What was her problem? poor guy just had a crush on her and she absolutely shits on him

what was her problem? poor guy just had a crush on her and she absolutely shits on him.

bully thread

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I wan't her to fart on my face.

Someone post that image

>this never happens or is ever mentioned in the game

Come on, we know why you made this thread

Fat people don't deserve happiness.

>why is it a gi-

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>be fat
>actually give flowers
>look hideous in those clothes
terrible facial structure
poor bastard never stood a chance

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Maybe he should wear pants that fit instead of keeping his fly down,

Women are a fucking evil. Most people are actually, but women can get away with it.


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>barely any games where the player keeps getting bullied by a qt
fuck video games

This reminds me of the time i asked out this chick that was into games and some internet culture stuff. We worked together at an internship and got along fine. She looked pretty good, i looked pretty good, why not. I asked her and she just laughed, and walked away to her car.
It course now i realize that i was not very attractive, or interesting, or any of those things my parents told me i was all my life. I really believed them you know, i was never told any different when i was in school. But i completely understand now. And i know, nothing will change that. Not everyone gets that primal basic desire that drives life, and that's how it's meant to be, so we can keep evolving, moving forward. I just got a bad roll in my destiny, I'm ok with that but i wish it didn't hurt so bad.

user, just keep trying, I believe in you bro

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Don't take it so hard user that was a harsh bitch reaction and you didn't deserve that when a polite denial would have been fine. And honestly dude you shouldn't jump to conclusions like that on yourself.

you should get into physical fitness. your face might look different if you get to low body fat %

What did she look like? Does she have a social media?

Tough luck, your parents hate you and set you up for scorn

I'm 28, disabled mentally and physically, tried a few speed dates. It's already too late. This is my path now. I just try to not be a burden on others as much as i can, and just take it a day at a time until my time to go has come.

>Bullies you into kissing her and then shoves you in a locker
What do?

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jerk off in the locker probably

Oh shit!

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Can't because i get panic attacks when i do anything physical, after years of trust and error I've given up.
They really have, and the irony is that i was an only child. They gave up everything for me to be successful in life. They sacrificed so much, but you just can't change fate sometimes. I feel Dad for them most of all, so i try to do whatever i can to make them somewhat happy.

Report her sexually assaulting me and have her expelled and arrested

Tell everyone and get them to laugh at her, outcasting her

Be a man and take control and make her my cumdump and wife

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As if they'd believe a couple of wimps like you

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>ywn be bullied by a girl that secretly has a crush on you

Just stop giving a shit and realize it's biology tricking you into wanting something that 75% of the time is just going to make you miserable for the rest of your life anyways. Focus on getting a stable income to support your hobbies and interests and use waifufaggotry to fill the void if you absolutely must. You will be better off this way, trust me.

I've seen typical loser guys (fat, speak weird, dress poorly) try to ask out girls out of their league and they have always been let down gently
how often do you see women actually act like bitches toward guys that try to ask them out that stand no chance
it almost feels unrealistic to me if I were to ever see a woman actually laughing at someone trying to ask them out
maybe I'm just lucky I have not encountered too many cunts in my life

obligatory at this point

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/fit/ here, focusing on eating healthy diets is most critical in regards to losing body fat %

just be anorexic or smoke meth

Trying my best, brother.

Get lower standards, i bet you only aim above your level.

I don't know what shit you went though user and I'm sorry for it but don't give up dude. Everyone with time and effort can change for the better, me being a perfect example. Socially broken and severe anxiety stopped me from getting to know people in my teenage years and only recently have i been able to work through it (little over a year.) Never give up user it can only get better if you're already at the bottom.

>Skinnyfat but can't really tell under clothing
>Have decent face and long curly hair
>Told I have nice hair by almost everyone
>Try to ask 7/10 stocky girl with nice face and tits if she wants to see a movie with me
>"Not really"
Why did it hurt so much?

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>spend an hour wondering why she did it
>try not to fall in love
>fall in love
>try and convince myself that she only did it because of a bet or some shit
>still spend the next two days imagining what if scenarios and what our future could be like
>also jerk off furiously to any >tall girl + reverse rape doujin I could find

Got an artist name my man?

fight through the anxiety. that's the only way you'll overcome it. once you start letting it control you that's when it's all over

I have no goddamn clue

>try not to fall in love
>fall in love

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Looks like Anasheya

Just know I fapped to this. Based

this but unironically

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Don't worry, he's probably into it
like me

Stop playing Degrees of Lewditty.

lol nice job op

>Telling someone to waste time and possibly money on women

>tfw this happened to me twice
>i was too dense to know what was going on
had feeling something was off when the slut came to my defense when i got bullied by someone else

been hanging with a girl a lot who my coworkers have straight told me looks old and ugly and even she seems hardly interested except for my use as an emotional tampon. it’s rough out there lads

thats not how fat people cocks work

I shouldn't be in such a bad mood right now, I have to fly tomorrow and have a clear mind

>spending big money on women
thats the first mistake

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I gave up a while ago user. Maybe some will say that was the wrong choice, but I've accepted it.

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Fuck bitches get money


Had this in 4th grade. It was fucking awful. She even got the principal to threaten to kick me out just because I was always involved in every incident as her prime target. Like, 100% victim blaming and I always refused to attack or prank her back but she somehow felt I was responsible.

My dad called the principal out for her bullshit though and I never had another scare like that. The girl did not return the following year.

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>what was her problem?
She's laughing because she has a bigger dick than him. That's why she's pointing at it.

>being a bitter faggot
my gf spends more money on gifts for me than i do on her lmao, she got me a nice watch for valentines day. really glad that i have pretty much nothing in common with you pathetic faggots and can never relate to your pathetic feels posts because every time ive tried with a female its been successful. most of you are awful people so its easier to go WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY FUCKING ROASTIES than improve yourself and take ownership of yourself. makes me happy that most of you wont breed and that your trash genetics will die with you

>his woman has more money than him

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>emotional tampon
That's called being friends, user. You're not one of those repressed pussies that doesnt ever talk about their emotions to your friends are you?

Disregard females, acquire currency

Date/marry bitches lose money

Numbers game user. Keep asking and eventually you'll get somebody to say yes.

He likes it


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no, and even if she did i wouldnt fucking care. you dont even have a woman, keep coping weeb

Do people really confide deep personal shit in their friends? I keep things pretty lighthearted with my bros
Then again, I have no one to talk to about deep personal shit either. Just you cunts

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