In the Switch version you can change jobs/license boards. I bet Square Enix won't patch this in to the PS4 version

In the Switch version you can change jobs/license boards. I bet Square Enix won't patch this in to the PS4 version.

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Like, replace one with the other? You can already pick two in normal TZA. Although it'd be a welcome feature, it's hardly that game-changing unless you wanna min-max EVERY fight. I imagine you'd at least have to expend some LP and at most repurchase certain licenses, which would be a chore.

You can reclass any character at any point, the jobs aren't permanent anymore. This makes it closer to the original release of FFXII and IZJS, so even though you are still job-restricted, you are no longer stuck with those jobs for the entire game.

They didn't port any changes in DQ Builders Switch to PS4 so I would expect the same here. And yes, I am going to buy the switch version of XII.

do you keep all your progress on the boards?

I don't know that yet, you might or might not.

Wouldn't that trivialize the game?

IZJS is extremely inferior to the original anyway.

No? It worked fine in the original game, even though everyone ended up being clones of each other. You could still direct people into certain roles, since Vaan has the highest strength stat in the party and Penelo the highest Magick stat, respectively.

Xbone version has that and 4K 60fps too.

it's not so bad if you just choose not to get a second board for your party.

But it’s not portable.

Switch owner here, fuck off with your stupid portable meme.

No, I only play it portable.

Is 9 good?

that's actually a pretty good feature, didn't even know I wanted it until now. When I eventually buy a switch once they fix the warping issue and drop the price, I'll get this again on there I guess. That will make XII my most purchased game, which is currently tied between XII and dragon's dogma.

Switch owner here, portable is the only reason I bought the thing and it's the sole reason I buy games like Dark Souls and Skyrim for the Switch.

Then what's the point of having a job?

No you don't, nobody plays their switch in handheld mode. Stop claiming stupid shit that everyone knows is a lie. The only people who would possibly play in hand held mode are children.

Yes, The battle system is slow though. Partly because of long animations but partly because it just so fucking SLOW, even on the fastest battle setting

To make you use specific abilities and weapons. This just makes the game more like the other Ivalice Alliance games, FFTA and FFTA2, where you could switch jobs at any time too. More freedom for you to choose.

I'm 20 and I play it on the train every day to and from uni. Why would I play it at home when I have a PC like every other person?

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50 euro for a 13 year old game. This is Skyrim tier behaviour.

Is it worth it Yea Forums? Is it really that good to justify the outrageous pricing?

>I'm 20 and I play it on the train every day to and from uni.
You sound like a fucking loser.

FF5 remake when

Does anyone know the specs for the switch docked/undocked

kinda weird to see how SE keep subtly fucking ps fans over, i mean i guess in a way that nintendo always get the games later than sony so SE want to add some extra for them. but it just weird to keep seeing shit like this happeneing, the dq 11s is the biggest example as well

>thought it is a joke
>actually 50
the fuck. but also knowing SE, this gonna drop down to 20 in like 3 months

Nah, I'm going to school, I'm happy, my life is where I want it to be, and most importantly, I'm not attacking strangers on a video game forum for playing video games.

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You can do that on PC with mods though.

I've only played the original FFXII, whats the difference between it, this and IZJS?

Ok thanks
Gonna grab it for switch

Instead of not opening very specific random chests to get zodiac spear, to get the new best weapon you have a 0.1% drop from an invisible chest that has a 0.1% chance to appear or something stupid like that.

bwahahahahaha at least try to have substance in your shitposts fucking cretin hahahajajajajaj

So like the original on PS2?
Fuck, I actually like that more than zodiac or ps4 version.

The line a billion NEET Incels say everyday.

How does this not just defeat the purpose of the Job system?

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Have you ever played FFTA or FFTA2?

>says the loser

Do some goddamn work on the train if you get a seat you lazy fuck