What does Yea Forums think of the dofus/wakfu games? When is the next one coming out?

What does Yea Forums think of the dofus/wakfu games? When is the next one coming out?

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I only watch the cartoons

I was recommended to watch the cartoon cos I love shota, and then after watching that I played Wakfu the game. I admit I didn't stick with it for a very long time, but I'm looking forward to seeing the next game.

>Wakfu first aired 11 years ago

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Reminder that Nox did almost nothing wrong

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All of this for a 20 minutes jump back in time

What went right?

He just wanted a second chance, bros. Isn't that what we all want?

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Name a greater villain in fiction

I want to FUCK Yugo!

We can't, and you know it user.

based shotabro

Multi-boxing and venezuelans killed dofus and wakfu and will probably destroy the living hell of Waven

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I love Xa's designs so much

Calm down Amalia
You know he has to consent to it first

Goddamn Sexual Tyrannosaurus

>When's the next one coming out
Ankama are currently working on Waven which seems to be a purely PvP Dofus but with pre-made character, it looks pretty good so far

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Is there a shota character? Not sure I'd play if not

Never played Wakfu but Dofus is alright, the way world PvP is handled is garbage though. It's a freely selectable toggle.

>nobody play the games
>wakfu season 3 was a half season and ended in a cliffhanger
>wakfu season 4 never happening
>dofus movie trilogy never happening because of french shit taste

What the fuck is this shit
I always said that the only reason blizzard spent the last decade dumbing down wow was so they could port it to consoles but even they would not stoop this low.

say that to diablio immortal, blizzard would

No one cares about them, and we all know you only started this thread for hipsposting.

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the world is super unique

what happened to dofus cube
god damnit I dont want purely pvp

>>wakfu season 4 never happening


>Platinum Games still hasn't made Wakfunetta with PORTAL HOPPAN, CRA SHOOTAN, BOUFFBALLAN, and so forth yet.

>dofus is still p2p
literally why, don't they get enough revenue with loot boxes and shop? based and frogpilled Tot should fuck off with the p2p model

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I played Wakfu for a bit with a friend. It was really, really fun. The combat was just nice, the turn system was a nice chance of pace and the game was really comfy. Too bad it was dead though. If there is a sequel, I'll definitely try it out.

I remake a character every so often, but then lose interest
The /vg/ guild from a year ago was good times, though

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after season 3 it doesn't deserve to happen

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The absolute madman easy fap.


I only fap to the porn.

Fuck that sounds fun.

the guy in charge doesn't want to work with netflix and the franchutes, and they don't have enough money

There's a tv show.

>tfw my level 200 agi eca got deleted
haven't played since around 2009 probably so fully deserved

This thread is going nowhere post shota

Oh je ne pensais pas la franchise aussi populaire à l'étranger.

i thought that they can't delete an account that already paid once for playing

>penis franchise australian popular gun from TF2
I agree, user

god damnit

The world would be perfect for a CRPG or a FFT-style game, unfortunately Ankama (and French devs in general) have fucking brain damage and insist on making MMOs that are only kept alive by turbo-autist whales

i remember when digimon first aired, i was watching the first season and wow, it feels like time flyed, but then i return to reality and see that life sucks

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If he closes the portable mid fucking.

Would he lose the dick?

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Well my account sure doesn't exist so, played on rosal.

For some reason, dofus was really popular in south america. It wasn't even f2p.

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Where do I find Yugo lewds I can't seem to find any

Have you attempted to visit pornographic sites and searched for the tag "Yugo", perchance

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I don't play mmoshit
the shows are great though
haven't even got around to watching season 3 yet actually

my basic opinion is that it's charicteristically french in being nominally a kids show but having so much sex appeal and mature themes and people who actually care a lot working on it, culminating in a really great universe and story and memorable experience to watch.
what i mean by that is for example french introduce kids to alcohol earlier in life than USA so they have the advantage of being able to hold their liquor; and in a general sense, a "taste" of bad stuff during socialization of youth means a better resistance to it in the future (this has been a thing since sparta, forcing their kids to become thieves and fighters so they become tougher as adults, not actually turning into delinquents or whatever in the process though)

it's a model show for western animation, but despite this is rare because unlike other western shows (big mouth, steven universe, all this cancer) it's actually really beautiful aesthetically, and traditional forms of what bodies look like and what constitutes attractiveness, etc are respected.

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paheal is fucking dead and panda is only giving me like one comic

Cartoon villain? Literally not possible. Nox is the apex.
>relatable motivation
>actually won against MC
Even his design is good.

I wish wakfu wasn't dead and my account not permabanned. I'm pretty sure I'd still be playing it was otherwise.

I am honestly not a fan of the whole grid base thing they got going on.

Are there any good guides for getting into wakfu?

Was s3 bad

i know i want to FUCK all the furry bitches in that universe

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It wasn't particularly bad.

How does he do it lads?

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cuts Venezuelans some slack, atleast they get to eat by selling kamas

season 1 & 2, season 3 is shit but you can still watch it.

I meant the game

with how cheap it is I legit don't mind the p2p model, though an increase on what F2Ps can do could be neat

It wasn't bad, but it wasn't as good as the first two; no longer a fun, swashbuckling adventure around the world, and yeah, half season ending on a cliffhanger

I don't know then, sry

who gives a fuck
stop playing mmos

I would argue Odio to be just as good, if not better, if it wasn't for the princess' retarded reaction to Straybow's death.

just play it I guess
get into a guild of people around your level and play away
there's not a lot of quests so unless you have an objective like decking Ogrest in the face then you don't have a lot of drive for it as well

I was a fan of Krosmaga but they fucked it up then dropped all support.
Hesitant to get into Waven at all.

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