>str vs dex
Str vs dex
Other urls found in this thread:
>Str + Dex
That's less str vs dex and more buff dude vs boipussy
>str vs dex
Dex is better
What the fuck is this manlet on? Who fights like that?
Also: The second he picked up that metal thing, he gave "Big Nig" the perfect excuse to crush him like a fucking bug.
Why are japs so obsessed with tiny fuckboi framed characters beating tanks?
even google laughs at manlets
wheres the one with the drunk dancing beaner and the bouncer
>"Big Nig"
He's clearly white.
god this movie was so fucking dumb
When will they learn?
People like underdogs. America LOVES underdogs
isn't that more str+dex?
He needed strength to even lift and slam
the guy so quickly.
It's not just the japanese though. People tend to root for the underdog.
that kid has wrestled before.
it was fun too
Because mankind is the fuckboi framed character vs. literally almost every other species we've ever fought. Including other homo species.
What height are you lads?
5'9" reporting in.
Fucking manlets, man.
They always pick fights to prove themselves to others.
He has the same idle stance as Voldo
All he has to do is attack his knees. His superior speed will keep him out of harm's way.
5'8" GIANT here
6' 7"
He's on ketamine
5'11" King
Either he kicked em off for some reason, or more likely it's a staged video
>Tonight, on Jackass
What advise would you give this manlet to survive this encounter without running away? What are the best tactics he can use to take down this big guy?
Why would you watch WWE if you are above the age of 15 years old
>Shinobi vs Shugoki
Idealization of intelligence, technique, resourcefulness, and skill overcoming brute force.
I've shrunk due to stress and being a faggot. Also, construction.
It's clearly staged
I pity manlets. No matter what they do or what they accomplish, it ALWAYS looks like they are just trying to compensate for their height
yoooo, that dodge, that takedown. Gotta give it to him, he pull that shit off real smooth.
for burgerclapistani standards perhaps
How do I get a gf taller than me?
asking for a friend.
>it's real
Consider myself either a Warrior or Paladin. Tank basically.
Honestly just fucking run I can't imagine ever winning something like that other than sucker punching him straight into jaw and hope that this knocks him out
Strength isn't that essential when you throw someone, but it makes it that much easier when you do have strength. It's the basic grappling throw you get taught.
Holy fuck
5'7" fatty but I've lost 45 lbs since september
6'7" overweight wizard here
183cm with shoes on
Exclusively play INT
Have you never seen someone on ketamine? they sure as shit ain't bouncing around like that
Nice job user keep it up
5'10. Hell everyday just knowing I can't be 6'0.
His skin is pink r-tard, look at the pic of his calves. His arms are either sleeved or he's just hairy.
Congrats bro, we're all gonna make it
5'6" here
No game is as exciting as reading Berserk when Guts is activating the Berserk Armor. He’s in a state where he’s swinging his giant sword so hard that the momentum makes his body fly through the air and bounce off of things. The physics and gravity of every strike is conveyed so well. Wherever his sword swings, the rest of his body is along for the ride. No game has captured that for me yet - though Gundam Breaker 3’s greatswords felt pretty good - weighty while still being acrobatic.
5'11" and 186 pounds
am I gonna make it?
yes, this ball will stop him
>pic of his calves
back of his calves
6'2" which is the protagonist height. You guys are all my supporting cast.
Wow what a fucking MANLET
why is this allowed
5'7'' and proud, everything is so easy and comfy
5'4" masterrace
5'6 as well you can't stop this perfect CORE BALANCE
lanklets will get TIPPED
Perfect timing
Bullshit. They're obviously friends or atleast know eachother. If he'd be on keta he'd be laughin his ass off in some corner playing retro games or watching funny movies.
Str vs Dex
Chris and Leon did more damage to the city than the entire outbreak
Leon straight up kills 2 people because he's trying to escape dogs.
Imagine being a fucking 5'11" manlet
Based. Face is almost everything anyway
skin has absolutely nothing to do with it
Shut the fuck up weeb shitter
>Lamal's thighs
5'6, 280. Where my WIDEBOYZ at?
tfw 5'3"
big nig isn't that big, he's only 6'0. the short guy is 5'11
Wrong city but right province my dude
Back of his knee maybe
Nig is a life style, not a race.
5'9, kinda wish I was 2 inches shorter, my boyish charm and my obsession with tall girls is unprecedented. I've never dated a girl under 5'9.
God damn what's going on in these webms? Looks like they aren't pulling punches.
You know it's good writing when the written format conveys it better than visuals have been able to
Usually I find Japanese writing to be stupidly deliberate, but there's some things they're very good at.
int vs luk
where is this clown from?
He isn't beating up someone weaker as him with ten of his "homeboys" nor is he robbing him. How is he a nigger?
I've never seen a 6'0 woman before.
6'2" though I feel like I'm 5'4". Low self-esteem is funny like that.
If only I hadn't gotten fat I could have been a cute twink.
some of them are good at making it look semi believable. brock is slamming his hand into the mat in the first one
Brute force is pretty based though
I think he's hitting him with his forearm. Brock can take that.
5'11" I was so fucking close.
erioire is the big strong guy part of the corrupt police forces and lamal is the gunslinging good guy that had his love caught up in the corruption which caused him to defect and take on the system 1 bullet at a time
>gain strength based on hp loss
>can self damage
She's 7'8" and a retired Russian volleyball player
that footwork tho
>str vs dex
What the fuck does he drop at the end? It looks like a furry tail butt plug or something like that.
Nope, keep guessing my fellow poutine friend
probably Ace Attorney
She's 6'2 at the tallest. Are you blind?
There's a 5'10 woman right next to them for reference.
Nice fake image. Regulation nets are 7 foot 4 1/8 inches. Tallest woman currently living is 7 foot even and lives in Turkey.
5'10, maybe '11 by now. Don't really know how to feel about it still but it's decent I guess.
Basically this guy
Better not be fucking M*ntreal
ok so according to you every albino tribal nigger is white and should be your son right now
yeah right cuck
Germans are mostly Slavic.
at least i'm not fat, i guess
>Feeling like shit because i will never be taller than Clint Eastwood
that was my dream since i was a kid
No i'm not a leftie/tranny/nigger
They sure are after Berlin fell to Russia
Hey oh
5'8 110lbs
5'6'' floor goblin reporting in.
do you know what website youre on newfag?
Anons crying about being only 5'7" or 5'11" don't know what true suffering is.
180 cm
Used to think I was 5'11 king but it turns it I'm just shy.
Niet, think about music, maybe that'll help
STR always wins baby
>not hacking all your stats to the max
Fucking gay Yea Forums
i think the one of the more perfect examples of Guts being Str+Dex incarnate is when he is fighting the mantis and the rhinoceros beetle apostles who are both the high dex and high str respectively, and he fucking kills them both at the same time
Picking up that weapon was a good move.
Pro tip - Life is not comfortable once you get like 6' or so.
I'm running bone dry here
Lol imagine being pathetic manlet.
Manlets can only into dex, while normal man can chose between dex or strenght.
Maybe if I say poutine?
6 foot 1 also i have south american genes so i lucked out
>tfw not tall enough to hit true anime villain mode.
>tfw all my documents say 6"0
It's staged retard
>this will never happen to me
why even liv
Post the furry version
That's a feel I wish I didn't know, too
How do you guys like my int build?
Gotta be Drummondville, yeah?
6'2 i have a 5'9 friend with a pretty wife, so there is hope for you manlets though she will probably cheat on him eventually lol
>Stout build + low rooted stance
>Lanklets try to start shit but just trip over me every time
Apex height for human males. Any taller and you might as well consider yourself prey.
Are you alone?
Lol big guy can't even catch him. And you faggots actually think STR is anything but a meme.
Bingo! We have a winner!
see you soon buddy
>tall girl fetish
>am 6,3
my life must be some sort of cosmic joke
6'3" here, heels push me up to just about 6'5". Are men really as short as you guys all claim to be?
The STR guy doesn't even get close to touching him. If they both had weapons like a sword or spear DEX wins every time. Maybe in a wrestling match STR comes out ahead, but in all other combat DEX >>> STR and this GIF just proves that.
>all these manlets ITT
Time to hunt you down and rape you
america is fill with mutts so people are going to be shorter
It's not even how fast he gets around the thing, he immediately flips it into the air. Amazing
Oh shit
The tallest country in the world is 6 straight
Shouldn't of taken the HRT, huh?
are you asking if i have a so? i have a booty call ex girlfriend
very effective
Will i finally be able to go to my waifu with the void?
Pale plus causcasian = white.
most of us are average you're just a mutant
and I live in a town of lanklets and giants, just fucking kill me already
I made it haha
6'4 and eternally grateful.
yeah but the guy in the webm is clearly of african descent
I dont see why humans shouldn't fully embrace eugenics. All (((they))) promote is brain damaged mixed race, nigger transvestites.
Is this staged, or was this manlet seriously trying to beat a real life orge?...
6'0 exactly
I wish I was about eight inches shorter
Wait does that last bit mean you think I'm trans? Sorry but I'm not. Only surgery I've had in the past was a breast reduction, and that was due to a more personal complication.
5'11" and I fucking hate it
I'm literally a manlet. And got so fed up with fit making fun of me that I am getting leg lengthening surgery in 4 months.
staged, big dudes shoes change on the 3rd cut
>the dropped cat tail at the end
every time
I'm also 6'0, and it's okay. Not a manlet, but not too tall. Why the hell would you want to be around 5'7?
if they did that half this thread would be sterilized
Most people realize even if they will not admit it that they are inferior, and they are worried they will be replaced. They are right, they would be and there is nothing wrong with that. People need to get over themselves and realize the long term of humanity isn't about them but what we will become.
If we left the devices of eugencis to Yea Forums we'd have a bunch of dumb horny lanklets
>buff dude
he's fucking huge, man. nothing the king of manlets could do.
stop it
>6 feet 3
>has giant tits
okay you can stop now
Super sleuth
kek where do you live? I'm quite comfortable.
Either larping or a mutant freak
Jesus christ did he snap his fucking ankle or some shit
I've no interest in being this height, would rather be a cute twinky femboy instead. I'm not complaining, it just is what it is.
I'd sacrifice myself for the greater good. Just give us an island for retards and I'm fine with it.
I wouldn't call myself inferior compared to the 3rd world, but yea I'm more like mediocre. Still, I think it's what humanity needs. This "bad is good and good is bad" shit is fuckking cancer.
do not hurt me and my poutine manlet frame
Y-you're a big guy
You should always level Luck though.
you're overreacting.
Average male height is around 5'9" in the US. Anything below 5'8" is actual manlet
Wish I was into tall chicks. Game was rigged from the start.
This is str vs less str
>unironic Eugenicists ITT
You guys are sociopaths, christ alive
holy shit get bodied
Did he died?
Said the egoist.
Is 5'11" tall enough to not be a manlet?
Based as fuck. Trannys always lose.
5'11 king of the manlets reporting in
>5'11 and around 110 lbs
>older brother is like 6'2 and 250 lbs
>unironically drank chocolate onions milk as a little kid because I didn't like the taste of regular milk
>tfw will never be able to do this youtube.com
It had nothing to do with the size, if you really wanna know, its because I suffered from lordosis and I was experiencing pain with how much walking I did on a daily basis. I spent about 3 years I think with a physical therapist to help correct my posture, and even now I've still gotta use a brace when I know I'll be doing any heavier amount of exercise.
>Island for retards
It's called Britain.
Always back the pony named Self Interest
You're just on the precipice. 5'11 is king of the manlets
6 but I tell everyone that I'm 6,1
fucking hell I can't believe I forgot about the filter
i fucking made it bros...
sorry bud
I'm 5'9" and get about 10 matches a week on tinder. I've only actually seen a couple chicks stating height requirements and I've obviously not swiped on them.
yes, he actually died after this
wish i was like two inches taller, at least i'm above 5'6
Seems legit
Did he died?
Good job user
>enemies become stronger at low health
>enemies can inflict self damage
This was so disappointing.
They aren't worth the time anyhow. Imagine how much of a cunt a guy stating "Not tits under DD" would be.
Lmao im crying that guy starts punching himself
>compared to the 3rd world
It's not even about that. The most extreme of humanity is so far above the rest of us that we cannot compare. There are Olympic swimmers that produce as much as 4 times less fatigue toxin, and there is one runner that produces none. There is that one guy who climbed Everest in his gym shorts, and that same guy can swim in the arctic with no consequences. There is this one guy with synesthesia that allows him to learn new languages and math formulas literally near instantly because he sees them as colors. There are monks that can heat up their body to otherwise dangerous levels. There is this one challenge swimmer whose body CAN EFFECTIVELY OPERATE WITHOUT OXYGEN for an extended periods of time. Did you know direct descendants of someone who had the Black Plague are all-but immune to HIV?
It's fucking insane. A Chinese guy not long ago did some changes on a baby, the first known human experimentation to such a level, that should in theory replicate the HIV resistance via a similar method as what the Black Plague did, and which should in theory also improve intelligence of it because of a distant side effect of some other things he changed. THE FUTURE IS N O W.
The big dude isn't even trying, he knows he isn't in harms way since the manlet can't even reach his head. If he really wanted to fight, he would just drop the hammer in the moment his left hand touched the manlet's head.
that athletic wrestling kid is definitely stronger than that dilapidated tranny, this is just strength+dex vs. discord admin
F-five eight.
I'm 5'11 but I just tell people I'm 6 foot cause I'm based and people truly cant tell
>tfw no cute shorter than 6 ft manlet to feminize and make into your femboy trap wife
which stat is this?
What is it about short guys being so insecure? I havent encountered this issue irl ever. It's not like we taller guys are going to i dunno eat you or something. I dont get it.
kill you are self
Based. This is what trannys deserve.
I'll feminize YOU ya fucking wankstain
I have a family of manlets and womanlets, it blows.
uhhh at 0:19 is that guy punching himself in the head?
It's not about you, tallbro; its about roasties.
Slavic is a language group.
Now imagine if we combine those genetics into one and create superhumans. How is this a bad thing?
5'4" my bros
i know the feel ya'll. i got tiny spic genes, so my whole immediate family are small people. stay strong bros.
Pro wrestling is anime for rednecks and white trash.
In the first one, Brock's hand is behind Style's head. He's probably dizzy but otherwise ok. In the second one it looks like he's hitting Brock with the underside of his forearm and not the fist. It would look much less brutal from another angle I expect.
INT. hes using his disability to be sick as fuck and jam out
>tfw swedish gypsie mutt and there's loads of swedish girls taller than me
Too bad no one is ever into manlets
i know that feel funny seeing short guys at the gym lifting they look so dumb
thank god I am not a manlet but most of my friends are 6'3" so I feel short when we hang out
See the thing that doesn't make sense about you transhumanists is that you're so rational about everything except human nature. People will never go against their own best interest for your warped philosophical evolution. It's nonsensical. I think you guy are frauds. You're too smart not to understand that, yet you always address people as if they're acting irrationally when they reject their own demise. By your own understanding of evolution, you should also understand why people are opposed to transhumanism. Yes, a A.I is more impressive than me. No, I don't care. I want to live. Fuck your robot and fuck evolution. This is the human condition. You will not never get rid of it.
Can't hear ya, maybe grow a few inches so i can hear you up here, manlet
Short people have girls too. Or else how would china be this overpopulated. It's fucking stupid.
>tfw no tall bf to feminize me
feels bad man
>conveniently redacts David and Odysseus from memory
Mutation stat with DLC items
>ever entering a fight without a weapon on you
We're typing on the internet
>Retweeted by an account deliberately trying to find some cunts' opinions about height
Why even bother posting this? If you save Twitter screencaps you should be decapitated and your body shot into space.
I admire dex bro's effort
5'10 when I'm not slouching
Based Brock BTFOing Hick AJ
What's wrong with that. Stat requirements?
This. You should watch REAL fights, like UFC, where every fight ends with the guys hugging each other on the floor and fondling each others balls
5'8". Thank god I have a tall girl fetish
this was a legendary duel that lasted for many moons
>mfw 5'4
>170 pounds of pure midget muscle
Are there any girls on this green earth into this?
Run for president of Yea Forums.
Someone post that webm of the dude blocking a sucker punch then acting smug
You should focus on reclaiming Karak Eight Peaks
My roommates 5' 9" and he always dates girls that have an inch on him.
I KNOW, and that's just the tip of the fucking iceberg. A lot of this shit isn't hard to change because we already know how it works either directly or tangentially via viruses, and we literally already have the technology by and large to do it. All we need to do is sanction it and ask for volunteers.
based /twg/bro
>tfw 5'4" and 100 pounds
feels good man
why even try with those genes?
Best used as trap concubines for the non-manlets.
On the bright side I'm still 18 so I might grow a little
>every fight ends with the guys hugging each other on the floor and fondling each others balls
I fucking hate faggots with a passion, but it's good to see that Anikis spirit lives on.
>guy at :20 hitting himself
Show status: Stolen
yeah because you don't realize how much it sucks to look up to have a conversation. If you have a good 4 inches on me I'm naturally gonna be a bit defensive.
all the superhumans will be chinese
not a bad thing at all, really. but westerners are soon to be eradicated
Traps should always wear cock cages
5'8" reporting in