CRPG revival thread

Pillars of Eternity
Divinity Original Sin
Torment: Tides of Numenara
Wasteland 2
Age of Decadence
Expeditions Viking
Pathfinder: Kingsmaker
Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonsspear

How would you rate the cRPG revival so far? Were they worth reviving, or is the genre just outdated?

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Fucking garbage games. Genre is dead for a reason.

All these Infinity Engine/Fallout reruns drive me up the fucking wall, i'm sick of it.
AoD is the only game on that list I liked, and it's basically an interactive novel.

Do something new you unoriginal cunts.

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>crpg revival
>it's just infinity engine wannabes
let me know when indies are re-producing wizardry/M&M

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what does the c stand for?


there have been a few wizardry-like dungeon crawlers over the past few years like grimrock and vaporum

Disco Elysium, Wasteland 3, Realms Beyond, Copper Dreams, The New World still yet to come, looking pretty good

None of them appealed to me, besides SoD I suppose, and even that one's kind of weak at points

Release the fucking expansion Styg.

grimrock is good but not wizardry like, I dunno about vaporum, star crawlers was alright, they aren't anything like wizardry 6-8 or later M&M though
there are plenty of jap classic wizardry clones


I wanna get into this but fuck i hate micromanaging every single unit.

I've enjoyed Divinity Original Sin 2, Pathfinder, and Underrail.
Well worth my time.

It's like six units at the most. I guess that's too much?

I love creating characters and customizing them but yes, the combat micro management gets annoying.

Probably part of why I took to dragons dogma so much.

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Geneforge is good.

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They've all been good. You won't be able to get two neckbeards to agree on that but I've thoroughly enjoyed just about everything on that list. Hope they keep making them.

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I liked it too but I think I'm too much of a graphicsfag these days to play more games like it.

Of the games I played:

>Pillars of Eternity

I've oddly only played the sequel and found it weirdly boring. There are things I find interesting in the plot but then it throws far more boring shit at you that I find it hard to maintain interest. Maybe I might appreciate it more if I invest more time into it, I dunno.

>Age of Decadence

Actually a pretty cool game. REALLY heavy on dialog and speech checks which forces you to replay the game multiple times to experience everything. But I dig the world building and lore far more than many other CRPG's, even if there's barely any characterization in the game. I also find it interesting how the game forces you to play a certain type of character in unconventional ways. For example, if you're diplomatic sort, walking into downtrodden areas where people will likely try to kill you will only spell disaster for you thus you should avoid those areas outright.

On the other hand, combat is a massive slog and there are events that feel like trial and error if you don't build a character suited for combat. I liked it but it may not be everyone's cup of tea.

>Divinity: Original Sin

The plot is pretty schlocky but I find the gameplay pretty fun. Lots of fun ways to mess around with the terrain and the battles actually have a surprising amount of variety despite how long the game is.

>Expeditions: Viking

I haven't played much of this to form a good opinion on it but the combat seems decent and the Viking flair seems cool. I'll probably come back to this game at some point.

Overall I don't really hate the games you've listed. Then again, I have limited experience with all of them so my opinion may change if I played more of these titles.

You can't revive an era. It's gone.

Golden ages come and go, user

My nigger

Skyrim is basically what modern day M&M would be

There's no epic moments in any of those games, no intense situations, no war scenarios, no real sex, no likeable companions, no hot girls and no real freedom to explore the world.


>You won't be able to get two neckbeards to agree on that
Honestly also probably a sign that they were all pretty good and we're a bit back to the good old days user. Everyone argued like fuck over what are now "classics" back then too.

>Skyrim is basically what modern day M&M would be

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fuck you

>never played
>incomplete and the premise is never actually fulfilled on anyway, also bland
>categorically worse than Fallout
>pretty good

And I never played the rest, but I am looking into kingmaker because I like being a king. Or making a king.

>Pillars of Eternity
>Divinity Original Sin
>Age of Decadence
>Expeditions Viking
worth it for these alone

Expeditions is an odd duck out since it didn't pretend to be part of the whole kickstarter RPG renaissance. I mean, it has role-playing options, but it was more about resources and combat is hexgrid units instead of "cast magic missile"

Pillars of Eternity was okay. Divinity: Original Sin was actually quite good for what it was but I don't regard it an RPG in the tradition of classic RPGs but more of an interesting multiplayer hack&slay-ish experience. Torment did some interesting things here and there but was overall disappointing. Tyranny was kinda okay too but suffered from being unfinished and short. I have yet to play Wasteland 2 so I have no opinion on it. Underrail was quite good but for some reason I can't bring myself to replay it. The Shadowrun games, Dragonfall and Hong Kong, were overall pretty good, the first game was lacking. Age of Decadence was among the best RPGs I've ever played. I've only played Conquistadors of the Expeditions series which was fun, haven't yet played Vikings. Pathfinder: Kingmaker was horribly bug-ridden upon release but overall a pretty good RPG, although the kingdom building aspect seemed a bit tacked-on and not fully integrated into the main game. I haven't played Siege of Dragonspear.

Overall it's quite good. We've gotten lots of good or at least solid games to play. People who are too negative about it are likely underageb& and weren't around for the great RPG drought of the 00 years, where the genre was literally dead or blinded by nostalgia, as a lot of the older RPGs came with similar issues as the newer ones.

is Pathfinder not a disgusting, buggy mess anymore?

Honestly the only cRPG i could get into was DOS2.

There's Grimoire for people like you.

Kingmaker is pretty close to the pen and paper source in that regard, which means the kingdom kanagement is both tedious and annoying. 5% power fantasy, 95% office job.

There are still bug but it's playable now.

>dozen or so d&d games
>several shadowruns
>vampire the masquerade
>dark eye
>cyberpunk is on it's way
>there was even one glorantha.
isn't it about time we get fatal crpg?

I've tried getting into CRPGs before but it seems I'm just not getting the appeal, I know what it is but it's not clicking. So far the ones I ever finished were both Fallout games.

an open world action game? oh but it has choose your own adventure dialogue wheels so it's an rpg right?

Are you illiterate, or just stupid?

Only played first PoE and both Divinity OS. Enjoyed all of them a lot, albeit Divinity significantly more than PoE. It's nice that genre isn't dead yet.
Also, add ATOM RPG to the list. It's good.

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define rpg

>had Underrail since day one
>could never pick a playstyle
>heard about Expedition and decided to just wait for it
>year of our lord 2019 and I still haven't actually played the game

I made a build around sneaky beaky and assault rifles. Game is fucking fun and the oddity system is a great way of levelling up if you're an autist that enjoys exploring like me.

Just started a Divinity OS2 run with a few bros. I've seen people say that it makes more sense to only focus on one damage type, instead of mixing it up. Can anyone tell me why that is? Most enemy groups seem to have a pretty evenly distributed mix of high armour and high resistance... Does that not make having a mixed party in terms of damage types pretty much a requirement?

The wave of nostalgia bait games crested at ankle level.

Easier to whittle down armor if you're all physical. Only need to get one armor down to do damage. So why have a physical and magic guy hitting one character when both can do physical and essentially bypass the magic armor.

No because you only need to deplete one armor type before you can damage health directly. You could have a mage destroy an enemy's magic armor and bring them down to a sliver of health and yet your warrior won't be able to finish them off if they have physical armor remaining.

I loved the first PoE. Havent played the 2nd. Didnt really care for divinity

is underrail actually good? I heard its okay but has REALLY dog shit portions?

Most of those games suffer crowdfunding effects. Interesting stuff happens at the beginning, but then the pace falls apart once poorly-funded and poorly-equipped studios realize the money is going to run out and they need to ship.

Tyranny was probably my favorite of them, and it went from an interesting idea to a boring slog real quick.

Forgetting Conquistador, one of my favorites.

I love it, online patching and community feedback makes it so we don't have as many Arcanum-style broken games, I'd unrionically rate the current crop above the "classics" most of the time, besides the shitty BG 1.5, but it's just like the Wadjet/Daedalic adventure revival, most of the genre fans are hopelessly nostalgic, and it has a hard time building new fans by being inherently niche titles, with the odd exception like Original Sin that managed to snag a huge public.

PoE II has to be my favorite of them all, I just love the high seas setting so much, it's like what I wanted the Risen series to be.

I thought Expeditions Viking was a shitty throwaway asset flip till a friend recommended it. Its my favorite game on the list now.

>Age of Decadence
this game was probably my favorite rpg of 2015. hope their new game Colony Ship RPG is good

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Any sort of party is viable. Only Fort Joy is difficult to the point you have to min/max. By Reapers Coast you can win fights with whatever strats you find most fun. Plus you can always respec if you get stuck, so don't stress about it.

>playing Conquistador
>jealously hoarding all the treasure you get in the first act
>have to savescum the random events because they steal a proportion of the supplies you have, so they'll steal upwards of 1000 treasure at a time if you have enough
Great game, fun mechanics, really enjoyable exploration.

Are there any turn-based tactics rpgs out there that just have arena combat. I know Divinity has an arena mode. I want a gladiator game where you just build a team up and compete in Gladiatorial fights, leveling along the way and recruiting new Gladiators.