ITT: autistic things you do while playing games

ITT: autistic things you do while playing games

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play alone

>alt tab to check Yea Forums

I might as well get it out of the way since it happens in every thread like this

"Hey I like to pretend to narrate to others as I play, aren't I weird???"

And then like 30 replies of people saying they all do so as well.

Sound-activated microphone.

I sometimes prick my fingers until they bleed if I die.


>playing games
this is Yea Forums you dumbass fuckfacelearn2lurk

I scream and roll around on the ground in an autistic fit everytime I die

I imagine the smell of everything I see in-game and imagine all of the good hiding spots if I ever get magically trapped in the game I'm playing.

I can't not do that anymore


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When I get excited playing any game I hum the Super Mario Bros. theme really fast and aggressive.

In every Pokemon game i would always save in a Pokemon Center before turning off my system. In all fairness this really helped when i would battle my friends via Colosseum on the GameCube because you needed to be saved in a Pokemon Center in order to connect to it.

Whenever I dodge something I make a dodging motion in real life as well.
It makes Touhou exciting to say the least.

I play rap music loudly and leave the mic on and then when someone calls me out on it I say sorry didn’t know it was on and leave it on.

>he doesn’t understand board culture


I like jumping around when playing games.

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I am incapable of regulating my interests. For example, at the time more info on Reignited was slowly being released, I was utterly obsessed with Spyro. I played the games, made theories, and it was the only franchise that I wanted to talk about on here. After awhile though, I got burned out and didn't want to touch the franchise again so I moved onto something else like Pokémon or Mario and I'll just get tired of them too. I don't know why I do this. I wish that I could just enjoy multiple things at the same time instead of autisitically obsessing over one thing until I move onto another only for the cycle to repeat. Does anyone else struggle with this?

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With horror games I'll only play them at night so I can enjoy them in the dark. I also leave the window and the door behind me open. "Immersive" games do nothing if I don't actively try to get into them.

this but in Japanese

For me, whenever I take my eyes off of the screen while going through the menu, I worry that I accidentally gave one of my Pokémon an ev reducing berry or vitamin that it wasn't supposed to get. I know it's not rational and it's something that I would have noticed but that's why if find raising my team to be kind of stressful since ev training and getting the right natures is such a hassle to go through.

All the time and it depends on the series too

I like to act like my character has inner monouloge.

I imagine what it would be like if I could steal the concept of a good game and go back in time to the SNES era to make an older version of it and be praised for my creative talent and foresight.

Even though I don't know anything about making games and would just an idea guy like I am now.

I've put a shit ton of thought into how to demake Monster Hunter as a co-op side scrolling beat em up in particular.

I was so disappointed by the original concept of Rayman Raving Rabbids getting scrapped that I've had multiple dreams where I'm playing the game and absolutely loving it. Then I wake up and feel sad that this game doesn't exist.

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My nephews do this. God that shit is annoying. YouTubers were a mistake.

AVGN is the only good one

sometimes when i kill an npc i get a pang of guilt thinking what their families would think if they found out their wife/husband/parent was murdered

I get this. I'll go all-in and will play only one genre/series for a couple of weeks and then find something new to keep my attention. I hate it, and I suck at games as a result since I genre hop so often.

sometimes if i play games like Siege and am stuck in the middle of a loading screen or if i die waiting for the round to end, i'll just randomly fap or just repeatedly slap my cock on my desk

In games were you get to control a bunch of units i.e: Darkest dungeon and Xcom i pretend to be the commander and shouting orders at them
Sometimes i pretend they respond back if they hit a crit or if they missed

It's nice to see people still genuinely enjoying playing games

I'm not generally like that except for with monster hunter. Monhun isn't a game I like, it's a phenomenon that happens to me every other year for a month or two.

In Halo I have to have the weapon that the character has equipped in the cutscenes or my autism flares. Halo 2 was good since the cutscenes would reflect what weapons you had, but it was only in 2 for some reason. This is the only shooter series that this happens to me in.

I thought I was the only one.

When a game has manual save I save in my character house next to a bed or in a place where my character can sleep, also I love water in videogames so much, the better the water looks, the better the videogame looks at all

only in my head because my voice is annoying tho

fuck man I waste too much time here instead of playing the vidya

Sometimes my autism is pretty strong.
Now that I think about it.
Every game makes me sperg in some ways.
Even very easy games.
Don't know how to explain it.

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Screenshots, many screenshots

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>Sometimes i pretend they respond back if they hit a crit or if they missed

Anybody who doesn't do this is missing out, this makes any squad tactics game ten times better and more immersive

I should update this pic sometime

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Thanks for the pic, now I will be able to post it with my autism post in the next autism thread

>sneed gets super popular
>you got the dud only got a few videos

non-steam screens, but sometimes both end up in both folders, its a real mess

Anyone else do this?

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Everytime I beat a boss or challenge that took me a while to beat I give the finger to the screen until it's gone

hahah fuck

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>buy a game, set it to download
>want to make sure I appreciate it fully when I first play
>get everything else I need to do out of the way first including trivial stuff just so I don't get pulled away, looking forward to this shit
>everything's done, get a drink and sit down to play
>it's already late and I need to be up for work in the morning
>give up and sleep
>by the morning my interest has died down and it gets thrown into the backlog

Perfectionism is a curse

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I buy upgrades from the cheapest to most expensive, always.

absolutely based

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Scratch my balls and touch my foreskin so I can sniff and smell my fingers to relax and focus

When I dodge in game, I shift my body in the direction my character dodges. I don't know why but I think it honestly helps me time my dodges better.

I keep a list of vidya I'm finished (along with movies, books, etc) along with the pro/antagonist of each, and a rating out of five.
Not everything I finish is on it though, there are some criteria that only make sense to me so some things don't qualify.

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i pause and take naps and imagine i'm a character in the game

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By this I mean the type of min-maxing where I avoid triggering loading zones if I think the loot will be worse than if I was higher levels or could get more loot. My character always has to be as strong as they could possibly be.

>not creating a whole world in your head based on a game to daydream about

It may be tism on my part but I think thats actually really cool, you should post the full list if you can/want to.

i don't do anything autistic because im not autistic.

>i don't do anything autistic
you're posting on Yea Forums though

high IQ post.


and redpilled.

Make my character walk instead of sprinting everywhere because I'm an RP-Fag. Not for painful distances but I'm excited for RDR2 on PC because I'm probably going to clock in twice the average time people spend in the game because I just enjoy immersing myself in the world. I hear there's a lot of shit you have to do like stay clean and groomed and brush your horse, I love that shit.

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well i do that too but when i create whole worlds to escape into i don't base them on games i make them all up

>He doesn't stagger his walk cycle to hover to his objectives

I tend to pull out my cock and start touching it. Not even when playing sexy Vidya. Could be Rome TW or Runescape or Mario 64 shit. I'm not gay at all either.

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Double saving just to be safe

don't forget to work your balls too

save scumming every 20 or 25 minutes

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If I ignore a CRPG like Baldur's Gate or Pathfinder Kingmaker for more than a few days, I look at my current build in disgust and make a new character. I just get busy with work and when it's the weekend again, I just don't get in the mood to keep playing that character.

try to find glitches by changing the values of random variables.

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>angrily insult myself in a fit of autistic rage calling myself a limp dicked, balding, manlet, ugly fuck

Mine is like this, when they kill someone I'll usually whisper 'tango down' or 'moving up'

I'll also name my soldiers after my irl friends, makes for amusing scenarios or tragedy when they die.

I wish the guy who uses google spreadsheet to catalog every enemy he kills and how many times he does so in every game he plays comes back, i lost the link to the spreadsheet.

wow holy shit you're such an autist and so am I

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I keep a running narrative going in my head often when I'm playing games, especially games with silent protagonists. Like an actual, much more autistic, Freeman's Mind. Because I'm awful.

I whisper to myself when stealthing

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All of my oc donut steels are alternate universe versions of one base character.

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Real live vidya autism here. Ever since I played LA Noir if I’m reading through a book or paper trying to find a word or something, whenever I find it, I tap my finger on it like Phelps did everytime you selected something. Feels oddly good

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play with my peepee

Don't worry sheriff, my balls are covered.

That's pretty adorkable

i like to collect people in half life and put them in a room together

Me playing Persona 5 was basically reversing to ma chuuni state from 10 years ago, I cannot play that game with anyone near.

I like to self-insert and try to picture what's happening in my imagination with me in the MC's clothes or just pretend I am them.
Works great in games without VA's and in turn based games.

Sometimes I sing if on VOIP with friends

>repeat everything said in the game, or even funny noises i hear

i also do this when people respond to me and i find it entertaining

timed hits

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Gotta run along the edge of every wall/boundary in the game in case there's a hidden secret.
Gotta backtrack to any area where I think a secret might be.
Gotta talk to every NPC in a single-player jrpg; multiple times if they can have more than a single dialogue.
Get mad when I lose, blame anything other than myself. Let it affect my life outside of game; carry the rage to work.
Reset over failures instead of accepting any in-game consequence for my actions

Pick up all unique shit even if it ain't good on my character and my performance in multiplayer shooters usually relies killing enemies in a tempo.

>finish every possible sidequest before even touching the main mission

Sneed's Feed and Seed™
Formerly Chuck's™

sometimes i slow down walking and slowly turn the camera like those e3 demos or trailers and just admire the graphics and my surroundings

I prick my fingers when I die and if I get a game over, I put tiny pieces of glass or glitter in the wound.

Start a new game, save after an hour or two and then forget what I was doing when I come back to it months later so I end up starting a new game and the cycle repeats.

I need to get through my backlog once and for all but now I’m too autistic about how to start on it. Don’t know if I should start by playing the games in order by release date, console or alphabetical order, and I spend more time thinking about this than actually, you know, fucking playing them.

Get drunk

organize a grid-based inventory

I often self insert as MegaMan whenever I play one of his games, and even adopt a voice like the character I'm playing as. It gets to the point where I shout MAVERICK DESTROYED after every bossfight in the X series.

but do you also yell "yes! fuck you!" while you do it

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I make gun sounds with my mouth and try to emulate the weapon animations in the air. This has been a habit for years

Does anyone have the general grevious and obelisk the tormentor copypasta from the last threads?

Try to take smash bros seriously so I can win in a tourney some day

In multiplayer games: I absolutely must find a character I can play for a long time, learning their intricacies and subtle techniques, it's as if my favourite way to play and the character's play style connect on a deep level.
If a game lacks a character that I can attach to on this level, I drop it entirely.

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This, especially if it's sci-fi weapons like the Doom 3 plasma gun.

Start remembering where my life was heading before my gaming addiction took over and try to stop the tears that well up in my eyes from falling down my face

get to the last dungeon in a lengthy RPG geared to the teeth and ready to finish, and then stop playing and forget half the game.

Wow it's not only me. That makes me feel nice

nothing really retarded, but I do like spamming buttons in loading screens or when the button won't do anything.

Whenever I play an old rpg that no one cares about anymore I imagine I'm streaming on twitch to a large audience, explaining how the game works and what makes it good

I did this with Ludwig and Orphan of Kos after trying to beat each of them for 3 days

you've posted this exact same thing with the exact same picture before
are you ok user?

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No, I need help.
I've been stuck in this cycle for ages, I cant escape.

Oh jesus this is kind of hard to explain. Basically when I play online games with randoms and it lets me crouch, I walk around my teammates crouching and standing up while impersonating Katherine Hepburn in the video between :37 and :45

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During a critical part of the game, such as a boss battle crucial to the plot, I sometimes deliberately let the boss hurt me if I feel the battle is somewhat easy and one-sided.

I do this in order to "even" the fight, or just make it last longer.

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run, I'll keep the goblins at bay

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Whenever I get easily killed or destroyed by an enemy, I crash my fists together and pretend I'm sending energy beams out of my fists like Obelisk the Tormentor with infinite power, then I pretend I'm being hit by those energy beams and are just totally annihilated, with flames coming out of my eyes General Grievous style.

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I put a crab pot on every accessible area of water in stardew valley, also a sapper on every tree in the game too.

i also take screencaps of the same cat spray ive been using for about a decade in team fortress 2, in various areas where the face is morphed or obscured in a way i find funny. i must have at least 150 of them now.

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Everytime something in a game (or any work of fiction for that matter) blows me the fuck away I do the Kaiba pose, the one where he gets obliterated by Exodia.

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if something kills my character or causes me to lose in an unfair way, ill look over at some imaginary audience / friend / camera

Daydream about myself in the game, particularly a story heavy rpg, and shake my hands around for sensory stimulation