Demiya May Cry was almost a thing

>Demiya May Cry was almost a thing
This would have been pretty fucking cool, honestly.
Why is the lore for DmC so much cooler than the lore for DMC proper?

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Other urls found in this thread:

didn't donte may cry implied sparda was still alive but tortured and nobody cared?

Yeah, also he’s a fucking loser who instead of waking up to justice knocked up some angel thot and then got btfo’d by moondust

Yes, and?

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they are both trash, like you tc.

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ditching me for some demon jock , trish?

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Go fuck your self tameem.

>Why is the lore for DmC so much cooler than the lore for DMC proper?

What game is qt from?

Was that really concept art for dante? I thought it was just more weird shit like the urinal demon, was devil trigger just going to be a hulk mode? Would have been much better than inverted color slow mo mode

What lore? The only difference is that they added angels and that demons control humanity like the aliens from They Live. Big fucking difference.

Angels also are completely irrelevant outside of some shitty weapons

>Why is the lore for DmC so much cooler than the lore for DMC proper?
Because you are a crazy person.
Half angle half deman is cliche trash. Shit's written like a bleach knock off.

>demons in limbo acting as an immune system
>plot of "They Live" but applied to '00s society
I can't think of a 3rd point already its deeper than "my dad was badass and I fight demons" as a baseline.

Yelena Fedorova


What is Tameem's connection to Deus Ex: MK?

F/GO trash

It's the most on the nose any piece of media's ever been. You're praising it solely on the basis that it's not as simple as the original when that simplicity itself is what makes it good.
A series like DMC doesn't need lore at all, it would only serve to limit the developers' creativity.

>Why is the lore for DmC so much cooler than the lore for DMC proper?
go to bed tameem, you got work at M$ slave offices tomorrow

>You're praising it solely on the basis that it's not as simple as the original when that simplicity itself is what makes it good.
>A series like DMC doesn't need lore at all, it would only serve to limit the developers' creativity.
That's where you're wrong, libtard.
NO ONE has praised the story of DMC; sure the characters are cool and fun, but the actual story of the series is dogshit and DmC, despite its many flaws, is more interesting in that regard.

he looks like a whore from the future.


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The story of DMC is its premise. That's all it needs to be and so it gets a pass.
DmC on the other hand attempts to make it more interesting and while it may have appealed to your dumb ass that doesn't make it good in any sense of the word and I absolutely blame them for trying since everything about it is laughable and it makes the game significantly worse.
Like I said earlier it's fucking bleach tier trash.

Simple != dogshit. I'll take Mario stories over poorly executed trite like DmC's writing.

They had a bunch of concept art for Donte. Even some of an unused Angel Trigger.

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>bleach knock off

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is that pucci?

Tons have praised and are still praising DMC3's story though, which is legitimately great.
Sure, it's the only DMC game with a great story, but it's still great. The pacing is great, the themes are simple, but relateable, the story tight and the antagonists are memorable, the main protagonist has a clear and well-executed character arc from start to finish and so does the main heroine.

He was still alive and being tortured for all eternity in hell, but Vorgin said it’s literally impossible to save him and Donte completely forgets about Spurdo after that.

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It's not.

>Calling DmC's lore cooler than DMC'S
>After what they did to Sparda
No kill yourself


Sparda didn't matter a shit in DMC proper until DMC4 suddenly remembered he existed

DMC3's story is way more effective for the videogame medium. No need to ape cinema and literature, when all you need is a well constructed hero's journey. It's simple, yes, but it works and actually makes you give a damn about the characters and what's at stake.
All the useless political baggage like the Bill O' Reilly boss battle, the anti-establishment vibes or Vorgil's followers being a carbon copy of "Anonymous" in Guy Fawkes masks can, and will, age poorly.
DMC3 will remain timeless.

Fuck off. Pacing is shit. As much as you fucks hate to admit it, DmC had the best story and narrative execution in the series. It also doesn’t suffer from “forty year old japs trying to be cool” in the language.

Sparda wasn't exactly brimming with competence in the main universe, though. I mean, every single game is Dante cleaning up his dad's fuckups and unfinished business.

>All the useless political baggage like the Bill O' Reilly boss battle, the anti-establishment vibes or Vorgil's followers being a carbon copy of "Anonymous" in Guy Fawkes masks can, and will, age poorly.
What is a "period piece"?

Considering how Vorgil turned out and what he knows of Mundus, it’s in his nature to not worry about Sparda.

>get laughed out of DMC thread
>makes a thread just for him

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And the fedora.

Did you miss how all the bosses that speak to your character before their fight mention him in some way? Did you miss how he's an unlockable character in 1,3 and 4?

This is wild lol

We're calling unused lead character designs lore now?

No, but DmC does suffer from a "forty year old westerners trying to be cool" syndrome. Which is way worse.

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>What is a "period piece"?
Not what DmC is intended to be? The entire thing that Tameem was pushing with DmC was literally "DMC but hip and modern and edgy." It's the opposite of a period piece, it's a forced and failed attempt at being ageless and contemporary but instead just violently dates itself with every cutscene.

Honestly DmC would've been better if NT committed to its own vision and doubling down on edginess. What we got wasn't enough Dante from dmc and not enough of its own thing to be special.

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>Period piece definition is - a work (as of literature, art, furniture, cinema, or music) whose special value lies in its evocation of a historical period.

>Pucci may cry

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Don't just post the infograph, the full video rips into it even better.

Exactly. Almost every demon you fight is still seething in pure rage after Sparda was done with them.

god that looks so gay
how did they have the gall to compare dante to gay cowboys when their own art looks like gay bondage fetish art

they made dante go from
>half human half demon
>half angel half demon
which is less interesting and forgets some of the series' points

>when they tell you you can't just spend all day jerking off

Didn't matter? 1 is about killing Mundus, Sparda's nemesis. 2, shit as it may be, was about Dante wanting to know about a story of Sparda from Matier. 3 was about Sparda's legacy and Sons of Sparda' responsibility to it.

Holy shit, do you people just not pay any attention to the game? These are al already explained.



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>pay attention to the rich lore and storytelling of DmC guys
Why the fuck would anyone subject themselves to that?

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it's ok tameem, don't worry. every amateur makes writing mistakes during their first time

Alright then, when did they explain where Ebiny & Irony came from? Why does Kat dress like a prostitute when the game implies she was raped? Why are blue roses in the game for a bit and never appear again after two missions?

i think angry biker donte could have at least been a fun take instead of angsty emo donte, and the "fuck you" scene with him being angry and drunk shouting slurred slurs would have actually been funny if handled with some self-awareness

should of made nu-dante a homo, would of explained why he looks so shit.

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But the original Dante is the gay one, see?

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Look at that confident man hanging out with those gay guys. So fucking confident he doesn't even care!

This is AT and DT.

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Look at that confident man! hanging out with those gay guys. What a confident man!

But he’d be laughed out of bar if he tried to step in. How’s that for confident?

Oh please user, he's not you

Not in Poland bitch. I really wish I had the image to post right now but oh well.
Maybe someone else can back me up.

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They’re demon weapons. They manifest themselves. Stop slut-shaming. Easter eggs.

>I have two personalities

Homos are pretty handsome sometimes, donte just looks like a fucboi

Yeah good stuff mate.

>nicest person you will ever meet

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Kat doesn’t really dress like a prostitute, she’s just really boring in personality and looks


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And she hides behind a trash can.

How boring

So did the people writing the graffiti deliberately write it backwards so it would appear normal in the mirror?

Looked better than what we got

The mirrors not a reflection of our world, but limbo. Gosh, pay attention next time!!

That's absolutely profound. Such an underrated masterpiece.

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How sad is it that the fan made DT designs look better than the final product in DmC?

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I almost feel bad for NT.

I think DmC does have some merit. It clearly attracts casuals, so from a business perspective, that's a plus. But it also allows experimentation, the opportunity to implement ideas and concepts you wouldn't necessarily want in the "main" series. Use it to see what works and what doesn't, and incorporate the aspects that do work into the main series, like what they're doing with DMC5.

Additionally, I do kinda like the axe, even if it wouldn't necessarily fit with main Dante's character.

Imagine if we got this DT but Donte's personality was completely flipped and he was an overly nice awkward dork.

Why was the enemy design in this game so bad?

God, those suspenders look gay hell.

>thread just 404'd

fuck the jannies


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>Unironicly praising DmC
>Throwing around political insults in a non political discussion for no rhyme or reason
I don't know which makes you look dumber, wait nevermind I actually do know liking DmC

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Meanwhile there are at least 4 off topic threads currently up that I spotted throwing a cursory glance at the catalog.

>DmC had the best story and narrative execution in the series.
>who's gonna take over when you defeat mundus
>zoom in on dante with the pikachu face and then cut to black
10/10 narrative execution

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DmC had a nice aesthetic, not going to lie, but it just makes the whole game so much more sadder

>Demon family have infighting
>Outside forces exploit this
>Not as interesting as the actual rip off of They Live without ANY of the charisma

>The other DMC thread got deleted
Lmao mods are faggots

DmC was a mistake and I'm glad it's effectively been erased

post that jason statham donte

More like DmC will exist through it's obvious tribute DMC5 and onward

As much as I hate DmC I will admit it is the best western melee/combo-based action game, second only to OG God of War as low of bar as that is to cross. Space Marine/Darksiders is third easy

This. But ninja theory wouldve fucked that up anyway so it dont mattah.

This. I mean, it most likely would've been garbage anyway but probably way better than dmc.

The only thing is you need to add a star to that tittle because of itsuno showing up and helping them. It's why people saying it would have been a great game without the DMC name being attached to it are kind of wrong since we know itsuno had to help them on aspects of the gameplay.

Reminder that DmC2 would have just been a shitty SMT knock off with muh angels and muh demons

And Vorgin coming back.

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Well this is a fucking shit thread, are we gonna have a real non-shitpost thread today where we can actually discuss shit without Tameem sucking his own dick?

>this would have been the antagonist in DmC2
Dodged that bullet

There's a different DMC somewhere else. This is a DmC thread.

Almost want it just to see the unintentional hilarity that would ensue

The current OP died and the actual thread got taken down cause we needed more space for tranny discussion.
This is it now, have fun.

Who thought this was a good idea?


>unintentional hilarity
The best thing about DmC.


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DMChads take what they want without asking. What if Donte were a hidden boss in the DMC5 Bloody Palace? Each time you hit him, he'll say "FUCK YOU!"

Fuck you.

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DMChads have the best sense of humor. A DMChad saying "Fuck You" is one of the most based things I've laid eyes on. And after you beat Donte, you'll be able to use him as a dummy for the training mode

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>That scene when the magical negro asks Donte who will rule after Mundus is defeated.
>Donte stares smiling into the distance for five fucking seconds while the camera zooms in.
What the fuck was this game

It's all fun and game until Donte's DT throws you helplessly into the air. Not to mention Aquila stunlocking and Angel Lift/Demon Pull that works like Nero's DB Snatch interrupting.
Fuck, now I really want to fight against Donte.

What's with the west and tattoos?

Hardcore Mode in Definitive Edition fixes that. DT no longer throws enemies into the air.


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>you'll be able to use him as a dummy for the training mode
Just cut the middle man out and make Donte the training dummy by default, Virgin should be Nero's and Mandus for V. Beating Bloody Palace should unlock them as actual bonus boss fights

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Playing Bayo atm.
Getting heavy DMC1 vibes from it in a sense of Kamiya being a fucking hack. But a creative and experimenting hack.
>Witch Time is a cool idea.
>Combat encounters being designed around it, however, is retarded.
Basically, I'm playing the game on normal, getting my ass somewhat handled to me (being rusty, new combat system, being a scrub, etc.). Go through two secret missions (limited hits and enemy step ones) with some effort, get to the "your Witch Time is disabled oh no!". Beat it first try with a minute to spare.
Fishing for dodges is a shit design.
>"Crafting" in a DMC-esque game
Kamiya, fuck you. I don't like playing Yellow Mode, but I dislike reviving and/or using items even more.
Why do you have to punish me for being a scrub so hard?
Like, it's cool, I guess. Only got to the wall-climbing so far, but already scared about what's to come. The first wall-climbing fight was such a fucking clown fiesta of getting stuck in a corner and having camera issues, I genuinely don't understand how the mechanics made it in after that disaster.
>Two weapon slots, have to give up the hand weapon slot to use a melee weapon.
Unironically fucking genius. Especially in the context of being able to fire all the guns during some attacks.
>Basillion combos
That's cool.
>Most combos are pointless rehashes of other combos.
That's not cool.
>Combos are essentially pointless fillers to get a finisher attack off.
That's shit. I like Dance Macabre, but I don't want all my attacks to be Dance Macabre.
That being said, Dodge Offset does seem to make this combat archetype much deeper and more interactive, which is a good thing.
>Katana gets extra weeb moves
Incredible. I love it.

Also, just gut the whip thing and it looks like it's going to be awesome.

So far, the game is an uneven experience, but it's slowly growing on me.

It had some really bad cinematography and absolutely abysmal framerate for cutscenes

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What's with all the actual gaming threads being locked as of late? That thread about Gearbox and Halo got locked too.

DmC has better gameplay and level design compared to DMC4.

you just hate the game because of its shitty characters and story.

Jannies are being jannies.

DmC also has shitty bosses and shitty enemies.
The Angelo Squad in 4 is better than most of the shit in DmC

and and worse gameplay

>Why is the lore for DmC so much cooler
ikr it's also cool that it's just so relatable to my own childhood

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>the dental video on the screens
Is this a mod or is that actually in the game?

That outfit looks tacky, but I can't help laughing at his guns. Reminds me of the DmC threads that were made when E&I were revealed. Anons were seething, and those threads were funny to read.

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Really to bad we didn't get Jason Statham Dante.

>DmC being better than DMC3
Lmao I'll fucking pass

Those are cute Shadows.

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Gotta make more room for shitposting, porn and nigger/tranny hate threads, who needs video game discussion

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>is that actually in the game?
Bro c'mon think a minute

True but a good handful of vidya threads got locked before they hit 50 posts. One janny must really want hot pockets.

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>DmC had a nice aesthetic

>DmC has better gameplay
No. Not really. Combat is worse. Enemies are worse. Progression is strictly linear. The only gameplay part of it that's better than DMC4 is platforming.
>level design
DmC has the best level design in the series, but that's because the level design in the series is universally shit.
DMC4 levels are the second best, but they look much better.

hey buddy i think you got the wrong door

i kind of liked TGS Donte

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bob barbas was the only good part about that game you fuck

>Less than two weeks away from freeing ourselves of DmC being the last mainline DMC released
We're so close

Good old crackhead Donte

>DMC4 levels are the second best
Have you fucking played DMC4 lately? The only thing they have going for them is their linearity, otherwise they're pretty fucking shit.

I didn't like the initial Donte, but I would prefer him over what we've got. DmC could've been better if it were less of a shitty DMC knockoff.

>Can use almost nothing but the big Axe combo on Vorgil and still get a triple S ranking for the mission

So...DMC thread?

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They weren’t thinking.

He's meh, but Jason Statham and Demiya look cool. Dunno who thought Donte looked cooler tham Statham or Demiya.

I was curious on how this would've turned up,it somehow reminded me of 1 but with way more brooding Donte, also is the VA different?

They are better than DMC1/2/3 levels, though.
DMC4 has the big scary Dante backtrack section, however, the levels themselves have incomparably less backtracking than DMC1 or 3. Levels also differ thematically in terms of verticality, pathing, and obstacle format/placement without going full cancer of DMC3's "LET'S PUT SAWS ON WALLS!"
Platforming in DMC4 is worse than in DmC but is better than in every other game.
There's a better visual variety too.


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>the big Axe combo
You're a fucking scrub.
It's two "Rebellion" hits into the Triple Axe thing.

When the guy singlehandedly takes on the king of hell and fucks his shit bad enough that they need to ward hell off from earth just because one dude doesn;t want his family and the good humans to be fucked with.

I mean, just imagine all the shit he had to kick aside before reaching Mundus. You'd imagine Sparda's hands were busy with THE big fish and that's why all of Dante's enemies are butthurt sperglords who try to take their frustrations out on Sparda's kid. They weren't even worth beating totally to him, just a pebble in his way.

I keep forgetting DmC has that weird not-really-combo-offset thing

Talked to a guy who actually liked DmC and he outright denied the demon dodge into that combo as bullshit and said the game is super hard and engaging on hell and hell difficulty

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I really hope they never elaborate more on Sparda,its such a cool thing that makes the whole thing more immersive and atmospheric when its implied there are bigger fish out there.


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Damn, Kat's so small, light and tight. Imagine if Dante just picked her up and bounced her in his lap until she was begging him to get her pert little butt pregnant wouldn't that be weird haha

Beowulf and Cavalier seem to be the most booty blasted out of all of them.

She’s a rape survivor.

Yes, and? She's asking for it and has learned to love again.

Desperate DmCfags

someone got a big glass of retard juice this mornin

Wouldn't it be totally weird if she told Dante, "Please Dante, have your sperm rape my eggs!" haha

Does that mean he finds DMC4 or DMC3 on Hell and Hell better than sex?

>Failed to adequately take care of Mundus, allowing him to return, kill his wife and brainwash his kid
>Failed to adequately take care of Argosax
>God only knows what his connection to the Savior is

I guarantee you that whatever's going on in DMC4 is probably due to him failing to get some job done thoroughly too.


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I did tell him to try DMC3 on DMD/HOH difficulty, to which everyone else laughed. IIRC he only played 4 and didn't like it that much

>haha posters
Take an air hike all the way into Leviatan's mouth

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I miss demon designs like these. I'm hoping for more from mission 13-20.

Dante, not Donte.

Daddy-Dante, not Uncle-Dante you crazy guy.


>Devil Trigger lets him go very fast
>Or you can use the whole DT bar to rewind time if you want to build up style or regenerate health

>asking Dante to fuck her
It'll end up worse. That man will Sky Star away from her the instance she tries any sexual advances. Dante is the wizard.

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>DmC has better gameplay
No not at all, it's better than DMC2's but even DMC1 has better combat. The bosses are awful, the regular enemies are shit not to mention the red and blue enemies that straight up ruined any and all momentum the game had. None of the weapons are actually fun to use, Onyx in particular is the worst fist based weapon I have ever seen in a Hack n Slash game and overall Donte just doesnt feel nearly as good to play as when compared to DMC3 and DMC4 Dante

I was thinking he'd body surf on a demon's body away from her, Lady, Trish, and Patty with a piece of pizza in his mouth shouting, "No way ladies, this body's only got room for me on it!" or something.

DMC1's combat is still loads of fun though. Ifrit and Alastor are still great Devil Arms.

He walked into the S&M club instead of the leather club

Yea, thats what I was saying. DMC1, a game that came out in 2001 and is much more primitive in many regards is still ten times more fun then the DmC Reboot.

I think the Katana also has just frame bonus damage when you charge it.

The Savior is just a giant golem made in the Order of the Sword's image of Sparda. His only connection is that the Order worshipped him and used his sword to power it.

>sword to power it
This again. Sparda was never necessary for the Savior's activation. At no point is it ever implied that this was the case. It's a great thing to have, mind you, but it wasn't absolutely needed. Sanctus literally only uses the thing as a weapon.

Yamato was also not necessary to activate the Savior. It WAS, however, necessary to activate the Hellgate.

The Savior is actually a demon, not just a construct.

Besides the Nomura-tier amount of belts, this one is actually pretty good and true to the DMC1 design.

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Actually, the DMC4 novel directly states that Sparda is the only thing that can power it but they needed a descendant or Sparda to activate Sparda so the Savior can use it.

All they had to do was not use the term hollow and that probably would have slipped by, fucking idiots.

Strange how close the concept art is to the original series.

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The desert and completely white coloration would’ve still been a big dead ringer. Also, The Heart.

Novel also said Blue Rose and Red Queen melted, but whaddayaknow? They didn't.

Red Queen and Blue Rose do look a bit different in 5.

So does Rebellion.

Well it's your interpretation vs a novel that has shit left out of DMC4 and explained shit about DMC4

Just saying, it's hard to take the novel seriously when it makes up shit that the games blatantly disregard. For instance, why would Nero's weapons get melted, but not his clothes?

>Why is the lore for DmC so much cooler than the lore for DMC proper?
>Sparda is a fucking pussy who got completely btfo by Mundus
>Mundus is a Lex Luther/King Pin wannabe
that alone makes the reboot lore suck and thats not even going into how retarded their Nephilim are or how shit Dante and Vergil are.

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But sniper rifle abortion.

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Is that supposed to be Ninja Theory's take on Nero's DT?

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Seriously what were they thinking.

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>it's hard to take the novel seriously when it makes up shit that the games blatantly disregard.
I can get that but we don't know if Itsuno will retcon the games to fit the Deadly Fortune novel as well, he already acknowledged a the DMC sign being given to Nero being from the novel and Before the Nightmare is already taking a bunch of stuff from Deadly Fortune as well.
>For instance, why would Nero's weapons get melted, but not his clothes?
That's just because no one wants the final battle to be fought with a naked Nero but besides all DMC games already have shit like that with Dante's clothes, he gets stabbed but his clothes aren't damaged.It's just you have to suspend disbelief for some shit otherwise you can get would be stupid shit like naked Nero vs Sanctus.


My view is that if you want me to take this supplementary book that maybe, like, five hundred people read tops, seriously and accept that it's canon, it should ALL line up with the canon. You can't just go "this part's not canon, but this part is". For all I know, it's no different from one of the movie novelizations that takes significant liberties because the writer felt like it that day.

They thought it would be cool.

A lot of the time this is just straight up forgotten or ignored, but NT actually wanted to stay closer to the original games' designs

Capcom, still drinking the Inafune Koolaid, pushed them to make it more and more different, which is how we ended up with that first look being critically blasted and them having to run it back

What the hell these are actually alright, what the hell NT?

I dunno. Given Tameem's interviews and general attitude, I feel like a lot of it was totally in line with his tastes anyway.

No but you see, naked Nero fighting Sanctus would've been symbolic of the Catholic Church and the whole kiddy diddling ring. You gotta think a few steps ahead user

I guess that's fair but by the way things are going now I wouldn't be surprised if Deadly Fortune replaces DMC4 in the canon.But my point was if the writer of DMC4 originally wrote the Savior to be need Sparda and a descendant of Sparda to power it but that wasn't expanded upon in the game due to being rushed then I would think that is how it works in the game.

Blame Capcom and Tameem being full of himself.

All Sanctus ever does is use it as a weapon. It's not as if he used it as the Savior's core. Not to mention, they had no actual way to obtain Sparda anyway; Trish just happened to show up at their doorstep and gave it to them.

Then again, God only knows how they expected to use Dante as the Savior's core.

Not to bring up the novel again but the Savior didn't absorb Sparda, Santus still used it as a weapon.I guess Sanctus was connected to the Savior in some way but I got to reread to figure out how.

>Dante somehow reforges Rebellion
>Seeing as how he has a new sword now, he gives Rebellion to Nero
>It allows Nero to use an alternative Devil Trigger

I still don't get why Trish thought it was a good idea to bring Sparda to them

Who the fuck even knows? Given Dante's reaction to her Gloria disguise, it's obvious that they didn't even meet prior to mission, what, 12 was it? So she wasn't giving him any of the info she learned either.

This is the epitome of cool.

Attached: 7BCF1EE1-6572-439D-B625-ADEDB6F40029.jpg (840x1024, 100K)

4 was a rush job anyways. Hope 5's narrative will be as good as 3's.

>Sure, it's the only DMC game with a great story, but it's still great.
I prefer DMC1's story. It doesn't have as many high budget cutscenes as 3 but 1 tells a lot of the story through enemy/level design and what Dante is actually doing while you control him.

Itsuno says 5 has been in the works for 4 years.


Honestly, given Trish's behavior in every piece of media she's been it, the fact that she's so retarded in DMC4 didn't surprise me. She's kind of a simpleton.

to be fair, she's a clone

it's cringy the first few times you hear it but after a dozen playthroughs i realized it's a pleb filter scene

my sides

his sides

Attached: 3C438D80-2E64-410F-824A-32F7F980D5C1.jpg (1200x1057, 319K)

Agreed, fucking kino

The voice crack makes it a meme but it also makes it super emotional when you've watched it enough times

Yeah the VA is 100% different

Glad they didn't go with "generic gruff guy voice", Donte actually has a bit of charm and flair to him at times with his youthful-sounding voice

what's so bad about Donte's actual design? he looks like some weirdo anorexic crustpunk who lives in an abandoned factory building in Europe, shit's awesome


It's an interesting and unique look for the character that pays homage to his original design that also fits the trashy grindhouse aesthetic the game was looking for

>that pays homage to his original design
Donte and Dante both like red, other than that where's the "homage"?

The problem with these designs is that they’re way too similar to the characters’ original first design (besides the obvious Donte’s black hair)

The most ideal reboot design would be something similar to which asides from the obvious Nomura belt fetish, is both similar enough to the old designs and different enough to be a character’s reboot version.

>similar to

>The voice crack makes it a meme but it also makes it super emotional when you've watched it enough times
I think it helps if you listen to the last part of the ending song too. Skip to 2:25

Shit, meant the post below

Attached: 1526603660081.gif (444x271, 1.89M)

>gun to an angel's head for no reason
This game treated women way worse than their incorrect assumption of the original series.

i think it's supposed to be his benis

He was great, mechanically, but as part of the story he was HEY CURRENT ENVIRONMENT AS OF THIS GAME'S CREATION, and useless.
Still a fun fight, but OP is talking story.