What games or communities has this happened to that you were once a part of Yea Forums? Sad /comfyfeels/ thread
What games or communities has this happened to that you were once a part of Yea Forums? Sad /comfyfeels/ thread
Other urls found in this thread:
gaming in general
this is exacltly what happened to league of legends
Yea Forums
Yea Forums but replace the girl with zoomers and /pol/faggots
assassin's creed
also gaming in general
I see you were in that thread
Gaming and Yea Forums but the girl and dudebro are trannies, libtards, and 3rd worlders.
Who else remembers when gaming was strictly a straight white male hobby and we were bullied for it?
Now everyone want to be us.
Never, because my mother was the one who got me playing her NES when I was a toddler.
I blame 9/11
It's literally just women. Gaming's always had men of all races and none of them gave a shit about being called THE N WORD. Same with liberals and trannies. Nobody gave a shit until women entered the scene. Nobody got offended until women showed up. Women will ruin every single male hobby that they enter. If it wasn't for the women, the dudebros and the normalfags would be kicked out immediately. Women literally do not know how to relax and have fun without virtue-signalling and micromanaging everything.
>not posting the epilogue where the founders returned and ROSE UP
Women Bad
Men Good
>the non enlightened will call the free thinkers NPCs
Quit taking your HRT for a week and then go walk by a highway you fucking faggot.
>starts screaming about trannies and other boogeymen when provoked
you know I'm right
We use to discuss video games here
Now everyone just bitches about identity politics and smash
The NPC meme is amazing because it's always incredibly obvious when an actual NPC tries to use it.
>N-NO YOU'RE THE NPC!!!!!!!!!1
Every time, virgin. Every single time.
I see you've made the daily edgelord containment thread. Good job, OP!
>only people I don't agree with are NPCs
That's mighty NPC-like of you.
>the internet
How come no one remembers that allied NPCs are a thing?
As a 30 y/o the communities where this had not happened also met an end, forums typically, had users building up more and more structure to it until it all required too much investment and the people were old and no longer could use that time, no newcomers with more time would appear, and slowly each section would become a ghost town until it was all over. The crashes were sudden, last month of 2012 had many posts a week, there were 8 posts between 2013 and 2014
Shut up NPC.
It's ironic that in the end, the two dudes are still there, they could still play the game.
>Who else remembers when gaming was strictly a straight white male hobby and we were bullied for it?
>If it wasn't for the women, the dudebros and the normalfags would be kicked out immediately.
Bull fucking shit. Dudebro and Normalfags were on the rise way before female presence on the western industry rose up.
>not being a contrarian reactionary faggot makes you an NPC
>muh dick mufuga
the npc programming in it's most archaic form
>We use to discuss video games here
I remember how before politics were a big deal on Yea Forums, this board was flooded with stuff like "19.95 plus tip" and "le monkey face", back around 2012. I still would take Yea Forums-tier Yea Forums over political Yea Forums.
>people that disagree with the status quo are "contrarian"
sounds like something an npc would say.
Pretty decent pic until the seething at "dudebros" starts. I don't know where this boogeyman came from and it just reeks of insecurity, there isn't really a male equivalent to the retarded women who ruin hobbies. Even the most chad guys are your bros deep down and they're capable of sharing your interests
I disagree that girls and dudebros ruin the game, its the normalfag audience in general, making everything casualized. Girls and dudebros have the potential to get invested into something.
further evidence the left can't meme to save their life
triggered npc
If I remember correctly, the "dudebro" thing was from back when Yea Forums was angry about games like Call of Duty, so people here blamed dudebros for making those games popular.
I'm a guy not pictured.
I lurk and don't join gaming communities at any stage.
Epic meme for the win XD
This is now an incel bullying thread
>for the win XD
are you trying to mock a 2007 Yea Forumstard or something? at least call me an incel grandpa.
I was never white, but I loved games since the snes days. Quit pulling shit out of your ass, /pol/cuck.
>at least call me an incel grandpa.
>Using newfag memes
This. women are some of the biggest stick in the muds imaginable.
this user speaks a point, the average Yea Forums thread is very predictable. Everything is blamed on SJWs like all the big companies and powerful governments are run by transgender marxists or some shit.
It would help your case if you would stop proving us right.
Women have been playing games since forever. Are you underage or just had no friends as a kid?
>being so deluded thinking progressive politics are the status quo
if only user, if fucking only.
Yea Forums with /pol/tards
Now instead of worrying about the left forcing politics into my video games I can also worry about the RIGHT DOING IT AS WELL
They're social parasites that turn the hobby into a game of oneupmanship.
there's some truth to this. i remember playing tekken with a female friend when i was a kid. she was a tomboy though and is now a dyke. in general though, women have always been much less interested in video games then men.
I'm seeing it happen to Mortal Kombat right now. The NPCs are saying shit like
>lol only pervs and incels care about sexy outfits, what are you gonna go, jerk off to the game lol
>Mortal Kombat never had sex appeal until 9, and 9 wasnt even good
>violence is ok but sex is bad
>sure I've never played the older MKs, but it's okay because they all sucked up until X
dont act like they dont influence anything
Minecraft after the console and mobile ports.
The fact you needed a dedicated graphics card kept a lot of the trash away
And? Many men do the same thing too. Not every single woman is the same.
>hole banter is reddit tier posting
>almost the entirety of the media and education system support them
>not the status quo
nothing of importance, if anything I hope they have more influence.
>dont worry about it
>they arnt so bad sweety
o-k retard
is it opposite day? Is this bizzaro earth? Have you ever been outside of your country?
How convenient, not every women is the same. Unless you include a tit in a video game, then suddenly you're hurting all women everywhere and they all disapprove.
>nothing of importance
that's a lie and you know it
>if anything I hope they have more influence.
because you are one
Go outside
i'm talking about in the usa.
they are when they act like pack creatures constantly afraid of breaking from the group
>all sucked until X
do people actually say this?
>they are when they act like pack creatures constantly afraid of breaking from the group
...Where do you think you are?
>Gaming and Yea Forums but the girl and dudebro are trannies, libtards, and 3rd worlders
The lack of self awareness is incredible
>I can't adapt to changes so I stop liking everything I like
No wonder you're all miserable
i played a little as a kid but when i got back into it with X i felt disgusted
this but also computing and tech in general, full timeline
>circa 1995-1999
hey wanna check out ((insert PS1, SEGA, PC, computer based entertainment))
>haha fuck off nerd I'm listening to Spice Girls/NSync/Boyzone
uhh okay
>young men everywhere go off and casually get a massive head start against women everywhere when it comes to tech, even jocks absorb more experience by just having friends/brothers who are into it
>circa 2004
hey wanna check out ((insert WoW, HALO 2, CSS, etc))
>haha fuck off nerd we're gonna go out to clubs and get twisted drunk then either fuck chad or become slightly bitter about men
uhh okay
>a very small amount of girls start to take note that these things are getting more popular, hotness/attention whoring varies but the cool girl evolves here. a legendary creature that was once said not a complete cunt to hang out with. an even smaller amount are actually just girls now old enough to play games because they watched their brothers playing and are genuinely into games. 90% of girls who are genuinely into games fall into that last category and it's completely familial whether that interest is there, often by their own admission. they don't see themselves as power gamers or anything just that they like them and tech seems fun.
>circa 2007
the jewish mainstream media finally figures out how to mass market video games, games like Madden go from selling like shit to exploding, Call of Duty explodes onto the scene. Nintendo returns from the dead (the Wii as of today has sold 5 times the amount of Gamecubes sold in roughly the same 10 year span or so). gaming truly arrives to the mainstream. this is the point in history where having a triforce tattoo was what could be considered cool.
>gaming becomes a juggernaut of industry powering through 2011 with Skyrim and tons of other mainstream hits
>contd. (bonus points if you know who pic is)
People whose first game was X, yes.
I remember being bullied, but I mostly remember games being attributed to japs.
a place where some people agree and some dont? are you new or something?
A website characterized by constant infighting?
way to whitewash it. Changes are either beneficial or detrimental, and shifting the focus of a hobby to anything but the hobby itself is always detrimental.
This. We're currently on the second last panel, games are more casual and butchered which has alienated the people that played the games originally.
Oh shit it's Silver Surfer for the NES
fuck you faggot
I stopped reading once you started mentioning a jewish conspiracy. That's a 100% retard proof sign someone should stop listening to whatever you have to say.
There needs another panels where it's taken over by corporate suits
Not that user but if you removed the word Jewish, would you still be fine with everything else he said?
I think it's you who should go back.
Star Wars
Star Trek
Video games in general
That game had a bomb ass soundtrack.
nope, I think he's still full of shit and his post nothing but reactionary fanfiction, but I was still gonna at least read it.
best thing about the game apparently.
>no u!
wow you sure showed me lmao
Tim Follin is a great musician.
the american media is largely owned by jews. that's a fact not a conspiracy. may as well ignore people who say the sky is blue.
This is missing a panel where one of the guys (one of the black guys) enthusiastically loves the game and tries to propagate and sell the game to other people by telling how cool and awesome it is, to see it flourish and be big or simply so others can be happy as you are.
A community doesnt just magically gets more people out of nowhere, they get invited, and by inviting people, you slowly destroys that which you love, since those you invited will invite other people like in the comic, and the thing you love isnt yours anymore, its "everyone's".
The comic tries to play the black dudes as innocent but NOTHING destroys a hobby faster than the ones that love it. So remember Yea Forums, ALWAYS GATEKEEP shit, be selfish, because this is the only way to conserve the things you love.
Aw shit, you mean I have to deal with seeing traditional gender roles, conventional beauty standards, and family values in my video games now? FUCK that's way worse
I would then question why you would keep reading something you think is full of shit. I doubt you would give it a fair shake and explain to him why he's wrong using facts and sources.
congrats for sticking your head in the sand
oh hello comrade
I showed your mother my weenier too.
>Japan is now white
>So remember Yea Forums, ALWAYS GATEKEEP shit, be selfish, because this is the only way to conserve the things you love
inb4 someone disagrees with this sentiment.
Silver SHIT
A whole bunch of things are killing videogames, but it boils down to
>Overly sensitive people
Regardless of their gender or if they chopped their peener off, people that get offended by simple words in a casual context are probably the keystone of the downfall in gaming
>Companies capitalizing on the GAYMUR term
RGBs, overly inflated prices, cash grabs like early access or Kickstarter, you name it
>Toxic communities that you are forced to interact with
>Pandering (especially if it's to Reddit)
>Digital only releases plagued with DRM
Jokes on you, you had to read half of it to get to the word Jewish. NO REFUNDS
Pc normalfags were the first problem
Niggers wouldnt care and neither would spics or rusdians, we all insukt each other
Then a normalfag witnesses harassment against a female and he thinks its sexist while infact everyone is bullied in some way
Tbh these panels happen to everything thst focuses ongrowth, its why underground scenes are frequently do much better
bitch, did you forget where we are, what board this is? Are you honestly expecting a political discussion here that's serious?
guess a hotdog is as close as you will get to the real thing.
This is uniroincally why I try to link loli to anime though falseflagging as much as possible. I'll be damned if it turns into what happened to gaming and tabletop
better red than redpilled
yet I'm not even a commie
Be the discussion you want, user. I tend to give reasoned discussions and while my chances of getting a proper response back aren't great, I appreciate the anons that do.
The black man also enthusiastically drinks a refreshing Coke(tm) with his group of hip friends as well! Enjoy Coke(tm), and play on!
This picture is scarily accurate and it has been what was going on to every hobby since the beginning of time.
a fate worse than death friend
socialists are worse
Excuse me, my poor, sweet summer child, but you are mansplaining and erasing POC experiences and are being INCREDIBLY ableist right now. Not everyone sees the color blue, and by saying it's blue you're denying THEIR TRUTH. Besides that blue is a spectrum, and saying the sky is blue is a western cultural construct. It's like all you ignorant racists have just crawled out of their holes since Trump was elected, I can't even right now. As for why you're wrong on the media, it's not my job to educate CIShet scum.
I don't understand, it's bad for someone to enjoy playing a game with friends?
Isn't that
The point of video games?
>Who else remembers when gaming was strictly a straight white male hobby and we were bullied for it?
Not me, because I've always been a thirld worlder and have played with other third worlders.
good job taking the bait
>circa 2012-2013 (Valve release their last single player game seemingly, Portal 2 to rave reviews)
gaming reached a point that exclusively western audiences meant very limited revenue streams. europoor countries and china were now finding that even their lower classes could afford to get into gaming which vastly expanded the market for games companies.
>meanwhile back in the west
women start to feel they're getting TOO MUCH attention. the "cool girl" archetype runs it's course and dies almost overnight as the women who don't manage to snag a mate become increasingly bitter. continual propaganda that men and boys are literally the devil spur on 3rd wave feminism which instills in both young and old that men are nothing short of an enemy to be destroyed in the minds of many women. new common phrases pop into our lexicon
>toxic masculinity
>the patriarchy
>internal misogyny (en.wikipedia.org
>equal representation
things that were seemingly never mentioned as an issue in the previous decade SUDDENLY become the most important issue to rich white women everywhere.
>men collectively groan, and for the sheer lulz we meme Donald Trump into the Presidency
>this turns out to be a bad move as men of this generation were not aware of how fucking retarded women can be about blowing shit out of proportion
>old media dies screaming
>actual men, with their leaders betraying them at every turn while women turning into complete thots or raging autists, retreat into video games and recreation once again
>most await the day women decide to be women again but most hold little hope
>marriage and birth rates plummet to historic lows while working hours and luxury spending (online tho) reach an all time high. most agree lack of regular social contact will have a negative impact for the future and poorly adjusted social characteristics will thrive leading to a high rate of social conflict
Then you explain the disproportionately large amounts of Jews in every industry, and the large amounts of Jews that make up the progressives and self hating "white" crowd
I am incapable of enjoying a deep medium without the social intricaties that come with it: The post
You are a disgrace to this medium
I notice that jews write a ton of articles criticizing asian culture. Along with the "stereotype" that jewish men marry asian women.
I don't think it's a conspiracy to say a lot of media is owned by Jews.
Quoting the huff post
>Yes, there are many individual Jews in positions of influence in Hollywood, in network television, in sports and entertainment, and in many other areas of American public life.
You'd have to be willfully blind to not acknowledge it. I never said anything negative about Jewish owned media
I'm a disgrace because I enjoy playing video games with others? Or maybe it's just that I'd try to get others interested?
What would you consider to be the right way to get people to play games with you then?
Surely you're not suggesting we just play singeplayer forever
Yea Forums but replace females with incels
Yea Forums when mobile phones were allowed online. It was never good but its also never been this bad
Most mobile IPs have been range banned now. No more whining about phoneposters for you.
No user, video games are just games that are enjoyed in a video screen, anything else is non essential, but let me explain in simple steps.
A thing exists, you like the stuff that it offers, so you like the thing, others may also enjoy thing for what it offer and this is how they found it. SOMEONE invites a friend to enjoy thing as well, they dont like all the stuff thing offers but hey his friend is there so that its fine. Eventually that someone's friend invites his own friend, that guy enjoy very little of the stuff thing has, but his friend is there, BUT NOW there is a lot of people who "enjoy" thing that dont like a good part of what it offers. Multiply that process by a few millions, and you eventually get what happens. Each time thing has to appeal to more people of very discerning tastes and VERY different views and lifestyles, so thing is no longer what you liked, it morphed to appeal to the broadest and biggest amount of people possible.
This is how all things die.
Multiplayer died when people stopped being forced to clash with one another in real life. That's when it lost ALL meaning.
Much like Kojima predicted in MGS2 all information becomes impossible to validate as no one can objectively determine truth anymore. Statistics, rationality and objectivity are cast aside almost immediately to the amazement of most people.
>wikipedia becomes a warzone overnight
>google seemingly replacing search term history and modifying results
>increasingly bizarre laws passed
>arrive at 2015-now
A lot of people at this point feel the situation has gone beyond spiraling out of control
>rampant terrorist attacks plague parts of the UK, France, and Sweden as BOTH sides now acknowledge that unchecked immigration was a terrible fucking idea.
>most other EU countries watch on in quiet horror
>Brexit happens in a desperate attempt to put the brakes on from a concerned public
>tensions rise to boiling points in the US where old hatreds are stirred by unseen actors and often in some cases by actual actors looking for virtue points
>most on the extreme left are too stupid or willfully ignorant of where continual conflict will lead
>those on the right grow tired and more alarmed as time goes on
>a cultural wasteland where no one can find a single shared value common across all, everything destroyed. everything marred by the hatred and scorn. lives twisted beyond recognition, people searching in desperation for an answer to give their lives a shred of meaning.
legitimately interested to see where the zeitgeist goes from here. i honestly think we've murdered society at this point
cringe but redpilled
Yea Forums
And that's how the world ends.
Not with a bang, but a whimper.
This is what happened to Yea Forums, and now Yea Forums is overrun with casuals. The oldfags moved to /vr/, and now it's in stage 5 since the casuals on Yea Forums wanted to join in. We wanna talk about retro games, but you retards keep coming by to shitpost and meme.
I hope every new game is microtransaction-ridden shit full of shitty DRM. I hope every developer decides to focus entirely on mobile phone games. You cunts deserve it.
Why the fuck do I care about gender or family values when all I want to do is play a fucking video game?
Video games have always been mainstream i don't understand why people keep pretending they haven't
I read the comic too user
What I'm saying is that this is a really elitist way of looking at it. Saying that, "when other people start to enjoy this thing in a different way than I do then it's dead" implies that your experience is the end all be all of how to enjoy that thing.
Also, introducing new people into a game or hobby can be good for it's health overall, as people who really enjoy it will continue to play and improve as players.
If you have a hobby/thing that got ruined because people joined and didn't take it seriously I feel for you that shit sucks. But don't use other people joining in as an excuse to quit if they actually try to enjoy said thing. Because in that case, it's most likely just you being antisocial and refusing to share your hobby with people that are different from you.
>worldwide sales in 1985: 7 billion dollars
>worldwide sales in 1992: 20 billion dollars
>worldwide sales in 2007: 60 billion dollars
>worldwide sales in 2017: 108 billion dollars
>with the exceptions of Tetris, Super Mario Bros(NES), and two Pokemon games, all the games that have sold over 30 million copies came out during or after 2006
Don't try to pretend videogames were always popular. The numbers don't support your BS. Videogames became popular with the mainstream normies in the mid 2000's.
pretty fucking amazing prediction from a philosophical point of view but in retrospect it largely echoes a similar sentiment to Fahrenheit 451. people simply can't handle large amounts of unfiltered information over time
i think it probably exaggerated to say the world will end. i think just the western world as we know it will have run it's course in the next 10-20 years at this rate.
we'll retire at 65 and it'll be pretty shit for most people I'd say. then by the time we're all 80 and dying off the world will just be unrecognizable to us. not unlike it was to our grandparents i suppose
It's a matter of intake. Slow intake means new players learn the ropes and how shit works. They evolve into good players. Fast intake means the game is overrun with casuals who don't give a fuck about it. This is why gatekeeping is a good thing, and the people who whine about private torrent trackers are usually the same fucks who don't understand why gatekeeping keeps things good.
I think we can boil this thread down to two words.
Fuck newfags.
i really hope nobody actually thinks this way and this issome hilarious false flagging