Make it Yea Forums

Make it Yea Forums

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>Yea Forums
>making something
post it on reddit and then repost it here over and over

Baby's first horror VN

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make me, homo.

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top panel: moon grass, blood vials
bottom panel: estus flask


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Didn't we have this meme years ago already?

Couldn't you have thought of something that wasn't a DDLC reskin of a drake meme?

Wrong, all these memes are just rehashings of gaijin 4koma

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stop trying to force your doki doki literature girl on us

Guy Jean?

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Based Catscratch newt poster


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daily reminder that OC is for cucks who want to provide free entertainment for an audience which doesn't respect them in the first place

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daily-across-boards reminder that every ddlc-related content posted outside the general is made by reddit, treat them as you wish, but leave us alone you fags

this is a literal tranny meme if you didn't know, they love DDLC
see /r/egg_irl on plebbit for evidence

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I don't actually dislike MWO all too much.

Fucking kek

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but you posted JoJo

Thing i like good
thing i dislike bad
anime girl


Congrats user. Today you've learned how opinions work

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Anyone remember that Sayori tranny pedo from Yea Forums?
Any news if the cops busted his fat lardass in prison for a proper buttfuck?

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Go back there

No but he won a lottery

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I only know because someone else posted it on here, just spreading awareness

Yeah right

This is what I mean, what you posted is a clear example of the shit taste of weebfaggots.

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Search the archives nigger, why you think I would lurk in tranny subreddits just to post them here I can't imagine

Natsuki would say you have bad taste in anime but still bake snacks for a marathon your favorite show

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Do people still play it?

9000 hours in mspaint

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Good question. I'd love to find out. I imagine a lot of us will shift from either game once MW5 comes out though.

like 20 people unfortunately, maybe on weekends you'll find them split between two servers

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holy shit what is this

Goddamnit, that's depressing.

Joshua and the Promise Land. It's fucking awful.

Baku Ane 2: Otouto Shibocchau zo! Episode 1 [Sub-ENG] for anyone looking for the souce of the hentai


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here's your image but Yea Forums related

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I want to ______ Sayori.

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hang out with?

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Fucking kek

came here to post this

get peed on by

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back to your containment thread


feed powerful diuretics to

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