Why are twitter trannies always trying to pretend the really popular female characters like Rosalina or Samus or Daisy...

Why are twitter trannies always trying to pretend the really popular female characters like Rosalina or Samus or Daisy are biologically male, and yet reject all of the characters that are canonically that way or at the very least there could be a strong argument made for it?
It's like crack-pairing of the shipping fad from years ago but instead of sexuality and personalities it's gender identities.

If they really wanted to do something original that actually made a fucking lick of sense they could go about searching the less popular games and looking for girl characters with which you could actually make a compelling argument that it's a tranny.

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Why do you care about the opinions of random nobodies on twitter? Fucking normalfag child.

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Why are you obsessed with that some literally who twitter tranny thinks?

Hope you realize the irony of posting this pic.

I can't believe I'm doing their job for them but let's take a quick look at Mirai from Senran Kagura.
Right off the bat you see how immature she acts (pretty much like every troon you meet online). She doesn't feel like a "real woman". (Why would she think this way unless she actually wasn't?) She's got an extremely flat chest and is always wishing she had tits. It's a bodily obsession and when you view her character model in the changing room you can see her holding her hands in front of her chest imagining what it would be like to have an actual bust. If you take a deep dive into the psychology of transgenderism there's often a comorbidity of obsessive personality disorders. She has that retarded uwu catgirl aesthetic that "traps" like bailey jay, lillith lovett and such have used.

But most of all evident is her shinobi special move. She whips out a massive machine gun from under her skirt and fires it from between her thighs. Take note of the dual drum magazines that adorn it like a pair of testicles. It's the most obvious phallic symbol and it's pretty evident just from this alone that Mirai is biologically male but

it's been years and it seems no one ever took the bait and made the connection.

Attached: Burst_Re-Newal_Mirai.jpg (1280x1016, 388K)

no you're not samus

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the dumb thing is they end up falling into the same stereotypes that they shit on others for perpetuating.
>Girl acts tough and masculine, SHE ISN'T REALLY A GIRL
>Guy acts effeminate, MUST ACTUALLY BE TRANS!!!!!


these freaks live in your head rent free, i feel sorry for you faggots


the best part about it that they're whole bubble is imploding on themselves because Dykes become more and more infuriated with trannies appropriating everything and stealing their limelight away from them

All ur faves are trans :3

why do you pretend my favs are trans and ignore all the characters like Poison and Birdo, and the ones that you could make a believable case for being trans, like this one:

>More trannyposting

I get that the education system failed you, you have questions, and you only know about trans people from fapping to them, but you should really finish your homework


because they're trans, and your faves are also trans :3

I still love the fan theory that R. Mika is trans.

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but user she has a pussy right there, it's visible. what are you talking about? Are you saying she's transmasc?

Not videogames

Part of the transgender experience is finding validation in a world that is stacked against you. Because being trans is like having terminal cancer, only it's socially acceptable to be beaten and harassed over it.

That's a masculine pussy

I suppose it's an attempt to make trans "females" seem more feminine than they really are, possibly for self validation. Or maybe they're retarded.

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so you *are* saying she's transmasc.

You know, now that I think about her, I could certainly see where someone could get that idea.


Stonetoss is trans and proud!

Attached: trans and proud.png (651x1023, 148K)

i pretend every strong masculine character has a vagina and turns into a total slut if the enemies notice his hidden hole

From what I've seen, lots of trannies get off to people getting angry over pictures like OP.

An anime girl saying "I'm trans" is like a tranny pepe or something. It's dumb and gay but no one's gonna stop cuz the point is that someone else doesn't like it.

this makes a lot of sense. I remember in the past the response to pushback was just "hey we know they aren't *really* gay/trans. but let people have fun" and now it's a weird effort to go even further and say "every single one of your favorites is a lesbian woman" like

>people on twitter did something



This reminds me of when Brian Wu was desperately trying to make Samus out as a tranny and then made an article about transphobia when everyone blew him the fuck out

>pretending to have a dick makes you biologically male

it's called a visual metaphor.

GOD I wish I was Mirai. I would Senran every Kagura with my machine gun cock

>seething discord trans

It's a meme to piss reactionaries like you off. Go back to your safe space.

I'm in my safe space, leftist shit. Get out of mine.


oh no, its retarded

it was a different time.

Ever notice that no one wants to trans into a man? It's always dudes turning into girls. If a white girl trans into a man and identifies as straight, does that make them an ally?

I've noticed that of all my classmates, the only one who ever transitioned was from female to male, so uh...

There are FtM trannies, you just haven't heard about them because they aren't nearly as obnoxious as MtF trannies, and they actually pass pretty easily (testosterone is a hell of a drug)

Wu’s deadname is John Flynt, user.

The more you know!

you can't testosterone away those childbearing hips, user.

No homo but the world would be a better place if everyone had child bearing hips.

>some literal nobody has an opinion equally worthless to them
>Yea Forums somehow feels the need to give a fuck over it
ban twitter/resetera/reddit/tumblr/etc screenshot threads
word filter them to "website"

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Why can’t people leave Rosalina alone? She had a hard life :,(

>Why are twitter trannies always trying to pretend the really popular female characters like Rosalina or Samus or Daisy are biologically male
are they the same people who do that on Yea Forums
i guess we really are getting e-immigants
when is trump gonna build that e-wall

Attached: rosalina ticklish tummy.jpg (1500x900, 239K)

Based? Check.
Redpilled? Checkamundo.

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no. she's a political mouthpiece now. this is life.

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stop pls it hurts

Same thing happened to Isabelle following her Smash reveal. Almost makes me feel sorry for her actual fans...

At least they'll never get their grubby hands on best girl because they don't actually play AC

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This one always irks me because its just such a meaningless platitude, it's just a bunch of marketable noise

The COO of Nintendo is no longer a based PoC so get ready for bald White Guilt to turn the imagined into reality.