Why do western devs insist in using video games to promote some agendas...

why do western devs insist in using video games to promote some agendas? are white people always worried about diversity and vibrancy instead of delivering a good product?

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We're narcissists and feel the need to project ourselves within art.

They’re not trying to make a good product they’re trying to make a product that will sell. They realized putting lgbt characters and anti-wypipo shit into their game is an easy way to scoop up loads of trannybucks

Gets more attention and free shilling from virtue signalers.

why do you care?

Ughh muh western values that never existed

Art has always been used to promote or communicate something. If you don't like it close your eyes and cover your ears, sweaty.

>they’re trying to make a product that will sell
this. that's all it is. some companies fuck it up and their products fail, sure, but that happens all the time regardless of politics.
marketing directors have decided that there's money to be made in stuff like this, and that people on twitter will advertise your game for free if you pander to them a little, and they're trying to rake in cash that way.
don't allow yourself to believe it's a big conspiracy, it's a lot simpler

Virtue signal dollars. That’s it.

I used to think it was virtue signaling, but I've come to realize it's a little bit more than that. These people have an intense need to perform these actions. They think they're on a moral crusade, that they're fighting through good fight. The vindication they get from being told they're the good guys by others only supports their behavior, but isn't the cause.

Why are women so retarded?
>bitch and moan for the right to become a wageslave
>bitch and moan for the right to kill children if it inconveniences them
>bitch and moan for the right to become drunken sluts that not even jack the ripper would want to touch

Better than being a Jap dev and forcing pedophilia into all your games

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>fictional characters
Pick one retard.

The only good post. Companies just want to generate profits, nothing else.

This is why I don't do art
it art painful

Why does some video game pushing an agenda bother you? Can you not play a game or view a show without it changing your thinking about stuff? How weak minded are you?

why is nobody trying to capitalise on the opposite then? trump is president, you don't think the right is a big market?

this is unironically blue pilled as fuck. If you think this is just about money you're fooling yourself.

Funny enough the problem starts with inclusion and diversity. The video game industry is notoriously difficult to break into, so only a few people get in. So once the gatekeepers decide who's worthy, the ones who've made it get to start doing a bunch of bullshit unchallenged. If more people were abled to get in the industry you wouldn't see the shit.


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I never get tired of this webm

Because the ones who are right wingers are mostly boomers, and boomers don't play games. They consume other kind of things.

I dare to say that the ones who play modern videogames are mostly leftists.

>I dare to say that the ones who play modern videogames are mostly leftists.

that's the devs, everyone plays video games, from communists to whatever is considered opposite to communists these days are. Even thots play video games, just not on any regular basis.

>Because the ones who are right wingers are mostly boomers
you know you're full of shit here, young right wingers are massively overrepresented amongst gamers

>I dare to say that the ones who play modern videogames are mostly leftists.
i diagree, but even if that were true, it would be by a slim margin. if you made games pandering to right wingers they would still sell, it's a very lucrative demographic that's completely untapped. so the argument it's all about profits is obviously false. just look at disasters like with battlefield.

Underrated. Entertainment is not just dumb fun, it's a medium for ideas. It's not a coincidence that all media from TV to vidya seems to be parroting the same themes.

Furthest right for me, looks good, great legs and feet. Would inseminate.

those are definitely british slags

>he cant identify british women by their slovenly disheveled nature alone

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I'd unironically rather hang out with hood niggers than self-loathing whites at this point.

Large corporations in America desperately want cheap labor from Mexico, India and China. By promoting left wing politics they hope to increase immigration from these countries to replace their current workers.

lots of western Devs in southern California, they are full retard

this is the correct answer.

The DSM has been wielded as a political tool for a long time now. It's such bullshit.

There's been a few good answers in this thread. I'd also add that gamers have traditionally been the most opposed to the obnoxious agenda pushing, with much of the current right-wing culture having roots in GG. So the leftists who are actually about pushing their ideology desperately want to squash this demographic.

Off course everyone plays videogames, but I'm talking particularly about those who buy PS, nintendo and xbox products, those are the ones that create a great revenue. With pc it's a bit more varied, so I can't say for sure.

Besides for a long time, minorities haven't been part of the market, so now due to the big explosion of it, many "movements" have appeared, generating more profits to companies.

Before the only ones that could afford things were the stereotypical right winger. But now with more people of different social and political status, companies targeted that sector.

And yes, maybe it can be profitable to make a right wing game, but the problems that it would generate won't compensate the profits, you can't satisfy everyone.

Besides American have a very narrow concept of what it's right and what its left. Frequently they confuses other ideologies with them, which leads to this kind of thing.


as a person who doesnt litter this bothers me


>Besides for a long time, minorities haven't been part of the market

>Before the only ones that could afford things were the stereotypical right winger.

You are asspulling all of this to support your retarded argument

I would go to town on the heifer.

Agendgas are argressively pushed in almost all American media user. There is literally not a better way to propagandize citizens than to feed them is when they are trying to have fun.

Notice how military gung-ho the NFL has gotten

nuke america and puritanist

>To feed them bs

The problem is that the right wing gamer demographic (white conservative males 18-35) is the demographic that game makers have spent 10 years saying that they are everything wrong with the world. As a result, consumer hostility is a very real thing. Any attempt to cater to this demographic will be ignored as disingenious at best, at worst the blatent cash grab it is, since the pussy hat demographic isn't nearly as profitable as they claim to be.

They already do.

"I can use guns to shoot bad guys" is about as right-wing as you can get. If you're referring to race, there are more people who will buy a game because there are non-white men characters in it then there are people who will buy it just because it has only white people in it.

Don't let Yea Forums trick you into thinking that there are millions of white supremists out there. Yea Forums is a community for extremists.

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I love my country

why does Yea Forums - video games insist on circlejerking the same topics over and over? are virgins always worried about agreeing with eachother like a bunch of faggot redditors instead of making interesting posts?

Why are white people so obsessed with stopping diversity? Why does it matter if a character is trans or black or gay? It literally doesn't affect you. Stop caring about your fragile white ""culture"" not being pandered to.

>minorities haven't been part of the market
Never in the history of vidya have minorities ever been excluded from the market.

White guilt and virtue signaling. That’s why they do it.

Fantastic argument
Right wing it's focussed mostly on capitalism, so they tend to be richer than a left winger, so it's normal that the left appeals more to poor people, but now those poor people can afford this kind of things, and in the world there's more poor than rich people.

I would like to clarify, when I say market, I wasn't refering specifically to videogames, but any kind of service or product. At the end of the day everything works in the same way.

Because they're not talking about actual diversity which we've had all along. They're talking about equality of outcome which is impossible to achieve.

>Thinking it's purely economics even though the neoliberal ideas pushed are all pervading in media, not just video games

I'm not a magafag or anything but it's blatant to see that there's some sort of concentrated effort here. It's odd that we see the same memeing from several studios/publishers in Vidya, but it's made even more odd by the same memeing being in news, daytime TV, primetime TV, movies, music, etc. Many entities from all forms of entertainment have collectively
Decided to push the same meme.

>Inb4 that's what's popular

It was the collective memeing that jumpstarted it in the first place

They mistakenly think the vocal minorty of blue haired women (men) on Twitter represents a much, much larger piece of the pie. The talking heads in the PR department and faggots who should represent the industry and consumers like Sessler kowtow to them, too. Then they force shit and focus on diversity or inclusion instead of gameplay. When it bombs, like BFV, they claim gamers are all entitled racist babbies to shelve all the blame. Meanwhile, the inclusion and diverse elements of a game act as a nice little shield for criticism, so """journalists""" give them a few bonus points.

>"I can use guns to shoot bad guys" is about as right-wing as you can get.

>Using a tool made for war/defense immediately becomes a political action

People like you are why the world sucks

>there are more people who will buy a game because there are non-white men characters in it then there are people who will buy it just because it has only white people in it.

Only whites and black people care this muh about race in America that they decide what games they play based on it while also promising they aren't racist

Because white people are genuinely kind of stupid.
Like holy shit, it is THAT easy to just tell these bitches to fuck off and you just won't do it.

It is possible to achieve. You're implying that if things are hard they're not worth doing.

>Only whites and black people care this muh about race
Is that a fucking joke?
American spics shill this "muh race" shit almost as much as blacks.

Only stupid white women believe that equality of outcome is possible.

Because white people have spent many decades being told how awful they are for anything bad that ever happened in history (because white people conquered the planet). So everyone is SO DESPERATE to not appear as one of the "bad guys" that they bend over backwards for everyone else. One day though, the white people will just snap and genocide everyone else for real.

>Right wing it's focussed mostly on capitalism, so they tend to be richer than a left winger,

This is the most retarded shit you've said so far and you've said lots of dumb shit already.

Being poor doesn't mean you automatically don't buy Vidya

It's fucking impossible, user. Not everyone can be equal, we can't live in some marxists utopia, and every serious attempt ends in failure.

Back to retardera with you tranny.

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It's no where near as bad as we was kangz and you know it

Nigger, what do you think "la raza" means?

they don't. you're projecting.

Every serious attempt is subverted by the greedy few who profit on the world being in a state of chaos. It'll happen one day, stop being a defeatist

Imagine being this delusional to think everyone can achieve things, you are either incredibly sheltered or still a kid.

White westerners have been brainwashed into hating themselves for the past 30 years and now that generation of completely brainwashed cuck is old enough to work in game development.

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No, he's not.
I'm not even white and even *I* notice how utterly obsessed retarded white people are with surface level "diversity."
And it's always the ones who live in gated communities and don't have to live around all the "diversity" talking about how great diversity is.

Agreed. The left are poor because they waste money. Vidya games are a perfect way to waste money.

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Things are worse now than they ever were.

Seriously, niggers screamed over having to sit in the back of a bus. Now they live in lawless Chicago and get gunned down at random by black cops and gang members alike.

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oh wow, even you, a non-white person? case closed.

>This cherrypicking
I wonder if anyone is dumb enough to fall for this.

Yea, sorry m8, but everyone who's not retarded or blind can see that white people are basically their own worst enemy, it doesn't help that most of your populace is just as delusional as you are.

You're right that's why you should trust me. I live in a predominantly Hispanic city and no one cares about this shit. I here way more from blacks promoting themselves because race. Hispanics just put each other down all the time. The brown pride shit only really exists in cali

>DMC thread deleted
>this is still up

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If that were true. Why are companies capitalizing on these "values" always gets laid off and bomb harder than most?


Jews are not white. Jews have done nothing but backstab whites. If you have any white DNA in you it is null and void because kikes have basically doomed the planet to miscegenation and dysgenics.

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It's not even real diversity anymore either. The type of people you're talking about are incredibly intolerant and couldn't handle any actual diversity, particularly when it comes to diversity of opinion or class.

There's probably very few games I could think of out there that actually push some kind of agenda. I think what you're looking for is messages in entertainment which is something we've been doing forever. We aren't the only ones doing it though, just look at the Metal Gear games, it's full of political commentary and messages. Your game can still have a message and be a good game, they aren't mutually exclusive things. But in the end it just comes down to markets, both America, Europe and Asia have pretty different markets. Japan and Korea have their fanservice weeb shit, America's got its dudebro shit and Europe got it's artsy jankware I guess.

>low IQ libcuck thinks the KKK is actually running around lynching people in numbers comparable to the rates blacks kill each other

How many truly racist KKK members are there? 100?

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goddamn nips, that glass glare in that context got me

I second this. Their memeing is gonna less to some bizzaro world role switching and the sjws will love it. Hating whites is already popular and they themselves purposefully perpetuate this

No poor people are poor because they live for the moment and that's how they spend. Unfortunately that's the way it has to be for some, and the only way to not kys from being over worked is to waste money for a good time

>ironically explains basic human nature highlighting why it doesn't work

A lot of them stay poor because of this but I shouldn't have generalized so hard

>tfw racism and bigotry now means "white guy that won't surrender all his belongings and genuflect in the presence of any non-white person"

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This x1000
It's ALWAYS the gated community white dumbfucks pushing for "diversity."

>missing completely the point of my post
based retard poster

>tfw racism and bigotry now means "white guy that won't surrender all his belongings and genuflect in the presence of any non-white person"

I don't go out of my way to hate you faggots.

You just appear and disgust me with your appearance/actions so I passively avoid you and go about my life.

I assume most other "nazis" are like me. I don't hunt down degenerates like the term implies. (Although I'm tempted to these days)

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We are in for a self-correction here in the western world, do not worry. Give it till 2030 at the absolute latest.

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>The greedy few

I mean the few families that have cemeted themselves in positions that the world has been based on, like banks.

It's not human nature to be a dick and fuck over millions without there being any blow to your conscience user. What the world needs is more people living consciously and considering how their actions affect others like they would their family

user, do you have a vagina?
Because this is so naive that it could only have been written by a woman.

The Jews.

They even got Playstation to move to Commiefornia.

Yes, I too am a National Socialist who hates the jews, user.

>he buys games from (((western devs)))

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Explain why?

>Jews are not white.
Yes they are you dumb nigger.

>calls someone else a dumb nigger
>says dumb nigger shit himself
Classic kike projection.

Good luck when your military is literally dying for kikes and has been for the past 100 years.

No they aren't user. Looks up khazars

Because human nature is naturally selfish, that's why we invented fucking religion before white people decided that it was bad because they're fucking morons.
People need to be governed by laws of some kind, without that we're animals.
That said, I've also noticed that retarded white people seem to worship animalistic/cave man behavior because, again, they're fucking retarded, so who knows.

Ah, so you're either a retarded leftist, an actual woman, or both.

Human nature is to think rationally and become better than our instincts. Somebody who lives selfishly with little thought put into their beliefs and actions is sub-human and does not deserve the title of human being.

I cancelled my PSN and haven't touched my PS4 since the homo awareness shit.

I see kikes trying to influence Japan and it nauseates me. At least Nintendo hasn't gone full pedo-pride like Sony has lately.

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>Human nature is to think rationally and become better than our instincts.
Yes, that's why 60% of Americans cut off part of their boys' penises.
Because they're rational.
No, human nature is irrational, it always has been, the point is to rise above our base animalistic nature and build something that isn't utterly worthless.

Jews are not white. They just look white to non-whites with untrained eyes.

They have unmistakable physical features that give away their semetic origins. They also have VERY shallow gene pools that give rise to all sorts of unique genetic diseases.

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It's not like everyone is a sociopath, user, but everyone acts in self interest. And power corrupts. It takes a real stand-up person to act against their own interests in betterment for others, especially if they've held office for long enough.
Think of it this way, the US had more limitations put on it than any other nation in history. When it was founded, several founding fathers believed that we shouldn't even have a military. And now, two centuries later, the United States is the largest government in history. It doesn't take long for those with power to actively seek out more power.

Selfishness is taught, especially in societies like America and religion was an outdated control scheme meant to keep people acting right by the threat of enternal damnation if you didn't. You don't need laws user that is some bootlicker shit. If that were true humanity would have never evolved to this point. Thinking laws are needed is propaganda. Humans coexisted with one another before laws we're a thing. Having so many laws just allows for slves to be created in Americas case

The cut parts of dicks off because they've been lied to about why to do it you literal retard. Try again

That you single out whites while talking about 'human nature' makes it clear what direction you're coming from, ill-informed and spiteful as it is.

They are white.
>white skin
>aryan DNA
>evil shitlords just like any other white king

Don't fall for kike lies you dumb fucks, they only say they're not white so that niggers don't hate them and they can call white people anti-semetic when they criticize

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>leftists push for open societies and have all these utopian liberal ideals

>Muslims, blacks, and Mexicans welcomed with open arms. Reducing democracy to an ethnic headcount.

>all 3 groups are overwhelmingly conservative, violent and low IQ to boot

Leftists are shooting themselves in the foot. Do they think the robots will really save them from the neoliberal globohomo hell they've created?

Selfishness isn't taught. It's a natural instinct. If there is something you need to survive and can get it, you'll take it. It's why it happens everywhere else in existence.

>Selfishness is taught
Stopped reading there.
Selfishness is part of human nature, if a caveman wanted some other caveman's meat he would gladly murder him for it because he wants said meat.
Again, only fucking retarded white people think pre-historic humanity was some hippy-dippy kumbaya shit and not horribly brutal and disgusting where women were raped, children were killed (or raped and enslaved), and men were regularly murdered for their meat.
You've spent so long in comfort that you think the exact opposite of modern life is something to strive for, which, again, is fucking stupid.
What is necessary is a small government where people are governed, not controlled.
>Hmm, I hear that if I do this against my child's will they won't have to clean that little skin pocket or have to deal with certain health issues that are largely insignificant
>Better mutilate 'em!
Anyone who fell for that shit to begin with is obviously irrational.
The fuck are you talking about, moron?


That should just point out to you that governments are a piss poor way to organize people for the betterment of everyone. All they have ever been about is control and benefit of a few. Even when that wasn't the case, your example shows how quickly it turns back to its opposite anyways. Governments suck

>they only say they're not white so that niggers don't hate them
Yes and then they say they are white when one of them is outed for their typically evil shit. Kikes are chameleons but they are not white.


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Yes humanity survived tens or now debated hundreds of thousands of years being barbaric as fuck, you fucking retard lol

Yes they are. They pass off as white to anyone that looks, just because they're a sub-group in the white club that you don't like doesn't change the facts.

Stop being a kike or a dumb faggot goy and open your eyes.

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Yes, that is LITERALLY how it happened.
Are white people so fucking stupid that they don't even understand how natural selection works now?

Being concerned only with your own well being is taught user. People wrongly learn it from bad experience but all it does is lead to more broken people like them

All the damage Jews have dealt the west is due to people not being able to identify them.

They camoflage with white goyim because they cannot fight their enemies by themselves. It's been this way since the Gulf War.

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They do bad things and feel bad about it but instead of actually interacting with non-white people they think making a game with uglified versions of people makes up for it.

>Being concerned only with your own well being is taught user.
No it's not.
Why do you think that children and toddlers being selfish is so common that they've coined a fucking term for it (the terrible twos)?
How are you this stupid?

Jews are largely semites you idiot, like arabs. Ashkenazi are mixed heavily with whites but jews do not identify with or as white people, and only through their perfidy and lies do fools like you fall for their shit.

Do they get tired of it all sometimes guys? Do the SJW stop like for one second once in their life and just think, this might be ill spent time. Do they? Because they are less than human to me right now.

>that guy
Is this dude's face even real? What the fuck is wrong with him.

Didn't a white man discover what we call natural selection? Why are you so mad about being a subhuman darkie?


Thanks for pointing that out. I wouldn't have been able to get it otherwise!

Best way to fix this is complete white genocide then.

>white people so fucking stupid that they don't even understand how natural selection works now?

Who said I was white dumbass lol. Sorry user keep drinking that koolaid and believe everything about history that's been spoonfed to you, there is def no way anyone would lie to you about something like that

Nah, I just understand that modern whites are nothing like the whites of even 100 years ago and thus are only worthy of contempt.
You guys had literally everything and threw it all away because you're fucking stupid, if that doesn't deserve derision then I don't know what does.

Only people who are awake or Jewish can point out the Jew. Normal people will think they're just a rich white person.

Saying they're not white when they have white skin and white DNA is just defending them, goyim. That's exactly what they want you to do.

>Massa isn't white, he's Jewish! God's chosen people standing above all else!
>Not shitty white like German

Fucking retard, why the fuck are you parroting the kikes?

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>retarded shitskins argue with each other, saying dumb shit and getting mad
irl they'd already be trying to peal each other's faces off, savages.

>conservativism is white supremacy
lol does it hurt to be this retarded?

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Are you really comparing the mentality of a grown adult to a toddler? You're the retard

Its okay user, you don't need to reply anymore, you have embarrassed yourself enough.

>"It ain't gonna suck itself, Charles."

Everyone cherrypicks. Like those anons that keep posting that one fat dude with the kekistan cake.

Yes, we showed compassion and openness to nonwhites, God willing we recognize this mistake soon and rid the world of you monkeys.

You're a kike. Stay mad white boy.

There is absolutely nothing you can do to subvert your own basic selfishness. You will continue to consume to feed your own basic selfishness till the day you die.

>kike desperately trying to convince us all his race of rats are white
You are the kin of Arabs, sorry kike boy.

publishers don't really give a shit about your political leanings. they care about their shekels. it's just that the devs are so out of touch they think they can milk the sjw crowd if they pander to them, the problem is lefties typically don't buy games

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Arabs aren't Jews you dumb fuck...

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this is such a naive take on human behaviour

AHAHA look at these fat American women

Arabs are semites, jews are semites, and you aren't very bright for a yid.

>are (((white))) people always worried about diversity and vibrancy instead of delivering a good product?


I think how we define the word is where we disagree. When I say it I'm imagining the type of person that scoffs at those who need help, doesn't go out of their way for anyone, generally only out for themselves. That type of mentality is taught.

I'm not defending Jews but I'll say the creation of Israel basically GARUNTEED that Jews would be forced to use their international clique for the purposes of using America and the other NATO countries to fight their wars for them. Jews are so few in number and Israel is surrounded by enemies, so naturally they would need goy meatshields.

It's a no brainer and anyone who denies this is a deluded boomer.

how wet would they be if you put a macho chad in that room?

You fucking moron, you're the one arguing that selfishness is learned behavior, if it's behavior that's present even in fucking infants and tiny children then obviously it's not something that's fucking learned.
Again, you are a fucking moron, I'll say it again, selfishness is human nature, only retarded white people who worship nature and use it as a replacement for religion think otherwise.
You won't, the reality is that you're a coward who talks a big game but will be blocked at every turn by your own people.
And that's what makes it so funny.

Nothing naive about it.

It's extremely naive actually.

Jews own America and NATO.

>this is you

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A lot of art (at least in the West, I can't speak for the East) is remembered for pusing the political line e.g. the Invisible Man, Huckleberry Finn, and To Kill a Mockingbird to name a few.
Art gives its creators a voice. Weather you support the creator's ideas or not is personal. Apparently many people contacted Mark Twain and complained about where he went with Huckleberry Finn.
As for why the same isn't done in the East? Priorities simply differ from creator to creator and culture to culture. As simple as that. The East is supposedly less accepting of LGBT ideas and it makes sense it would appear less in their art.

That user is right though. It's naive because Jews are corrpupting education world wide, but the world has in the past had cultures that were in the right place thanks to ethical educations and strong values.

It's naive to think the world shouldn't be fair and kind.

That is utterly irrelevant to this conversation.

But I hate sjws user

>It's naive to think the world shouldn't be fair and kind.
It's naive to think that the world will ever be fair and kind just because you think it should.
Actually, unironically typing that is extremely naive, and is genuinely something a woman would type.

>but the world has in the past had cultures that were in the right place thanks to ethical educations and strong values.
name the ones that are still alive to this day

Articulate why instead of memeing.

it's the big platform they know they can speak in and reach a huge number of audience. You allowed them to have positions in the industry for virtue signalling, and now shit is hitting the fan. Don't give them anywhere to stand on in the first place, and they won't be able to do squat.

>That is utterly irrelevant to this conversation.
it shows how naive people with naive ideals react when their naive ideals inevitably fail to leave the rest of the population to deal with their naive decisions

The problem is that the guy who made that original post doesn't factor in A) people who are willfully ignorant of the long-distance consequences of what they do, or B) people who are blissfully unaware of it. Most people aren't evila and callous simply because it's not a fulfilling and purposeful way to see life. So it's better for their mental health if they don't think about the things they do that negatively impact others, whether that be causing children in africa to starve or making a McDonald's employee feel bad. It's simply a survival mechanism, most people do it. This doesn't excuse their behavior, but attributing their behavior to simple malice or greed is not accurate or helpful.

Because if it wasn't human nature we wouldn't have created laws designed to combat the innate selfishness of humans, like laws against things like theft.
In fact, if being selfish and not caring about others wasn't human nature then we wouldn't need laws at all.

I mean Germany was the most educated, industrious, efficient, and well-ordered society in human history until it was intentionally taken down alongside Japan for standing up to the western 'democratic' system.

If enough people thought it Should and actively worked to make it so then it would be. Mutual aid

And it's naive to think that enough people will ever think that.
Again, it's how a woman thinks.

It doesn't matter what any of us think, the world -should- function in a logical fashion because we're the top of the food chain and we're capable of logical thought. It's nonsensical to live the way we're living right now and we're prefectly capable of fixing it all. However, the people in control of the world don't want peace and freedom for the inhabitats of the planet.

You're just brain dead mate.

My home town.

You're mistaking Jews successfully running down white countries with ideals. You can't blame retards who aren't awake for making dumb decisions, and it doesn't take away from their ideals which are logically sound.

Again an idiot.

what's with the literal neo-nazi inbred shills on this site? the average intelligence in this thread is like 40


Attached: how to turn libcunts panties into a wet mess in 1 easy step.gif (480x270, 2.78M)

>It doesn't matter what any of us think, the world -should- function in a logical fashion because we're the top of the food chain and we're capable of logical thought.
Again, you only believe that because, like most white people, you think that nature is at all logical and not just chaos that man has learned to tame by shedding our natural skin.

As a medfag, this. It's complete bullshit, DSM-V is by far the worst offender.

> literal neo-nazi
welcome to Yea Forums

I'm not white and I haven't said anything about my beliefs.
>just chaos that man has learned to tame by shedding our natural skin
Your beliefs on the other hand are fucking retarded and you can't handle logical thought.

Why? We have the best tool to spread information that's never existed before. Internet is great for spreading ideas

I used to work in a college town, and I would get so fucking enraged by how much the students would shit up the area. That pic reminds me of how the pigs would just throw garbage wherever they felt like, and on Saturday nights, the main strip where the bars were looked like a fucking third world country. The town couldn’t really do anything about it though, because its entire economy was based around the school, and students’ money.

On topic, I would say that people are getting really tired of what the agenda-driven developers are trying to push, and it’s reflecting in sales. There’s a reason why “Get Woke, Go Broke” has become a thing.

>You're mistaking Jews successfully running down white countries with ideals.
were not just talking about jews here, were also talking about sub 80iq niggers. true jews did and still cause a lot of damage but it's extremely naive to think that everyone is on the same intellectual level and that everything can be fair. humans are greedy by nature. always has always will be.

Attached: niggers during a crisis.jpg (706x500, 76K)

>I'm not white
>You're mistaking Jews successfully running down white countries with ideals.
Mmmhmm, sure thing buddy.
Why not just own up instead of trying to deny it?
The issue isn't the lack of said information being available, it's the fact that the pie-in-the-sky utopia has never once functioned in the history of mankind beyond some bumfuck tribe in the middle of nowhere that no one's ever heard of.
Again, your thought process is that of a woman.

I really hope so. We were colonizing everywhere else because we are the natural masters of this planet, things aren't going to get better until we shed our guilt and start restoring order to the world again. That and accepting the fact that the savages can never be civilized and are best left to rot or to serve as slaves.

>My home town
equals an entire civilization or society?

>why is nobody trying to capitalise on the opposite

Because they would be shut down. There is no "free market". There is only the jew market. That's what libertarians don't understand. Even Japan is starting to get attacked by the jew market.

Attached: no free market, censorship, stonetoss.png (1000x1000, 102K)

Technically I'm a moselyite, but nazi is just a meaningless umbrella term for anyone who isn't a onions-sipping, media worshipping cuck.

Attached: 1550114839198m.jpg (1024x1024, 159K)

>were not just talking about jews here
You are talking about immigration so yes you are.
>were also talking about sub 80iq niggers
People born and raised in war torn countries with hundreds of years of subjugation. Despite all that, you can't judge them all as sub 80iq niggers, the majority of the people are just people same as you.

>humans are greedy by nature. always has always will be.
Now this is naive by definition. Your claim has no stake in reality or basis in logic. Humans share instinctively and will surrender their lives for others. Nothing greedy about that. As long as a person has what they need and were raised properly with a good family they'll want nothing more.

Unless they're evil.


what's wrong with the girls on the OP?

They are all lesbians or pseudo-bisexuals so probably not very much

That's just what people living under Jewish rule look like.

Jews run a tiny minority of all companies. You are brainwashed.

>reeee Jews are INNOCENT everyone else is the problem!

Attached: 1540222240204m.jpg (768x1024, 298K)

>The laws meme

Government has existed a fraction of the time of humanity user. How is it so necessary if it's barely been a thing

Ignoring the fact that 99% of these images are lies, the media has zero influence for several years now.

>Jews run a tiny minority of all companies.

After watching the Oscar's last night I realized American elites are literally the "Capitol people" from the hunger games.

Every relevant company is owned by jews or owned by a cmpany owned by jews

Attached: 1545619842267.jpg (3091x2664, 3.14M)

Yes, that's correct. You've been brainwashed by extremist liars. Congratulations.

>However, the people in control of the world don't want peace and freedom for the inhabitats of the planet.
This user gets it

this it all started during the renaissance when we started putting our signatures on art
>th-the jews!
white is a class not a race. if you consider your semitic messiah white then why cant the rest of the jews be white

Most people don't steal.

99% of the people in that image aren't actually jewish.

>People born and raised in war torn countries with hundreds of years of subjugation

most africans living in villages in colonial times wouldn't have experienced any subjugation. most would never even see a white person in their lives. and not all african countries are war torn.

>Maybe if I lie in the form of an elaborately-assembled infograph lie, people will believe me
You deserve all the misery in your pathetic life user

Attached: 1544413326551.jpg (3884x7735, 3.62M)

Because humanity literally didn't progress until some form of organized society formed.
Unless you think hunter-gatherer nomads who kept women as property and went around killing other tribes and stealing their women were the peak of humanity.
In which case you're a moron.
Again, you're very obviously a sheltered white person.

African villagers aren't immigrating, we're obviously not talking about these types of people mate.

Without it you get violent chaos that inevitably leads to the rise of a government.

Japan is a Jew market and has been since WW2 ended.


Attached: 1544609971721.jpg (732x821, 250K)

Christians have done far more damage not just to Europe but to the entire world than Jews have. For every bad thing theyve done I will post 10 bad things christians have done

but they still have low iqs

>Again, you're very obviously a sheltered white person.
I'm not though.

Yea Forums is really blue pilled.

diversity for the sake of visual diversity is okay, I always welcome this
diversity for the sake of some perceived idea of "inclusion" is retarded, especially if it ends up looking like shit
thanks for subscribing, please contribute on my patreon for more content like this

If it works on a small scale it can be adapted to a larger one, especially if everyone is willing. You really don't know what the problem is user

>Japan is a Jew market
No, that's just one of the hilarious lies you have to tell yourself to maintain your world view. I suspect even with your one-digit IQ, you realize that since Japan has all of the same "degeneracy issues" has the USA does with a Jewish population of zero, everything you believe about the USA being caused by Jews is disproven. Therefore you have to make up a lie about Japan also being run by Jews, no matter how ridiculous that is, because the only alternative is to admit you're wrong.

This is just one reason why /pol/ has no intelligent posters. You literally have to be retarded to believe neo-nazi dogma.


IQ isn't a relevant measure for almost anything. America's IQ reaised drastically in the past century because of education despite people becoming drastically more retarded in the past century.

>pol thread up for 3 hours

thanks mods -_-