What is the best Final Fantasy

and why is it XII

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See XIV's flat asses makes me lament the fact they changed them from 1.0.

I didn't really enjoy XII that much but, I think as a kid I was really high on X and XII felt a bit too similar without actually being X.

Looking back on it the only similarities was Islands and Blonde haired dude but, cut me some slack I was like 15

The one I played first, VIII
Actually no, I like IX best

IX or Tactics

Also, for me it's either VI, X or III Remake for DS.

VI - It's just a solid game plus that Cyan scene gets me everytime. I also didn't get around to playing it until my teen years

X - I was 12/13 when I first played it and I just fell in love with it. Music, like Besaid Island or the overall feeling and mood.

III Remake - What can I say, it has Onion Knight baby

Did XII get ported recently? Why the sudden urge of zoomers making "XII is the best" threads?

The Zodiac Age Remaster iirc, I don't think that's recently though.

XII is awful.

1.0 butts are a myth, stop spouting bullshit. The models are identical and the screenshot everybody passes around are two entirely different poses.

Attached: 1.0 butts.png (236x419, 97K)

It's been long enough that it's now ok to like, or even prefer it

It's the same guy making these threads.

Is this the SS you're referring to? I don't think butts were as BIG as everyone says they were but, there is a noticeable difference.


This guy makes mention of it. They're not identical but, also not as drastic as people made it out to be. Regardless Nega-ass is lame.

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Yes that's the one, the pic even shows them in two different poses so I dont know how they're trying to push that nonsense. The pose makes everything, hell I have both 1.0 and current XIV models exported and they are completely identical at the ass.
t. ass expert

The only thing they did actually fuck up were the feet, an extremely taxing HDR shader (that gives it that unique look you see in old pics), and a lot of unique animations.

Attached: 1.0 feet.jpg (1680x1050, 390K)

Your hand must have twitched, OP. You added two I's to the correct answer of X there. Try not fapping while you type.

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Yeah 1.0 one looks like the hands behind head pose. Feet DEFINITELY look like shit in live for sure.

mmm brown butt

VIII, resoundingly.

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>FF12 Switch will have job respec
Oh thank fucking god.


Ashe's butthole
Imagine the smell

based and redpilled


I have 15 steambux, what 2 FF games do i buy on sale? Ive played 13 and 15.

literally no reason to do this


That remaster came out a year or so ago on PS4&PC but Switch and Xbone are getting it later this year.

Watch videos and buy whichever you like best, they're all good desu.

It was a critical darling in 2006 and literally no FF received the same critical acclaim ever since

>don't read what jobs to use
>doesn't inspect each job thoroughly and plan out to make sure you can still get the best end game gear
>play for 60 hours
>fucked yourself over by making fran an archer and balthier a machinist
yep, no reason to do it at all

picking 2 jobs will make any character OP regardless of what jobs they have

6, 7, 9, and 10 are the best
5 and 8 are pretty good
the rest are forgettable

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1.23b >>>>>>>>>> 3.0 > 2.0 >>>>>>>> 4.0 >>>>>>>>>>>>> 1.0

what a coincidence

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crystal chronicles





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Fuck 15 and its tranny fans tbqh tho 13 isn't far behind tbqh

I knows its not a mainline title, but its in the same universe as XII, I wish there was another sequel to FFTA2

I played the hell out of that game.

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Alright I bought 6 and 8, if I end up hating these im gonna shitpost so damn much. Youll all regret it.

You had the choice of any FF title and you picked VIII?

Sorry user, ya dun fucked up.

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Tactics and XII are my favorites, and VIII is better than VII and IX.

Most freedom in game
GOAT sidequests/hunts
Can solo the game or party
Optional battle tactics turnbased or real time
Easily most balanced leveling system
Decent enough story that does the job

FF stories have really never been great, just mostly for the time of their release they were unmatched by anything else out there. Once FFX and FFXII hit there were more than enough games with great stories that had come out and FF looked more meh by comparison

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Considering all three girls and all three guys are involved, and Larsa is showing up, the only conclusions are that
>It's gay
>Larsa cucks all three of them and gets away with it
It's a shame that second one doesn't get done.