ITT: Name great characters stuck in bad vidya
ITT: Name great characters stuck in bad vidya
Are you... going to name one or just post pictures, user? Not even heckling your choice, I have not seen them before and I have no way I can comment about them or seek out more information.
I'm sure there's a movie with the same premise as this guy but I forgot the name.
not OP but it is Jhin from league of legends
You could probably put the entire League roster in this category desu. Not just Jhin.
Thank you, user. I have indeed never played that game but now I can look at a wiki or something. Appreciate it!
Oni Loli from fgo.
fuck gacha and phone games overall
They could've made the puzzles much better, and more numerous, than they are.
Let's be real though, Jhin's just an edgy anime Hannibal/Sander Cohen knockoff. And I'm saying this as someone who mains Jhin.
Neck yourself newfag
DODGE this!
So many great characters completely wasted on a shitty MOBA IP because Riot's an incompetent company that can't do anything interesting or expansive outside of their stupid esports shit.
>implying every single LoL character is great
this is one hell of a wrong opinion. At least half the characters are just walking overused tropes or just plain bland (Ahri, Caitlyn, Darius and Garen being prime examples of both of these problems)
literally a nigga from harry potter
>he didn't read the Darius comic
He's more interesting now.
The rest are still pretty shitty though.
Either way I agree that pre-2013 champions were bland as fuck. But they started picking up in 2013.
When the fuck are they doing a Runeterra MMO, or something else set in the same universe as LoL? RPG, cartoon, whatever.
>from fgo
I did not read it because it was a comic about fucking Darius. Is there anything to it other than "war war war muh bro draven war war"?
Speaking of FGO
>Not liking Darius or JUSTICE man
Man, you could have picked far better examples than that. Shit like Nidalee and Zyra are far lamer.
Not everyone plays league of legends you fucking inbred loser.
How is anything you just said a criticism of the character though?
Shut the fuck up bitch everyone knows league
Looking back it's impressive that League even tried to have big cohesive lore all the way through the first 100 characters when they were coming out like every two weeks
>not old Swain
The cuck writer hates him because the VA improv'd a lot of his lines and he became more popular than the cuck writer's other characters.
christ in a handbasket that is NOT how cunny or underwear works!!!
Almost every single thing from Evolve. I'm really sad that game killed itself with microtransactions out the ass and so little content on release.
remember when they released azir a solid 3 months before he could be played properly and oh also deleted half the lore -again-? or when varus was a cool character with real motivations and is now literally just a couple of fags?
He was so cool
literally ripping off of that character in bioshock
They trademarked an IP called Legends of Runeterra some several months ago, so we know they're working on something. But it probably won't be an MMO because it's too much of a financial risk and the genre's pretty much dead or established either way.
I love Kass!
How would this play? Something similar to hitman? Would you have to worry about alerting champions that operate in the area of your target while being constantly on the run from zed and his goons?
Probably something like a mix of Hitman and Dishonored.
Jhin is trash and I have never encountered anyone that likes Jhin that wasn't an idiot or a twat.
FGO has way cooler characters than Shuten-Douji.
Sounds like a mobile game
10/10 design, and when she's not being the designated waifu, 10/10 personality. Too bad her game was tainted by persona tier friendshit and over the top edgy bullshit.
overrated trash
>Hating Jhin
>Liking waifubait R34 nobodies like Shyvanna
He deserves his own spin-off game.
Fuck off tumblr
>Having porn
Anyway Jhin is garbage. Actually every Ionian champion is garbage, gas the chinks, race war now.
Hilarious that you can say that while attaching a picture of the moat boring champion in the game, from both a gameplay and aesthetic perspective.
Going fast and slapping people to death is the most fun thing to do in League. I actually prefer Warwick though, Shyvana is a runner up.
>don't know anything about his past other than the fact that he was a serial killer and his dad owned a dojo that went out of business
>don't know much about his motivations other than the fact that he's addicted to murder and thinks death is pretty
>all we know right now is that he's now a hitman for the Ionian council who's trying to mess with Zed and Shen on the side
That's it.
Sure Riot could expand on his psyche and all the mental issues he's probably got under that mask of his, or why or how he became as fucked up as he is, but they won't because their Chink overlords won't allow it. They were even forced to edit his original short story and remove some of his original VO lines because it was too disturbing. You can't tell a good crime detective/serial killer story if they can't even show what his murders look like, and knowing Rio'ts shit lore team, they're gonna botch him when the Zed comic gets released.
Amazing voice acting and fun as fuck to play though.
Free the lolis from the gacha menace
Came to post this one, love him.
Why did they take a guy with a pretty unique dictator look and turn him into Malfoy's dad?
The series doesn't deserve him.
>dude antifa lmao
But why?
Because riot has gone bankrupt in the idea section for reworks so they just reference other stuff
old swain was original and better.
> what is comic series
> what is lore pages
> what is videos, cinematics
> what is music
> what is pages of story
There is nothing wrong with persona
I Think I'm scared Sir.
>Persona Friendshit
That's Persona 4 shit, the rest don't follow that shit as hard.
Which other characters? Genuinely curious.
Just from league of Legends alone:
Miss Fortune
Dr Mundo
It's sad tbqh, such potential wasted in a shit genre with shit devs on charge.
Leagues of Legends is a great PC game imo; easy to get in with a very high skill ceiling. Sure it's dated but I wouldnt call it a bad game. Character design for most characters is also really good.
You can
kill her in cold blood
Why do people keep regurgitating this garbage?
I think the problem with that game is literally nobody wants to play as the hunters
Seriously did nothing wrong and was hoping I could side with him at the end
They really did the most horrible job making me hate this man
You quite clearly have never played SMT4A, fuck off retard
This is the internet, uninformed opinions are the norm.
> what is comic series
The only champ that has a real comic series so far is Ashe, and it feels kinda rushed and half-assed so far. Lux and Zed are getting longer comic series though, so we'll see how that turns out.
> what is lore pages
Shit that most people don't bother to read because most people don't like reading.
> what is videos, cinematics
BS that barely delves into the lore and doesn't have any actual dialogue shared between the champions, it's just them versing each other and shit
>what is music
Gives you an idea of what the champ's personality is like but that's it.
>what is pages of story
Shit that most people don't bother with since the lore never really moves forward anyway or it just gets retconned 6 months later.
Riot made did something write by partnering with Marvel to make comics, but it still isn't enough. They need to make a new game already.
Broken as fuck piece of shit. Decent idea tho.
It's shit lad. Only worth because f2p, otherwise is at its core a dead game with identity issues.
Game where you play as giant monsters when?
90% of these are walking cliches, just like League's whole roster
Seething capitalist drone
The microtransactions were unobtrusive and purely cosmetic, it was public perception, largely fomented by people like you here on Yea Forums, that killed it on PC before it even had a chance to live. The real problem with the game is that its main multiplayer mode was designed, inadvertently, to fail. They were content with buffing hunters and nerfing monsters whenever possible because they viewed it as a net gain, player wise, as they only needed to retain one fifth the playerbase to play the monster but four fifths to play hunter. Turns out that planning to fail actually makes you fail.
Not an argument. They're pretty fun, good characters and not muh e-sport competitive aimed char, and more importantly; not retardedly broken and without minigames.
I liked playing as the hunters actually. I preferred it to playing the monster. It was quite thrilling playing as the English game hunter and holding a monster with his harpoon. You had to play him as always like opposite half your team, so you had to have really good boost management so you wouldn't get mollywopped by the monster once he realized you were a much more vulnerable target than the others.
At higher levels of play, especially with a premade, hunters were fun as fuck.
Basically this thread is saying League of Legends is amazing cause they know good character design.
Thanks guys, gonna buy more RP. :)
>Not an argument.
You're right, it was a (true) statement.
Wow you two must be illiterate
>Too bad her game was tainted by persona tier friendshit and over the top edgy bullshit.
>over the top edgy bullshit.
>edgy bullshit.
>posts generic pink haired waifubait with a quarter of a tutu and hulk hands that should be too heavy for her to lift
at least post a good character like old urgot or old trundle
Fuck em for changing Swains design
if you like shoveling fat cow shit down your throat that doesn't mean everyone else does, retard
Nigga if anything SMT4A is more light hearted than previous installments.
did you not read the rest of my post? I also said over the top edgy bullshit.
>hp attacks cost mp
>apocalypse mode is just random misses
>"freedom" end is just mass murder for your own profit
>alternative is lets sing kumbaya at yhvh
It was the biggest disappointment of the series, at least persona doesn't pretend to not be about friendshit. This was a bullshit bait and switch where not following the devs favorite ending made you evil.
Nigga Vi is wack but your suggestions are too. Hell most older versions of characters are flat out worse than their updates outside of Fiora.
>turns into a motherfucking dragon
"Freedom" is "Kill anyone that gets in the way of your goal" because Dagda can revive everyone anyway.
Being stuck in a pretentious David Cage game is a horrible fate that Connor doesn't deserve.
>some edgy 12 year olds fantasy
You get your superpowers from making friends with every random asshole you meet. Even in 3.
Except the people who get left behind because shesha didn't kill them and your "friends" whose soul you permanently murder for no reason at all. Even asahis if you don't pick her.
Mate I didn't even write the first post. I just pointed out how people on this site cannot seem to read a full sentence. Sort of like you're doing seeming now ignoring that the quote has
>persona tier friendshit
as a statement.
SMT4A is either full on friendship dicksucking, or edgy "kill everyone boyo", and that's the fucking cherry on the shit writing and characters which is SMT4A.
Connor's arc was the only good thing from that game.
It had the best supporting cast too, Hank was a great side-character.
Cage will find a way to fuck him up in the DLC though.
>Shitting on Raiden
I just hope there will never be a DLC or sequel. As much as I'd love to see him and Hank again, I know Cage would ruin it. I doubt he even understands why Connor is the most liked character by far.
Every member of the Horde, living or dead
There's not a single game that has what this big guy has aesthetic wise and ability kit wise.
I'm not even talking about his background since he has none but i wish i could just be a fat drunken scotsman and hit people with my beer or even just drink the beer.
Birdie in Street Fighter 5 is the closest thing, he's just s fat cockney schlub that stuffs his face and beats people with chains
Never played MK but I do know OP's picture is someone just making a ridiculously edgy character
not that raiden, he's voiced by quinton flynn, aka raiden from MGS2
Never played those games either, unfortunately I missed out on the ps2 era because I was too busy playing quake and unreal
You must have 18+ to post here...
Nigger I'm 30
Toki is ugly as sin and has no personality whatsoever, Tokifags are delusional retards.
Gaston is the only good IVA character.
Can I get Undying from dota, Jhin from league, and Leoric from hots in one game please. Preferably a game that doesn't suck ass.
>Forgetting based Krishna
>pale with jet black hair
>cute eyebrows
I don't see what's not to like, she hits all my sweet spots.
Seeing how this has turned out to be a LoL thread I shall now remind you all
>Lying on the internet
Old Swain
>Be Marksmen
>Get nerfed
also to me, it's funny that you think a champ like mundo takes more brainpower than something like jhin
jhin is literally Q minions on low health and poke with your last AA before reloading
I want Wolf out of Star Fox and inside me
Krishna is based, but he's severely dragged down by bad writing.
Yeah, you're a waifufag. And as a waifufag, you literally can't talk shit about IVA being "muh friendship", since it turned out this way because of people like you.
I wish we had the team's original vision of IVA instead of this abomination of a fusion accident between original vision and corporate meddling.
>10/10 design, and when she's not being the designated waifu, 10/10 personality.
>when she's not being the designated waifu
did you even read my post? I hated that she was on your dick the whole plot.
>she hits all my sweet pots
>"I-I'm not a waifufag!"
Kane and Lynch really deserved better. Pretty much the only case of making characters that are completely unlikeable but likeable at the same time.
I meant my dick. Or do you not fap to porn of game characters?
>nibal/Sander Cohen knockoff.
Shut the fuck up you whiney nerd
>Make great character in a series of books who is just trying to do the right thing
>Make him retarded version of Vader in the game
>Kill him off in a fucking comic book
It's true though.
Learn how to fucking reverse search
Now that you named characters that deserve more than the shit they were given, how would you bring them proper justice?
>le ebic joker w/ gun
Wow this is literally me
it's a fucking David Cage game. dude's probably researching the next social issue to tackle from decades ago to base his next game on.
>wardens, vanguards, bruisers, skirmishers, controllers, disruptors, battle mages
please fucking tell me nobody actually uses these terms in the community.
He is shit but he is nothing like the Joker. He does appeal to the same batch of retards though.
Star Wars has a habit of trashing its good villains for some reason. Grievous was really well done story-wise and was treated well in the first cartoon as well, and then he finally shows up in the movie only to get clowned by Samuel L. Jackson and later Obi Wan and dies like a bitch having accomplished nothing, he was made into a completely pointless character and honestly could have been left out of the films entirely.
That planet eater guy from Kotor 2 was pretty bad. He basically does nothing.
>hulk hands that should be too heavy for her to lift
its fuckin magic my dude? also who else in this shit game can just fuckin deck somebody
that and she really does appeal to my /u/ soft spot
Detroit's biggest misstep aside from the obvious that was everything about Kara's story (aside from casing a qt3.14) was not letting you go full "We're not just equal to the humans, we're BETTER and they should be exterminated" Sigma on Marcus' campaign. Instead it was just robot MLK or robot Malcom X.
I thought everyone understood that League characters are cheap rips of other people's ideas
Yeah, that also would've been a great opportunity to give Markus anything that would resemble a personality. He was so fucking bland.
Sadly they were so far up their ass with their ROBOTS GOOD, HUMANS BAD "message" and they were probably to scared to do that.
>friendship simulation makes me to self conscious
fuck off incel. persona is great.