Let's finish this! O brilliant blade of coldest steel, rend the infinite darkness and crush my enemies to nothing! You're dead! Tales of Vesperia Thread
Let's finish this! O brilliant blade of coldest steel...
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>tfw you get Tension and random battles becaome easy mode
How do pull off fatal strikes?
If you target an enemy you'll see they have 3 bars corresponding to a different arrow. Your artes will deplete these bars based on the matching symbol. Once a bar is depleted a colored circle will pop over the enemy and you hit RT to trigger the Fatal Strike. The timing can be wonky especially if you're in the middle of an arte animation and your AI is pretty good about using them.
>playing with the dub
>japanese Karol
The worst voice imaginable.
>English Karol
>English Yuri of the Two Voices
it was literally the best dub besides mgs1 you can ask for until patty
Playable Lloyd Irving DLC in Smash Ultimate when?
Two swords are better than one!
>AI is pretty good about using them.
Ok, that explains a lot. It seems like whenever the fatal strike symbol appears the enemy dies before I can hit it. Thanks for the explanation user.
I want to be able to close my eyes during cutscenes.
So does Vesperia's combat only get good in end-game or NG+? Even right after Zaude which I hear is close to the end most characters still feel clunky and some artes don't chain well together. And whoever let Tiger Blade knock down needs to be shot. There's a reason nobody ever gave Lloyd Heavy Tiger Blade.
combat is fine throughout not every art links.
Except, you know, the early to late-mid game and bosses being able to tech out and use MAs without even touching you first.
What good is HP if you never have to manage it?
Yuri Irving?
Bosses should at least follow the same combat rules.
>tfw OptionalTypo is working on JudithxYuri smut
you'll never play me
who owns a ps2?
the mid battle banter is great
>You use that art a lot don't you?
>I REALLY like this spell!
Fuck you.
Oh sorry my bad...
>About to complete 200 man Melee with Flynn
>Final enemy is Kratos
>10k away from beating him
>Pops overlimit, does a infinite chains of Lightning Blades and finish with a MA
If they did, no single boss would ever be able to beat you
Think about how frustrating mob fights are without someone like Rita spamming fuck-huge AOEs
That's what every boss would feel like if they played by the exact same rules as you
you don't have the best battle system though
Symphonia would like a word with you
Based and symphoniapilled
But I'm playing you right now. With the menu patch.
The delivery's kind of awful at some parts.
Its no worse than vesperias delivery.
They both along with abyss suffer from the awkward pacing caused from having to manually advance lines of dialouge.
Yes Colette, you absolute shit-for-brains Chosen, the guy who's literally right down the road from Ozette just happens to have connections to Ozette.
I see she's getting in position for Karol.
How plain.
>better in english
>about the same either way
>better in jap
dub is better
You thought you could win? Too bad
> Literally google translated yourself instead of looking up the actual quote on wiki.
Uh, share please
Why is estelle so cute?
Makes up for her brain damage.
One of life's great mysteries.
And so she did.
And was suspiciously good at it. Hmm...
It was an easy target though.
>knows that shyness is alluring
She's a slut. A cute little slut that probably read smut daily back in the castle.
this game is alright, I'm really not fond of the TP system though. much prefer Berseria's/graces f combat
About the Amber Knight?
Destiny DC menu patch when?
About every knight under the sun. Even the female ones
There are some fans around that think they have a big brain because they like TP more, despite how dumb it is. Tying your ability to use core attacks to a short-term resource rather than a long-term one just makes so much more sense for this kind of game.
Well if sodia is to be taken for an example, female knights probably take a lot of the males.
tales of easy mode?
who the FUCK thought the telescopic graveyard/necropolis of nostalgia was a good idea
at least ohma is fun, spiral draco is a cockbite
I feel like enemies always die before the bar can deplete, and I play on Hard.
People actually play with the jap dub?
Not only that, there are people that actually watch anime that don't have an english dub. In fact, there's a whole board of them on this very site.
>using a dumb, jealous, bitchy slut with stupid hair as an example of anything
Only need to do that if it's censored or you don't feel like waiting.
>>better in english
>>about the same either way
I disagree. Yuri, Estelle and Flynn are better in jap, imo. But you can play with either since I don't care.
This is the best cooking system.