>Sega creates new girl
>Great character, works better as a rival to Sonic than Knucks or Shadow
>Sega forgrts about her
Oh also this
>Sega creates new girl
>Great character, works better as a rival to Sonic than Knucks or Shadow
>Sega forgrts about her
Oh also this
Other urls found in this thread:
Nakamura cursed her by having her forever stuck and associated with that faggot silver
I fucking hate Silver so fucking much
Also, SilBlaze is horrendous
Sonic hasn't been good since Yuji Naka left, Iizuka can't make good games.
I fap to Rouge, Amy, and others more, but Blaze is best girl undoubtedly. Prime wife material, and even prime best friend material.
>but Blaze is best girl undoubtedly
>Prime wife material
>and even prime best friend material.
my trip nigga, I like you
1. Amy
2. Tikal
3. Honey
4. Blaze
5. Rouge
If you ship Blaze with Silver you deserve hell. Blaze was a great character until they forgot about her and linked her to Pothead the Porcupine. Also Sally best girl.
Sonic Advance Trilogy + Rush should be ported to current gen consoles right now, preferably with Widescreen support. They're some of the best Sonic games out there.
Cream / I jerk to her the most
Where's Wave in that list?
SEGA certainly hasn't forgotten firecat at all, they just focused on Sonic and kiddie gimmicks far more following the blowout that was '06. And in Forces she's absent probably to make that "pink cat girl" sample-model for Buddy stand out more.
>Sally best girl
Assuming we aren't including her Penders days, yes.
Just wondering does the penders days include the panel where Sally slaps Sonic in a live stage in front of hundreds of people?
She is so irrelevant I forgot about her
That was co written by bollers as well, but yes.
Blaze is literally mirror universe sonic you clot
Did you not play rush?
Oh yes it was.
Silvaze best ship
save that shit as png u monster
So? Sonic could visit her just as she did in Gens
Absolutely disgusting
So what the fuck was that all about then? Did the context justify the abuse and humiliation?
They didn’t forget about her though, she’s gonna be in a new game this year, Sonic Team Racing
That kinda makes me wonder about blazes world. I wonder if there’s a Master emerald there as well with its own separate guardian or if Blaze overlooks it too
>Blaze is girl-Sonic
>Marine is girl-Tails
>Master Sol Emerald protected by girl-Kucks
Gosh I really want Rush 3
lol, because Sonic is a shit franchise made by shit producers. Only autists like this shit.
>Low-key best girl
Blaze is cool.
>Did the context justify the abuse and humiliation?
>You're selfish!
>I save the world on a weekly basis, how am I being selfish?!
its also a water world, sonic is afraid of water.
In rush adventure there's shown to be a magical jeweled scepter macguffin that fills a very similar role to the master emerald in terms of plot relevance.
Blaze is supposed to be guarding it as well as the sol emeralds so I don't think her world has a knuckles analog.
Sally characterization doesnt get worse than this right? This is the lowest point?
I love Blaze!
Yeah but having a mirror Knuck would still be cool
She gets much better after Flynn and co. take over but she still wasn't particularly great or anything.
Blaze is so fucking flat holy shit
Two things. One, Sonic Team likes to write characters in situations that don't allow them to return easily. In this case, Blaze is a princess and a guardian for a completely different dimension. For her to appear means having dimensional shenanigans at play for the plot.
Two, they essentially tried to reboot her for Sonic 06 by having her from the future with Silver instead of just creating a new character. Despite going back on this (and then going back and forth again with references), this has made a lot of fans solely associate her with her 06 portrayal and association with Silver leading to confusion and a lack of idea of how to properly handle her moving forward. Supposedly, the Japanese fanbase was really confused that Blaze wasn't along with Silver in Forces.
Both those problems could be fixed if SEGA/Sonic Team ever properly reboot the series, but they seem adamant on just retconning and ignoring things instead.
that's what makes her the best
>Sonic Team likes to write characters in situations that don't allow them to return easily.
Silver was in Forces just because.
i thought it was a joke on a fire cat living in a water world
As long as it ain't Penders I guess.
>Sonic Team likes to write characters in situations that don't allow them to return easily. In this case, Blaze is a princess and a guardian for a completely different dimension. For her to appear means having dimensional shenanigans at play for the plot.
>Blaze: Hey Sonic happy birthday
>>Great character, works better as a rival to Sonic than Knucks or Shadow
God Blazefags are delusional
When was the last time she was in a game, Black Knight?
The Jeweled Sceptor is Blazes world Master Emerald
Sky Babylon is also her worlds Sky Sanctuary
Dimps actually cared for the lore. Too bad sega took a giant shit on it.
You can at least bullshit that he's their because his future gets fucked up. That does come with it's own set of problems regarding time travel in general and Silver's poorly explained time travel ability can create plot holes. I find it funny, though, because each time Silver shows up, it implies Sonic fails to save the day without him there.
If you count mobile games, Sonic Forces: Speed Battle.
If you don't count mobile games, Mario & Sonic Rio 2016 or Team Sonic Racing which is out soon.
If you only count main games, Sonic Generations
Cream is best because she’s a loli.
Not really no. Penders has severe autism and Bollers being on the spectrum himself only enabled it.
Most of the girls are lolis here, but Rouge (18) Wave (18) and Vanilla (35)
Cream is a toddler.
Penders' vile looking shit never fails to make me laugh
jesus fucking christ. Does he know his artstyle is crappy and ugly as fuck?
You would have thought that they'd make chronicles part 2 by now, not with nu bioware tho.
the what?
Wasnt that because Penders sued SEGA for Shade?
not him but yeah, that fucker shitted everything
Anyway, the game was a mess that wasn't well received. I don't think that they could have make a sequel even if Penders didn't sue them
>best girl is not allowed to be used ever again
It got 74%, probably wouldve hit green if the sound design wasnt God awful.
Im sorry for you Blazefag who don't like Silver. SilBlaze is just gonna be pushed forever by SEGA since that's one of the only things japs like about the Sonic series, almost as popular as SonAmy there, and they need that japanese market one way or another.
As a Silverfag, know that this shit is also annoying for me because we will never see Silver team up with someone who isn't Blaze again, which is a shame because they dropped his friendship with Espio for this, which could have been interesting since Espio never interacts with anyone outside the Chaotix ever except Sonic.
I enjoyed Rush a lot, so I'm always open to seeing more Blaze.
Design-wise, she feels like she's flexible in her look, similar to Amy, she looks nice in multiple outfits and situations and moods. I really like that in a character.
her story is done and she has no reason to come back
>it implies Sonic fails to save the day without him there.
Technically, if Silver didn't fight Infinite in the Jungle then the missing Phantom Ruby prototype wouldn't have fallen off Infinite's hand and then the sun would have killed everyone later because they wouldn't be able to stop it.
Take that as you will.
>only the comics had pantsless girls
>Best girl
>Is in the best games
>Sonic rush 3 will never happen
>Is forever paired with shitty weedhog because of the sin that was sonic06
>Will never be a playable character again
>wasn't even in forces even though silver was
Please how do I end my pain?
I'd say IDW has done her right, but now they're pushing SilverxBlaze stuff into it, so that's now shit for her.
Dont worry, SEGA made sure to get rid of that
I haven't kept up with IDW, didn't Silver have a gf that whispered a lot now or am I making stuff up?
No they're just friends
You're referring to Whisper. Silver and Sonic were in her debut issue and she seemed friendly towards them, but she's not his girlfriend. Doesn't stop shippers seeing things, though.
Fuck Sonic team.
because retards started screaming about sonic having too many friends when they should have been screaming about SEGA not being able to develop them properly
Just drop the alternate dimension crap and just make Blaze a visitor from a far-off area of Sonic's own world.
Oh ok
>Doesn't stop shippers seeing things, though.
When has anything stopped the shippers? There are people that ship Blaze and Shadow for fucks sake
You think they can get away with a retcon that big? They definetly didn't when they tried to make her from the future.
If they ever do a reboot, they should make her a princess from a far away land.
They could do a weird dimensional merge and make her a permanent resident somehow.
Sega doesn't give a shit about continuity so sure.
Given how totally meaningless the dimension subplot is that she can just pop in and visit Sonic whenever, yes. They only complained about 06 because... well, it's 06.
more Blaze in cute dress pleeease
I am also a Blazefag who hates Silver. It's rough.
SilBlaze is only good in TGT
I want to culldle her and kiss her cheeks so much
Based and Redpilled
TGT does every cancerous fanfiction trope in the genre, yet the numerous layers of irony somehow make it the most entertaining one I've read.
>Sticks below Cream
Marine is and will always be trash
Boi that ain't Marine.
Imagine the smell
I'll bet she smells like a roasted marshmallow.
I want to lick her pants.
From the composer himself.
Was the sonic franchise just destined to suffer?
>Blaze is sensual
Damn right
Yes. In hindsight, they should've went with kid chameleon.
>aaaah... Let's do it
Was this on purpose?
I guess so; Sega is always on them high class drugs. They do some really weird stuff
>Only plays during the blaze/sonic fight
Hideki knew what was up.
You could say the exact same thing about Shadow
And Silver
Actually you could say more for Shadow since he FUCKING DIED IN SA2
Girl Knuckles is Shade from Chronicles that was the game that started the pendering
Knuckles too, considering the Master Emerald and Angel Island thing haven't been relevant in a modern era game since Adventure 2.
What characters did Scott make?
Yeah, that's true, Silver's actions cause butterfly effects and lizuka finally explained how the fuck he's time traveling too, he's using Chaos Control, he can still go Super and Eggman Nega is his enemy, who hides out in Blaze's dimension to avoid Silver most of the time
ANyway Cream is being phased out becasue Sega are scared of lolicons so blame them for her absence and lizuaka's hard on for the deadly six
>the second half
You cant be serious
As long as Sega holds it's licence yes. I'd rather Nintendo take it at this point because after seeing what Microsoft did to Banjo-Kazooie and how Sony treats mascot characters they're the lesser evil at this point. At least they wouldn't fucking greenlight a sonic movie then sign off completely on it to the point where the despite their complaints the director of the film pretty much says "Fuck you, I can do what i want because you signed the rights away AHAHAHAHAHA"
Why do you think she stopped appearing anyon Forces's tone doesn't matter when Cream got to appear in Shadow's game, the one that had murder, genocide, cussing and blood everywhere.
Mammoth Mogul I think
Glad we finally got some explanation on the Silver/Blaze/Nega trio of continuity fuckery.
A shame for Cream too. Hopefully if Izuka keeps shoving down the Deadly Six maybe someday they will develop into actual characters.
>no Kim
mah bro.
the problem with blaze in 06 isn't that shes now in the future instead of an alternate dimension, the problem is that she not only doesn't appear to know sonic but doesn't even fucking talk to him
>ANyway Cream is being phased out becasue Sega are scared of lolicons
Remove skirt
give tight spats
problem solved.
I mean, I just assumed they stopped caring about her, I didnt think lolicons had anything to do with it.
Just searched him up, seemed kinda cool. Oh well.
I wanna marry that cat.
Based trips
>ANyway Cream is being phased out becasue Sega are scared of lolicons
You have 5 seconds to back that shit up or I'm finding you and ramming my foot right up your ass.
She's already married.
Should've ruled in favor of Archie. They at least had an excuse why they lost the original contract. You can't unring the bell, Judge!
There was no ruling. Archie rebooted the comic the first time because Sega was threatening to pull the license, which they eventually did when Fulop showed up.
why can't they just hire naganuma to do the music again
rush and rush 2 are just criminally fully of perfect tracks
Sticks is horrendous.
Her porn makes my pp hard.
It's marine the chainsmoking jungle badger gribble
Her porn makes my dick shrivel. But to each his own. Enjoy it.
Okay but real talk, Sonic Rush’s OST was some good shit.
I heard Cream sees little use because SEGA actually thinks she's a Sonic X character and doesn't want to be promoting "outdated" Sonic media like that old anime.
But she first appeared in Advance 2. Shes a Dimps character.
hoe much degenerate am I if I fap to her?
I already fapped to tsareena btw
Not much
The Sonic "lore" is a patchwork of fuck at this point, they really could do anything and it would make just as much sense as what came before. Blaze was sidelined because Sega's stupid, simple as that.
In terms of storytelling, Sonic Team cannot do that to save their life. They should have just did it the same way they did with Billy Hatcher. Have the characters say fucking nothing. Just let the story explain itself through scenery.
do you have gif version of blazes victory dance.
and the other sonic games soundtracks are shit right?
I dont think he said that.
>SEGA scared of lolicons
All characters in the Sonic series are canon under 18, sans Eggman and Rouge. According to the Sonic Heroes booklet at least.
Fuck no. Sonic has great music in general. Just saying that Sonic Rush’s OST is great as well.
Nice that was always my favorite groove rush you can breakdance to that tone
Shadow was popular enough for Sega to bring him back.
Be honest, outside of these Yea Forums threads who else is really clamouring for Blaze to return?
Rush probably has one of the more unique OST's in the franchise, I love it though, and it's tied for favorite soundtrack with related youtube.com
You know, in another timeline, Sonic 06 would actually be a good game and it’s a crying shame that we don’t live in said timeline. At least the OST is great.
You are now aware that if Sonic 06 was good we would still be getting Adventures-like Sonic games to this day.
Actually, she was supposed to debut in Sonic Heroes, first, but they put her in Sonic Advance 2 so she could have a proper introduction.
T-thanks user.
Considering the numerous difficulties 06 faced in dev, the only way it couldve been good is if SEGA was competent (they rushed the game) and they never left the console market (The dev team had no experience with that gen)
throw your iphone off a bridge and follow it
What happens when blaze farts?
A fireball pops out of her ass
Why are flat girls appealing?
That's hot, both literally and figuratively.
you need to go back
Female anthros were made for human dick
You're absolutely right.
I asked Naganuma, he said he thought it was funny, and SEGA Japan doesn't understand English well enough to catch those sexualized lines. The madman! He also slipped an F bomb into an arcade game he did the music for for the same reasons.
Hideki Naganuma is personified BASED
They should try recreating that sequence from 0:10 to 0:35 in a future game
Fucking based
And from what I heard, the reason Cream couldn't appear in the Archie comics for years was because SEGA thought she was from Sonic X, which Ian Flynn had to argue wasn't the case.
Why are you posting cropped porn?
Did nobody at SEGA bother to look at Sonic Advance's cover art? Thank God for Ian Flynn at least.
Is this Sega of America
The best thing about Blaze is that someone in Sonic Team clearly ships her with Sonic and tries to sprinkle his ship in the games here and there, even though naturally nothing will ever come of it.
Supposedly not. SEGA really was that dumb, it seems.
It never fails to creep me the hell out that this shit formerly worked on officially-licensed comics.
If he truly did, he'd have stopped long ago.
When will Sega hire Naganuma again
>Sega also kills her in her second appearance
>be 9 years old
>rush was my fav game to play on the go
>Blaze became my favorite character
>get hyped finding out shes in 06
>06 releases and start reading early leaks
>start tearing up reading blaze sacrifices herself
We need more Naganuma music in general
I enjoyed this thread
Fuck me that's hideous. Every time I see it, it gets worse.
I think would be a cool character in smash
There'd be worse options for a second Sonic rep.
I like Sonic designs but I'm not a furry anymore
What character in another game is closest to a human Blaze
In that timeline it's actually called Eggman 06 with Sonic the Edgehog spin-off where he uses guns being 9/10, only worse than the Eggman Niga spin off series which mimics this timeline's Wario series.
>ywn grab her flat chest while taking her from behind
How dare.
Look up Hotondo Sonic by nezumin right now, she is best girl.
I have never been be a huge fan of Sonic, in fact the only Sonic game I have ever played is Sonic 06. But holy shit I love her.
What would Blaze's pubes smell like? Would they be colored purple?
fucking Nakamura
lavender incense and yes
He got better
Fuck's sake, her first game was about STOPPING a merge.
Sniff a cat's balls.
There you go.
dont you mean parcival
>blaze thread
and here i was, thinking that this board have a shit taste
Do fucking NOT lewd the cat. She is naive, autistic, and pure.
Good point.
Does anyone know where can one download Sonic rush OST?
Sonaze is as likely as Sonamy, never going to happen.
>start tearing up reading blaze sacrifices herself
Were you diagnosed by then?
But they already did the deed user.
>grab her flat chest
How? There's nothing to grab.
>posting porn on a blue board
Stand very still please.
Brainlet detected.
I have some major nostalgia from rush because it was one of the first games I ever played and enjoyed the shit out of it, especially the ending. Should i get sonic mania?
Can we get some ryona Blaze, beaten bruised or cut up?
No, Mania is garbage compared to Rush.
Suck a dick user. Sonic and Blaze is the OTP.
I meant it in a flattening way, I love Blaze
Lewders and furfags begone, only heartboners and cute shit in this thread
Silvaze best ship
Should I stream Sonic Rush in hopes of Aaron or any of the SEGA_Official pops by my stream to hand out Sega related steam keys like last time?
this is why silvaze disgusts me so much
if you ship it that's fine you do you but it just feels so much like sonic 06 getting to rub its balls all over rush
Not allowed to shill stream links on Yea Forums
>What are GDQ Threads?
>What are Esport threads?
>What are Speedrun random threads?
These get posted every day user
I still don't get why a photocopy won't work, why do they need an original, what are you suposed to do in case something happened to it if the copy won't do?
>There is a parallel universe where sonic is a successful franchise and sega doesnt get btfo
Personal stream links get deleted all the time, esports are fine.
The Esports ones should be deleted all of the same since its *SHILLING* a game or personalities. Thus having 4 chan lose traffic. I don't see how Esport Streaming is any different then a regular streamers or speedrunners stream.
Same as any E-Celeb Stream. They should all be purged and not belonging on Yea Forums or elsewhere. /vg/ at best for speedrunning but that is it.
People like esports events I guess
Imagine telling Yea Forums they're not allowed to have superbowl threads.
And you should be reporting them
Did you not play Rush Adventure?
Blaze's Dimension is at a -200 year offset from Sonic's Dimension.
This means people in Sonic's present existed in Blaze's past, and those in Blaze's present exist in Sonic's future. This is how Blaze's dimension's Chemical Plant Zone counterpart, Machine Labyrinth, is steampunk; the technology is hundreds of years behind. This is also how Blaze can exist in the future of Sonic's dimension as well as in her own dimension: they are NOT counterparts, Sonic had his own 1:1 counterpart in Blaze's world hundreds of years ago, it's just that nobody remembers.
That's more like not having high school sports threads, our equivalent to the superbowl is E3
Not really. Bollers wrote her overreacting in order to fuck over Penders plans and Grey’s extremely expressive pencils only made it worse. As for context, this is after Sonic returns from being in space for a year and being declared dead and gets a small injury during an assault on Eggman’s forces at some port. She asks him to essentially settle down with her and leave fighting Eggman to the Chaotix and other freedom fighters across the world, which were already getting their asses kicked without sonic. Her being upset and breaking off the relationship was within reason but Bollers took it too far in the name of dicking on that fat nig Penders.
And yet whole point of E3 is to shill games which you said should be banned. Hmmm
So Blaze is Sonic X?
I'm not the guy you were first talking, but shilling and revealing are different things
>Matchstick tail
Then you'll love Adventure since Sonic 06 and Sonic Adventure are literally the exact same game.
Rush Adventure's OST don't get enough love.
amy because of tails /ss/
You only think she's a great character because of that comic where she rapes the other character. Don't pretend that isn't the reason.
>Mario party + Sanic
Holy shit Blaze has never been in a single good game no wonder Sega dropped her
The only good Blaze ship is Blaze X _me_
>cream higher than vanilla
I want pedofags to leave
I personally liked Rush Adventure more than the first game it felt really comfy and the boat minigames were fun, surprised more people don't talk about it.
your argument falls flat when we see silver, a character from far into the future, in the recent games constantly
While cream has been a playable characters and in both instances she was broken.
As in she broke your dick from fapping to her so much? Fuck off pedofag.
You have to go back
Actually i’m a blazefag, it just vanilla has nothing going on for her other than being milf.
>Actually i’m a blazefag, it just vanilla has nothing going on for her other than being milf.
A Blazefag that hates tiddy? Imagine my shock.
You're objectively incorrect user.
And you're objectively a faggot for pushing a gay ship.
>Sonic and Blaze
I think you don't know the word "gay" means user. I'll just continue posting the best heterosexual couple in the Sonic series.
Who are you quoting?
Blaze is basically a dude, the only feminine thing about the character are the fuzzy cuffs and high heels.
>Blaze is a girl (male)
>Blaze is basically a dude
You're wrong. Blaze is identified and defined from the 1st to 3rd person perspectives of all the characters and dialogue interactions that exist in the Sonic Rush games that she co-stared in; as a female Princess that was bound to be the Guardian of the Sol Emeralds. Stop spouting bullshit.
Anybody that jerks it to traps, pay attention. This kind of autism is what "draw a girl, call it a boy" results in.
She's basically Arturia who was a girl who did her best to be a dude so far to the point of getting a penis magicked onto her, it's Japan's way of having their cake and eating it too when it comes to traps.
>She's basically Arturia who was a girl who did her best to be a dude so far to the point of getting a penis magicked onto her
What the fuck are you talking about? That literally has no connection to the Sonic franchise, so you can stop projecting your futanari fetishes/fantasies on a character that was always established as being female since Sonic Rush in 2005. Her design, demeanor, biography, voice and character traits are all female; she acted as an older sister to Cream for fuck sakes.
Blaze is probably the least feminine character in the whole franchise.
You're arguing with a shitposter from /sthg/, presumably the same guy who edits any picture of Blaze posted to remove the eyelashes so she looks more masculine.
Right on point 1, wrong on point 2. Still doesn't refute my point though that Blaze is a guy and Silver is in gay love with him.
I didn't know that. How long has he been doing this?
Ok autist
>Blaze is probably the least feminine character in the whole franchise.
The fact that you have been constantly denying the official, canon description of Blaze as a completely female character to fulfill a "gay fantasy" is stupid. She's an individual that's focused on her duties to protect the Sol Emeralds that forms friendships with Sonic and Cream. That doesn't mean she's a male in disguise to fulfill a particular fetish that you want to project onto.
Look at you trying desperately to prove you aren't gay. It's 2019, just own up to it as the gay Blazefags you are.
I jerk to female tails.
>the president of brazil used Sonic 2006 soundtrack as a background to infrastructure propaganda
>Look at you trying desperately to prove you aren't gay. It's 2019, just own up to it as the gay Blazefags you are.
No. You're by definition gay by wanting a homosexual fan-fiction romance between a gender-bent Blaze and male Silver. Blaze is officially considered by the creators at Sonic Team to be 100% female. Your head-canon isn't the truth as you believe it to be user.
I mean, it is good music
Oh man, all this cope.
I don't know why you're arguing with this guy, it'll be lights off at the loony bin soon enough.
What's this nonsense poisoning best cat's thread?
Reminder that Blaze's insecurity over her chest is canon according to the internal documents for 06
Japanese humor.
Cancerous thread. Sonicfags should go back to their circlejerk temple >>>/sthg/
It's great to see people that appreciate itty bitty kitty titties
After decades, nintendofags still fear the segachads.
Not a sonicfag, hell I never even played a sonic game in my life but damn this cat is cute
If I ever feel like it, what games besides Sonic Rush let me play as her?
>Rouge threads
>It's mostly a porn dump that end up deleted or moved to /trash/
>Blaze threads
>Discussion about the games she's been, her character, her relationships and her place on the Sonic lore.
>Silvaze threads
>endless ship wars and no games discussion outside of 06 and M&S Olympics
Everybody knows that assmen are intellectually superior to titsfags.
Rush got a sequel, but other than that only a couple segments in 06, where she's actually the funnest character in the game. Someone is making a PC port of Sonic Advance though, where Blaze is playable with the Rush boost control scheme.
Is floating Silver's whole gimmick?
> Amy threads
> user discuses their childhood crushes and liking the color pink. Porn begging may ensue, but clean threads are also deleted.
> Cream threads
> "I want to CREAM the rabbit!"
> "I want to FUCK Vanilla!"
> This thread had been archived
Blaze was introduced as a main character of the Rush series, and those games are never really talked about. Rouge is just Rouge.
Yes, his gameplay in 06 entirely revolved around glitchy, throwing boxes around.
Maybe one day they can revisit Silver and actually incorporate speed into his gameplay, but they probably want to forget he existed.
>Maybe one day they can revisit Silver and actually incorporate speed into his gameplay
Whoa...kind of like...Sonic...Rivals...
SOMEONE POST blaze with big tits
>but they probably want to forget he existed.
Seeing as they gave him a bigger minor role in Forces than other characters I doubt it.
He's a flying type racer in Zero Gravity.
Motherfucker can't even fast like other hegehegs
I'm crashing this plane with no survivors
do it anyway lol
Nigga either take your shit or get off the bench.
does such a beautiful thing exist?
>they probably want to forget he existed.
They still have a pet hedgehog named after him in Sega headquarters, so no.
Not until you go out there, find it, and post it here.
would if I could right now, friend. Plus I don't wanna get this thread trash'd
Holy shit, it's been awhile since I've played that game and I don't remember this at all. Deepest lore.
>Blazeverse is at a -200 years offset from Sonicverse
>This explains why technology is less advanced in Blazeverse
>This somehow puts Blaze in Sonicverse's future
>This somehow puts sonic in Blazeverse's past
Don't forget Big and Vector are 18.
Big is 18, Vector is 20, Wave is 18, Storm is 19, Shadow is like 50
That pic
Thread's dead, user.
No saving it now.
I love fanart that switch out her regular clothes. That bussiness woman suit looks really good on her.
>those last two panels
I'm not a Sonaze fag but damn, that's really cute.
Blaze art with her hair down is a gift
That's because he made it up, he's a Silvaze shipper.
>mfw her last sudden attempt to grab on to Sonic before he's completely out of reach
Small but still a nice touch. Really touching as this song plays to convey Blaze's feelings of gratitude.
I don't remember it at all either, because it's bullshit.
honestly rouge is just consistently good for porn and femme fatale is a trope that never gets old
I don't care if she's village bicycle tier, bat tats > all cats
Let this thread die so better one can be made.