This is the best Metroid game. Say something nice about it

This is the best Metroid game. Say something nice about it.

Attached: bNginZy.jpg (1280x720, 886K)

Other urls found in this thread: is the best Metroid game/

Fusion is better.

Best 2D maybe.

Attached: tier list.png (1522x3724, 3.76M)

Switch Elder God with God and you have a good list

Zero suit was a mistake

Why do you keep making this thread?

>why are you talking about video games???? make another pedo off-topic pol-bait thread!!!

Reddit tastes

Who are you quoting?

That's not Super Metroid.


This, why do Metroid and Halo fans always argue about their series?

ZM should be in high tier, Fusion and SR in mid tier, and SM up one tier

Imagine having such shit taste that you rank a metroid game above super metroid

>Why do you keep making this thread?
I have never made this thread.

It’s not even that. This thread was made earlier today and got archived. It was also made yesterday. What’s the point of having this discussion every day when the answers are always going to be the same? At least give us a different topic of discussion. is the best Metroid game/
This isn’t even using the image hash, but you made this thread earlier. Same file name and everything. At least have the decency to admit you’re spamming.

I don't even know, it's stupid as hell.

That's an odd way of spelling Fusion

>google "Metroid Zero Mission"
>that's the highest quality image
Wow, I'm surprised two people saved the same image. I didn't post the other thread, but I'm going to keep posting Metroid threads now because I know it triggers autists like you who browse Yea Forums all day.

This is the best fetus. Say something nice to it.

Attached: fetus.png (256x224, 4K)