interaction.
Chopping wood is different, you collect items by putting them in a bucket. You craft with your hands.
But then you press a button to change to tool mode and use the touchpad horizontal to select which tool quickslot to use from.
You press a button to change to block place mode, then use the touchpad vertical to select which quickslot to place from.
It needs to move away from that and make it so you grab the tools from your shoulders or hip sheath.
PSVR is worth buying for the exclusives. If you're hurting for games on PCVR, it's worth checking out.
Wipeout Omega blows the fuck out of Redout. Astro Bot is one of the best VR games I've played and deserves most of the praise it gets (the SM64 comparisons are overblown though). Firewall is a simpler Rainbow Six Siege with AA production value. Farpoint almost had a good story and is a fun Starship Troopers simulator. RE7 works real well. Tetris Effect will probably get ported at some point but it's chill as hell.
It really seems like we're looking at a rare time where people can get in on the ground floor of a medium in its infancy, just like the good ol days of single digit developer teams setting industry trends (except easier because we have all sorts of crutches and resources now)
Almost enough to make an absolute codelet like me consider looking into Unreal/Unity and blueprints or whatever.
>Wipeout Omega blows the fuck out of Redout.
>Tetris Effect will probably get ported at some point
I just hope it's six months and not a full fucking year. Thank fuck AC7's VR mode is so limited/short or I'd have died waiting until 2020 for that timed period to end.
I'd probably get PSVR if I could torrent the games afterwards, but it seems like 5.95 doesn't have much to offer.
The production value isn't there for BallisticNG, though. Wipeout is one of the best-looking VR games I've played, and that was on base PS4. Omega Collection has three different games worth of tracks, ships, and game modes - I know BNG has Steam Workshop support, but that's not the same. I'm sure BallisticNG is cool, but Wipeout is on another level, and is a lot easier to play in VR.
What's your dream vr game Yea Forums
my nigger, give me H3 tier weapons handling with good SWAT AI that I can command with voice or hand signals.
A horror game except I'm the monster
An mmo because I'm a masochist. And because it'd be on VR, it'd keep it niche rather than the "broad and diverse audience".
We already have VR Kanojo.
Dude, I just want the Oasis to be real. I want to explore impossible fantasy landscapes with my friends and go on adventures in the metaverse.
Alternatively/more practically, I want a damn good puzzle/adventure game. I want Call of the Starseed, but with the art direction of Riven and puzzles that are actually somewhat challenging. Not as stupidly obtuse as Riven itself, but the Gallery games were way too easy for my taste and relied a bit too much on the audio logs.
I mean, ffs, they gave you telekinesis in the second game and it was still underwhelming.
Orbus is worth playing for the sheer novelty, but it's a terrible experience to actually try and progress in. It was neat sitting at the side of a lake and talking to other players who taught you how to fish, but it failed at pretty much everything else.
Please forgive me in advance, I'm gonna ask a retarded question.
Would this laptop (amazon.com
A living breathing town. It can be pretty small but focused on feeling really real. People have daily lives, jobs, routines, families, friends. A mix of Animal Crossing and Todd's wetdream.
You can rape and corrupt the citizens. Murder, steal, etc. You can also be nice and give them gifts. It's basically just an ideal town made as realistic but enjoyable/interesting as possible where I can live out any fantasies I might have, whether they're very sweet and cute or evil and my penis.
>fleshlight attached to motion controller
So fucking stupid it goes all the way back to being brilliant again.
Why is shooting in VR so fun, bros?
Why do I feel like an aiming god when I can't hit anything for shit with a mouse?
A game where I have a loving wife and three children.
Because shooting in real life is fun and VR tries to mimic that experience instead of being a hovering robot with a gun welded to it
I swear he did this just to get views.
Absolutely disgusting regardless.
I want a multiplayer tank simulator where each position can be filled with everything in the interior usable.
Yiffalicious 2 supposedly is going to have humans, elves etc. Might be the best porn game ever for vr if it lives up to the hype
>he didn't get into the radius beta
It is? Man I wasn't expecting that. I just thought they were making Yiffalicious 1 but with more scene making options like custom models. Wonder when it's coming out. Hope it's not another never ever patreon game.
I was doing this the whole game. Way more interesting than actually playing it imo
I thought with a name like that, it wouldn’t be the point of the game. Still, no problem for me
Can you turn it into a furry torture simulator?
That would be awesome. Perfect for roomscale. I think a submarine game would be dope too. I played a really old one on like windows 98 that was click based.
Anyone played Vox Machinae? How is it?
I want to play a VR mech game.
I've been waiting until they start giving out more keys.
They're obviously going to do the stuff for the original version of the game first. But I expect a lot out of it. It's a flat upgrade from what they showed.
A fly through space game that's good and has a story, with interesting stuff in space like they're planning with underspace and with different cabins for different ship sizes up to big ships having bridges with NPCs. If someone could just do a good job of this and go for fun space opera instead of autistic eurotrucker minus scenery, then that would be amazing.
don't both of these actually exist though?
there is a sub game, checkout store.steampowered.com
Enjoy testing for no pay.
>I played a really old one on like windows 98
what is it?
I guess that's one advantage to Patreon games, continued development. However slow that may be.
Lone Echo was a lot of fun but I wish they did more with the setup. That flashlight section in the tutorial was really fucking creepy with how silent it was and could make a good sci-fi horror game.
It also sucked that when we finally got some combat added, it's just the Arena simulation setting and all the weapons are in the robot hands. Hopefully the sequel has players fighting in space stations and grabbing human weapons they find.
VR Stalker-ish.
No, I can't remember the name of it. It felt like windows 98 but maybe it was 95 or 2000. I was young. It was a point and click style game and seemed to be a hardcore submarine simulator. All I ended up doing is diving to like 3000m and crushing the sub under pressure or hitting the sea floor.
looks like minecraft, I would kill for a VR Stalker thou, what makes it like stalker?
>VR Minecraft
>when Vivecraft already exists
what's different?
Shows a lot of promise, still very early though
I bought a PSVR and a few games. Its really jaw dropping to actually be placed inside a 3D world. Skyrim and RE7 are like completely new experiences. The only problem is I cant really play for hours like with 2D. Either I end up getting sick after a while or it just hurts my eyes glaring directly into a screen inches from my face.
DOAX3 is the closest thing to fully 3D VR porn I've seen, and while its a shit game, those girls look phenomenal in VR
Fuck sake guys, no that's not Into the radius.
It's just another pic from cyubeVR guy.
They were doing key giveaways on their discord for Into the radius, but taking a break to fix stuff and decide further development.
They're basing it off Roadside Picnic too, afaik.
Not a massive amount but the blocks are 0.5m in size, not that THAT makes any difference.
Also block generation height is some 800 blocks total.
Theres so many games that have the potential to be great with VR but developers dont want to put the time into coding it.
Can you imagine the first person mode in Red Dead 2 as VR or Metro Exodus
>Can you imagine the first person mode in Red Dead 2 as VR
there was a leak on the Oculus store that had Red Dead 2 entry so there's that
I have a feeling there are going to be some really big steps in the next gen for VR. Its actually sold pretty damn well with PS and its decently popular on PC
Just take a break when you get sick and you'll get over it eventually. Dunno about the eyestrain, honestly the only trouble I have is my feet hurting after several hours of standing.
I hear some people have gotten their PSVR headset working on PC
If it was a 3D dimensional world it would be worth it. But as of right now, the VR cameras are stationary and the only gimmick is you have a 360 degree screen wrapped around you that you can see
If you're so sure, why do you feel the need to say it in every VR thread?
Did anyone ever play that VR mission in EAs Star Wars Battlefront 2015? Turn that into an entire game, thats my dream game
Freespace 3 VR never.
Oh yeah the sickness goes away within minutes, but I dont like just jumping back on that horse.
I definitely dont play most games standing up. SUPERHOT is the only game where I feel I need to stand
As cliche as it sounds, for a split second, I legitimately felt like a Rebel Starfighter pilot flying over that Star Destroyer shooting Tie Fighters. Too bad EA hates fun
Only commercial release of gloves will give VR an actual rise. prove me wrong
I heard about that a little but nothing ever came of it. I really hope R* does something that cool instead of trying to make their shitty online work
What gloves? Those ones that simulate actual solid matter?
any form of VR gloves would be great. fuck controllers
You can get a code for it if you join the discord. Very rough build with looks and performance but there's things I like a lot. like needing to load ammo into clips/mags first and knife that's really easy to throw.
I don't want gloves.
I need some tactile feedback from buttons and stick movement.
Tell the truth, how many of you bought pickle rick vr?
I pirated that shit, and good fucking lord it I regret it
I can't believe there haven't been more leaks
The future is so uncertain
Nope, Justin Roiland is a one trick pony and his shtick gets old fast.
>Poorfags go away.
A headset is like 150 USD nowadays, everybody can afford one.
Any of you bought the odyssey+ in the last few days?
Mine says it is pre-order only and will expected to ship 24March
While I saw someone said theirs will be delivered in a week.
I did because I liked the Accounting demo by the same people. Memes aside, had a lot of neat ideas but the humour itself was kind of meh.
Just buy a WMR.
Oh I checked the website again and apparently it is out of stock now?
>pc is shit but still above bare minimum for the vive
>not enough usb ports for rift
>cant get a windows headset because requires winblows 10
>dont wanna buy a vive cus of htc shitty support and replacements
fuck you microsoft
also fuck having to wear glasses
We'll all have to switch to W10 in a year or two when support for W7 stops anyway, so might as well do it for the WMR.
>literally just got done watching VRporn laying in bed next to my girlfriend and she had no idea one of the endless reasons VR is incredible.
>w10 only
shit headset even if I do have a 10 computer laying around.
I had a bunch of fucking trouble getting radeon drivers to work after I acquired a really cheap 580 and am dreading having to do it on windows 10.
My limited experience with it was so bad I put off ever upgrading.
I sure cant wait to jump through all those hoops to disable automatic updates because microsoft has proven time and time again they will fuck your shit up with no impunity
How much does HTC pay you for shilling on Yea Forums?
I hope you aren't doing it for free because that's a difficult job to try to shill an alredy ded concept
>Implying there is anything worth swapping to w10 for
It sure ain't vr because that works on my 7 too.
>support will end
Because support is already so great on 10
thats literally an oculus rift tho
anybody have any experience with VR with an AMD FX cpu. I know its dog shit but its technically "acceptable" for oculus/htc but I've never seen any indepth reviews on the performance. I know the gpu is the real breadwinner but still.
>How much does HTC pay you for shilling on Yea Forums?
>pic of Oculus Rift
Poorfags confirmed retarded and poor
I figured if I had to spend money on a new headset the odyssey+ is the best bargain and unfortunately microsoft jews locked it and its MR brethren behind windows 10.
If you're deadset on getting a Rift you can buy a PCI-e USB 3.0 card for pretty cheap.
Her and her sister were such nice characters.
Tfw no redline mini series.
Works fine for my O+ but I think Rift/Vive might require more CPU for tracking? Eitherway most stuff still isn't that strenuous. A lot of VR only runs so poorly because it's amateur work and unoptimized.
never ever
>VR has been around for 20 years
>Next gen was always THE gen
>Never attracted anyone except tech nerds and retards who fell for the meme whose headsets are now collecting dust
VR fags are the manlets of vidya
When will they learn?
i ran every vr game perfectly fine on a 970 and i5 2500k.
oh tell me where are the 20 year old mass produced vr headsets with motion controls and big game libraries?
Oh wait you are being a poorfag whos talking shit about tech he cant afford to even try at an arcade
so, i got a question
what would be some good ports to VR? i heard they ported quake 1 and 2 in VR, but im more curious on how this could affect the older games rather than the already built and made VR games.
user here who poorfag replied to. I posted that around eight hours ago or something lol. Them poorfags are a fascinating bunch. Because they are talking shit, but deep down they know they want it and can't have it.
>Poorfags go away.
I don't understand this. WMR headsets are great and cheap as fuck. Or is it because brainlets only know about muh vive pro?
GTX1070 good enough for an Oculus Rift? I know it matches the minimum but I want to be able to max it out.
Honestly the ports tend to be the best VR games simply because they're the most complete, however they often have minimal/no motion controller features or VR gimmicks
Alien Isolation, Subnautica, NOLF2, Doom Engine games, Doom 3 are some of them and a lot of fun.
Yeah, also they're the type who think you need a $2000 computer for gaming.
you can max out most games. The numbers are shifted, real medium is like 970-980(but can crank up SS to like 150% max) and you can run most games fine on 10 series. Real winner is often SSD especially in ue4 games.
High IQ response.
low energy shilling into the radius and panzerwehr 1949
Only if you mean stuff like Honey Select, so erogames.
180 or even 360 porn is a mistake.
>hot as fuck room in florida
>hot as fuck 580 gpu
>have to wear glasses
>he cant do custom Expert+ songs
what are you, a pleb?
VR Kanojo could have been something great if it had mod support.
Honey Select blows it out of the water just because you can swap the girls and don't have to fuck with the controllers why you're baitin'.
Yeah but wich WMR headset?
Sitting down while the camera rotates is a fucking meme, Senua's Sacrifice made me sick like nothing else.
vive pro is literally inferior to the oydssye plus
You sound like you're experienced with the illusion VR mods.
How do you fucking operate the menu to any decent capacity in the scenes?
He's a lefty fuck that would rather die than make the game fun, so fuck him. He's got a reddit army willing to gobble his dick and jokes any minute of the day, so he gets the special award he deserves.
VRChat is basically Unity's mess with solution. Try doing that first.
The cheapest one, they're basically all the same.
HP or Acer is fine.
Different user, but you should cut down a tree in Cyube, man.... it's fukken amazing.
I'f off today, have shekels in my Steam account, going to find out if it's true that you can use the Vive to drive through Europe with the wheel, gad, and pedal...
I've yet to buy any of the meme games like Job Simulator, I expect you to die and Rick and Morty.
>>VR has been around for 20 years
>>Next gen was always THE gen
that just isn't fucking true. the first thing to come out eve fucking approaching BR for home was the vive/rift. Granted, it could have gone a lot faster in the past 3 years if it had a bigger audience, but if you are a history/travel fag like I am and just like to "walk" through cities, you can take one of the newer Samungs if you have it, hook on the $100 device and just fucking feel like you're walk around...Rome, the Vatican, whatever...
It just stops being fun at some point.
Anyone here play windlands 2? is it good?
>pickle rick vr?
On DOTR, ALL TV records will be checked and viewing that "Show" (which will not be named here) will be punished by hanging until almost dead, then privy parts cut out and burned in front of the person, then sewed back up and one quarter of each body tied to a wild horse, then the horses whipped and aforementioned scumbag torn into 4 parts. Only just punishment for that.
Depends. Honey Select works the best because it's HMD only. Getting the camera where you want it is a bit fucky, but hey, when it works and you've got Urbosa's smelly crotch right in front of your face, it's worth it.
Koikatsu is a fucking nightmare, because you change some stupid ass modes and you have to remember which moonrune is which one, but it's easier to set the camera to POV.
VR Kanojo is okayish, but some of it relies on where you look, not where you point and click, and some of the controls are bind to touchpads which just plain fucking blows.
Honestly I think VR Kanojo is not even the best roomscale VR porn game, there's this, and other than being entirely in Japanese, it's easier to figure out what does what, and it offers some light romance themes between all the balls deep animal fuck.
Oh but yeah, you have to have the headset where you want it before you launch the game because I haven't figured out how to reset the camera in Honey Select. There's also a chance something will be obstructing the menu. Somethign like this
No Games.
I use Honey Select in VR a lot and I can't make any sense out of this
How bad are Rift's screen quality exactly? When seeing screen images online it freaks me out, in the same time I want to play current and future rift exclusives.
Well I just downloaded FlashBangZ repacks and hoped for the best.
Rift and Vive have the worst screens at the moment, it's a shame.
>FlashBangZ repacks
uhhhh dude
Yeah I know. Malware.
I'm running it on a separate device.
Can't compare it to Samsung Odyssey+, but I was the most hyped person in the city for VR and even I was a little disappointed with Vive's SDE.
>Looks like a phone, lol.
Nice fake story.
wahts wrong wiht flahsbnagsz
It'll be fine.
You'll eventually just get used to it.
The important thing is tracking.
>vive pro is literally inferior to the oydssye plus
Nigger, please.
>vive pro is literally inferior to the oydssye plus
"mixed reality" and "virtual reality" are nowhere even fucking close. No comparison.
Go away vivenigger you're not fooling anyone
HTC is going belly up
The only advantage to the vive pro is the light stations providing marginally better tracking that the majority of users wont benefit from since you need a fucking entire room dedicated to this shit to make full use of them.
>900 dollars
>inferior screen and resolution
>literally 1/4 have to be returned to htc and have you pay 200 dollars to fix them
>Two marketing terms that describe the exact same fucking thing are nowhere near close
Sometimes I wish I was retarded too.
>Two marketing terms that describe the exact same fucking thing are nowhere near close
WMR and VR are two different terms brainlet.
All squares are rectangles but not all rectangles are squares.
Go back to VRChat, tranny. All that cocksucking has addled your brains.
lmao its sad you being a retard are trying to call others retard over terms with completely obvious differences to anyone but a complete brainlet.
does anyone have any GOOD vr horror games they've tried? There seems to be a dozen half-baked chinese knock off ones but as far as I know nothing too great.
just replugged my vive in this morning and i need something after my pavlov sessions that can truly spook me.
Something without cheap jumpscares or scripted nonsense.
and is The Forest decently playable yet?
Keep going vivelet, I've seen you sperg out before
>and is The Forest decently playable yet?
If you have a 1080 and turn everything off so it looks like a N64 game, yeah
Have you played Alien Isolation?
Nothing in VR has really scared me except for installing daggerfall skeleton mod in Skyrim
imagine being so autistic you think everyone who disagrees with your retardedly wrong opinions is one person?
Into the radius if you can get the beta key in the next batch.
Its pmuch stalker vr but you are not a hypersoldier
i gotta 1080ti so maybe ill try it
i was kinda waiting for Mother VR to have hand tracking, but i am super stoked to play Alien Isolation in vr.
haven't heard of this, ill check it out!
>no games
actually there are too many vr games, i cant get around to all of them
I thought the Forest was decent back in beta patch 3.
Hadn't used my Rift for like 2 years, plugged it back in, and there's still nothing actually worth playing.
I really like DCS World, but the resolution in VR is too small. Elite Dangerous is absolutely amazing when it comes to how VR works, but the game itself is extremely shallow.
Skyrim VR is nice to just hang around in and listen to the music, chilling somewhere. Other than that, it's Skyrim.
Robo Recall was highly enjoyable for a while, and Arizona Sunshine and Lone Echo were good fun for a playthrough, but short and didn't really have anything other than "it's VR". Played H3VR on and off just to shoot some guns now and then.
Almost everything is little more than minigames or techdemos. Where are the actual, full length games?
WarioWare basically
Pavalov is the only game I come back to over and over. I also really enjoyed VTOL VR. Anyone got any recommendations for non demo style VR games?