Was Final Fantasy really THAT amazing before the Square Enix Merger? Like i see everyone saying it was the best series ever behind Zelda
Was Final Fantasy really THAT amazing before the Square Enix Merger...
All of the top tier games, bar XII, came before SE.
Yes, final fantasy good games ended with 9, after 10 its nu-ff gayass shit
just play one of them, faggot
though I gotta admit most of them are overrated
and on a side note, zelda games have always been trash
Yes, it was literally untouchable. They were releasing masterpieces basically every year (Aside from FF8 which sucks)
> Final Fantasy VI (96) (1994)
> Final Fantasy VII (92) (1997)
> Final Fantasy Tactics (89) (1998)
> Final Fantasy VIII (90) (1999)
> Final Fantasy IX (94) (2000)
> Vagrant Story (92) (2000)
> Final Fantasy X (92) (2001)
VIII is the one FF that will be remembered long after video games cease to exist.
FF8 is fantastic
The Enix merger killed all their games for me, except FFXIV which is actually based with a non retarded director. A fucking MMO is the only Final Fantasy game I like today, that is sad.
It's already forgotten. It's the only FF game not to get a Switch port, for one.
6 and the PS1 trilogy are considered some of the best JRPGs ever made. It should also be noted that Squaresoft was just an absolute powerhouse at the time, pumping out classic after classic. It was the golden age of console role playing games and it seemed like Square would never stop riding that high wave of big budget role playing games that were beloved by all.
Then they produced The Spirits Within and spent everything they had on it, it bombed, Enix had to bail them out, and they've never quite recovered.
just because VIII fags have been running amok lately doesn't mean that VII isn't monumentally more popular and a huge landmark title.
that is because they lost the source code not because it is forgotten you retard
4 5 6 7 9 10 are all at the very least good
1 is decent
3 and 8 are flawed but enjoyable to an extent
2 is bad
11 is an mmo
Since the merger we have had
>12 good game
>13 so bad its a fucking meme
>14 mmoshit
>15 frankensteined side game turned main entry thats pretty sucky
Alot of the squeenix side games are A+ though
>crisis core
>type 0
Theres also been some real shit though to
No, it's a meme.
It was pretty darn good. JRPGs were really the only games attempting big narratives back then and Final Fantasy was the best of them.
FF13 was great.
>FFXIII and FFXV is great, YUM YUM
even KH3 is complete trash compared to KH1 and 2.
Kill yourself Zoomer, the Square Enix merger literally was responsible for the decline of quality in Japanese games & the death of the RPG genre in general
>crisis core and type 0
wew fuckin lad
>FF13 was great.
I swear Yea Forums is zoomer central now.
>XII top tier
My man.
>Was Final Fantasy really THAT amazing before the Square Enix Merger?
No, it was as mediocre as it has always been.
But, like all cancerous fanbases, FF fags pretend it was any different in the past because they played a few of those games when they were little and impressionable, so they're pretty much conditioned.
How did they managed to kill Dissidia is beyond my mind.
T. Persona babby that never actually played a FF game besides 15
That just makes me fucking scared about what they are going to do to the FF7 Remake
they lost the source code for ff9 and KH1 also and found those titles worthy to reverse engineer into ports though
The steam release of ff8 isnt even close in standard to 9 or even 7 which 7 is just another slightly touched up PC port from 2 decades ago
I'd argue that Spirits Within was more harmful than the Enix merger
Don't worry, SMT is just as trash as FF, Persona especially.
Now, instead of deflecting criticism to some imaginary boogeyman why don't you try to come up with some actual argument?
Yeah Im not really into fighting games but played well over 300 hours of dissidia and 012 solo.
NT didnt appeal to me in the slightest because of how its entirely multiplayer focused
Crisis Core has to be the most overblown game in the series, it's fucking terrible and the story is fanfic tier. It's just as bad as Dirge of Cerberus yet it somehow avoids the criticism.
you forgot Tactics, which is the best thing Square ever made
The fact you can even log in on Regurgitated Fanservice XIV at all is sad.
I enjoyed it enough
Ive also beaten DoC 3.75 times, 3 times on normal and almost on hard till I got brickwalled by rosso 2 shotting me and also not having enough ammo to kill her
No I just didnt list the MASSIVE amount of side games squaresoft released that were all great
Even non FF stuff like Parasite Eve is 10/10
Lirerally everyone, worldwide knew what FF was, a decade before vames became mainstream. Your contrarianism is effectively just that.
Not really. If anything only FFTactics and the MMOs are worth playing since they offer more than generic jrpgs with meh storylines. CG graphics don't age well so any popularity from that faded quickly which was really all FF games had going for them (no one remembers any games before 5 btw lmao)
you just came in and called it shit and cancer. Maybe provide some substantive arguments of your own or post that series of bait images that shit up every single RPG thread on this cursed board.
okay WHY XII tho. Not flaming, what is the actual appeal of it?
I tend to agree, but playing at least one would be my recommendation. X is what I would recommend to most people since it has classic turn-based combat and a really good story imo
FF was literally so fucking iconic that Disney themselves were the one who pitched the idea of the series crossing over with Disney IP's in Kingdom Hearts. Disney literally had so much faith in SquareSoft due to FF's Success that they allowed them full access to whatever Disney franchise or IP they wanted
JRPGs are not very impressive vehicles for storytelling by modern standards and were never impressive in terms of gameplay.
>VIII on must play
>IX on play
which brainlet made this shit? viii is easily one of the worst out of the psx trilogy
T. Chart autist, go ahead & post that fucking autistic cherrypicked image you faggot
But where does one start? Keeping in mind: You probably don't want to start with the best one in the series.
you should've identified him as someone that just reiterated Dunkeys retarded opinion verbatim. You lose user
FFX > FF7 > FF9 > FFVI > FFTactics
This was the order i played, everything else can be skipped
>Lirerally everyone, worldwide knew what FF was
No, don't kid yourself and don't talk like you were even alive in the 90's, because you evidently were not.
>you just came in and called it shit and cancer.
I just said it was just as mediocre as it is now, but if you want to call it worse than that be my guest.
>Maybe provide some substantive arguments
I don't need to argue anything with people who don't even have a solid grasp on the english language, especially not with fanboys.
You want to pretend your cookie cutter series was ever special, feel free to, no skin off my teeth, I just find it hilarious how you're that short sighted and blinded by nostalgia, especially since you people can't even agree among yourselves on which FF games were actually good.
You want my opinion, they're all mediocre, FF1 was passable and 2 was a failed experiment that luckily bloomed into better things later, but after that? Just mediocrity, filled with bugs, corridors, barely any RPG elements outside of seeing growing numbers, aggressively stupid gameplay with ill designed mechanics that don't even work on a basic design level and nothing but pretty graphics to make that mediocrity palatable to the masses, not to mention those entries which were barely even finished, just like the modern ones.
If you think FF is anything more than a gateway for little kids you're just deluded, and hanging on to brand name and a past glorified by marketing and sales numbers (just like the present) instead of actual merits is exactly what fuels the anti JRPG shitposting in this shithole.
>that is sad.
Yeah, liking XIV is pretty sad.
>You probably don't want to start with the best one in the series.
I dunno, start with the best to see if you even like the series at all, then you can satisfy your autism by going deeper if you want.
why do you talk like such a fag?
I just can't deal with the random battles. It's too annoying.
Why would I put up with it when I can play Crono Trigger or Secret of Mana?
FF was a very well known series as far as video games went, vidya was less popular overall then but FF was still a major player
FF6 sold over 3 million between the SNES and PS1 versions
> I don't need to come up with a solid argument as to why a widely beloved & iconic series is bad
Die western cuck, also it's clear you never played them and are just being a contrarian by hating them for being popular & critically acclaimed
>barely any RPG elements outside of seeing growing numbers
This is how I know you're a westerncuck just trying to stir shit up
Starting with the best one makes the exploration of the series fizzle out rather than reach a climax. With longer-running series going back to retroclunk can be a hurdle that it otherwise wouldn't be if you just started with those too. I'd just play in release order but that doesn't seem like the best idea for final fantasy.
VII is still one of the best games of all time. VI - X are all good.
Not really. They were the only ones doing AAA JRPGS for a span of a few years which made them overrated by normies
Meh, I never really thought 12 was a must play.
>5 fixed encounters is so much better than 3-7 random encounters
will never understand this meme
>Then they produced The Spirits Within and spent everything they had on it, it bombed, Enix had to bail them out, and they've never quite recovered.
It really was a colossal blunder.
Shoving some nigga named Cid into your movie and calling it Final Fantasy doesn't make it a Final Fantasy game.
>IX and IV not a must
Shit list
AC fag is seething hard today. When will you stop being such a faggot and go outside? Get off Yea Forums for an hour
I've never understood why people play jrpg's if they dont like the combat to the point they complain about getting into it
What's sad is that it literally could have been fixed if Nintendo bought them in 1999 when they were given the opportunity. We would have peak SquareSoft exclusive to Nintendo consoles for like 20 years at this point
Honestly, X and XI are the only FF games I actually liked. I don't think it actually mattered that much.
>IX isn't must play
>XII and VIII are must play even though they're awful
>A fucking MMO (dead one too) isn't in optional or do not play tier
What brainlet made this
For real?
Random encounters interrupt you, you normally can't escape from them and they lack a sense of progression.
Because it makes faggots like you angry.
>Die western cuck,
I vastly prefer JRPGs to WRPGs, stop trying to deflect criticism.
>also it's clear you never played them
I did, in fact I played most of the games including the spinoffs.
Tell me what are the supposed qualities of the pre-merger FF games and what they had over the post merger ones? The stories and waifus?
Because even the incomplete and barely salvaged FFXII is miles above anything before it, saving maybe FFX, and only on the mechanical point of view.
You people are simply some deluded faggots that can't deal with the fact that the series is now pandering to another generation, but you can never come to term with how mediocre your own precious favorite games are.
Ivalice is one of the best realized fantasy worlds, and XII is the best portal into that world. The art, music, and general aesthetic are top notch
The fact of the matter is that only the most hardcore fans are going to play all of the games in a series as long-running as FF. You shouldn't turn people away from a potentially positive experience by forcing them to slog through a bunch of mediocre shit first. Also I hope you're not implying the oldest FF games are the best because it's an objective fact that IX and X >>>>>> the rest
FFXI isn't dead, also it has some of the best stories of the entire series.
>We would have ""peak"" SquareSoft exclusive to Nintendo consoles for like 20 years at this point
I dont know about that man nintendo barely releases fuck all worth playing(overall trend between vidya companies though)
I man bravely default was ok but just because it was released on nintendo hardware dont go crazy now
>Random encounters interrupt you
so do fixed encounters
>you normally can't escape from them
Most final fantasy games have very generous escape functions
>lack a sense of progression.
new area = stronger monsters, same as games with fixed encounters
random encounters are a filter for babies that are impatient and have a short fuse, FF is a series for relaxed sages.
There are 700k people playing private servers / retail combined
What's with some people thinking Enix is to blame, anyway? Square's downfall was their bad business practices finally biting them in the ass and the merger basically killed Enix.
You really just type a lot of words but you don't say much. Might as well be saying "it's shit because I say so." VII is literally GOAT and better than your favorite game keep seething.
I thought they stopped development on it when they released FFXIV. Still, don't think MMOs are anything but optional at best on that list.
>What's with some people thinking Enix is to blame, anyway?
Squarefaggots, which are 99% made up of bitter FF fans.
>Because it makes faggots like you angry.
so you admit you talk like a fag, cool
>You shouldn't turn people away from a potentially positive experience by forcing them to slog through a bunch of mediocre shit first.
>anything but the best is mediocre shit
False. I'd advise skipping the shit but just because an entry isn't the best, doesn't mean it isn't worthwhile or really enjoyable. There are also matters where one can't appreciate how good the highest point really is without the lead-up.
Still is
>Random encounters interrupt you
Random encounters are a vital part of the game, otherwise it would be fucking point and click walking sims
> you normally can't escape from them
Most games have some sort of flee option as far as Ive played,
>and they lack a sense of progression
They progress your characters stats, money pool, and inventory
>I vastly prefer JRPGs to WRPGs, stop trying to deflect criticism
What are some actual good JRPGs according to you, then?
>logo denotes it's 3D 4
Whoever made this knows their shit.
They attempted to stop development for it because they wanted to force everyone to move to XIV but it never happened. The XI population simply grew afterwards, they straight up shat on XI until they gave up and started developing proper content for it.
I have never met someone that has played the games through and not liked them, only normies who think it's gay because it's from japan and turn based.
Zelda wasn't ever that amazing either.
Cope, and this is what Zelda fans consider one of the weakest in the series
Nigga FF was big with normalfags back in the day.
Final Fantasy and Zelda are both overrated trash, yes, what's your point?
> Literally has grossed over 26 Billion dollars in Revenue from the games alone
> Implying that it somehow isn't Mainstream normie core
Kill yourself Zoomer
seriously don't get how someone wasn't absolutely blown away and enthralled by oot. Even today it holds up to that standard
> Overrated
Meaningless buzzword for "It's popular & i don't like it" unless you state a well thought out argument that supports your case
> 1. They judge it based solely on graphics compared to today's games
> 2. They couldn't get past the Water Temple
> 3. They never actually played it & simply parrot their opinions from EgoRaptor
>people don't like what I like REEEEEE
Get the fuck out of this post. You are honestly the biggest faggot I've seen on Yea Forums in a long time. The way you talk screams fedorian neckbeard, and you should just do the world a favor and kill yourself
>Might as well be saying "it's shit because I say so."
That's more suited to shit eaters like you, thanks.
Keep spilling bile though, I love it when morons like you can't do anything but rage since you don't have anything to prove I'm wrong.
Oh there's plenty.
Langrisser, Growlanser, SaGa and its clones, Elminage, Way of the Samurai and so on.
Meant this for you
>A Link to the Past wasn't ever that amazing either.
Fixed. Zelda 1 and 2 are pretty good games. ALttP went for quantity over quality and lagged behind contemporaries inspired by Zelda 1.
Considering ff7 and ff6 may very well be the best 3d and 2d rpgs of all time, yes. Yes it was great before they fucking ruined everything.
There's nothing to say to you though, besides saying a whole lot of nothing you think your cynicism is a replacement for intelligence and it's cringey.
>Like i see everyone saying it was the best series ever behind Zelda
Zelda and FF are intimately related
>first game: clearly the best but dumb zoomers think its too hard
>2nd game: weird black sheep but still one of the most unique games in its genre that has never been duplicated
>first SNES game: groundbreaking. many people rightfully claim it as their favorite
>first 5th gen game: contender for GOAT
>modern times: weird foray into open world
I'm a Zelda fan and I consider that one of the strongest installments. WW is a masterpiece.
>There's nothing to say to you though
And yet you reply to me, so there's evidently a lot you wanna say.
nd game: weird black sheep but still one of the most unique games in its genre that has never been duplicated
>FF2 was a bad copy of Ultima 4
>It also evolved into its own series later
>Zelda 2 was a bad copy of Xanadu
>Never been replicated
For somebody who cries about zoomers you are just as ignorant and retarded.
FFXIII And FFXV are better than all that turned based 2d garbage.
>>FF2 was a bad copy of Ultima 4
>>It also evolved into its own series later
nobody likes SaGa
anyone who claims to is a retard that hates video games
Now lets not say things we'll regret later.
>nobody likes SaGa
I'll apply the rest of your post to you.
It's formulaic within itself nevermind the series, it's packed with filler, tools are frequently useless outside specific puzzle niches, fights are overlong and tedious for not being difficult, and they absolutely coast on novelty and namebrand over engaging play.
Ocarina of Time was one of the hugest offenders, it's seriously a 4-5/10 game at best.
>>first game: clearly the best but dumb zoomers think its too hard
OG FF has way too many bugs to be the best.
>actually defending Kawazu's bullshit
SaGa is literally the worst parts of FF2 and FF12, distilled and amplified in one giant clusterfuck of a series
My favorite is how all the enemy specific weapons dont work at all
Like thats their sole purpose is to do more damage against X enemy type
And none of them do
> Literally parroting EgoRaptor
Opinion Invalidated
If no one likes SaGa then how has it lasted for this long? Obviously Japan has a decent following to keep it afloat for this long, and the series almost has all of the games localized into English as well.
>FFXIII And FFXV are better than all that turned based 2d garbage.
As someone who thought XIII was passable while XV was crap (didn't get any XV DLC) I laugh at you
>>actually defending Kawazu's bullshit
Well, yeah, they're amazing games.
>SaGa is literally the worst parts of FF2 and FF12
You don't know what you're talking about, stop posting and go breath some fresh air, the hamster inside your cranium evidently needs it.
What does XII have to do with anything? Just because Kawazu was brought in after Matsuno's meltdown doesn't mean he had much input on the game.
I really don't understand it myself.
The only thing I can think of that you can attribute to Kawazu is the whole randomized treasure chest deal, which admittedly doesn't work as well in a linear game, but that's it.
He himself said he added very little of his own ideas to the game and sticked to Matsuno's original plans, he was called in there to just save the game from becoming FFXV predecessor since he was the only senior director with the balls to save that game and he did that more than well enough.
>Then they produced The Spirits Within and spent everything they had on it, it bombed, Enix had to bail them out, and they've never quite recovered.
It still stings a little.
Well considering people who played that as little tykes are adults or nearly adults now, it's no surprise.
Even back in the late 90s and early 2000s there were contrarians absolutely desperate to make people believe FF was shit, but barring a few missteps, FF was absolutely great pre-merger, especially during the 90s. It's really sad to see how far it's fallen.
Outside of the holdout contrarians, I don't see too much WW hate nowadays.
>Even back in the late 90s and early 2000s there were contrarians absolutely desperate to make people believe FF was shit
This is your brain on nostalgia.
If anything the real contrarians are people who desperately pretend modern FF is bad when it sells more than ever and gets tons of awards.
>TFW FF is so bad now I can't even get myself to even pirate the games anymore
I tried with FF XV, but I just couldn't do it.
Chad, Based, White and Redpilled.
why FFIX isn't a must play? FF6-7-8-9 are literally the best ones in the series.
FFIV is also way better than V.
>This is your brain on nostalgia.
Not really. I replayed I-X last year and I still think most are great. My opinion of X, which was long bad, improved.
>But that's just nostalgia talking! You can't possibly dislike a game you're nostalgic about!
I replayed Tales of Vesperia a month and and hated it despite loving the fuck out of it 7-9 years ago. Opinions can change, I can enjoy games I never did before and vice versa. 90s FF were just fucking good, sorry man.
>If anything the real contrarians are people who desperately pretend modern FF is bad when it sells more than ever and gets tons of awards.
So what you're saying is higher sales and award numbers = better. Well shit, I guess modern AAA games are some of the best games in history.
Its regresses in some aspects regarding character growth. Also, bumping battles up to a four man team was a bad move. VII and VIII were functionally the same, but limiting battles to only three people made things go a whole lot smoother. Adding an additional member was a bad idea, even if was was meant to be a throwback to I-VI set ups.
>FFIV is also way better than V.
Ha, no.
There is truly no question. FFX had the best lines
>Not really. I replayed I-X last year and I still think most are great
So nostalgia it is.
>90s FF were just fucking good, sorry man.
They had the same exact problems as modern ones, actually they had even worse ones at times, especially the NES/SNES games which were bug central, games like FF/FF2/FF6 are barely even playable in their original iterations considering the sheer amount of things that simply do not work at all, and putting aside all the other problems too.
>So what you're saying is higher sales and award numbers = better.
That's the metric you people apply when it suits you though, how can you say old FF are better than the new ones when there's no objective measure to prove it?
No they aren't and no it isn't.
>games like FF/FF2/FF6 are barely even playable in their original iterations considering the sheer amount of things that simply do not work at all
They are playable, but maybe not in the way they were fully intended due to bugs or oversights.
All you have to do is look at metacritic, nothing contrarian about thinking that man.
>So nostalgia it is.
>Conveniently ignoring my example of not liking a game I was nostalgic for
You fuckers beat all.
>All you have to do is look at metacritic
>Nostalgia is universal
Are you also nostalgic of diapers and middle school?
Fixed encounters don't interrupt you as you choose to meet them. You interrupt them, in a way. And you can sometimes avoid them and/or weigh your options.
I don't mean escape them individually, I mean more generally. Like escape having to do them if you don't need/want to at the time.
Again, I meant progression in a different way, as in progression in completing and overall goal. You fight a bunch of monsters in a specific area, the monsters are now gone. With random encounters, you fight a bunch of monsters in a specific area, then you need to do it again in a few steps.
To be clear, I don't think random encounters are all bad. I think pokemon does it well. (I only played gen 1-3)
It's an old way for a game to play the part of the dungeon master in the d&d campaign that is a JRPG. But a (good) DM throws encounters at you at specific times during the game, to make it feel like a more engaging story, not just at random. Hence random encounters are an understandable concept, yet have been outdated since the SNES.
12 is shit
Oh I see. So, when "it's just nostalgia" talking works in your favor, then "nostalgia goggles" works. But when it doesn't, well then, that's different. So, why is it that if I like a game from my past it's 100% because of nostalgia and not because I as a 32 year old man just like it? But when a game I liked from my past I no longer like, well, that's okay? Hmm? Hurry it up, I'm anxious to see what bullshit you spin this time, Mr. Contrarian.
its impossible for a younger person to really have perspective on it/understand it
think about it this way....back then there were no games that had dialogue and told a story, except FF and a few others. what they did was immensely valuable and the quality was on a totally different level before FF8.
You guys honestly need to realize that Square got lucky with Final Fantasy.
The original games were decent and sold decently, but they struck gold with FFVII, that was the game that defined the series, and has since created a huge shadow over the rest of the series.
The PROBLEM with this shadow is that no game since has been able to surpass VII’s success and gravitas.
VII was a game borne out of the perfect storm, and is really the only ‘objectively’ good Final Fantasy game.
Agreed. I think that most of the praise these days come from people who played it as kids.
>But I'm 48 and I like it
Yes, I know, I didn't say everyone who likes it played it as kids, I remember there were some old time fans who enjoyed it in 2006 as well.
>Saying nostalgia isn't universe
>But if you like a game you liked when you were younger, it's nostalgia 100% of the time
Uh huh.
Not sure why they stopped trying to milk it.
>implying the remake will happen
Ff7 is the goat idgaf about your edgy nerd antics
>‘objectively’ good Final Fantasy game.
In what way? I'm not an angry faggot mad at you for having a different opinion, I'm just asking.
>FFIV is also way better than V.
Because Japs have a thing called restraint.
>in another timeline there is a FFVII mmo, moba, battle royale, rts, etc
You would have gotten one Final Fantasy game per nintendo console.
>Because Japs have a thing called restraint
Debatable, considering this is S-E.
>why is it that if I like a game from my past it's 100% because of nostalgia and not because I as a 32 year old man just like it?
That's what YOU have to justify, not me, especially when you keep on saying that the old games were just better than the older ones despite not making any point about it, which only points to massive nostalgia bias on your side.
>But when a game I liked from my past I no longer like, well, that's okay?
Yeah, that's what happens when you don't have nostalgia for something, funny how that works, uh?
Unless you actually bring some argument to your original claim about older games being better by some nebulous virtue of being just that, it's nostalgia.
>Because Japs have a thing called restraint.
Are you fucking kidding me? Are you ignoring Pokemon, Dragon Quest, Persona, and legions of over milked Japanese series? Squaresoft just always wanted to change things up, that was one of the core principles of FF, and SE is just plain incompetent.
I too was told my opinion by the spoony one
>Squaresoft just always wanted to change things up
And yet FF has always been the same shit with a different layer of paint.
>That's what YOU have to justify, not me, especially when you keep on saying that the old games were just better than the older ones despite not making any point about it
Haha. Dipshit, go back and re-read my first post, then read your reply to me. YOU'RE the one who brought up modern FF, I never said a thing about it.
>Yeah, that's what happens when you don't have nostalgia for something, funny how that works, uh?
But I did? Christ, you're either abysmally retarded or just desperate for (you)s. If the latter, good job, you got me good. But you won't be getting anymore.
>nobody likes SaGa
Look at this shitter
Man, I don't care if you hate FF or not, but stuff like this always makes me think you're just echoing what you've heard before, or just like to boil things down to the absolute base concepts. I mean, even a cursory examination will show you that they kept changing systems (adding ATB, replacing it with whatever X's was called, making it an MMO, XIII's system, XV's system, changing up how the job system worked if even having it, Materia vs Magicite, etc, etc).
you bet your ass it was.
squaresoft was a top tier company.
I miss SquareSoft.
This why you don’t merge with your rival company. both of their franchises suffer from it.
>Haha. Dipshit, go back and re-read my first post
>YOU'RE the one who brought up modern FF, I never said a thing about it.
You mean
>FF was absolutely great pre-merger, especially during the 90s. It's really sad to see how far it's fallen.
But yeah, let's leave it at that so you don't embarass yourself further by eating your own words.
>I mean, even a cursory examination will show you that they kept changing systems
Those systems are fundamentally gimmicks that do not change the core design (and all their inherent problems) by one bit.
>Materia vs Magicite
Literally the same thing
the pacing of the game sucks, I cannot deny that, but the game really is great. the later hunts are also really fun and challenging.
They were all playable up until 10. When 1 first hit the states for the NES it was amazing me and my friends played through that game repeatedly. It peaked during the SNES era though and 10 is the last one that was any good. The series is dead forever though its never coming back.
What's sad is that it could have been easily fixed with a full scale remake, all they have to do is these 3 things
> 1. Make Ashe the lead Protagonist
> 2. Retcon Vaan & Penelo out of the game
> 3. Remove all of the MMO shit from the game, and make it feel more like a traditional FF game
Literally that fucking simple
but to further break this down to both of you.
ATB was IV up
CTB was X
ADB was 12
CSB was 13
1 was basic party creation
2 was weapon training
3 had jobs
---no more spell stocks---
4 had archetypes but was rather tame and plain
5 had better jobs which were more polished and is the last time we've got this concept
6 was espers albeit that system was shit
7 was materia
8 was junctions
9 was a rather boring ability system
10 was sphere grid
12 was license board and gambits
13 was crystarium and the aforementioned DB system
The aforementioned "core design" in your second post is completely changed because both player progression, tools, and loadouts, and even the skeleton of the systems themselves change between title and title.
There ARE series defining similarities that exist for consistency and nothing else. Not in the same league as SaGa when it comes to shaking shit up but it's far far different than Dragon Quest. A series where the biggest differences are if you'll have classes or not and if you can recruit monsters or not to the backdrop of the same skeleton that's encompasses the series since 1
VII and X are good
IX is okay
VIII is hit or miss
Everything else in the series is meh
Is there a way to get ISOs for PPSSPP directly onto your phone without a computer involved? My PC broke but I want to emulate Dissidia.
kids who didn't experience SNES/PS1 era really don't have a clue about it and I don't really blame them for it, but the very idea of a game that took 60 hours to complete while telling a complete story was fucking insane and extremely rare. If you're even a little bit older and grew up playing NES games it was basically voodoo magic. FFIV comes out on SNES and every other game you're playing as a kid takes a few hours to beat like StarFox or is just replaying the same shit over and over like MarioKart or PilotWings. Games like FF during the time were the outliers and for that people will always remember them fondly.
Just download the ISO off google then get an unzip app from the play store.