Other urls found in this thread:
>Yea Forums
Ah fuck. Just kill me.
>shitposters can't even post on the right board
I don't blame them. I wouldn't be able to distinguish the two
This reminds me of the time I posted a John McCain death celebration thread on Yea Forums by accident and got a 3 day ban
It's gonna make a billion dollars despite all your fragile screeching
>capeshit wars faggots are Yea Forums posters
Not surprised
Is this like last year where Yea Forums was sure Black Panther would bomb because "NO ONE WANTS TO SEE NIGGERS" but then it was like the best performing marvel movie and Yea Forums got beat the fuck out?
Also, studies show films starring women tend to make more.
>this thread is still up
This entire site is a /pol/ offshoot.
Didn't the Superwoman movie flop? Altough, at this point I don't see anything related to Marvel and the Avengers doing poorly.
Pretty sure Yea Forums liked Wonder Woman and that battle angel movie. I think they just hate Disney.
unironically this
>Battle angel movie
Isn't that shit at like 40% on RT?
That's because Disney right now is full of corrupt individuals who forgot what made Disney successful in the 20th and early 21st century. Like fuck, I loved Wreck It Ralph back then, but I skipped on the sequel since the premise does not resonate with me at all.
No, it's not. It never was. /pol/, pepe, and wojack are the three worst things to happen to this site.
Go to reddit if you don’t like it
t. tranny
Bump because fuck video games. It's a goddamn children's hobby. Grow up. Sage.
>thinking critical opinion matters in the current year
Critic opinion =/= Audience opinion. 59% critic score, but audience score is a 94%
Alita is better
I've been here since 2005. Fuck off.
cry more, libcuck
>not into capeshit
>never heard of her before the MVCI shitstorm
>look into where she is from
>bio is the most boring character possible
So is it really a surprise the movie bombed?
Audience score was like 40 on Friday
What bombed? What are you even talking about?
Not even mentioning that Marvel has botched the character over the past several years. Marvel doesn't know what to do with the character. I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out this movie flops.
OP here. Didnt expect this thread to keep going
It's 94% (audience) right now. Weird since it's been in development hell and it's a western live action adaptation of a manga. I thought it would flop.
Rogue appears in the movie?
>open up tabs to Yea Forums and Yea Forums
>first thread I see on Yea Forums is about Battlefield V
>first thread I see on Yea Forums is about Captain Marvel
What the fuck? This really screwed with my head for a few seconds.
implying you wouldn't post this shitpost with something like "what are some videogames that doesn't hype you at all", faggot
Just like Black Panther
Gentle reminder that Alita, Lego 2, and HtTYD are underperforming, have low expectations for this movie.
in the sequel
>Wonder Woman
Nah they hated that movie because Gal Gadot is a jew and she can't act. Its funny to see them suck its dick now since they want Captain Marvel to fail and doom the MCU
Even if it is shit people will see it because of Infinity Wars
this tbhfamalam
lel no
>b-but pol
Stop shitposting, incel.
Nope. Word of mouth spreaded that the film was good and a faithful adaptation of the manga. There was a reason James Cameron refused to let the project die. Overall it made a $60 million profit off its gross budget
Yea Forums here. we liked wonder woman. a good female super hero movie with no WHAMYN bullshit.
bibio bames
>all she does is make an ordinary cute smile
That's not smug, you secondary.
Those who control the normies, control the world.
And you guys spiraled into an insane cult and lost the normies.
This guy gets it
I read her solo series fagit
Hi Yea Forums poster. Now you're indebted to make a thread laughing at our latest flop over there.